Why does the skin on my toes peel off and how to treat it?

Human feet endure a lot of stress every day, since they bear the entire weight of the body. The feet are constantly in motion and it is not at all strange that at a certain period of time, the skin on the toes begins to malfunction, and begins to signal this with peeling and increased dryness. Most people ignore this situation, considering it a minor cosmetic defect. Sometimes, the skin that peels off between the layers can be evidence of a serious illness that can radically change your life without timely treatment.

Why does the skin peel off from my fingers?

The skin on your toes is peeling off for a reason; there is most likely a malfunction in your body that caused an imbalance of hormones or a deficiency of one of the vitamins. If the body lacks calcium, as well as vitamins A and E, the skin on the toes peels off. At the same time, peeling is observed on the feet, nails become brittle and their shine is lost. If you notice an exacerbation of the pathological process periodically - with the change of season, then you can be sure that these are typical symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

If the skin on your toes peels off and nearby areas are swollen and red, you can assume an allergic reaction. It can be triggered by anything - detergent, poor-quality socks, contact with aggressive substances, or an improperly performed pedicure.

The skin between the toes peels due to excessive sweating or a fungal infection. The reason for this may be wearing shoes made of low-quality materials, lack of hygiene, or visiting public showers and swimming pools. You can recognize a fungal infection by the characteristic white coating on the skin, the roughening of the affected areas and the rapid spread of peeling. A typical symptom of a fungal infection is an unpleasant odor coming from your feet, even after taking a shower.

It is very important, if you suspect you have a fungus, to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the fungus is very contagious, and you can infect other people through direct contact or by using the same household items with them.

Peeling between the toes can also be caused by a sharp change in temperature. In people with sensitive skin, the body thus reacts to the irritant. This situation does not require medical intervention, but it is important for a person to monitor his immunity. An organism with increased protective properties is less susceptible to irritating factors.

If the skin constantly peels off your toes, then the reason may be hidden in low-quality chlorinated water that you use for hygiene procedures. Chlorine dries out the epidermis, which reacts accordingly. The upper ball of cells dies due to lack of moisture and begins to peel off.

The situation in which the skin on the toes peels off can have very serious causes. It is with harmless peeling on the big toe that psoriasis can begin. This is a systemic disease that eventually affects internal organs. It is also important to note that so far, doctors have not learned how to eliminate the disease. Once a person has encountered an illness, he will now regularly face exacerbations. All doctors can do is prolong the period of remission and reduce the intensity of symptoms.

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A dermatologist can tell you why the skin on your toes is peeling based on a thorough examination. That is why, do not try to diagnose yourself and buy medications. Due to a lack of knowledge and your rash decisions, you may encounter serious complications, which will be much more difficult to eliminate than the initial pathology.

Improper care

The skin on children's legs is extremely sensitive to negative influences. Dryness and flaking are often provoked by simply washing your feet with running water. For example, when the water is hard or contains a lot of chlorine. Therefore, after bathing procedures, be sure to apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream or baby oil to your feet. If possible, buy a special filter nozzle for the shower that will retain chlorine and mechanical impurities. This will prevent irritation and protect the baby’s skin from drying out. Prolonged bathing in hot water is also bad.

If the skin of a child's feet is peeling, the reason may be tight, artificial shoes, synthetic tights, or socks. When in contact with such materials, the skin “does not breathe” and sweats, which leads to peeling. The area between the toes is most affected.

Dry air has a negative effect on delicate baby skin. Many mothers notice that it is in winter, when there are hot radiators in the apartment, that the child’s palms and feet become very flaky.

You can solve the problem if:

  • use moisturizer daily;
  • regularly ventilate the apartment or house;
  • maintain humidity within 40 - 60% using a humidifier or improvised means (wet towels, radiator sheets).

For intensive hydration and restoration of children's skin, ointments with provitamin B5 - Bepanten, Dexpanthenol - help.


Why the skin of an adult’s legs peels off, a qualified doctor can already tell with a visual examination. Treatment will be prescribed based on laboratory tests, as well as depending on the cause that caused the peeling of the skin between the toes.

Simple moisturizing creams can eliminate peeling between the fingers, if there are no visible infectious diseases. Dry skin can be itchy and uncomfortable, but all you need to do is provide it with the nutrition it needs and maintain good hygiene.

It is very important not to get carried away with detergents, because there is a chance that the antibacterial soap you use so diligently can wash away the natural protective layer from the skin. This is why the epidermis dries out and begins to peel off.

