Salome Svanadze: husband and children. Personal life, biography

Successful plastic surgeon Salomea Nikolaevna Svanadze individually approaches the choice of surgical method for each patient, taking into account the following factors:

  • Objectives of the intervention;
  • Features of anatomy;
  • The client's idea of ​​the ideal.

She never uses standard surgical techniques. Salomeya Nikolaevna is a worthy representative of a successful dynasty of four generations of surgeons. She specializes in augmentation mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, and improving body aesthetics using lipomodeling methods.

S.N. After graduating from the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov, Svanadze completed an internship in general surgery at the department of City Clinical Hospital No. 61. Then she continued her studies at her native university, mastering the basics of plastic surgery. She honed her professional skills under the guidance of leading plastic surgeons from the best aesthetic medicine clinics in Moscow. Dr. Svanadze takes an active part in domestic and international conferences, congresses, and master classes. She studied the developments of Western colleagues at the Stockholm aesthetic medicine clinic Akademikliniken. After this, Salomeya Nikolaevna began to use them in her surgical practice.

A talented doctor combines surgical practice with administrative activities. She carries out business administration of medical institutions that provide therapeutic and surgical cosmetology services. Dr. Svanadze masterfully performs the following plastic surgeries:

  • Lipofilling of the breast and buttocks;
  • Lipotransfer;
  • Mastopexy;
  • Breast augmentation with implants;
  • Reduction breast plasty of the mammary glands;
  • Nipple plastic surgery and halos.

She is fluent in all methods of rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and liposuction known today. Salomeya Nikolaevna uses traditional and innovative plastic surgery techniques to correct defects in appearance. One of the innovative methods of intervention on the mammary glands is lipofilling - correction of the shape with one’s own adipose tissue. The surgeon takes biological material from one area (thigh, abdomen, back of the back) and transplants it to another. Thus, it replenishes the insufficient volume and models the desired contours. This technique has an undoubted advantage - it allows you to achieve an excellent natural result in a natural way, without the introduction of implants and fillers. The improved appearance lasts for many years.

Salome Svanadze about her husband, family and love

On Instagram you can sometimes find unfriendly criticism of married couple Salome Svanadze and her husband from Montreal (Canada), with whom she has been living for 5 years. Most often, casual readers of her Internet page are concerned about Salome’s children and the age difference between her and Tim, which is 10 years. Of course, it’s not always pleasant to read tactless remarks and posts from complete strangers who are trying to express their negative judgment. However, most of her subscribers are grateful to their beloved doctor, just as she is to them, opening her soul to those whom she considers her friends.

In the photo: Salome Svanadze and her husband Tim Theroux

“Believe me, when you’ve been spending every day for more than four years in joy and harmony next to your loved one,” Salome Svanadze writes on her page, “the last thing you’re interested in is the opinion of a random social network user. I wish us all a reliable inner core, and a more powerful one, so as not to feel dependent on the opinions of others, but to listen and hear only ourselves. I wish all couples happiness, and for my free subscribers I want to say that “with whom” and “when” is not so important, the main thing is that it truly warms the feeling of the most genuine and creative love!”

Personal life of Salome Svanadze

The popular surgeon does not like to talk about his personal life. She is modest in everyday life and devotes a lot of time to her favorite work. Her popularity did not affect Salome’s self-esteem, but only added responsibility for any of her actions, deeds, and even for the photographs that she posts on her personal page on Instagram, VKontakte and Facebook. Fortunately, the education the girl received at the university, which is called Sechenovsky (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov), allows her to always feel confident.

Salome speaks about herself with her characteristic modesty: “My dad is a surgeon. As a schoolgirl, I often visited him at work. Sometimes he allowed me to look into the operating room. But as a child, I didn’t think of following in the footsteps of my respected parent. I really liked psychology, so I seriously considered a humanitarian profession for my future, and following the example of my father, I always strived to be useful to people. After graduating from school, I realized that medicine attracted me more and more, and most of my friends wanted to devote their lives to medicine, so I decided to become a doctor.”

