Type of aging “tired face”: how to deal with age-related changes

It's one thing when the blush on your cheeks appears and quickly disappears, as, for example, after a winter walk. And it’s quite another thing if it spreads across the face, does not go away for a long time and is also complicated by various rashes on the skin. We learned more about such a disease as rosacea at the X National Congress “Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology”.

At the congress, many issues of dermatology were raised, including diagnosis, mechanisms of development and treatment of rosacea (rosacea). In this article we present excerpts from the report of dermatologist, cosmetologist, doctor of medical sciences Elena Arabian, which will help to better understand what rosacea is, what factors can provoke the appearance of this disease and how it is treated today.

When to sound the alarm

The main symptoms for diagnosing rosacea are persistent erythema (redness of the skin), which usually appears in the central part of the face and lasts more than two months, and is also characterized by concomitant dilation of small vessels of the skin and the formation of inflammatory elements, rosacea.

Previously, rosacea was said to be a vascular disease of unknown etiology, and it can be triggered by many factors. “Now there is a completely definite evidence base that rosacea is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis,” says Elena Arabian.

Studies show that rosacea in our country is less common than diabetes, but more common than asthma and psoriasis. And, for example, in the USA every tenth patient comes to the clinic with symptoms of rosacea to a dermatologist.


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First roles

In recent years, it has been believed that the leading roles in the appearance of rosacea are played by innate immunity, microbiota and the inflammatory process. Innate immunity triggers the production of antimicrobial peptides and proinflammatory cytokines. “With rosacea, their levels increase sharply. For example, the activity of antimicrobial peptides cathelicidins increases 10 times, and the level of peptidase increases 10 thousand times! - continues Elena Arabian. — Flora also works in a special way. Staphylococcus is of great importance here, but the leading role is played by mites of the genus Demodex. Together with bacteria, fungi and viruses, they are a representative of the microbiome, but with rosacea their increased density is noted: it has been proven that they provoke inflammation. One of the reasons why this microscopic mite becomes pathogenic is low skin moisture.

Factors that provoke exacerbation of chronic rosacea are considered to be stress, extreme cold or heat, alcohol intake, hot and spicy foods. Recently, soy sauce and vanilla have been added to the list of food provocateurs. But coffee and drinks containing caffeine have been rehabilitated.

Concomitant diseases play a major role in the development of rosacea. First of all, we are talking about gastrointestinal problems, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, infection caused by Helicobacter pylori, irritable bowel syndrome - these are all background conditions. Recent studies have shown a connection with hypertension, cardiovascular pathology, anxiety disorders, depression and diabetes. Considering all these factors, it is clear that patients with rosacea require a multidisciplinary approach.”

Clinical symptoms of rosacea are redness of the skin, the appearance of telangiectasia (dilation of small vessels) and various rashes: papules, pustules, fimas (inflammatory elements, rosacea, bumpy formations).

Why do we need old skin? Let's film!

Human skin is constantly renewed, but with age this process becomes slower. She needs help with peeling. There are many types of this procedure: some simply carefully remove dead particles, while others can help you get rid of an entire layer of skin.

  • Home peeling using gentle means. It can be carried out either with creams with harsh additives or with special mittens - the main thing is not to overdo it. Aging skin recovers slowly, so any scratch on it can turn into a problem.
  • Light to medium peeling. In modern clinics it is performed using ultrasound or laser. Acid solutions can also be used. In the case of hardware peeling, skin restoration occurs faster, since in addition to removing dead skin particles, ultrasound and laser stimulate blood circulation in its deep layers, after which tissue metabolism increases.
  • Deep peeling. It is done using an acid solution. The process of chemical peeling removes an entire layer of cells and creates new, youthful skin. This procedure is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of contraindications and is followed by a long rehabilitation period. The skin may crust over for a month or more.

