How to make a paraffin body wrap at home

Until recently, paraffin wrap was used only for medical purposes for muscle relaxation and warming up. After paraffin treatments, patients noted not only a therapeutic effect, but also a pronounced cosmetic effect. Wrinkled skin smoothed out, stretch marks decreased, sagging and cellulite disappeared. Therefore, paraffin wraps are firmly entrenched in the list of services provided by modern beauty salons.

Paraffin wrap is a cosmetic procedure aimed at increasing the temperature of the skin using molten paraffin. This method helps to cope with problems such as cellulite, cracks, wrinkles and other defects.

Beneficial properties of paraffin for the body

Despite the fact that paraffin is heated to a high temperature, burns are excluded. This is a unique material; it has low thermal conductivity, due to which it releases heat gradually. In addition, it has a high heat capacity and is able to maintain its temperature for a long time. Cosmetic paraffin is chosen for procedures, as it is more free of harmful substances than regular paraffin.

The benefits of paraffin wrap are as follows:

  • Removing toxins
    . During the procedure, the skin temperature increases and the pores open, and active sweating begins. Along with it, all the harmful substances that have accumulated in the skin for a long time come out.
  • Active hydration
    . Paraffin removes toxins released along with sweat, and the remaining purified liquid is absorbed back into the skin, relieving it of dryness.
  • Rejuvenation
    . Due to abundant hydration, the process of restoring the skin's water balance starts, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Improvement of skin structure
    . With such thermal procedures, the blood supply to the body significantly improves.
  • Anti-cellulite effect
    . When cooled, the paraffin shrinks and creates pressure on problem areas.
  • Antistress
    . Paraffin wrap has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves blood pressure.
  • Nutrition
    . Using essential oils during the procedure helps quickly saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals.

The paraffin wrap method is quite effective. Improvements are noticeable after the first procedure: the skin will become soft, moisturized, tightened and beautiful.

Operating principle and benefits

Previously, paraffin wraps were used only for therapeutic purposes. However, relatively recently it began to be used in cosmetology practice. After the procedure, the skin acquires a smoother surface and cellulite is eliminated.

In medicine and cosmetology practice, high-quality paraffin is used, which melts well. This product does not contain coloring additives or other harmful elements.

The main advantages of wrapping include the following:

  • Stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • Elimination of excess weight;
  • Cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • Moisturizing the epithelium;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation;
  • Elimination of cellulite;
  • Fighting stretch marks;
  • Healing of affected areas of the dermis;
  • Increased elasticity of the epithelium;
  • Skin rejuvenation;
  • Elimination of wrinkles on the hands and other parts of the body.

The mechanism of action of paraffin wrap is based on warming the skin, which has a beneficial effect on its condition. The temperature effect stimulates sweating, which helps achieve optimal results.

Beneficial elements, under the influence of heat, penetrate deep into the pores, which provides nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin of the face and hands. The procedure also produces a lymphatic drainage effect. As the film cools, it compresses the treated areas and leads to the removal of excess fluid. In 1 session it is possible to cope with 1-1.5 kg of excess weight.

Contraindications to the use of paraffin wraps

Paraffin is often used to treat various diseases in sanatoriums and medical institutions. A doctor's approval is required to receive this procedure. This indicates that paraffin is not as safe as it seems.

When not to use paraffin wrap:

  1. The presence of open wounds on the skin;
  2. Infectious diseases of the dermis;
  3. Fresh scars;
  4. Allergic reactions;
  5. Peripheral vascular diseases;
  6. Cardiovascular diseases;
  7. Diabetes;
  8. Hypertension;
  9. Varicose veins;
  10. Pregnancy;
  11. Gynecological diseases;
  12. Poor endurance at high temperatures.

As we can see, the list of diseases is quite large. This is due to the fact that during the procedure the body heats up very much, which is not safe for an unhealthy body.

Each paraffin wrap ingredient must undergo strict control for the presence of individual intolerance. This is not difficult to do, just apply it to an area of ​​skin and wait about fifteen minutes.

You should not perform the procedure if there is an exacerbation of any chronic disease not listed.



Before performing this procedure, read the contraindications.


  • gynecological diseases;
  • severe forms of hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thyroid problems;
  • pregnancy, menstruation;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the mixture;
  • various damage to the skin, skin diseases.

Refrain from the procedure if you have acute illnesses, fever, or feeling unwell.