At first, Salome Svanadze thought that her rather young age and very striking appearance might confuse or even repel future patients or potential clients. After all, social networks have changed the system of choosing a plastic surgeon, allowing you to choose “your” doctor from many. When people lined up for her, she was somewhat surprised. Patients often tell the doctor about the reasons that prompted them to make their choice. One of the main arguments that allowed them to choose Svanadze was her appearance. Looking at Salome, patients are sure that she knows exactly what a beautiful woman should look like.

In the photo: Salome Svanadze

Why is Salome Svanadze not looking for a groom?

Let's leave all the regalia of Salome Nikolaevna Svanadze to the popular science press. Yes, 10 years experience. Yes, more than 1.5 thousand satisfied patients. Yes, candidate of medical sciences.

We are interested in something else. Why is such a beautiful girl - and Salome is just right to retrain from plastic surgeons to a model - not looking for a groom?

You won’t see her on the “Let’s Get Married” show, and she’s not invited to appear on the Bachelor either. Maybe she has a profile on Tinder? No, not available.

A girl in the prime of her life and beauty - Sali is only 33 years old. She can rightfully be considered a thief of men's hearts.

Salomeya Nikolaevna, where is the groom?

You probably already guessed it.

Of course, Salome does not have a groom, because she does not need one - she has a husband!

Broad-shouldered, tall, handsome - to match Dr. Svanadze - today's husband, yesterday's groom Tim Theroux.

Photo from the personal archive of Salome Svanadze /

Tim met Sali in 2014 on the veranda of one of the Moscow clubs. The girl delighted him at first sight, and he turned all his charisma to the maximum - after all, Salome just couldn’t be won!

Fortunately, Tim managed to charm the beautiful princess the first time - that same evening she gave him her business card, and 3 years later they got married.

The wedding ceremony, indescribably beautiful, took place in the historical homeland of the Svanazde family - in Georgia, on the slope of Mount Mtatsminda. “All the flags came to visit us”: Salome has a fairly large family and many friends, and Tim managed to live in 8 different cities around the world and made more than one friend in each.

Photo from the personal archive of Salome Svanadze /

Salome and Tim's honeymoon was no less wonderful: the couple spent it on the shores of Sorrento, Italy.

Son and family tradition

We didn’t have to wait long for a new addition to the family - the first-born Max was born 2 years after the wedding: 08/21/2019. Since ancient times, the Svanadze family has had a tradition of alternating the names Lebanon - Nikolai in the male line. Salome did not interrupt the tradition - and gave Max a second, middle name - Leonard.

This name is doubly symbolic: on the one hand, it is a tribute to the beloved grandfather. On the other hand, this is the name of the Montreal singer and poet Leonard Cohen, famous in Tim’s homeland.

Photo from the personal archive of Salome Svanadze /

Today, the future eligible groom is already one and a half years old - and he has managed to fly around almost the whole world with his parents. They say that Max’s favorite place is his great-grandparents’ house in Tbilisi - it’s warm, sunny, near the sea and delicious khachapuri from his favorite hands.

Biography pages of Salome Svanadze

Salomea Nikolaevna Svanadze is a 29-year-old specialist in aesthetic surgery, a worthy successor to the dynasty of surgeons. The internship that Salome completed at the Department of Surgery at City Clinical Hospital No. 61, and the subsequent residency at the Department of Plastic Surgery at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, allowed her to start working at the Bust Clinic in Moscow.

However, the girl, by her own admission, never stops there, continuing her professional education. Along with this, Salome takes part in medical conferences, both Russian and international. She is a frequent guest of professional master classes held in our country and abroad. Dr. Svanadze graduated from RMA Business School and has an MBA in Business Administration.

Now Salome is engaged in surgery in the following areas: blepharoplasty, mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, as well as liposuction, lipofilling, etc. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about the work of this talented young surgeon. Modern girls are concerned about the beauty of their body, the ability to please their husbands and loved ones. This is probably why Dr. Salome Svanadze has more than one hundred thousand subscribers on her Instagram page.

How old is Salome Svanazda?

