Peeling with apple cider vinegar at home: how and why it’s done

Beauty recipes are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, and active elements for comprehensive skin care. Natural ingredients gently cleanse, stimulate regeneration processes, and have antioxidant properties. Peeling with apple cider vinegar at home allows you to delicately remove dead skin cells, whiten pigmentation, and narrow porous areas. Increasing acidity neutralizes the effect of pathogenic bacteria, prevents the spread of infection, and soothes inflamed tissue.

Peeling composition

Useful composition:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E - nourish, stimulate regeneration processes, rejuvenate, relieve irritation, strengthen thin capillaries;
  • a complex of microelements - restore the natural resources of the skin, effective against dryness, flaking, decreased tone and elasticity;
  • enzymes - accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • malic, acetic, oxalic, citric, lactic acids - dissolve dead cells, stimulate renewal processes, restore smooth relief, lighten pigmentation, reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, normalize the synthesis of sebaceous secretions.

Note! For home care, you can use not only apple cider vinegar, but also wine or grape vinegar. Its composition is rich in tartaric, lactic, acetic acid, vitamins A, E, group B. It also contains photoalexin, which is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process.

In addition to fruit vinegar, additional ingredients may be included in home peeling:

  • honey - tones, whitens, polishes the relief;
  • badyaga - has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the synthesis of sebaceous secretions;
  • salt - enhances the effect of vinegar, promotes the dissolution of dead cells, and is a known antiseptic;
  • vegetable oils - soften and nourish, smooth out wrinkles, have rejuvenating properties;
  • esters - activate renewal processes, stimulate microcirculation.

Home peeling should not exceed the acid content of more than 25%, otherwise the use may lead to burns, hypersensitivity, and a decrease in the natural immunity of the skin. A gradual increase in concentration is acceptable to get rid of aesthetic defects. But the higher the acid content, the shorter the procedure itself should last. The course will gradually normalize the condition of the skin, restore an even texture and healthy skin tone.

What problems can facial peeling help solve at home?

Constant cleansing of the face maintains well-being and improves the condition of the skin, prolonging youth. Peeling with vinegar at home cleanses the surface layer of the epidermis.


Use a natural apple product diluted with water to a 5% solution.

On oily, problem skin, the cleansing composition is applied every other day; dry skin is treated with liquid 2 times a week.

To remove age spots, apply pure apple cider vinegar to a dark area and leave until dry.


Soak a cotton pad in vinegar and apply to the affected area of ​​skin. Cover the compress with film and wrap it in a clean towel. Keep it for half an hour.

Lubricate rosacea 3 times a day with vinegar using a cotton pad with light movements.


Natural apple cider vinegar lightens age spots and skin thanks to its whitening acid components.

Pimples and comedones

Malic acid destroys the sebaceous glands and dries out the skin. Also, apple cider vinegar wraps help get rid of fat folds.

You can see how to do acid peeling in a family setting at the link:

Indications for the procedure

The use of natural ingredients has a positive effect on all skin types. At a young age, many experience increased secretion, oily sheen, and painful rashes. Acetic peeling neutralizes the influence of bacteria by changing the acidity of the environment.

Pores become less noticeable, and secretion synthesis is normalized. After 25 years, cosmetologists are turned to to solve the problem of stressed skin. The aggressive influence of the environment, lifestyle, bad habits, lack of sleep lead to a rapid deterioration in the condition of the integument.

Gray, unhealthy color, swelling, decreased turgor leads to rapid aging. The active components of vinegar saturate tissues with useful elements, restoring renewal processes.

After 35 years, regeneration slows down, age spots and folds appear. Gentle peelings are used to rejuvenate and improve color. They visually refresh, transform, and there is no recovery period at all. The multicomponent composition improves cellular respiration and strengthens thin capillaries.


  • pigmentation;
  • unhealthy color;
  • sagging, loss of elasticity;
  • wide pores;
  • comedones;
  • blackheads, acne.

Efficiency of the procedure

As a result of the use of vinegar compositions, it is possible to significantly improve the appearance of the skin. With regular use, many observe an increase in elasticity and restoration of an even, healthy tone.

Naturally, in one procedure it will not be possible to whiten pigmentation or smooth out lumpy relief. But with the course, a lasting transformation is observed. Gentle compositions do not injure the skin; the effect is directed only to the surface layers.

Therefore, to polish the relief, get rid of atrophic scars and scars, it is worth using the services of a professional cosmetologist.

