Creams for forehead wrinkles: how to choose and how to use

Almost all women try to get rid of wrinkles as they age. After all, they appear in different parts of the face. We try to do everything possible, but we don’t always understand how to effectively remove a particular wrinkle.

And it cannot be said that wrinkles arise due to old age. Not always. After all, even at the age of 20, a fold can appear on the face between the eyebrows. Initially, it is faintly visible; we notice it only when the woman frowns. But over time, the skin of the face loses its own elasticity, as a result of which the wrinkle between the eyebrows remains and becomes deeper. But in order to understand how to get rid of it, it is important to determine the cause of its appearance.

Causes of deep wrinkles on the forehead

They usually occur due to the contraction of the facial muscles. After all, a person’s face always reflects the state of their soul (joy, sadness, worries). That is, wrinkles often appear due to increased emotionality. Another reason is heredity. There is nothing you can do about it, nothing you can prevent. You just have to start treatment.

Factors that provoke the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead also include unfavorable regions in environmental terms, lack of sun protection, bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.

How to make anti-aging cream at home

Homemade cosmetics are much cheaper than ready-made creams and are made from natural raw materials. They are used more for prevention: plant components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nourish and moisturize it. But you shouldn’t expect quick and noticeable results from using homemade creams. From popular recipes of folk cosmetology:

  • dried linden and chamomile flowers are brewed with 0.5 tbsp. hot water and leave for 15–20 minutes. Strain and add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, grind until smooth. Apply to the face and leave overnight;
  • chamomile (2 tablespoons is enough) is poured with a quarter cup of boiling water, left for an hour in a warm place, then the liquid is drained. Add glycerin, grape seed oil, honey in equal proportions, stir until smooth;
  • take linseed oil, sprouted wheat and grape seed oil in equal proportions, 1 teaspoon is enough, add lavender oil - a quarter of a teaspoon, heated lanolin. Stir, cool;
  • Finely grate the carrots and simmer over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil. Strain, add 20 g of heated natural wax, 0.5 tbsp. l. honey and a little cedar oil. Stir until smooth.

You should store your own prepared cream in a cool place for no longer than 5 days.

How to make your own anti-wrinkle cream - video

What can a salon offer in the fight against wrinkles?

  • Botox. Injections with this drug are popular among women, because it is safe, fast and effective. You don't have to undergo traumatic surgery if you can achieve visible results in a short time with injections. The drug is injected into the area of ​​overactive facial muscles, so the nerve that causes the muscles to move is blocked. As a result, facial muscles relax and deep wrinkles smooth out;
  • thread facelift, 3D mesothreads. A thread facelift is often performed because this method of rejuvenation is considered safe and painless. For the procedure, threads made of gold or polypropylene are used. They fix the tissues in the position they need;
  • contour plastic surgery. With the help of this procedure, nasolabial folds are often reduced, the shape of the face is corrected, lips are enlarged, and appearance is changed. The injection method is used. That is, fillers and special substances are injected into the skin. They are able to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and fill areas with volume. Typically fillers are based on hyaluronic acid;
  • photorejuvenation. Here the tissue regeneration system is launched, the collagen-elastin framework system is restored. It is the latter that provides skin elasticity. During photorejuvenation, the skin is exposed to radio frequency and pulsed light. The tissues are heated during the procedure, due to which old structures are renewed, and young cellular structures of the skin are formed. Here, the subcutaneous tissue is rejuvenated, as well as the skin itself from the inside;
  • mechanical peeling. This procedure has proven its effectiveness. But at the same time it is considered gentle. Thanks to it, you can remove deep wrinkles on the forehead and improve skin texture. If you combine mechanical peeling with vacuum massage, then a detoxifying, anti-edematous effect is ensured, and tissue microcirculation becomes better. As a result, the skin and its cells breathe better, their surface is evened out, the skin becomes elastic, beautiful and remains in good shape;
  • ultrasonic facial cleansing. Here, ultrasound is applied to the skin, so it does not cause pain or discomfort in women. This procedure is used quite often, because with its help you can improve the condition of the skin, make it smoother, more even, remove deep wrinkles on the forehead and more.

But any of the above procedures should only be performed by a qualified specialist. Only he knows about the features of each method, indications and contraindications.

How to choose an anti-wrinkle cream

Any caring cosmetic product should be selected based on an examination of the condition of your skin by a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist. When age-related changes become noticeable, it is not the time to select a face care cream by trial and error - this can be easily avoided if you listen to the recommendations of a professional.