Young professional

Salomea Nikolaevna Svanadze is a plastic surgeon and, moreover, a candidate of medical sciences. Athlete, Komsomol member... Oh, sorry, this is from a different story.

But Salome is truly a beauty - it’s not for nothing that you have to queue for her in advance. And we believe that such beauty gives Salome a great advantage over male surgeons - after all, firstly, it is easier for a girl to open up in front of another nice girl than in front of an unfamiliar man. And secondly, Salome, with her entire appearance, prepares patients for the fact that after the operation they will receive an ideal result.

As a rule, only one thing confuses them: how did such a young girl manage to become famous throughout Moscow and even beyond its borders?

So how old is Dr. Svanadze?

The answer is simple - Salome has been working in the field of plastic surgery for ten years, and during this time she has managed to change the lives of more than 1,500 girls. Word of mouth works better than any other advertising; happy “renewed” ladies invite their friends to Dr. Svanadze.

“How old is she if she has 10 years of experience?” – you ask – “She couldn’t have started working while still at school?” Of course not, Salome Svanadze is 33 years old.

photo from the personal archive of Solomea Svanadze /

Briefly about experience and specialization

Salome Svanadze was born in 1987 on October 2 in Moscow into a family of Georgian doctors. After graduating from school, Salome received a diploma with honors from the First Medical School, and later completed an internship, residency and defended her Ph.D. thesis.

Dr. Svanadze specializes in mammoplasty and mastopexy (breast surgery), rhinoplasty (nose), abdominoplasty (stomach) and several other types of plastic surgery.

In addition, one of the favorite procedures of Salome’s patients is liposculpture. This is a 2 in 1 operation: excess fat is transplanted into the mammary glands, you lose weight and get beautiful breasts. But it’s not suitable for everyone – that extra fat should be enough.

Salome also undergoes a complex operation to restore her body shape after childbirth - mommy makeover. But, like liposculpture, mommy makeover is also not suitable for everyone - it is too much stress for the body.

Choose “your” doctor correctly

In fact, it doesn’t matter how old you are - 33, or 43 or 53, the main thing is that the doctor is experienced and you are satisfied with the results of his work. You should definitely meet him, chat and look at before/after photos of other patients. Only in this way will you understand for sure whether the surgeon’s “handwriting” matches your vision of beauty.

Plastic surgeon Salome Svanadze

The first plastic surgeons were required to restore a person after an accident to maintain his vitality. However, modern plastic surgery is most often aesthetic. Doctors help people become more attractive. And Salome Svanadze is confident that this area of ​​medicine deserves serious attention.

“The client must remain in complete harmony with himself,” says Salomeya Nikolaevna. — Sometimes even a very beautiful woman wants to change something about herself. However, you can’t say “No” to her, because we know how sweet the forbidden fruit is! Therefore, I explain why this should not be done, pointing out the difficulties and disadvantages of such an operation, show photographs, and try to convey that she (he) is already in complete harmony with nature.”

When mammoplasty, as a branch of surgery, was just born, many women sought to make themselves the maximum bust size. Now in our country and abroad, surgeons are increasingly promoting natural volumes (2–2.5). However, some clients stubbornly insist on having large breasts, and only a small part of women ask for natural-shaped breasts.

Girls with unstable psyches strive to change themselves as much as possible. Therefore, having started with the correction of one thing, they no longer think of stopping, forgetting that this affects their health. “I understand such patients well. My task includes not only purely surgical correction of appearance, but also the ability to understand why the patient goes under the surgeon’s knife. After all, in the pursuit of beauty, it is not always possible to fully assess the consequences of a particular operation.”

The plastic surgery clinic can be fun sometimes. They show, for example, a photograph of Kim Kardashian and say: “I want it like hers!” One day, a man who came with his wife for a consultation quietly asked Salomea Nikolaevna: “Is it possible for my wife to have breasts like yours?” … “If you, as a plastic surgeon, ask me what beauty is, then I will draw a table and calculate all the percentages, according to generally accepted standards. However, the standard does not make a person unique, does not reflect the beauty of his smile or eyes. Beauty is not about size and proportions, but about pronounced individuality.”

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