Facial peeling with soda - effectiveness and procedure at home

Regular facial peeling is a mandatory procedure at any age. On sale you can find a huge number of products separately for the face, body and lips. There are also a huge number of traditional methods, one of which is soda peeling.

Photo: Depositphotos.com. Author: valuavitaly.

This substance is available to everyone and is sold in any grocery store.

Benefits of the procedure for facial skin

Baking soda effectively cleanses problem areas of the face, so it is often used for acne and blackheads.

Benefits of soda peeling:

  • cleansing Small grains of soda remove particles of “old” skin and remove grease. Old skin is the dying outer layer of the epidermis, which changes over time;
  • getting rid of pimples and blackheads. Soda has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, which helps eliminate acne faster, without giving it any opportunity to reappear;
  • elimination of peeling and dry skin;
  • increased microcirculation. This procedure activates metabolic processes, due to which the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a snow-white tint, and the face looks much younger.


Baking soda is a universal remedy approved by cosmetologists.

However, for each skin type, preparations are selected individually. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the body's reaction to each new drug.

Soda is not recommended for use under the following conditions:

  • too dry skin - due to the absorbent effect, there is a risk of reducing the already low level of secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • damage to the skin, including wounds, scratches, ulcers that form at the site of acne;
  • inflammatory reactions - it is better to skip areas with acne so as not to injure the epidermis;
  • allergic reactions - unlike pure soda, other components of soda scrubs can cause redness, itching, irritation or a rash on the face;
  • too tanned skin - in the hot season or after visiting a solarium, the top layer is too dry, and it is undesirable to use scrubs.

Attention! Owners of this skin type should not experiment - peeling even with the most gentle methods may be contraindicated for them.

Peeling composition

Experts recommend not using soda peeling in its pure form, but adding a variety of ingredients. The product may be slightly aggressive for the surface of the face. If you want a more noticeable result, you should use components whose properties are at the level of soda particles.

Ingredients that are added to soda peeling:

  • face wash gel;
  • shaving foam;
  • egg yolk;
  • peroxide;
  • lemon or aloe juice;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • a variety of nourishing and essential oils.

Peeling the face and scalp with baking soda: reviews

Marina: “I did the procedure out of curiosity. I just didn’t believe that regular soda could be better than professional products. To my surprise, the product turned out to be more effective, and most importantly gentle, than the scrubs that I buy from the catalogue. Now I exfoliate regularly. Sometimes I mix salt with soda.”

Varya: “Simply put, soda is a savior! No amount of masks, strips or squeezing could get rid of the hated black specks all over my nose. Salon procedures left unsightly, huge holes in clean pores, which was also not pleasing. I just started thoroughly washing my nose with soda peeling and liquid baby soap, and after about 10-12 days I didn’t find a single spot!”

Peeling effectiveness

If you do everything correctly, then after 2-3 sessions improvements will become visible: the number of acne will decrease, microwrinkles will smooth out, freckles will lighten, and the skin surface will not suffer from excess fat.

Important! The procedure should be carried out for normal and oily skin no more than twice a week, for dry skin types - once a week. The course should not exceed 10–12 times, after which a break is taken for several months.

Little tricks: advice from a cosmetologist

  • If there are large inflamed pimples on the skin, you need to increase the amount of water so that instead of powder you get a saturated solution.
  • If necessary, enhance the exfoliating effect, you need to add coarser salt.
  • The amount of oil directly affects the softening properties of the exfoliant, therefore, by adjusting its volume, you can achieve the required softness depending on your skin type and the problem being solved.
  • If there is inflammation, after chemical peeling you can enhance its effect with salt applications.

Preparatory stage

Before using soda, be sure to clean the surface of your face from dirt and cosmetics, otherwise grains of soda will rub harmful substances into the skin. The face must be washed with water and a special gel or milk. After cleansing, it is recommended to warm up the skin and steam it in a bath. For this purpose, take dried chamomile or mint, add hot water, let it brew for 10–15 minutes, and then use it for its intended purpose. The face is lowered over hot water and remains in this position for 10 to 20 minutes. After using the bath, you can begin peeling.