As for the intimate area, no peelings can be performed in this area, with the exception of the groin area, i.e. areas outside the vulva. Any scratches, cracks and even ordinary irritation in this area can lead to the activation of herpes and other troubles. The mucous membrane does not need peeling; it must renew itself. If this does not happen, the issue is again resolved with the help of injections of hyaluronic acid.

Treatment algorithm

“Today, the understanding of the causes and mechanism of development of rosacea is different than 5-10, and even more so 20 years ago,” states Elena Arabianskaya, “therefore, the approach to treatment is different. The diagnosis is made on the basis of prolonged erythema and fim. Therapy depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease and the nature of the rash. For treatment, we already had good drugs: we had azelaic acid, metronidazole, but now topical ivermectin is becoming the leader. It gives a double effect. Its pronounced antiparasitic effect allows you to reduce the population of skin mites, but at the same time (which is very important) it has anti-inflammatory properties. This drug works great in the presence of inflammatory elements (papules, pustules), but redness may still remain. Therefore, it is recommended to act on receptors to blood vessels. For this purpose, brimonidine tartrate was used, which was used to treat some forms of glaucoma. It starts working in 30 minutes and wears off in 12 hours.”

Laboratory tests for microorganisms and demodex mites are not carried out for either acne or rosacea!

As for hardware techniques, so-called vascular lasers are relevant here. They not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also reduce the density of mites. Diode, alexandrite, neodymium lasers and broadband pulsed light (IPL) can be used for the same purpose.

Auxiliary methods of treating the disease are microcurrent therapy for lymphatic drainage, cryotherapy for vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effects. Treatment of concomitant diseases also plays an important role. In general, combination therapy gives good results.

Sleep, air and water are best friends

Relying only on decorative cosmetics, of course, is absurd. After all, dull skin, bags under the eyes and an unhappy expression cannot be disguised even with the most expensive foundation. No need to. Provide yourself with at least 8 hours of sleep, albeit short, but still walks in the fresh air, regular exercise or at least an hour long walks at a brisk pace, as well as a contrast shower - and, you see, the mirror will become much more kind to you. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition and sufficient fluids (at least 1.5 liters per day). Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, less fatty, floury and sweet foods - this will help regulate not only your weight, but also your stool, which is extremely important not only for the health of the digestive tract, but also for the condition of the skin.

Excess water. Why facial swelling occurs and how to deal with it Read more

Strengthen the barrier

“Another important point is the condition of the skin barrier,” continues Elena Arabian. — In patients with chronic rosacea, transepidermal water loss is very pronounced, which leads to increased inflammatory response, degradation of the intercellular matrix and collagen structures — this contributes to early skin aging. The vast majority of people suffering from rosacea have sensitive skin, so they need adequate daily skin care. These products are based on caffeine, which improves microcirculation, glycerretinic acid derivatives, which restore the skin barrier, and sun protection.

Start with self-love: where to get money for beauty

“Everyone wants to look good, but only the rich can afford it.” Do you think so too, that’s why you don’t buy good cosmetics and try to give every penny to your children and grandchildren? Commendable, but when will the moment come when someone will start helping you? Oh, yes... in old age... they will bring you a glass of water...

Money for beauty

Or maybe reconsider your attitude to the situation? Will your loved ones be against it if you start taking care of your health and appearance? A beautiful, healthy and young grandmother is always a source of pride for her grandchildren. In addition, looking good means getting a boost of energy and good mood in the morning. Everyone will benefit from this!

Of course, when the flow of money becomes somewhat shallower, there will be those who are dissatisfied. But you don’t have to worry about this - they will manage just fine without your injections. Moreover, this will encourage young people to solve the problem in honest ways, for example, by finding a better job or spending their budget wisely. This practice is so useful in life!

In general, we found the money, and now we begin to rejuvenate the skin.

Types of swelling

In rare cases, the causes of facial swelling in the morning may be pathological.

  • Morning swelling around the eyes may indicate kidney problems.
  • If the skin also turns red and breathing becomes difficult, this could be an allergic reaction. But it develops in just a few minutes, so contact with the allergen had to take place in the morning. For example, I applied a new, untested cream to my skin.

