Apple masks for facial skin: a simple home remedy for beauty!

Now it is fashionable to use natural cosmetics from your own garden or garden. This is quality and reliability. Autumn is the time for apples, which are beneficial for both dry and oily, young and aging skin. Moreover, apples are an affordable product in both summer and winter. Any apple face mask, regardless of the additional ingredients, is beneficial in its own way: the skin after the procedures becomes smooth, silky and radiant.

Useful properties of apple

Apples contain universal substances that:

  • heal the skin and make the color brighter;
  • fight the first wrinkles;
  • reduce oiliness and treat acne;
  • moisturize and nourish skin cells;
  • lighten age spots with freckles.

But apples are different from each other: the amount of vitamins and microelements is influenced by the variety, ripeness, place where the apple tree is grown and the storage conditions of the fruit. The pulp and juice are used for cosmetic purposes. Even rubbing the skin with a piece of this fruit gives a visible result. And the juice is used as a tonic.

Salon massages

A massage performed by an experienced specialist can significantly slow down the aging process of the face. The most effective rejuvenating techniques are considered to be Jacquet massage and Spanish massage, well-known and loved by regular clients of beauty salons. Recently, a new massage technique has appeared - sculptural buccal facial massage. The procedure involves influencing the skin of the face not only from the outside, but also from the inside - the specialist performs manipulations in the oral cavity.

Despite the disadvantages (painful sensations), the result is noticeable after the first procedure. Therefore, buccal massage is in demand.

My own cosmetologist. How to set up a beauty salon at home Read more

Apple face masks: rules of use

Cosmetic compositions are prepared from red and yellow apples, but it is better from green fruits. For dry skin, it is advisable to choose from sweet and sour and sweet varieties, but not sour varieties, which are suitable for oily skin. Before making the composition, the fruit is washed and cleaned (if it is not taken from your own garden).

The mask is not applied to the eyelids and lips, and a skin and body sensitivity test is required.

Before applying the composition, the skin is cleansed and applied, applying an even dense layer in circular massaging movements from the forehead down to the chest - to the shoulders - and back up to the temples.

Apple cosmetic mixtures are not stored: the substances immediately oxidize and lose their usefulness.

Apple mask sessions are done 2 times a week. Course duration is 1-1.5 months. Pigment spots are lightened by daily rubbing with apple plastic.

What fruits are suitable

Only high-quality apples are suitable for masks. They must be fresh, without damage, rot on the surface or inside.

You can make cosmetics from any type of fruit. But experts recommend focusing on your skin type.

For oily epidermis, the most useful masks are made from sour fruits; the ideal base mixture for dry skin is a sweet apple.

Apple masks for dry skin

Sour cream apple face masks

1 recipe. Grated sweet apple is mixed with yolk, rich sour cream and vegetable oil is added (1 spoon each). Apply for 20 minutes. To wash your face, take warm water first, then cool water.

2 recipe. Refresh the composition of applesauce (2 spoons) with sour cream (1 spoon). Wash off after 15 minutes.

Juice cocktail for skin

Mix: apple, carrot, tomato, cabbage, raspberry and plum juices, 20-25 ml each. Moisten cotton pads and place on face for 20-25 minutes, wetting as they dry. Do not wash; use a cotton pad or dry cloth to wipe.

Honey and butter

Mix grated apple and butter (1 spoon each) with honey (1 spoon) and yolk. Apply for 20-30 minutes, then wipe the skin.

For food

Add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the puree of 1 apple. Keep the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, take warm water to wash off.

For hydration

Applesauce and carrot puree are mixed. If desired, add yolk, sour cream, cottage cheese, honey or olive oil.

For cleansing

Grate the apple and add sour cream, then mix with starch (take 1 spoon each). 30 minutes after applying the mask, wash your face.

Apple lotion

Add pure natural still water to fresh apple juice. For a glass of juice, about .5 glasses of water. Wipe after morning and evening washing.


  1. Masks with apple are suitable for all skin types, they moisturize, nourish, and saturate with vitamins. They will be a real salvation for the skin in the off-season, winter and summer.
  2. The apple can be used baked or raw; to prepare the mask, it is grated or mashed with a fork. The end result should be a paste.
  3. Select excipients based on the type; be sure to ensure that there are no allergic reactions. An apple works well on its own, but honey, oils, white or yolk make the composition even more valuable and nutritious. Egg masks are considered one of the most nutritious.
  4. Homemade apple masks can be used in a comprehensive anti-aging care program; they are great for young skin.
  5. Sour cream or milk as part of the mass is suitable for dry, fading skin; it will nourish it, restore elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, and tighten the oval. The main thing is to use high-quality products and do not make a reserve of the product, as it quickly deteriorates.

Apple masks for oily skin

Eliminates oily shine

Add potato starch (60 g) and burdock root juice (1 spoon) to applesauce (2 spoons). The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Use cool water to rinse off.

With lemon

Mix 1 apple puree with egg white and 10 drops of lemon juice. Apply for 15 minutes, except for the eye area. To rinse, first take warm, then cold water.