The formation of wrinkles is determined by the type of skin: the drier it is, the less dense and elastic it is, it fades earlier, and to maintain a fresh appearance you need to use a moisturizing and nourishing cream. If the face is dotted with a network of fine wrinkles, the care product should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and wind. If your face is “sagging” and there are deep wrinkles, you will need a cream-lifting treatment to maintain the tone of weakening muscles.

All the world's leading companies have lines of cosmetic products for facial care. The result, based on the experience of women, is faster and more noticeable when all skin care products are from the same series. Actually, anti-aging cream has only a preventive effect and helps improve your appearance, make your skin fresher, and your complexion smoother. Wrinkles will remain, but they will be less visible.

Carefully study the composition of the cream before purchasing

The composition of the anti-aging cream usually includes:

  • retinoids that stimulate collagen production;
  • hydrolyzed collagen to maintain skin elasticity;
  • organic acids, fruit and lactic, which trigger skin renewal processes;
  • muscle relaxants (argireline, creamide 3, boswellia extract);
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • sun filter.

But if the presence of these components in the anti-wrinkle product is justified, there are substances whose addition to the cream affects its cost more than the result:

  • the presence of hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) in the composition will not give a visible effect, since the molecules of this substance do not penetrate beyond the surface layer of the skin and the effect ends after the first wash;
  • Botox - the use of a toxin is effective only with injections, when the facial muscles are paralyzed and the folds in the skin are temporarily straightened;
  • an extract from the placenta rejuvenates aging skin, but as soon as you stop using the product, the effect goes away;
  • Royal jelly is only beneficial when taken orally. Proteins, vitamins, and microelements are not absorbed when applied externally.

The cream may contain an extract of plant stem cells, make sure that their content is at least 5%. The spectrum of effects of this substance is different: reducing the depth of folds, smoothing out the network of wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity - it all depends on which plant the cells are isolated from. Phytoestrogens and plant components are indeed capable of penetrating deeply into the skin and rejuvenating it, but the cream must contain at least 30% of them, and it is used by women over the age of 40.

It is better to choose another product with Botox - with peptides, micromolecules of proteins that relax facial wrinkles and cause an overall rejuvenating effect. The recommended proportion of the substance in the cream is at least 7%. Such funds are used after 50 years.

One of the important components in anti-aging cream is collagen, which maintains skin elasticity. The benefits of all anti-aging products are based on the principle of deep penetration into the dermis and effects at the cellular level.

Preventive measures

Aging is a period that will definitely come; it cannot be stopped. But you can try to delay it. To do this, you need to follow simple conditions:

  • to drink a lot of water. Each person should drink about 2 liters of plain water. This should not include broth, juice, coffee or tea. In addition to water, you can also drink green tea;
  • monitor your diet and diet. It is better to eat more fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants. It is worth eating fatty fish, and for dressing salads it is better to use vegetable oil;
  • adjust your sleep pattern. It is better to go to bed around 11 pm and sleep at least 7 hours, but no more than 9;
  • avoid stressful situations. You can sign up for Pilates or yoga, meditate, do special breathing exercises that relax;
  • play sports, walk often;
  • ensure proper skin care;
  • do facial gymnastics, which allows you to strengthen your facial muscles.

If you constantly follow these recommendations, you can avoid too early skin aging.

Pharmacy remedies for wrinkles in the forehead area

To combat wrinkles, you can use pharmaceutical products or purchase regular ointments:

  • Relief - when applied twice a day, restores cell regeneration and promotes healthy skin;
  • Radevit - contains vitamins A, E, D2 in “shock” doses. With systematic use (apply morning and evening), wrinkles will become noticeably smaller;
  • Solcoseryl - stimulates collagen production, restores blood circulation. Indications for use: apply at night;
  • zinc ointment - although it dries the skin, it reliably protects it from exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to use together with moisturizer, apply before going outside;
  • retinoic ointment - improves skin condition due to its stimulating effect. Apply at night;
  • hydrocortisone ointment - used to moisturize the skin, recommended to be used twice a day.

Be sure to read the contraindications for the drug.

Photo gallery: pharmacy anti-aging products

Relief ointment works to constrict blood vessels and regenerate the skin

Radevit is successfully used in medicine against a variety of skin problems: various dermatoses and dermatitis, burns (including sunburn), ulcers, wounds, cracks, keratinized areas

The components of zinc ointment actively promote skin renewal, protection from ultraviolet radiation, and collagen synthesis

Using retinoid drugs to treat skin diseases, dermatologists found that the skin also became firmer, smoother, and the depth of wrinkles decreased.

Solcoseryl is used to restore skin in case of ulcers, bedsores, burns, consequences of radioactive radiation and other lesions

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