Anna Buzova: husband and children. Personal life of sister Olga Buzova

Anna Igorevna Buzova - A well-known entrepreneur throughout the country. The heroine of our article gained fame from her participation in the scandalous show “Dom-2”, where the girl came with the goal of building her love. Unfortunately, Anya was unable to find her soulmate on the project. Buzova Jr. is over thirty years old; she has been living with her lover, a businessman named Konstantin, for several years; the couple has no children.

Anna Buzova

Her Instagram is one of the most popular in the Russian segment. The girl shares work and personal photos with her subscribers. Despite the fact that Anna has not been a participant in Dom-2 for a long time, journalists and numerous fans still continue to follow her. With her unsolved secrets in her personal life, the mysterious girl only fuels public interest in her personality.

Olga Buzova

Dream of living like an older sister

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that Olga Buzova is a bright phenomenon in Russian show business. She began her career with the controversial television project “Dom-2”, then began singing and filmed several videos. Today, her face never leaves television screens, and there are even fans of her talent among the public. The question about talent is debatable, but no one doubts about intelligence and intelligence. Since childhood, Olga could be considered a child prodigy. She went to school when she was 5 years old. At the age of 15, she began modeling and worked part-time at a camp. At the same time, she graduated from school with a silver medal and entered the Faculty of Geography at the university. The younger Anna tried to be like her charismatic sister in everything, but she had a completely different fate.

Two sisters

Anna started earning money in her teens. At first, she worked part-time cleaning floors in the clinic where her mother worked. Then she sold in a store and tried herself as an administrator in a beauty salon. She didn't want to deny herself anything. Her parents gave her pocket money, but the girl wanted to have her own earnings. It is no coincidence that after school she entered an economics university and graduated well.

Then Anna went to the casting of the show “Dom-2”. As a participant, she stayed on the television set for 28 days. During this period, she practically did not communicate with anyone except Olga and her boyfriend. Compared to other bright participants, the girl stood out with her modesty and obvious reluctance to be the center of attention. Lonely guys tried to start communication with her, and the loving Stepan Menshikov was even going to leave Aigun Hasanova, clearly liking the new girl. But the girl decided that life outside the set was much more interesting and left the project. Anna Buzova's biography turned out to be connected with entrepreneurial activity and the blogosphere.

Childhood and youth

On May 6, 1988 (zodiac sign Taurus) in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg - a second girl was born into the family of military man Igor Dmitrievich and dentist Irina Alexandrovna, who was named Anya. After the divorce, the mother raised her daughters alone, and the sisters met with their father on weekends. Unfortunately, there are gaps in the biography of Buzova Jr., for example, information about her childhood and youth is extremely scarce.

Although today Anna and her sister Olga Buzova have a warm relationship and sincere affection for each other, in their youth the sisters had scandals. Any trifle could become a stumbling block between them, starting from outfits (the younger one secretly tried on Olya’s clothes, which is why the conflict arose) and ending with guys.

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Anna Buzova in childhood
It is unknown what grades Anya received at school. But the girl was a diligent and modest student, incapable of rebellious acts, unlike Olya, who began “smoking” in high school. Buzova Jr. was not slow to convey the news about the addiction to her parents, however, she did not do it out of malice, on the contrary, she wanted the best - so that her sister would not harm her health.

Since childhood, Anna dreamed of running a business. At the age of 12, Buzova washed her mother’s floors in a clinic, worked as a salesperson, and even worked as a beauty salon administrator. She always wanted to not deny herself anything, but her parental income did not allow her to live in luxury. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having received a certificate of secondary education, the graduate followed her dream and continued her studies at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Parents and family values

The origins of education always lie in family traditions. The Buzov family never needed money. They weren’t luxurious, but they lived comfortably. Father Igor Dmitrievich was a military man. After retiring, he went into construction business. Then he became a manager. He raised his daughters to be independent both in life and in earning money for it. Since childhood, girls have understood one simple thing: to earn a lot, you need to work a lot. When the daughters grew up, the father left the family, but this did not stop him from maintaining good relations with them. He didn’t give start-up capital to any of the girls, but he still helps with advice.