Important! The acidity of home peeling does not exceed 20%, and to affect the middle dermal layers, the concentration must be above 30%.

Effect of the procedure:

  • even, healthy tone;
  • pores narrow;
  • the number of facial wrinkles decreases;
  • inflammation goes away;
  • the secretion of glands is reduced, preventing the appearance of acne.

It will take 8 to 10 sessions to achieve the desired results.

Types of vinegar cleaning

Facial peeling with acetic acid can be performed in several ways. Each of the methods effectively affects the epidermis, gets rid of dead particles and layers, and along with them, problematic acne and blackheads leave the face. Try several options and choose the one that suits you:

  • Multilayer rubbing is a traditional technology for facial peeling. The vinegar composition is applied to the skin in several layers, then neutralized and washed off. The final effect is visible a few days after exfoliation of the surface layer.
  • Vinegar gommage - to perform this peeling, thicker formulations with active acid are used. The peeling agent is applied to the surface and then removed from the face in pellets. You will be pleased with the effect immediately after the peeling procedure.
  • Vinegar compresses are considered the simplest method of home cleansing. A piece of gauze or cotton pads soaked in a vinegar solution are placed on the face for a short time. Afterwards, the acidic agent is neutralized and removed. You will also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure in a few days.

Peeling with apple cider vinegar is an acidic effect on the skin; redness and flaking on the face are quite acceptable. Therefore, it is recommended not to go outside for some time after cleansing, and to pay all attention to moisturizing the epidermis.

Preparatory stage

Unlike salon procedures, home peeling can be used throughout the year. But, like any deep cleansing, it is contraindicated during periods of maximum solar activity. The use of acidic compounds on hot summer days can lead to pigmentation, irritation of the skin, and a decrease in natural immune defense. Also, to achieve a pronounced effect, you should follow a number of rules:

  • use gommages and scrubs with small abrasive particles for about a week to loosen the keratinized epithelium and deeper penetration of the active components of the peeling;
  • exclude the use of comedogenic cosmetics, use light BB creams for toning;
  • the day before, do not introduce allergenic or new foods into the diet; it is difficult to predict the skin reaction with additional aggressive exposure;
  • Be sure to maintain a water regime, taking at least 2 liters of clean water per day, this will avoid dryness and speed up the renewal process.

Before use, test the composition for a possible allergic reaction. For burning and irritation, it is necessary to reduce the acid concentration.

“Gommage” cleansing technique

To perform this peeling, basic components and acid are used.
Exfoliation is painless, gentle, and the result begins to appear after removing the peeling agent from the skin. To prepare vinegar gommage you will need:

  • Apple;
  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. natural olive or almond oil.
  1. Make puree from half an apple.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients into it.
  3. Mix the composition thoroughly.
  4. Spread the mixture onto your skin.
  5. Leave the product on your face for 5 minutes.
  6. Use your fingertips to massage the skin, rolling the gommage.
  7. Soak the sponge in a weak soda solution and carefully remove the pellets from the surface.
  8. Wash your face and use a moisturizing cream.

For some time after exfoliation, it is not recommended to use scrubbing compositions so as not to damage the renewed skin.

Peeling recipes

Natural compositions gently remove impurities and dead cells, resulting in the restoration of the processes of respiration and cell nutrition. The rich composition provides vitamins, enzymes, minerals, improves color and structure. The relief is noticeably evened out, thanks to the course you can get rid of post-acne.

For dry, irritated skin

Gentle cleansing and restoration of hydrobalance will be provided by peeling based on apple cider vinegar. An effective remedy for getting rid of photopigmentation and preventing rosacea. Thanks to regular use, the color and structure of fabrics noticeably changes.


  • 5 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 15 ml orange juice;
  • 5 ml wheat germ oil.

Combine all ingredients, cleanse face, steam with a hot herbal compress. Using a fan brush, distribute along massage lines, avoiding the eyelid area and nasolabial triangle. Leave to act for 10 minutes, if you feel a burning sensation, rinse off earlier. Be sure to apply moisturizer after the procedure.

For pigmentation

To whiten age spots, you should use an essence. The acid concentration can be adjusted independently by diluting it with water in a ratio of 1:7. This is the optimal 9% solution for home superficial peeling. This proven product will help restore a flawless, even color, narrow pores, and increase skin elasticity.


  • 10 ml of vinegar essence;
  • 70 ml plantain decoction;
  • 5 ml apricot kernel oil.

