“The frogs have arrived. How to deal with “bulldog cheeks”

Causes of jowls

Ptosis of the cheeks (jowls) is formed due to age-related changes. The fact is that collagen production decreases with age. It is its fibers that form the frame that holds the soft tissues of the face. But with age, when there is not enough collagen, this framework loses strength, and the tissues sag, wrinkles and ptosis appear.

Another possible reason is excess weight, because the cheeks and chin can be called a place where adipose tissue accumulates; here it accumulates especially intensively. Other reasons for the formation of jowls include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • weight gain, and then sudden weight loss;
  • aggressive action of ultraviolet rays;
  • bad habits;
  • swelling.

The combination of these factors increases the likelihood of cheek ptosis and tissue changes.

Jowl removal is one of the common procedures at the SM-Clinic plastic surgery center and is carried out using cosmetic procedures or surgery.

Zygomatic muscles

Before pumping up a man’s cheekbones with exercises, it is advisable to know the anatomy and functions of the zygomatic muscles. This will allow you to feel them better during gymnastics and understand how they work and whether they are loaded enough. The zygomatic muscles are divided into small and large and take an active part in facial expressions. But their main function is to form a smile; without them it is impossible to stretch the lips, raise the corners of the mouth, pull to the side or protrude the upper lip.

The zygomatic major muscles on one side are attached to the zygomatic arches and zygomatic bones on both sides of the face, then descend to the upper lip and end in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, attaching to the orbicularis oris muscle. Located just below the zygomatic minor muscles, the upper end is attached symmetrically to the zygomatic arches in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth, where they are attached to the orbicularis oris muscle.

It should be especially noted that the muscles of the cheeks and cheekbones not only perform facial functions, but largely determine the contour of the face and support its frame. If they weaken, then the cheeks sag, jowls and deep folds appear. Therefore, it is advisable to combine exercises for cheekbones and cheeks in one complex, this way two goals are achieved at once: cheekbones are enlarged and the shape of the face is improved.

Saggy cheeks: how to restore an elastic oval face at home

Home facial skin care is a simple way to get rid of cosmetic defects. But the effectiveness of creams, massage, and gymnastics varies, because it all depends on the reason for the formation of jowls. For example, if the cause is edema, you need to eliminate the main provoking factor that led to these changes. It is recommended to limit salt in the diet and adjust nutrition. If the reason is excess weight gain, physical activity, etc. is necessary.

Another possible way to get rid of jowls formed due to age-related changes is facial gymnastics. Exercises normalize blood circulation in tissues and strengthen the muscle frame. But to get a visible effect, the exercises must be performed constantly. The first results will become noticeable in 1-3 months. But if you give up gymnastics, you won’t be able to maintain the results.

Exercises aimed at eliminating jowls are effective only in the initial stages of their formation. If the defect is pronounced, radical correction methods are necessary.

Set of exercises

Warm up. Puff out your cheeks and then release the air, repeat several times. Rub your fingers on your cheeks and cheekbones to bring blood to them.

Cheekbones. Round and tighten your lips. Place your palms on the nasolabial folds so that they do not participate in the exercise and do not go deeper. With an effort, lift the zygomatic muscles and relax them. Do this 5 times, on the fifth count hold the muscles for 5 seconds in the maximum tense state. Do three approaches. Over time, the ability to fully control the muscles of the cheekbones will come, then the exercise can be done without the help of hands.

Cheeks. "Fish" Pull your cheeks in strongly, stretching your lips forward, and try to smile with tense cheeks and lips for 5 seconds. Do it 10 times.

Cheekbones. Place three fingers under the cheekbone so that the fingertips are located near the corners of the mouth. With not very strong pressure, run your fingers along the cheekbones towards the temple, lifting the zygomatic muscles upward. Do the exercise 10 times for each side of the face.

Cheeks. Round your lips. Place a finger on both cheeks from the inside along the lower teeth. Press your fingers on your cheeks and, using the force of your cheek muscles, press them against your teeth. The exercise is performed 30 times at a slow pace so that the cheek muscles are well and deeply loaded.

Bonus. Ordinary chewing gum becomes an excellent exercise machine for the cheeks and cheekbones. When periodically chewing it, the tone of the facial muscles increases, the cheekbones are strengthened, the teeth are cleaned, the gums are massaged and, according to some doctors, stress resistance increases.

How to get rid of jowls on your face using cosmetic methods

The results of such techniques are shown only in the early stages of the formation of cheek ptosis. With timely intervention, it is possible to stop the progression of ptosis and reverse already formed changes. At SM-Clinic, doctors can offer several techniques aimed at eliminating jowls. Each of them has features, indications and predicted results. Thanks to their extensive experience, our doctors will select the technique that will best solve the problem.

RF lifting

Monopolar radiofrequency exposure is aimed at stimulating collagen production. It is the collagen frame that supports facial tissues and prevents them from sagging. Usually performed at a young age.

Contour plastic

It involves correction with fillers - special fillers made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. After the procedure, the skin density increases, it tightens, ptosis becomes less pronounced and noticeable. But this technique is not suitable for everyone; before performing it, you need to evaluate your individual reaction to the drugs.

SMAS lifting

Ultrasound effect on the muscular aponeurotic layer of the skin. And if previously smas-lifting was carried out exclusively surgically, today it is a non-surgical technique.


These are injections of hyaluronic acid-based drugs into the hypodermis. The effect of the procedure is not only in getting rid of jowls, but also in rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin. Rehabilitation after the procedure takes several days, and the redness disappears in 2-3 hours.