Your toes will peel off due to a lack of vitamins, as mentioned above. To normalize the balance of nutrients, you need to take medications that stimulate the immune system and vitamin complexes. Retinol, Vitamin E, Imudon, Bronchomunal and Lykopid have proven themselves very well.

Antihistamines Tavegil and Suprastin will help relieve symptoms of an allergic reaction. These medications will also help relieve itching and burning, which are frequent accompaniments of the body's reaction to an irritant. If the skin between your toes peels due to a fungus, topical remedies will be prescribed, such as:

  • Lamisil;
  • Exoderil;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Mikospor.

All of the above products contain components that are active in the fight against different strains of fungus, as well as some gram-positive bacteria. By correctly applying external products to the surface of flaky skin, you will certainly get results.

If you notice that flaky areas are cracking and the skin is peeling off, revealing a red surface, it is very important to treat with antiseptics. A bacterial infection may develop in the affected areas. Treat the inflamed surface with salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexine.

Treatment of gangrene in elderly patients

Therapeutic measures begin with a diagnosis based on examination, biochemistry and blood tests, analysis of biomaterial from the wound, ultrasound, and x-ray examination. Therapy for gangrene involves surgery, during which the affected tissue is excised, therapy using antibiotics and other effective methods. The prognosis is favorable provided immediate medical attention is sought and the correct therapy is chosen for the elderly patient.

Let's look at the steps in detail:

  • Surgery. It is important to understand that necrotic tissue cannot be preserved, so its removal is inevitable. Excision of dead areas helps prevent further growth of the gangrenous lesion and makes it possible to start the process of regeneration of healthy tissues. To restore normal blood flow, the vascular surgeon artificially increases blood flow; in severe cases, amputation of the fingers, foot, or entire leg is used. During rehabilitation therapy, skin transplantation is often used; the necessary flap is taken from a healthy area of ​​an elderly patient, and then transferred to the affected area. A bandage or suture is used for fixation; the likelihood of engraftment depends on the blood supply.
  • Antibiotic therapy. If necrosis is complicated by an associated infection, therapy must be supplemented with antibiotics, which are delivered intravenously or intramuscularly.
  • Oxygen therapy (hyperbaric oxygen therapy). The therapeutic method is used to get rid of gas gangrene; during the procedure, the patient is placed in a special chamber. Under the influence of high pressure (2 times higher than usual), the blood is enriched with oxygen, the growth of pathogenic bacteria is stopped, and wounds heal faster. The duration of the session is about 90 minutes, the course consists of 3-5 days.

Other therapeutic methods include supportive measures aimed at stabilizing the patient’s condition and eliminating symptoms. To combat dehydration, IVs are prescribed, and strong painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain. It is important to begin the treatment process as quickly as possible in order to prevent further spread of the infection and not resort to large-scale surgical interventions.

To establish specific figures, the financial situation of both parties (children and elderly plaintiffs) is assessed, as well as:

  • the degree of neediness of the elderly generation (a check is carried out for the presence of extraneous financial charges);
  • the level of the cost of living, the amount of pensions and other payments;
  • living conditions of the elderly generation;
  • marital status of both parties;
  • current expenses for treatment, accommodation, covering utilities, obligations on loans, mortgages, etc.;
  • maintenance of minor family members, guardianship of incapacitated persons;
  • the degree of participation in the educational issue and other key factors.

The size of the amount is influenced by the age of the potential alimony payer, the fact of employment, length of service, and the level of his salary. For example, having a pregnant wife or poor health may ease obligations. In addition to fixed alimony obligations, children may be required to compensate for additional expenses associated with forced repairs of a pensioner’s home, treatment, payment for the services of a nurse for an elderly patient, surgical intervention, etc.

Folk remedies to combat peeling skin

Boric acid: use of powder, soap and alcohol solution

If the skin peels off between your toes, you can eliminate the pathology using folk remedies. This is a very reasonable decision, because most medications have contraindications for use, and traditional medicine, as a rule, is based on herbal components.

The skin on your toes will regain its former health if treated with olive oil mixed with tea tree oil. Tea tree has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, so it will disinfect the epidermis, and olive oil will saturate it with essential microelements and soothe irritation.

In order to get rid of the top flaky layer, you can use a treasure made from crushed oatmeal and soda. After the components are mixed together, they are applied to the skin between the fingers, already moistened with water, and massaged. After the procedure, the skin is treated with butter and honey.

The easiest way to moisturize the dry, flaky skin between your fingers is to rub it with cucumber or aloe pulp.

If you encounter a fungus between your fingers that causes peeling, chop the garlic and apply the paste to the affected area for twenty minutes. It is important not to overdo it, as there is a risk of getting burned. If you do everything correctly, your skin will recover after just three procedures.