The family was not friendly for long; the mother took the main care of the girls.

Mom Irina Aleksandrovna worked in a dental clinic as a dentist. She, like no one else, supported her daughters in their desire to become famous. She doubted when Olga was the first to go to House-2. But the daughter behaved decently at the TV set, so Anna did not encounter any resistance from her mother when she herself decided to participate in the project. Mom lives by the principle: until the age of 18, you can raise a child, and after 18, he begins an independent adult life. This wise decision may have helped the sisters decide on their position in life.

Business and love

Having received an economics education, Anna took up entrepreneurial activity. The time for part-time jobs is over, a full-fledged business life has begun. Blogging is not the girl’s main source of income. Since 2022, she has been a trainer of the BAXUS PRO project for conducting fitness training at home. She opened her own line for the production of clothing, shoes and accessories, BUNA. Later, a company was registered under Anna’s name, promoting not only cosmetic products, clothing and shoes, but also selling agricultural equipment. According to journalists, the management of all this “heavy artillery” is now handled by our heroine’s chosen one, Konstantin Shtrykin.

The couple is happy, young people love each other

They met a long time ago, in their youth. They have been living together for more than 10 years. At first they had a business relationship. Anna, Olga, Konstantin and another man were the founders of Fashion LLC. The company was engaged in trade in non-food products. Over time, a romantic relationship began between the young people. Since then, Anna Buzova’s personal life has been connected only with this man. In 2022, presumably, they entered into a legal marriage. Evidence was provided by a photograph of Anna in a wedding dress, which she posted on Instagram during a trip to Prague.

According to the maid of the hotel where the couple stayed, the wedding took place in the capital of the Czech Republic. The guests included parents and close friends. Olga Buzova was not at the celebration. Journalists explained her absence as another quarrel between the sisters. But, most likely, the eldest was busy filming her next project.

Interesting fact! The Buzov sisters have a common business. They organized a chain of original jewelry stores, Bijoux Room. Some sales are conducted online. The younger Buzova’s personal initiative to become part of the beauty industry was not successful. In 2020, she had to close the Buna Beauty Bar salon, which did not last even a year.

With Konstantin Shtyrkin, Anna feels like she is behind a stone wall. Recently, the couple acquired their own apartment in Moscow. The housewarming party was celebrated together with candles and a small festive table.

Modest, empty, but with a good view of the city

Was there a wedding?

In the summer of 2022, the younger Buzova published a photo on Instagram in which she poses in a delicate wedding dress.

Anna Buzova in a wedding dress

The caption to the photo read “Intrigue.” Subscribers immediately began to bombard Anya with questions about the wedding, but the girl only remained silent, without giving any comments. The alleged husband of Anna Buzova also neither confirmed nor denied the information about the wedding.

It became known that the photo was taken in Prague. Soon rumors spread online that Anya really got married, but did not invite her sister to the celebration. One of the employees of the hotel where the wedding was celebrated allegedly told about this.

“All her guests from the wedding stayed in our hotel. But my sister was not among them, my parents were there, but they left for literally one day. There are many guests, Olina’s girlfriend is here, but Olga was not there,” the message read.

According to the hotel worker, it was clear that Anna was very angry with her sister. By the way, at the moment when the younger Buzova allegedly celebrated her wedding, Olga herself was vacationing in Turkey.

Stroke and its consequences

The husband supports Anna and takes care of her. When she suffered a stroke in mid-2020, the emergency dispatcher did not believe that the disease could happen to a young 32-year-old woman. Konstantin personally took his wife to the hospital, where she was treated. The intervention turned out to be timely. Anna has already begun to have problems with speech and her face is distorted. Thanks to my young body, it took a little time to recover from the attack. While studying the problem of the disease, doctors came to the conclusion that this could be one of the consequences of COVID. In their opinion, young people are at risk precisely for stroke.