How to remove jowls and tighten the oval face with threads

Removal of jowls without surgery is carried out by introducing biocompatible threads (mesothreads), which can be absorbable or not. The threads are inserted using special needles.

Even if absorbable threads are used, after absorption, a strong collagen frame remains in their place. And the effect of the procedure lasts for several years.

The effect of the procedure can be enhanced by combining it with liposuction..

Why and how to pump up cheekbones?

Men who care about appearance understand that the face is a kind of business card or showcase, which largely determines the overall impression of a person. Of course, chic clothes, a fashionable hairstyle and a bodybuilder's body attract attention, but the positive effect of them will be spoiled if the man has a flabby, weak-willed face with bad skin, sagging cheeks and a double chin.

In youth, the facial muscles are toned, the skin is well regenerated, the facial contour is tightened, it seems that it will always be this way. At about 25-30 years old, the first signs of aging appear: facial creases, wrinkles, drooping eyelids and cheeks that have lost the expressiveness of the cheekbones. An additional imprint is left by inevitable stress, chronic lack of sleep, and poor urban ecology. By the age of 40, the face begins to swell and, without proper care, becomes noticeably worse.

Women have some advantage: they have an impressive arsenal of cosmetics that help hide skin imperfections and age-related changes. Skillful makeup can amazingly transform a woman’s face, rejuvenate and give it freshness.

Men do not have this option; they have to grow a beard or wear sunglasses to disguise imperfections. But a beard does not suit everyone, and glasses only mask the eyes, leaving a man’s lips, cheeks, forehead and cheekbones on display. How to pump up facial muscles or correct facial contour? This question becomes more pressing with age.

How to get rid of jowls on your face using plastic surgery methods

Cosmetology products and techniques can cope with only minor changes when the formation of jowls is just beginning. But after 50 years, with pronounced age-related changes, more radical techniques are required - plastic surgery. Indications for their implementation:

  • pronounced prolapse of tissue in the lower jaw;
  • loss of a clear oval face;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • a large amount of fat deposits in the cheeks, lower jaw and chin;
  • excess skin in the lower third of the face.


In our center, liposuction can be performed using several methods - it all depends on the severity of the aesthetic defect. For example, in the absence of Bisha’s fatty lumps, classic liposuction is recommended.

Fat removal is carried out by a device to which a cannula is attached and inserted under the skin. There are no scars or traces left after the operation.

Endoscopic jowl lift

This is the most gentle and safe surgical method for removing jowls on the face. But it can only be used when there is no excess skin. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to get rid of ptosis of the cheeks, but also achieve a rejuvenating effect.


This includes smoothing nasolabial folds, correcting the shape of the chin and rejuvenating the lower third of the face. The tissues are fixed vertically, excess skin is removed. There are no scars left after the procedure.


The technique, which is also called a short-scar lift, can be performed even with sagging skin and in the absence of normal neck muscle tone. The advantages of the technique are its low trauma, short rehabilitation and quick recovery.

SM-Clinic surgeons have an arsenal of techniques for removing jowls - the choice of the appropriate one takes into account the age, condition, severity of the problem, the anatomical characteristics of the patient and his wishes. You can make an appointment 24 hours a day by calling the clinic.

Advantages of exercises for cheekbones

There are fifty-seven muscles on the face that are responsible for human facial expressions. With age, their tone decreases, some of them completely lose their strength, practically not working. The contour of the face loses its clarity, cheeks, eyebrows, cheekbones go down. But your former attractiveness can be restored with the help of exercises. Gymnastics allows you to focus on problem areas on the face and has a number of obvious advantages.

  • Versatility. Suitable for men of any age, regardless of physical fitness.
  • Availability. You can do it at home, in the car, in the office, outdoors.
  • Health improvement. Gymnastics not only strengthens the muscles of the cheekbones, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, increasing blood flow and improving metabolism.
  • Economical. There is no need to spend money on a surgeon, cosmetics or exercise equipment. It is enough to have a mirror, 20-30 minutes of free time a day and the desire to change yourself.

Beautiful lips

The lips contain a lot of muscles, so physical activity will not hurt them either.

  • The whistle strengthens the contour well. Whistle a new melody every day, you will be pleased with the results. Superstitious people can do this exercise outside. You need to whistle for at least 5 minutes.
  • Stick your tongue out at the reflection in the mirror. Don't be shy, stick out as much as possible. Stay in the final position for a few seconds. Repeat 12 grooves.
  • Blow on the dandelions. If it’s not the season, take a small feather and blow it away for 3 minutes.
  • Make a fairy fish smile. Purse your lips tightly, then smile widely. Smile 12 times, remembering to relax after each repetition.
  • Howl like a wolf, only slowly, in different voices. Exercise is good not only for muscles, it copes well with depression. Do the training for 7 minutes.
  • Draw with a pencil, which must be held tightly in your mouth. Circles and letters are suitable for artistic creativity. Create for 4 minutes.

Using cosmetic Vaseline on the face and lips

Gravitational facial ptosis – what is it?

The term translates as “fall”, it has Greek roots, but the problem is typical for people all over the world at a certain period of life. For some, the prolapse of soft tissues begins at 25, others do not know about it until 40. The process is simple - as soon as the amount of elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis decreases, the general framework immediately weakens and an initially imperceptible, but increasing deformation begins every year oval There are a lot of ways to maintain muscle activity and dermal tone; the main thing is to choose an effective set of methods and be sure to analyze the quality of skincare cosmetics, giving preference to effective lines with natural ingredients focused on anti-aging care.

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