Recipes for paraffin body wraps

The paraffin wrap procedure is very common in beauty salons, but the price is so high that not every girl can afford this pleasure. You shouldn’t be upset about this, because at home you can recreate all the conditions of a beauty salon.

Paraffin wraps for cellulite

Cosmetologists use two main compositions: parafango and shokofango. Each consists of cosmetic paraffin, which is commercially available. The remaining ingredients can be added as desired. For example, to make parafango, you will need dead sea mud and seaweed. Ready-made kits are sold on the Internet; mixing all the ingredients is not difficult. For chocofango, the products are simpler: cocoa powder and almond butter.

The procedure for applying paraffin to areas where there is cellulite is very effective, as excess fluid drains out of the tissue. In one session you can reduce the volume by a centimeter. Before doing an anti-cellulite wrap, it is important to prepare the skin, that is, peel. Immediately before the procedure, you can apply any cream that helps in the fight against orange peel. But there are other ways to carry out the procedure.

Recipes for paraffin wraps for cellulite:

  • Chocolate
    . Take 200 grams of paraffin and place it in a pan. It is better to heat it in a water or steam bath. You can use a regular stove, but then it will be difficult to control the temperature and the burners may accidentally get dirty. Add one tablespoon of cocoa to liquid paraffin. When the mixture begins to harden, apply it to problem areas, wrap with cling film and a towel.
  • With sea salt
    . Prepare paraffin as in the previous recipe and add one tablespoon of sea salt. Apply the mixture to your thighs and legs.
  • Essential oils
    . The point of this recipe is that before performing a paraffin wrap, you need to smear problem areas with anti-cellulite essential oil, for example, rosemary. Then the effect of the procedure will be much more noticeable.
  • Coffee wrap
    . Try adding a little ground coffee grounds to the liquid paraffin. Carry out the procedure in the same way as usual: cover the necessary areas of the body with paraffin, wrap it with film or a bag and insulate it thoroughly.
  • With clay
    . Buy blue clay at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Dilute it with warm water to a creamy consistency and combine with heated paraffin. Colored clay perfectly breaks down fat and rejuvenates the skin.
  • With seaweed
    . If you come across brown algae powder, be sure to purchase it for paraffin wrap procedures. It is diluted in warm water to a cream state and combined with warm paraffin. This wrap will not only tighten the skin, but also enrich it with iodine.

A paraffin wrap at home will take about an hour, the same as in a salon. Only in a beauty salon you will have to pay a lot of money for this procedure. To get the best result, you need to do at least five procedures and do not forget about sports and proper nutrition.

For greater effect, before the procedure, you can do an intense massage of problem areas of the skin.

Paraffin body wrap for dryness

The paraffin wrap procedure is applicable to moisturize the entire body; it can also be performed on the arms, legs, thighs, abdomen and face. Purified paraffin in a molten state is suitable for these purposes.

Paraffin wrap recipes:

  1. For hands and feet
    . Before the procedure, exfoliate your arms and legs, massage your hands and feet, and apply a light moisturizer. Warm the paraffin to 55 degrees and dip your hands and feet into the mixture three or four times. Next, put on cellophane gloves and wrap your hands in a thick towel, wrap your feet in film and put on socks. After twenty minutes, when the mixture begins to cool and your hands and feet become wet, remove the paraffin and put on cotton gloves and socks overnight.
  2. For face
    . First, prepare your face: remove makeup, apply a scrub and any mask of your choice. Prepare in advance a piece of gauze with a hole cut out for the nose. Place it on your face and apply paraffin with a brush, avoiding the eye area. Place cellophane strips on top and cover your face with a towel. The paraffin mask can be removed after fifteen minutes using warm water.
  3. For the belly
    . Chocofango is the best choice for this area. Cocoa powder and almond butter fight well against excess fat deposits, which are so characteristic of the sides and abdomen. You can purchase the ready-made mixture at the pharmacy in the form of a briquette weighing 500 grams. Shokofango is heated to the optimal temperature and applied to the required areas for twenty minutes, covered with a film on top and insulated. Just don't wrap the cling film too tightly.
  4. For the hips
    . This area requires special attention, because it is most susceptible to the formation of fat. Buy a mixture of parafango at the pharmacy and carry out the procedures every two days. Apply the product in several layers for an hour.

Our pens require special attention, as they are under the negative influence of the environment. Washing dishes and wet cleaning without using gloves spoils the appearance of your brushes and makes your skin dry and irritated. In addition, age is also noticeable in the skin of your hands. Paraffin wrap at home will help restore beauty and health to your brushes.