Prepare and strain the herbal decoction, dilute the essence. Add apricot oil to the base and mix the liquids thoroughly. Clean your face using gel or gommage and soak cotton pads in the prepared product. Place on face, excluding eyelid area, leave for 10 minutes. Afterwards, wipe the covers with water with the addition of soda. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week, optimally carried out in the autumn-winter period.

For oily skin

Problematic dermis, prone to inflammation and acne, regularly needs the use of peeling compounds. They not only neutralize the action of bacteria, but also prevent new formations. Effective for normalizing the secretion of glands, removing toxins and decay products.


  • 15 ml wine vinegar;
  • 5 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 2 drops of lemon balm ether.

Add herbal oil to the zinc ointment, stir well, add to the wine vinegar. Clean your face from makeup and steam it with a compress. Distribute the peeling roll in a circular motion, following the massage lines. Leave on for 5 minutes, rinse with chamomile decoction, which is a natural neutralizer.

For acne and comedones

To care for young, problematic skin, you should use a homemade peeling recipe. Grape vinegar not only gets rid of sebaceous plugs and neutralizes inflammation, but also saturates the skin with B vitamins. As a result, the appearance improves and renewal processes at the cellular level are restored.


  • 10 ml grape vinegar;
  • 20 drops of salicylic acid;
  • 5 ml aloe juice.

Combine grape vinegar with salicylic acid, add vegetable juice. Apply the liquid composition to the face after cleansing using a sponge, in several layers. Leave until a slight burning sensation appears, but for no more than 7 minutes. Wash off with parsley decoction, repeat 2-3 times a week, no more than 3 months.

Vinegar - helper or enemy for the skin

Facial peeling is considered one of the important stages in skin care. Dead particles and clogged pores block the full supply of nutritional components from masks and creams; in addition, the breathing of the skin becomes difficult, and unusual grayness and sagging skin appears. Apple cider vinegar will help fix this.

In home cosmetology, apple peeling is associated with many positive trends:

  • Vinegar, due to its ability to increase the acidity of the skin, has a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria. Acetic peeling helps to gently get rid of problematic pimples and acne;
  • acetic acid dries out the skin - this is useful for problematic and oily types of epidermis;
  • polyphenols, enzymes and minerals contained in apple cider vinegar are involved in the rejuvenation and transformation of the skin. After a course of vinegar treatments, the face looks fresher, the skin tone brightens and evens out, at the same time small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the process of the appearance of new ones slows down;
  • beta-carotene from apple extract neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals. The antioxidant properties of vinegar help cope with early skin aging;
  • The fruit acids contained in apple cider vinegar weaken the bonds between dead cells, so nothing interferes with their rapid removal.

Apple peeling is especially useful for problematic and oily skin. It not only gently cleanses the skin, but additionally dries out problematic acne and soothes inflammation on the face.

Apple peeling helps the skin look beautiful and well-groomed. After it, patients note the following changes:

  • Redness disappears, inflammation on the face subsides;
  • Problematic acne goes away and appears less in the future;
  • The complexion becomes even;
  • Age spots are less noticeable;
  • The face looks refreshed;
  • A slight whitening effect is observed;
  • The elasticity and tone of the epidermis increases;
  • Softness and incredible tenderness of the integument appears;
  • Acetic acid destroys blackheads and sebaceous plugs;
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out.

In order to keep the result obtained after peeling on your face for as long as possible, it is recommended to wash your face daily with warm water with the addition of 2-3 drops of vinegar. This procedure helps the skin maintain tissue tone, fight infection attacks and prevent problematic rashes.

Healing period

It is better to carry out the procedure before the weekend; the recovery process requires careful care and limiting the use of cosmetics. Immediately after peeling, the skin turns red, and there may be burning and swelling. The discomfort passes quickly, then natural peeling occurs. The update lasts literally several days; to prevent unwanted complications, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • use thermal or mineral water for washing, and alcohol-free lotion for toning;
  • be sure to moisturize the skin with creams and gels that contain hyaluronic acid, aloe, vitamins B, A and E;
  • during the first days, refrain from using decorative cosmetics;
  • Apply sunscreen before going outside;
  • visiting the beach, solarium, or swimming pool is additional stress; during the peeling course, visits should be limited.

The standard number of sessions is 8–10; for normal and oily dermis they are repeated 2 times a week, for dry dermis - once every 10 days. The effect depends on age, general skin condition, and cosmetic problems being solved. To maintain well-groomed, fresh, healthy skin, the course is repeated no more than 2 times a year.

