Horny skin on the fingers: do not be afraid, but it is necessary to treat

The skin between the fingers is the most delicate part of the human body; irritation and redness can occur for many reasons (they are the same in adults and children). Some of them go away on their own (for example, nervous strain), others require serious treatment. There are two ways to get rid of these symptoms: the use of drugs and the use of traditional medicine.

  • Treatment
  • Vitamins
  • Folk remedies
  • Prevention
  • Causes

    Redness and itching can be caused by many factors. Among them are:

    • infection (bacterial or fungal),
    • eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis,
    • allergies to food, household chemicals, dyes,
    • the presence of parasites in internal organs,
    • avitaminosis,
    • hormonal imbalance,
    • scarlet fever (when the disease occurs in children, redness of the fingers occurs, a rash and itching in the child are noted),
    • dysfunction of the kidneys and gall bladder.

    As you can see, quite a few reasons can contribute to the appearance of irritation between the fingers. Poor quality care may also be the cause. Women should use cosmetics intended for their age group.

    It is necessary to take this issue seriously and carry out a set of measures to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the integument. This is the only way to compensate for the lack of nutrients and vitamins.

    Another provoking factor is changing weather conditions. If you intend to go on vacation and are heading from frosty Arkhangelsk straight to hot Turkey, be prepared for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

    No matter how trivial it may sound, even prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can disrupt the natural balance of the skin due to increased moisture between the fingers. If this happens, it is necessary to temporarily limit direct contact with water.

    A more rare cause of redness is an insufficient amount of vitamins A or E in the body, as well as other important nutrients.

    Recommendations from cosmetologists

    Experts do not advise delaying contacting a dermatologist, since skin problems require scrupulous diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. For example, lichen and scabies progress quite quickly and require specific treatment. During this period, you should limit communication with other people, because the risk of infection is high.

    If peeling is not associated with serious illnesses, you can visit a beauty salon that offers procedures such as:

    • Spa. It includes a set of hand care procedures. Its main goal is to saturate them with ceramides (lipid compounds).
    • Ultrasound cleaning. Dead epidermal cells will be removed painlessly and gently.
    • Paraffin therapy. During the procedure, a sauna effect is created. After which the skin becomes incredibly velvety, silky and smooth. Its moisture level returns to normal, and age-related changes become less noticeable.
    • Massage.
    • Deep nourishment of the skin of the hands.
    • Professional moisturizing balms and masks.
    • Exfoliation. The procedure is similar to peeling, since during it, dead cells are eliminated using chemical or mechanical reagents.


    One of the most unpleasant and common contagious skin diseases is called mycosis. It is provoked by a fungal pathogen. The disease develops quickly under favorable conditions: weakened immunity, past infections, addictions.

    Infection occurs quite easily - it is enough to touch the things of a sick person or come into contact with him. The largest tissue damage occurs in the nail area. The symptoms begin this way: most often, after a shower, redness appears between the fingers, which, in addition, also itches. The edge of the nail plate changes its shape, which is accompanied by painful sensations. Then it becomes deformed, brittle and weak.

    Important! If the development of the fungus is not stopped at this stage, then red spots appear all over the body.

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    Allergic dermatitis

    This disease is not contagious, its nature comes from the specifics of the immune system: when any harmful element appears, it tries to overcome it through a powerful release of histamine into the blood. As a result, the blood vessels dilate and a rash, inflammation, and itching appear on the skin. Therefore, even in this case, if redness appears between the fingers, it is necessary for an allergist to prescribe treatment.

    There is a second scenario for the development of events. The first sign may be ordinary dry skin, which remains unattended and begins to develop.

    Allergies can occur due to the action of various pathogens: plant pollen, chemicals, medications, animal hair, food additives, perfumes, building materials, insect bites. This subtype of allergic skin reaction, like urticaria, involves red spots with a circumference of about 10 cm. They can pass without a trace, but itching, fever and severe weakness persist for some time.

    Relapse Prevention

    If there are reasons that your skin is drying and flaking between your fingers, you need to know how to prevent this situation. In order for the fungus to die completely, in addition to maintaining careful hygiene, you should undergo a full course of treatment, even if the skin is already clean and there are no problems.