It will take all of 2022 to recover from illness


Anna Buzova is a popular entrepreneur and ex-participant of a scandalous project, where the goal of each participant is to build their love. Although Anna’s career at Dom-2 did not work out, journalists and numerous fans follow her life. With the mystery and unsolved secrets in her personal life, Olga Buzova’s sister only fuels public interest in her person.

Plastic surgery

Anna has never hidden the fact that she is prone to being overweight. This can be seen from her photographs of past years. The girl sticks to a diet and constantly plays sports. She even wears sports style clothes. Instead of heels - sneakers, instead of dresses - loose pullovers and jeans. She denies rumors of plastic surgery, but if her Instagram photos are posted without the use of Photoshop, then it’s hard to believe. Smooth skin, slightly fuller lips, a smooth, neat nose, and raised cheekbones indicate the opposite. Plastic surgery is a common thing for House-2 participants. For them, this is a kind of lifestyle and fashion. Perhaps Anna succumbed to the influence of the girls from the television project and decided to slightly improve her appearance. Although the blogger herself denies everything.

Before and after photos found online, the difference is 10 years. Maybe she just grew up?

Show "Dom-2"

Initially, Irina Aleksandrovna did not want to let her second daughter take part in the scandalous project, but she changed her mind about the reality show when she saw the worthy behavior of her eldest on TV. At Dom-2, Anna, unlike Olga, did not stay long and left the long-running television series after 28 days.

Buzova Jr. admitted more than once that she came to the perimeter because of a relationship with her ex-boyfriend: Anna wanted to attract the attention of her ex-boyfriend, whom she had been dating for 3 years.

In addition to the single guys, Stepan Menshchikov, who at that time was paired with Aigun Hasanova, also drew attention to the charming brown-haired woman. However, a jealous participant in the TV show stopped the ardor of the loving Stepan, and the fleeting sympathy of the lover of caring for women did not result in a long-term relationship.

Posted by House 2 Life on Friday, November 27, 2020

Anna Buzova on the project "Dom-2"

According to rumors, Buzova considered the no less spectacular participant Alena Vodonaeva to be her main competitor. It is also known that Anna did not communicate with virtually anyone from the women’s bedroom, but preferred to spend time with her sister and her lover Roman Tretyakov.

On the television project, Buzova never managed to achieve the main goal of “House-2” and build her love. Anna preferred an ordinary life, devoid of the constant sight of television cameras, to the alluring world of show business.

The second arrival to the project took place 3 years later, when Olga was already listed as the TV presenter of the show. Buzova Sr. invited her sister as an expert. TV viewers noted that the girl had become slimmer and even prettier. They even said that Anna resorted to plastic surgery, but she did not comment on this matter.

Why did the bright blonde change her image?

All the time, fans knew Olga as the owner of platinum hair and bronzer. The presenter did not change her bright blonde throughout her career. But after her divorce from football player Tarasov, she dyed her hair color, got a haircut and completely changed her image. This is usually what women do. And Olga Buzova made the right decision. She broke out of the boring image of the blonde. In addition, Olya started several new projects.

Today Buzova looks harmonious, elegant and aristocratic. Through trial and error, she found herself. Her change of hairstyle and color immediately became an example to follow. Today Olga Buzova is one of the most stylish media personalities.

How the figure of Olga Buzova has changed

The TV presenter is well built and has never been burdened with excess weight, so she does not need surgical correction of the body, for example, liposuction. After a painful divorce from her husband, Buzova became interested in fitness; regular visits to the gym and proper nutrition contributed to her losing 7 kg. Today Olga is in great shape. Fans are only haunted by the natural reduction of the breasts, which were not particularly large before. Any other media person (and there are a lot of such examples!) would have immediately undergone augmentation mammoplasty, but not Buzova! The TV presenter said that she does not experience any complexes about her bust and is quite happy with the shape and size of her breasts.

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