But this is particular.

We will still talk specifically about a sleepy face - a fairly common phenomenon that is most often associated with an incorrect lifestyle.

In general, with a healthy lifestyle, stagnation should not occur. The drainage of lymph from the face, like the rest of the body, is slow. If there are no provoking factors that retain fluid, then the body itself copes with lymphatic drainage. On the contrary, your face should become fresher by morning.

Why then does lymph sometimes stagnate on the face at night, making it look like a half-deflated balloon by morning?

Plastic surgery

With a deformation morphotype of aging, it makes sense to resort to plastic surgery. Deformities of this type are associated with subcutaneous fat. The surgeon will work with it, due to which in just one operation he will help get rid of age-related defects.

Of course, plastic surgery is a radical method. It should be resorted to only when cosmetic procedures do not give the desired result. You must first consult with a specialist, since plastic surgery has many contraindications.

Let's sum it up

If you have a deformational type of facial aging, there are many preventive measures and elimination of signs of aging. You should not immediately resort to radical methods of struggle. First, bring your weight back to normal and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If there are no obvious signs of aging yet, home care with cosmeceuticals will be quite sufficient. It is recommended to resort to cosmetic procedures at an older age, when creams and masks no longer cope with their task. Plastic surgery should be the final stage in the fight for youth. It is turned to when other methods become ineffective.

Rituals that energize

It is very important to always, even on weekends and during vacations, adhere to a single sleep-wake cycle. By waking up and falling asleep at the same time, you synchronize this cycle, which guarantees complete and restorative sleep. For better health when waking up, it is recommended to calculate the cycles and phases of sleep and wake up at the end of the cycle.

In order for the body to fully wake up, after awakening it is necessary to replenish the lack of fluid. For this, for example, green tea, rich in antioxidants, is suitable.

Finally, the last morning ritual is breakfast. Food eaten at breakfast is best processed by the body throughout the day, so this meal should be the richest. Fresh fruits, grains and fiber make an excellent basis for breakfast. Drink a glass of fruit juice, coffee, black, or better yet, white or green tea. During breakfast, we build up a supply of energy that will last us until lunch.

Tips for people with deformational type of aging

So, if you belong to this morphotype, follow the recommendations presented below.

Control your weight

Watch your figure. To do this you need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle. It’s easy to do exercises in the morning or go for a run. Then you will preserve the youth and beauty of your skin for a long time.

If you already have problems with excess weight, you need to immediately start fighting it and contact an experienced fitness instructor or nutritionist. If this is not possible, you can always exercise at home or go on a diet, but only after consulting a specialist.

Follow the right diet

It is necessary to eat rationally at any age, and even more so from 30-35 years old. Have dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, reduce the amount of salt consumed, give up fast food, fatty, smoked and fried foods. You also need to get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). All this causes tissue swelling, which will be pronounced in the deformation type.

Choose your treatments carefully

If you do not yet show signs of aging, give preference to preventative care procedures. These preventative measures will help delay the onset of skin aging for several years.

Choose your procedures carefully. It is important to understand that even people with the same type experience aging differently, since each of us is individual. For example, one person may develop puffiness, a second may have ptosis, a third may have jowls, and so on.

Therefore, do not be lazy to study information about cosmetology events on the Internet and first consult with several specialists. They will select the optimal care regimen and help you choose the most suitable procedure, since some of them are ineffective for the Slavic type of aging, while others can have the opposite effect, which is why you will look not younger, but, on the contrary, older.

Advantages of deformation type aging

This morphotype has several clear advantages:

  • wrinkles and age spots do not appear;
  • If you monitor your weight, then as you age, the contours will not blur too much, it will be almost unnoticeable.

Owners of this morphotype are very lucky, because now it is not so difficult to control body weight. There are a huge number of diets, exercises and so on. In the future, that is, with aging, this will play into their hands, since age-related changes will be practically unnoticeable.