The product can be used at any time of the year, but it is still not recommended to use it in winter, replacing it with something more gentle. This is explained by the fact that in winter the skin often suffers from a lack of moisture, becoming dry, and this procedure can only worsen the situation.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Can the product harm the skin?

Yes, it can, if you do not follow the rules for its implementation and perform it if there are contraindications.

Can the procedure be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

It is possible, since the product contains no dangerous ingredients.

I know that peeling the scalp with soda has positive reviews on the Internet, do you think it can be done if you have a problem with hair loss?

If your hair is falling out a lot, it's best to see a doctor before trying anything at home.

After watching a video on soda peeling, I wanted to do it at home, and I saw the recipes in your article. Is it possible to add something else in addition to the indicated ingredients (for example, tea tree oil for acne)?

Recipes can be supplemented and try something new. The most common additions are honey to nourish the skin, tea tree oil to fight inflammation, and fruit to enhance the peeling effect.

Is it possible to exfoliate the face and body at the same time?

You can, since exposure to sodium bicarbonate is safe.

I saw information on the Internet that for acne, you can add a few drops of hydrochloric acid to the basic peeling composition, will it improve the effect?

Hydrochloric acid is not recommended for use in cosmetology; the product is effective without it.

Peeling recipes

All components for preparing soda-based peeling can be found in every home, so there will be no difficulties in finding ingredients.

The most effective peelings with soda for the face:

With hydrogen peroxide

To prepare, you need baking soda and three percent hydrogen peroxide. One teaspoon of baking soda is mixed with peroxide until a liquid mass is formed.

The resulting composition is rubbed into problem areas for 1–2 minutes. Then remove the product with water and distribute a rich cream onto the face. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

This peeling whitens the skin and effectively removes blackheads.

Peeling with salt

Mix the main components in equal quantities: 1 salt and soda (about one teaspoon each), dilute them with three teaspoons of boiled cooled water. Using a cotton swab, apply the mixture to problem areas (usually the T-zone), massage a little and rinse with cool water. Lubricate your face with tonic or protective cream.

A scrub with soda and salt is used for very oily skin to get rid of oily shine and acne problems.

With the addition of sour cream

Mix a teaspoon of soda with a small amount of low-fat sour cream. The mixture is transferred to the face, and after 20 minutes, remove the mixture from the face with warm water.

This composition perfectly whitens freckles and acne spots, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Recipe with honey

Fresh honey is mixed with soda in a 2:1 ratio. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply in circular motions to the face. Massage the skin for about a minute, then rinse with cool water.

This composition will help get rid of open and closed comedones, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

With aloe juice

Add aloe juice to a teaspoon of soda until a thick mass is obtained. The mixture is gently rubbed into problem areas on the face. Leave for 15–20 minutes, then remove the mixture with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

The ingredients included in the composition will help get rid of inflammation, eliminating red color and swelling.

Peeling with shaving cream

In a bowl, combine baking soda and shaving cream in equal parts. The mixture is applied with rubbing movements to problem areas of the face. Walk with it for 15 minutes, then rinse with slightly hot and then cool water.

This peeling perfectly exfoliates aged skin and helps get rid of uneven complexion.

Sugar-soda peeling

Sugar and soda are mixed in equal parts and applied to the skin. Massage problem areas of the face for about 2 minutes, after which the mass is allowed to harden. As soon as the mixture hardens, it is removed with a cloth soaked in water and a moisturizer is applied.

This composition effectively removes peeling and also perfectly smoothes wrinkles.

Advice. You can experiment with the composition of the product to obtain combinations that will be even more effective.



This is how SODA is perceived by taste buds.

SODIUM HYDROCARBONATE (as the common food ingredient is scientifically called) is part of human blood plasma.

Therefore, among the main advantages of FACIAL PEELING WITH SODA is its absolute physiology .