    After therapy, diagnostic measures must be taken again. Only tests will help ensure a complete cure. It is better to buy new all personal items, manicure scissors, nail files and similar devices.


    Very often, eczema begins with peeling and dry skin between the fingers.

    This is a dermatological disease that manifests itself with the following symptoms:

    1. thickening and peeling of the epithelium,
    2. the appearance of a rash in the form of blisters,
    3. the appearance of itching,
    4. deterioration of skin color.

    The nature of the disease is different - it occurs both as a result of ill health of the internal organs and as a reaction to chemicals.

    Most often, people working in the fields of pharmaceuticals, construction, cosmetology, cleaning, agriculture, and food processing factories are susceptible to eczema.

    The specificity of the treatment of this disease is such that, due to severe itching, patients scratch the affected areas of the skin until they bleed, which also causes a bacterial infection. In addition, small bubbles with liquid, skin thickening, and swelling appear. Eczema and allergies should not be confused, since these diseases have different natures and, accordingly, different treatments.

    It is important to know! Eczema is a very dangerous disease, from which it is impossible to cure, since it goes into remission.


    Such an unpleasant disease as lichen can spread to a person from a domestic or street animal, and even from touching the sand on which it was sitting. The disease appears in the form of pink spots with a red rim; they quickly increase in size and spread throughout the body. In this case, you cannot practice self-medication; you must consult a doctor who will prescribe medications in the form of ointments and cauterization with iodine.

    Other reasons

    Avitaminosis. Most often it appears in the spring, due to a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins in the body, and is not a serious disease. To treat dry skin and redness between the fingers, you need to eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits.

    Household chemicals. With constant contact with strong substances, redness and rash may appear on the hands, which may indicate the development of eczema or dermatitis.

    A common cause of flaking and dry skin can be genetic predisposition, excessive use of soap, as well as other hygiene products. In addition, damage to other parts of the body is possible.

    Irritation and redness of the skin can result from insect bites. A particle of poison entering the epidermis causes a local allergic reaction in the body.

    Household chemicals as a risk factor

    The cause of peeling skin is often the use of household chemicals that are used when washing clothes or cleaning premises. They can become a provoking factor for the appearance of allergies, dermatitis and eczema.

    You can protect your hands from the aggressive effects of chemicals with standard latex gloves. It is better to use those that have an internal cotton coating and a dense structure. This will provide breathing for the skin and protection from direct contact with products. If the latex is rough and dense, then the skin may rot. To prevent this situation, you can lubricate your hands with any oil or rich cream. If it is not possible to use gloves, then it is better to buy products marked “hypoallergenic” or for children’s things.


    To relieve itching and inflammation, antihistamines are prescribed, such as Claritin, Cetrin, Fenistil, Suprastin, Loratadine.

    If there are bacteria in the body, they must be suppressed with the help of antibiotics. Which pills should be taken can only be decided by your doctor. As for local external treatment, Erythromycin ointment and other creams that protect inflamed skin areas from the spread of microbes are excellent.

    Read also: Symptoms and Treatments for Yeast Infection

    Hormonal ointments (Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Ketonazole) are used to suppress fungal infections. If the test results reveal mycosis, the doctor may also prescribe boric acid, rivanol or resorcinol.

    In turn, hormonal ointments are also used for dermatitis. The following drugs are suitable: Lokoid, Advantan, Fucicort. They will also help in the treatment of psoriasis. In addition to the above-mentioned remedies, tar and zinc ointment are used; these preparations are based on solid oil (Solipsor, Kartalin, Magnipsor).

    Treatment of keratoses

    Keratoses associated with the professional activities of patients with exposure to toxic substances, such as arsenic or tar, are difficult to treat until the person stops engaging in this type of activity. The disease can last for years and go away completely on its own when the employee quits or changes profession.

    At the first signs of causeless coarsening of the skin on your fingers, you need to carefully adjust your diet, add vitamin complexes and an oil solution of vitamin A. Locally, thoroughly clean the skin on your hands every evening, lubricate the rough areas with a nourishing cream with the addition of vitamin A. A good result is achieved by using gloves Spa Belle, they moisturize the skin, have a soft and gentle effect, releasing softening and beneficial components of the gel impregnation. You can buy silicone gloves in the online store.