To tighten pores

1 recipe. Beat the egg whites until stiff foam and add a teaspoon of apple juice drop by drop. Apply foam, hold for 20 minutes and rinse.

Recipe 2 (instant results!). Add starch (2 tablespoons) and glycerin (half a teaspoon) to applesauce with whipped egg whites. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, take warm water to wash. For wiping, after washing, take milk or herbal infusion.

To reduce sebum production

Pour milk over the apple and boil, then remove and mash. Add natural olive oil (1 spoon) and whipped egg white. Apply and wash after 30 minutes.

To even out skin tone

Make apple cucumber puree. Add egg white and oatmeal - 1 spoon each. Remove after 15 minutes.


Grind 2 tablespoons of rolled oats, mix with liquid honey and vinegar - take 1 spoon each. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash, then apply moisturizer to the skin.

Whitening apple face mask at home

For 10 min. Apply a composition of applesauce mixed with kefir (2 spoons), lemon juice (1 spoon) and flour for thickness. To wash, take cold water.

Baked apples: why they can be eaten even by those for whom fresh ones are harmful

For many people, especially the elderly and young children, large quantities of fresh apples are contraindicated. But even baked apples retain their beneficial properties and rich microelement composition. And most importantly, they retain a certain amount of fiber, which does not cause gas formation or any discomfort. They are even indicated in the diet for peptic ulcers. We are talking about those people who cannot consume fresh product. For them, baked apples are an alternative.

Green apples and their nutritional value

Baking apples makes their composition more tender, easily digestible, and all the microelements that are in the fresh product, with the exception of only some vitamins, are also present. Therefore, just in this case, we can eat baked apples or make puree from them. Making baked apples is quite simple. Take apples, remove the core, add honey, a little cinnamon and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes. After this, you can make puree in a blender. This delicacy is not only tasty, but also beneficial for your body and general condition.

Apples are a cheap product, but at the same time very beneficial for our health. Dried or sun-dried apples are very different in health from fresh ones. In terms of the amount of indigestible plant fiber, baked apples give 100 points to dried ones. During the drying process, the amount of vitamin C decreases, and the amount of calories increases. Nowadays, apples are prepared in special dryers, which even an ordinary person can buy in a store. Before drying, you can dip the apples in a lemon solution. Then they will turn white.

Universal apple masks for all skin types

Relieve fatigue, restore tone and freshness, nourish

No. 1. A mixture of apple and avocado pulp – equal parts.

No. 2. Apple pulp boiled in milk. Keep for 25 minutes.

No. 3. Equal parts: apple, oatmeal and honey – for 15 minutes.

Against dark circles

Cottage cheese mixed with apple juice (take equal parts) is applied for 5-10 minutes.

Vitamin mask


  • ascorbic acid – 2 tablets;
  • apple - half;
  • honey – 1 spoon;
  • yolk;
  • apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil - a spoonful.

Keep the mask on your face for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water.

Apple face mask for freckles

Add honey (17 g) and ascorbic acid powder to the puree (2 spoons) with seeds. The composition is applied for 25 minutes. to places with accumulations of sun marks.

Apple face masks for aging and aging skin

In this case, rejuvenating apple masks increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin.


Grate one carrot and one apple each and leave for 25 minutes. Wash and apply moisturizer.

Mask of apples, cottage cheese and chamomile

Boil for 20 minutes. over low heat chamomile (1 spoon of flowers and 1 glass of water). Add 2 tablespoons of apple juice and cottage cheese, 25 grams of sour cream and a spoon of olive oil to the strained broth. Apply for 30 minutes. To remove, take chamomile infusion, then apply cream.

Nourishing apple face mask

Mix the puree of half an apple with honey (35 g), linseed oil (1 spoon) and adding yolk. Apply to cleansed skin and rinse with water.


For tone, apply apple puree with ground oats for 25 minutes. wash off, wipe with tonic and lubricate with cream.

Apple masks for wrinkles

No. 1. Baked apple mask. Bake and mash the apple. Add a teaspoon of honey and add 3-4 drops of olive oil. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

No. 2. The same, but the puree is mixed with yolk and heavy cream (5 g). Keep for 30 minutes.

No. 3. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel and mash. Dilute with water, milk or kefir. Combine with yolk, grated carrots and apple without seeds. Hold for 25 minutes. under a napkin or apply film, then wash.

Whitening apple face mask

Applesauce with kefir or yogurt and ground oatmeal - 1 spoon of all ingredients. Apply for 15 minutes.

There are many recipes to choose from. Every year, beauties add new invented and tested recipes to the list. Conveniently, apples are stored for a long time and can be used until the next harvest.

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Acupuncture lifting "baby-face"

An effective remedy aimed at maintaining beauty and regulating the functioning of the body. Baby-face lifting is an effect on the main acupuncture points, which improves the functioning of internal organs, activates blood circulation, eliminates swelling and tightens the oval of the face. Many salons and clinics offer this service, but in order to avoid disappointment, the specialist to whom you entrust your face needs to be chosen long and carefully. In China (the birthplace of acupuncture), doctors study this technique for more than 6 years at the university, and in Russia, training specialists often takes 1-2 days.

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