Folk recipes

For girls who prefer natural cosmetics, here are several recipes for moisturizing the skin of their feet.

Oil wrap


  • olive oil (100 g);
  • egg yolks (2 pieces).

How to prepare: Heat the oil in a steam bath to room temperature. Add the yolks to it and beat the mixture with a blender.

How to use: Apply the mixture to clean feet and wrap with plastic wrap. Put terry socks on top. Keep the compress for 30 minutes, and then wash off the mixture with warm water and baby soap.

Result: skin is perfectly hydrated and silky smooth.

Chamomile mask


  • chamomile decoction (100 g);
  • starch (2 tsp);
  • cream with lactic acid (3 tsp).

How to prepare: warm the broth to room temperature and mix thoroughly with other ingredients.

How to use: apply the mask to your feet and wrap them with film. Put on your socks. Keep the compress for half an hour, and then rinse your feet thoroughly with warm water.

Result: the skin receives the moisture it needs and stops flaking.

The recipes are very simple and their ingredients are inexpensive. Therefore, ladies, do not be lazy and take care of your feet. We talked about all the secrets of heel care in this material.

Prevention measures

Problems with the skin between the toes are very easy to avoid by preventing fungi and hypovitaminosis. Regular hygiene procedures and moisturizing your feet, treating your feet with pumice to remove rough skin will not only preserve the elegant appearance of your feet, but will also reduce the likelihood of the spread of fungus. A contrast shower or bath after a hard day will increase blood flow to the feet and reduce the likelihood of cracks, as they will strengthen local immunity.

The skin on your toes will look flawless if you learn how to choose the right shoes and hosiery for yourself. The epidermis needs constant ventilation; by skimping on new shoes or buying synthetic socks, you yourself are inviting a disease in which the skin between your toes peels off.

The most common causes of peeling are microtraumas on the fingers that were left unattended. It is important to treat even minor scratches on the legs with an antiseptic, because once bacteria penetrate the wound, they begin to multiply en masse. Dryness with peeling between the fingers is the most harmless of the symptoms that is caused by a bacterial infection.

Each person himself must understand that it is easier to prevent a disease than to later treat it and combat complications. Lead an active lifestyle, eat vitamin-containing foods, consult a doctor at the first alarming symptoms on your skin, and you will certainly maintain the full health of your body and the impeccable appearance of the skin on your toes.

Preventing skin irritation on the legs

To ensure that the skin on your legs is always smooth, you don’t need to make any special efforts. You can achieve its ideal condition only if you take daily care of your body. To do this in the evening after a shower, you need to use nourishing creams and skin masks. In order to prevent peeling of the skin on the heels, which is quite difficult to cure, you should be attentive to the manifestations of various types of irritations on the skin. At the first signals from the body, you should immediately provide assistance. If flaking of the skin of the lower leg can still be successfully treated even in advanced forms of the disease, then irritation on the heels and between the toes, turning into microcracks, is much more difficult to cure.

In addition to daily nutrition and moisturizing the surface of the skin on your feet, you need to take care of your own diet. The body must receive sufficient quantities of the minerals, fats and proteins it needs. A lack of vitamins primarily affects the condition of the skin and hair. It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, this will put the nervous system in order, preventing the negative impact of stressful situations at work and at home. Paying attention to your own health will help you avoid problems associated with skin irritation.

Make an appointment by phone or.

Ultrasound duplex scanning

Ultrasound duplex scanning allows you to determine the patency of the arteries, localize the site of blockage of the vessel and the state of blood flow below the site of occlusion. Often, in acute ischemia, this diagnosis is enough to determine treatment tactics and send the patient to the operating table. With an embolism or rupture, the arteries below the blockage are usually empty or thrombosed, and blood flow in them is not detectable. Blood flow in the veins is sharply slowed down. With thrombosis, blood flow can be detected below the site of blockage, but its speed is sharply reduced; most often, blood flow through the main vessels cannot be detected, but blood flow can be seen through collaterals. As a rule, this is due to

Diagnosis of thrombosis or embolism

In addition to the clinical picture, it is necessary to use special research methods for diagnosis.

Ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to clarify the nature of occlusion and identify atherosclerotic plaques during thrombosis. Thrombosis differs from embolism in the initial damage to the arteries; in embolism, the arteries are most often not affected.

Angiography is performed on the operating table to clarify the receiving vascular bed and allows you to determine the nature of the surgical intervention

Multislice computed tomography is performed when there is time for a detailed diagnosis and allows you to very accurately identify the nature of the lesions and determine treatment tactics.

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