Another advantage of the procedure is the normalization of ACID-BASE BALANCE : a term whose existence we learned about in the 90s from chewing gum advertising.

In relation to the skin it means ANTISEPTIC EFFECT :

  • alkalis destroy the environment comfortable for bacteria,
  • The formation of sebaceous plugs and inflammatory elements is prevented.

We recommend: PEELING BONI (CALCIUM CHLORIDE): a miracle remedy or a pacifier

Like all other exfoliation methods, peeling with soda and salt has a KERATOLYTIC (exfoliating) EFFECT .

Pores are deeply cleansed, dead cells are dissolved, oxygen supply to the skin is enhanced, due to which vitamins and microelements enter deep into the tissues.

As a result, the effectiveness of any cosmetic products : serums, creams, masks increases by 80%.

And finally, a unique 2-in-1 combination of chemical and mechanical methods:

  • stimulates blood microcirculation,
  • starts metabolic processes,
  • provokes natural functions of renewal of collagen and elastin fibers.

As a result, the face acquires a pleasant, uniform shade, becomes fresher and younger.

Despite bordering on chemical methods, peeling with soda in skillful hands is almost completely safe and universal :

A) is only superficial,

B) does not cause discomfort,

C) does not require rehabilitation,

D) easy to perform,

D) can be used both for the face and body, and for hair.

The effectiveness of this product is largely due to its chemical components.

The formula (NaHCO3) is based on the elements sodium, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.

The effect can be supplemented and adjusted with other ingredients:

Activated carbon powderDeeper Cleaning
Lemon juiceBest matting
Hydrogen peroxideAnti-acne

Side effects and contraindications

Like other cosmetic facial procedures, peeling with soda has a number of disadvantages and limitations.

Among the main contraindications:

  • Cuperosis (visible small vessels: for example, at the wings of the nose);
  • Pimples in the first stage, with a purulent core;
  • Dermatological diseases in the treatment area;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

How to do an allergy test

Before using the composition on the face, you should first check its safety on the inside of the elbow or forearm.:

  • apply the peeling agent for a few minutes;
  • make sure there is no allergic reaction;
  • rinse with warm, then cold water.

In case of abnormal ITCHING or REDMENT, it is better to abandon the procedure in favor of other methods.

Side effects

If you do not pay attention to the recommendations on precautionary measures, the following COMPLICATIONS may occur:

  • skin irritation;
  • redness (erythema, hyperemia, allergy);
  • burns.

That's why you should first read the list of tips on how to properly peel with soda (sodium) for the face.

How long does it take for the skin to heal after the procedure?

After the procedure, the face may turn red, but this redness goes away within an hour. This remedy almost never has a negative effect that requires additional recovery.

After using the product, it is advisable to apply a nourishing facial cream. Also, you should not scrub your skin while undergoing a healing course with soda particles.

The results from the first peeling application last for 2-3 days. As most of the procedures are completed, the effect will last for about a month.

Useful tips

To achieve the benefits of cosmetic procedures at home, follow a few simple rules during care:

  1. Apply the consistency strictly to previously cleansed facial skin. Wash with foam or gel.
  2. Steam it first to ensure good penetration of the composition deep into the pores.
  3. Don't neglect the remedy. Use the mask no more than 1-2 times a week for 1 month. After this, be sure to take a 1 month break.
  4. Avoid contact of active ingredients with the delicate skin around the lips and eyes.
  5. To prevent dryness, use an emollient cream or toner.
  6. Do not go outside for 3-4 hours after a cosmetic procedure. During the day, do not expose your face to sunlight, it will cause burns on the skin.
  7. A folk remedy based on hydrogen peroxide and soda can cause an allergic reaction. First apply the composition to the back of your hand or elbow, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If during this time no changes or unpleasant sensations appear, then you can apply it to your face.
  8. If during the cosmetic procedure you still experience a burning sensation, then immediately wash your face.
  9. If the skin is dry or thin, then additionally add 2-4 drops of any essential oil.
  10. Before the procedure, wash your hands with antibacterial soap or wipe them with a disinfectant solution. The palms contain a lot of bacteria that can penetrate the pores of the skin.