Cleansing compresses with vinegar

Vinegar compresses are considered the simplest method of home cleansing. Such peeling is performed at home to gently cleanse the skin, activate regeneration processes and reduce inflammation on the skin. The low concentration of acid guarantees the safety of the procedure. You will need:

  • Table vinegar;
  • Chilled boiled water.
  1. Dilute the vinegar solution to a concentration of approximately 1%.
  2. Soak cotton pads or a piece of gauze in the prepared liquid.
  3. Place sponges or gauze on your face.
  4. Renew the cotton pads every 2 minutes.
  5. After 5–10 minutes, remove the compress from your face.
  6. Wipe the skin with a weak soda solution.
  7. Wash your face with water and moisturize your skin with cream.

Start exfoliating with vinegar with a minimum concentration. As the epidermis gets used to it, increase its content, but reduce the time. A slight tingling sensation is a sign that everything is going well.

Observe the frequency of exfoliation. For those with normal and dry epidermis, once a week is enough; for oily types, the number of peels can be increased to two, but no more.

Exfoliation with vinegar is the way to perfect and soft skin. After a few treatments, you will notice a rejuvenating effect, clean pores and a fresh skin tone. Take 10-15 minutes a week to exfoliate to look perfect and youthful!

Precautionary measures

Peels are among the most traumatic procedures; if safety rules are not followed, they can lead to complications. It mainly manifests itself in the form of increased skin type problems.

For dry skin, this means peeling, a reaction to any external irritants, redness, and allergic reactions. With oily and combination skin, the secretion of the sebaceous glands increases, and new painful rashes appear. Peeling should not be used for the following contraindications:

  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • healing stage after salon procedures;
  • fresh tan;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • purulent formations;
  • dermatological diseases.

The prepared composition must be tested; it may be necessary to reduce the acidity to prevent side effects:

  • peeling, irritation;
  • the appearance of microcracks;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • increased acne.

Cosmetological properties of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins and microelements that trigger processes in the body that restore the acid-base balance of the skin. The use of the product improves blood circulation and restores the protective functions of the dermis. The substance contains:

  • acids (malic, citric, oxalic);
  • vitamins A, C, E, group B;
  • protein molecules;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • potassium;
  • powerful antioxidants and beta-carotenes.

Thanks to acids, dead skin particles are removed, it looks younger and becomes more elastic. Minerals and trace elements stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes in the dermis. And the acidic environment created after using apple vinegar prevents bacteria from multiplying, which means pimples appear.

Potential effect after peeling

You can do peeling not only for the face, but also for the body. It is believed that the product helps not only rejuvenate the skin and eliminate some defects, but also fights cellulite. If peeling with acetic acid is carried out correctly, the following is observed:

  • even out color and freshness of the skin;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • reduction of redness and inflammation;
  • reduction in the severity of rosacea (vascular network).

This peeling is effective when the first signs of aging appear: the skin is sluggish, small stretch marks and wrinkles appear, pores become dirty and pimples and blackheads form. It will help cope with the problem of dilated blood vessels and the irritating shine of oily skin.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

But no matter how wonderful the effect of apple cider vinegar is, it is not suitable for everyone. The green light for its use is given to normal and oily skin. For girls with a dry type of dermis, it is better to avoid it or use it in minimal doses with all precautions.

But with sensitive epidermis, in order to avoid allergies and even burns, it is better not to use it at all. Peeling with apple cider vinegar is also contraindicated for:

  1. Allergies and rejection reactions to its components.
  2. Serious diseases and skin lesions - herpes, abscesses.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.

When there are no visible contraindications for the procedure, it is advisable to do a small allergy test before performing it: apply the prepared mixture to the inner bend of the elbow. If there is no reaction, peeling is performed. But it is best to consult a cosmetologist before cleaning your face or body at home.

Incorrect use of acid can result in severe burns.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vinegar peeling has undeniable advantages. But before you carry out home exfoliation, you should learn about the features of the procedure.


  • delicate cleansing, restoration of renewal processes;
  • affordable price;
  • the ability to select the composition by type;
  • reduced risks of side effects;
  • the general condition of the skin improves.


  • the result does not last long;
  • requires coursework;
  • It is not effective when used for severe cosmetic problems.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Professional cosmetologists use acetic acid-based materials to perform peeling programs.