Check if you have found yourself in the following situations.

  • You went to bed late and simply didn’t get enough sleep.
  • I slept with my face in the pillow (not only did I squeeze the vessels through which the lymph should flow, but I also wrinkled the skin).
  • It was the evening before, and the alcohol consumption limit had clearly been exceeded.
  • I took it and drank plenty of water before going to bed and ate a watermelon.
  • Or was it beer with vobla? (alcohol + salty = swelling's best friends).
  • I cried before going to bed (crying also disrupts the drainage function).
  • You are a smoker.

All these are factors that provoke lymph retention in tissues.

That is, first of all, we look at what we drink and eat. Liquid is retained in the body if we abuse alcohol, salty, spicy, sweet foods (especially before bed).

But that's not all. Malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic system and the “pumping out” of tissue fluid are affected by everything that we consider an unhealthy lifestyle: unbalanced nutrition, low physical activity, stress, chronic fatigue, etc.

How to get rid of swelling

Woke up with a swollen and bruised face, but no time, need to run errands?

We offer you several express methods to combat a sleepy face:

  1. Contrast wash.
    Wash your face alternately with cold and warm water. This way you will activate microcirculation, reduce swelling and improve skin color.
  2. Massage.
    Lymphatic drainage techniques are the best help for your face when you need to quickly “dry” it. We force the lymph to move with the help of:
      General lymphatic drainage:
      look at what a simple and fun exercise there is for this, called “Cockroach”:
  3. Self-massage of face and neck.
    You can quickly remove swelling from the face by working on the chin, lower jaw, ears, and periorbital area. The main lymphatic channels are located here, and there are also lymph nodes near the ears and under the lower jaw.
  4. It's even better to massage not only your face. To drive fluid from it through the lymphatic tract and nodes, it is also necessary to work on the neck and areas above the collarbones and in the armpit area (there are “flocks” of lymph nodes there).

  5. Vacuum cans.
    Massage with vacuum cans provides an excellent lymphatic drainage effect.

    Apply squalane or light oil to your skin and do as Annette does:

    You can buy glass jars for the Beauty365 face at www.beauty365.ru.

  6. Masks and compresses according to folk recipes.
    If you have 15-20 minutes left, you can apply something homemade decongestant to your face during this time:
    • Compress with tea.
      Cool the brewed tea bags in the refrigerator (both black and green tea will do) and apply to problem areas.
    • Compress with chamomile infusion.
      Soak gauze or a piece of cloth in the infusion and apply it to your face.

  7. Parsley mask.
    1 tsp. parsley, ground to a paste + 1 tbsp. sour cream.
  8. Potato mask.
    Grate half a potato tuber + 1 tsp. milk + 1 tsp. flour
  9. All of these options for masks and compresses can be applied to any area of ​​the face, even under the eyes.

Procedures to restore tone to the legs

To tone your legs and improve blood microcirculation, after taking a shower, pour cool water over your legs, which stimulates the venous system and improves blood circulation. An ideal ritual for women with heavy legs!

The second morning ritual that will help keep your legs light throughout the day is massage . To stimulate blood circulation after your morning shower, massage your legs from bottom to top using moisturizing milk. This ritual facilitates blood circulation and at the same time moisturizes the skin. This toning massage is also beneficial for the hands.

Disorders associated with swelling of the eyelids

By morning, not our entire face may swell, but only the area around the eyes. Bags appear on the lower eyelids, the upper ones float, droop and turn your beautiful big eyes into “slits”. You look sleepy and sick.

Such selective facial swelling is not uncommon. The area around the eyes is the best indicator of lymphatic problems. This is where excess liquid tends first.

Why? Because this is the most vulnerable area. The skin of our eyelids is the thinnest, 6 times thinner than on the cheeks. In addition, there is a mass of lymphatic and blood vessels in/under it. The lymph happily fills the “pockets” formed here, and your usually open gaze can no longer be seen in the shapelessness of the puffy “glasses”.

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