Consider contraindications. Do not use a scrub or mask based on hydrogen peroxide and soda if you have an individual intolerance to the components, severe peeling of the skin, any violations of the integrity of the skin or diseases.

A cosmetic product containing hydrogen peroxide, soda and other auxiliary components creates a quick positive effect. After just 1-2 procedures, the skin tone will become smoother with proper use of the product. To achieve the effect and prevent unpleasant consequences, follow the basic rules for using the product and take into account contraindications.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Some cosmetologists claim that this product is harmful to the surface of the face, others say that when used correctly, at the end of the course, women get healthy and clean skin:

It's all about individual tolerance of the ingredients. If the redness does not go away and your face stings, then you should abandon the procedures and replace the peeling with a neutral agent.

If the skin surface behaves calmly during use and after peeling, then you can safely continue the course of treating the skin with the product.

Benefits of soda cleansing

Considering the mechanism of action described above, as well as the large number of positive effects, we can safely talk about the benefits of such a procedure performed at home.

  • Firstly, such peeling is not inferior to a similar procedure in a beauty salon in terms of effectiveness, but significantly saves money.
  • Secondly, it is suitable for teenagers with problem skin, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Thirdly, it helps with the first signs of aging, as it makes the skin more youthful and radiant, and removes fine wrinkles.
  • Fourthly, it can be performed on pregnant women and while breastfeeding, since simple, safe ingredients are used.

Indications for testing

  1. Presence of blackheads, pimples, scars.
  2. Uneven facial tone.
  3. Age over 30, at the first signs of aging.

Contraindications for

  1. The presence of large purulent pimples (in this case, sodium bicarbonate is used not in powder form, but in the form of a solution).
  2. Wounds, scratches on the dermis.
  3. Increased sensitivity.
  4. Skin diseases.

Patient reviews

Baking soda helps women of different ages cope with facial skin problems.

For some, soda peeling does not give a noticeable result.

There are, of course, negative reviews about this procedure.

Peeling with baking soda for the face is an effective home way to get rid of imperfections on the surface of the face. The main condition for the success of this procedure is the correct use of the product - then the skin will be clean and healthy.

Mechanism of action

The peeling effect on the dermis is due to several properties of baking soda, namely:

  1. The product in powder form acts as a soft scrub and helps exfoliate the horny scales of the epidermis.
  2. Soda is sodium bicarbonate (other names are sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate), which upon contact with water gives an alkaline reaction. And the alkaline solution causes disinfecting, drying effects, and also helps cleanse pores (blackheads) by saponifying fats; in other words, alkali dissolves fat in the pores.

Effects of the procedure on the skin:

  • cleansing;
  • removal of horny scales;
  • tone alignment, relief, lightening;
  • surface disinfection;
  • cleansing pores, blackheads, comedones;
  • getting rid of small wrinkles;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • removal of dandruff on the head;
  • reducing the number of inflammations and acne.

When there is increased acidity in the stomach

The acidity of gastric juice increases in various pathological processes of the gastrointestinal tract

The stomach is a complex organ that consists of cells with different purposes, and also has its own nervous regulation and blood supply. When all these components interact harmoniously, then no problems with digestion arise. But problems at different levels of gastric organization ultimately lead to the same symptoms.

Only a qualified specialist can tell where the “breakdown” occurred. Hence the recommended prescription of drugs. To treat high acidity, it is necessary to prescribe a drug aimed at the cause of high acidity.

Benefits and effects of the product for exfoliation

Hydrogen peroxide (another name for the product) , when it comes into contact with the wet epidermis, instantly reacts with dirt, fat and dead cells, exfoliating them to form white foam.

As a result of interaction, the product decomposes with the formation of water and atomic oxygen, which:

  • prevents oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • kills pathogenic microorganisms;
  • neutralizes excess free radicals;
  • inhibits cell aging.