    If the symptoms of keratosis are severe enough, you should consult a doctor for a full examination and identify the cause of the disease. It is possible that keratinization of the skin is caused by some disease, and its treatment will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom. Ointments and creams containing healing and softening components are used locally.

    At any stage of the development of the disease during the inflammatory process, it is advisable to use ointments containing antibiotics and steroids. They are used in short courses to relieve inflammation, and then use wound-healing drugs such as Panthenol or Solcoseryl, which enhance tissue regeneration. Baths with astringent herbal decoctions and compresses with plantain or aloe juice are also quite effective in the symptomatic treatment of keratoses.

    Traditional methods

    These treatment methods are used strictly after visiting a doctor and prescribing the necessary medications. Folk remedies are only an addition to the main treatment. The following procedures have proven themselves to be effective:

    • First pour boiling water over the blueberries (100 grams), then cool, and apply the crushed berries, wrapped in gauze, to the source of inflammation.
    • Olive oil has healing properties. They can be used to rub problem areas. Everyone also knows the beneficial properties of sesame oil.
    • Grate the carrots on a fine grater, wrap in gauze, and apply to the reddened area of ​​the skin.


    The selection of therapeutic agents for skin problems must be approached especially responsibly. A good hand cream, ointment, gel should be safe. It is necessary to select remedies that will not only relieve symptoms, but also eliminate the cause of the problem and lead to stable and rapid remission.

    Often, special medicinal ointments are used to eliminate flaking of the skin of the hands. They contain vitamins B and C. With their help, you can protect the skin from all kinds of negative influences, they relieve irritation, nourish and soften your hands. Often the effectiveness of medicinal ointments is influenced by the presence of antiseptics and antibiotics as components, and in addition, extracts of medicinal plants.

    Recently, experts have advised the use of combination drugs, for example, Klenzit. This gel perfectly penetrates into the deep layers of the inflammation. As a result of exposure to the components adapalene and clindamycin, which destroy bacteria, the peeling area is reduced and a positive effect is achieved.

    Therapeutic creams that protect against external irritants and restore moisture are quite effective. An excellent effect can be observed after using vitamin products that contain components of medicinal plants. For example, a good hand cream is Boro-Plus.

    Dehydrated and dry skin should be supported by moisturizing creams that are selected correctly. Products should be applied after each contact with water, and in winter also before going out into the fresh air. They should contain ingredients such as glycerin, silicone, and mineral oils. Hand soap should also contain similar ingredients.

    For irritated skin, it is useful to make special baths from various natural products, for example, sauerkraut brine or potato juice. They are mixed in equal quantities or used separately. Chop the potatoes on a fine grater, mix them with cabbage brine and put your hands in there for 30 minutes.

    In addition, it is useful to soak your hands for 15 minutes before going to bed in a mixture of a decoction of potatoes, celery and a small amount of vegetable oil. Also effective are baths made from a decoction of linden blossom, nettle, sage and other plants.

    Hand skin can be nourished with oil wraps. For this purpose, cotton gloves are used, which are pre-impregnated with vegetable oil heated in a water bath. Knitted or woolen gloves are worn on top. After 1.5 hours, remove everything and wipe off the oil from your hands. You can also moisturize your skin using homemade masks made from cottage cheese, potatoes, oatmeal and fruits.


    Below is a list of tips to avoid the above problems:

    1. Proper diet: minimize the consumption of sweets, fatty, salty foods. Eliminate bad habits.
    2. Analyze your body’s reaction to allergic pathogens and avoid contact with them.
    3. Consistent change of bed linen.
    4. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
    5. Avoid prolonged contact with direct sunlight.
    6. Do not avoid periodic preventive examinations.
    7. Continuous skin care for the entire body.

    It is the hands that are most susceptible to fungal infections, so special attention should be paid to taking care of them. Of course, the fact that you follow all the above tips does not provide a 100% guarantee that this problem will not affect you. However, they will help avoid many unpleasant problems.

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