The user writes about the differences between trichloroacetic and monochloroacetic acid, the more aggressive action of the latter.

A participant had questions about the use of chloroacetic acid for a midline peel. Asks colleagues about their results of the procedure course.

A cosmetologist writes about choosing an experienced professional; risks exist only when contacting an unqualified specialist.

Patient reviews

Users are actively discussing the features of preparing and using home peelings. There is a predominantly positive opinion about the use of natural remedies.

The review describes a simple recipe for peeling the ray and the amazing effect at home.

The user advises to avoid adding components with small abrasive particles, which can injure the skin and lead to its rapid fading.

The participant writes about the need to adhere to proportions when creating recipes and about the rules of application to achieve the desired results.

The user writes that only a cosmetologist can carry out an effective procedure; home remedies cannot compare in effect to professional peeling.

Home care using apple cider vinegar will give you saturation with valuable elements. Gentle cleansing without traumatizing the integument, normalizing intracellular processes, lightening pigmentation - an effect that can be achieved with the help of effective recipes. As a result, the skin is renewed, the face looks fresh and rested.

Traditional cleansing method

Facial peeling at home can be done in the usual way. It involves performing a light burn on the tissues, which stimulates their rapid renewal. With a burn, dead cells and minor defects leave the surface of the face. After a few days, peeling and peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis is observed, and in return a new and elastic one appears.

The effect of this peeling technique will not be noticeable immediately. 2 days after exfoliation, peeling and rejection of the dead layer will appear. Under no circumstances should you rip off the “rags” that have formed on your face, do not scratch or try to somehow speed up the exfoliation process with sponges, washcloths, or scrubs. During this period, your skin needs intense hydration and nutrition; provide it with skincare products made from natural ingredients.

Here are several effective and safe acid peeling recipes for your attention. All the ingredients are simple, most of them you can find in the kitchen.

Peeling “Fruit assortment”

Vinegar with the addition of fruit juices will help to significantly improve the condition of problematic and oily skin, and get rid of acne and oily skin for a long time. To prepare the peeling product you will need:

  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. juice from currant berries;
  • 1 tsp. orange juice;
  • 1 tsp. corn oil.
  1. Mix all ingredients until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  2. Remove any remaining makeup from your skin.
  3. Apply the peeling product evenly and thinly onto your face.
  4. Do not wash off the mixture for 5 minutes. In case of severe burning and discomfort, the composition can be removed earlier.
  5. Prepare a neutralizer or weak soda solution.
  6. Wipe your face with neutralizer.
  7. To speed up the peeling of the stratum corneum, do a small massage with a sponge. Moisten the sponge and wipe your face with it in a circle.
  8. Wash your face with warm water.
  9. Apply facial moisturizer to your skin.

After vinegar peeling with fruit acids, in most cases, unnatural redness or erythema appears on the face. This is due to the active action of acetic and ascorbic acids. There is no need to worry about this; the defect will go away within a few hours.

Milk-fruit peeling with vinegar

This composition is suitable for all skin types. Acne, sebaceous plugs, comedones and inflammatory processes will no longer bother your face. Milk-fruit peeling with vinegar is a precious find for the face. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. chilled whole milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice;
  • 1 tsp. apple (wine) vinegar.
  1. Mix milk and orange juice. The milk should curdle into snow-white flakes.
  2. Add vinegar and stir thoroughly.
  3. Apply the peeling agent to the epidermis in a thin and even layer.
  4. Do not wash off the mixture for 5–7 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with water at room temperature.
  6. Apply a toner or face cream with a moisturizing effect to your skin.

Wine-vinegar peeling

Red wine increases blood circulation, makes the walls of blood vessels and cells strong and elastic. After the procedure, the complexion noticeably improves, the relief is smoothed, and a tendency towards rejuvenation of the epidermis is observed. To prepare a vinegar solution with wine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tsp. apple (wine) vinegar;
  • 3 tsp. dry red wine.
  1. Mix the ingredients together.
  2. Apply the prepared liquid to your face.
  3. After 2 minutes, apply another layer of product.
  4. After a few minutes, apply the 3rd coat.
  5. Leave the mixture on the skin for 3 minutes.
  6. Wipe your face with a weak solution of soda.
  7. Wash your face with cool water.
  8. Follow up your cleansing with moisturizer.

To achieve the desired result from peeling, use only natural wine. If the wine contains a large amount of chemical dyes, then a surge of irritation and an allergic reaction is possible.

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