At the same time, hydrogen peroxide promotes :

  • rapid cleansing of the epidermis from dead cells, blackheads and blackheads;
  • bleaching;
  • equalization of tone and relief;
  • activation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the dermis.

After peeling with peroxide, oily shine disappears, pores tighten, and healthy metabolism is restored. The skin is saturated with oxygen and turns pink.

Exfoliation using peroxide is especially effective if you have :

  • blackheads, acne, enlarged pores;
  • peeling after visiting the pool, vitamin deficiency, etc.;
  • flabby tired skin with reduced turgor;
  • age spots, including age spots.

An additional pleasant effect after the procedure is lightening and then the disappearance of unwanted hair, including above the upper lip.

What medications are suitable during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain of increased stomach acidity

Everything related to pregnancy and pregnant women is always a sensitive issue, especially in relation to any substances. Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor. And the usual reason for prescribing a drug is if the risk to the mother's health from the disease outweighs the harm the drug could cause to the fetus. Therefore, they try to solve the situation with high acidity by adjusting the diet.

However, your doctor may prescribe enzyme preparations, which are usually a biological product rather than a chemical compound.

Why do you need a neutralizer?

  1. Its use shortens the rehabilitation period. The skin recovers faster after exposure.
  2. Instant stop of peeling action. This effect is not observed if removed with other means or water. Sometimes the burning sensation may even intensify. Since the peeling solution penetrates deep into the skin, it can act for another 3-4 days without a neutralizer.

The most accessible and cheapest remedy is soda. Two teaspoons per glass of water is enough. After use, you need to wash off the neutralizer itself. It should not remain on the skin. After this, you need to carefully pat your face dry with napkins or a clean towel and carefully apply moisturizer.

Not everyone considers the use of a neutralizer necessary. You can do without it for gentle, superficial exfoliations, but if we are talking about mid-level exfoliations, then you shouldn’t give it up.

Effective neutralizers that you can buy in the store

Top most effective remedies:

  1. SkinCeuticals Neutralizer. It is similar to a regular soda solution, but the composition additionally contains calcium carbonate and a complex of peptides and amino acid sequences. Calcium salts in combination with peptides are considered good stimulants for skin regeneration. Additionally, the composition contains aloe juice and green tea extract, which soothe the skin no worse than chamomile tea.
  2. Pharmika. Contains only plant components such as chamomile, calendula, soda and allantoin. Therefore, it is suitable even for vegans.
  3. GIGI Gr Neutralizer. Popular synthetic neutralizer. Designed specifically for glycolic peeling, but can also be used for other types. The composition contains propylene glycol, triethylamine, water and hydroxyethylcellulose.
  4. Neutralizing gel New Line Professional. It contains: sodium hydroxide, trimethylglycerin, allantoin and D-panthenol. In addition to the main effect, it perfectly relieves inflammation, moisturizes the skin and prevents the appearance of comedones. It helps regulate the effects of acids during peeling and neutralize them in time.
  5. Neutralizer New Pell. The composition contains a special component - game hazel extract, which helps to narrow the vascular network, which is important for older people and those who have repeatedly used peeling (their skin gradually thins, the vessels become more clearly visible).
  6. Solution after chemical peeling Home-Peel. Main scope of application: post-peeling care after AHA, glycolic and lactic acids. It contains only three components: sodium bicarbonate, water and propylene glycol. The product allows you to quickly return the skin to its normal pH environment.

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The neutralizer should be applied evenly to the surface of the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. It is applied after the peeling agent is washed off or directly on it. If the exfoliation solution burns the skin unbearably, then a neutralizer should be applied immediately.

The neutralizing agent does not need to be left on the skin. After a few minutes, it can be gently washed off with water.

Choose quality products. Peeling is a serious cosmetic procedure, during which you should not think about money and save. When choosing a neutralizer, you need to take into account how concentrated the acid solution is used for peeling.

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