A face mask can improve skin texture, smooth out wrinkles and moisturize. It must be applied regularly after reaching the age of 30 years.


Paraffin wraps at home can be performed to solve various problems. Therefore, the specifics of the procedure depend on the nature of the problems.

Be sure to read: Description and effectiveness of the non-invasive lipolysis procedure

For cellulite

Anti-cellulite wrap should be carried out after cleansing problem areas and applying a moisturizing composition to them. The manipulation lasts 1 hour.

During the procedure you need to relax as much as possible.

To conduct a session, a warm paraffin mixture must be applied in several layers to problem areas - stomach, thighs, buttocks. The composition may contain algae extracts, oils with anti-cellulite effects and other useful elements.

After applying the mixture, the treated areas should be wrapped in film and wrapped in a towel. Almost immediately a pleasant feeling of warmth will appear and the active process of sweating will begin.

During the session, the body is cleansed of excess fluid. This is why it is so important to restore water balance. To do this, the skin is treated with an effective moisturizing composition. With water, the body loses toxic elements that clog the intercellular area and provoke the appearance of cellulite.

Experts advise taking a course of such paraffin wraps. It includes 5 procedures.

It is important to remember that only an integrated approach will help cope with cellulite.

For hands

To perform a paraffin wrap, your hands should be cleaned. It is recommended to wash off the nail polish. To begin with, it is worth doing peeling of the dermis. To do this, you can mix dry milk, oatmeal and a little soda. You can also add sea salt to the composition. Before applying to your hands, add olive oil and warm water to the mixture.

During peeling, you should perform self-massage of your hands. During the procedure, it is recommended to treat each phalanx and palms. Massage of the back side is of no small importance. All movements must be performed softly and smoothly.

After peeling, hands should be covered with moisturizer. You can do it yourself. To do this, you need to mix 1 large spoon each of melted beeswax, sea buckthorn and olive oils, as well as calendula oil. You should also add 10 drops of camphor oil and 5 drops of vitamins E and A to the mixture. Apply the resulting cream to your hands and rub vigorously. This will stimulate blood flow to the fingertips.

To make a useful mixture for wrapping, paraffin must be heated to 55 degrees. You need to dip your hands into the resulting composition 3-5 times. After which you should put on plastic gloves. Then you should put mittens on your hands or wrap them in a warm towel.

Be sure to read: Characteristics of a massage belt for belly slimming

The mask should be kept for about half an hour. When your hands begin to cool and become wet, the composition must be removed. You should wear cotton gloves at night. Paraffin hand wrap should be done once a week. This will help cope with sagging, pigmentation and increased dryness of the dermis.

For face

This procedure perfectly stops the aging process and helps smooth out formed wrinkles. The manipulation is carried out in courses, each of which includes 5 sessions. Women over 30 years old need to perform the procedure every 3-4 days.

To achieve good results, you need to do the following:

  1. Cleanse your face and apply your favorite scrub. After which you can wash your face;
  2. Apply a mask with a rejuvenating effect. To do this, you need to mix rosehip and jojoba oils in equal parts, as well as crushed carrot and dill seeds. Apply the composition with a brush or fingers, rubbing in thoroughly;
  3. Cover your face with gauze, making a hole in it for the nose;
  4. Apply paraffin with a brush, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  5. Apply strips of cellophane on top and cover with a towel;
  6. After a quarter of an hour, wash with warm water and lubricate your face with an impressive layer of moisturizer.

How to make paraffin body wraps

To avoid possible complications, it is important to prepare well for the procedure and thoroughly study all the nuances. You should start by preparing all the necessary accessories and components.

The choice of ingredients for paraffin wraps should be taken seriously. It is best to use material purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store. The remaining components of this procedure can be found at your home.

For paraffin wrap you will need:

  • Cosmetic paraffin;
  • Additives depending on the recipe or ready-made mixtures of parafango and shokofango;
  • Body Scrub;
  • Moisturizing, anti-cellulite cream, aromatic oils;
  • Cellophane bags or cling film;
  • Blanket or warm towels;
  • Cotton gloves and socks;
  • Brush for applying paraffin;
  • Container for melting paraffin.

When you carry out the procedure at home for the first time, you are wondering how much paraffin you will need. To wrap the entire body, it takes about two to three kilograms at a time. Remember that paraffin cannot be reused. Therefore, it is better to stock up on material for at least five times.

Precautions when using body paraffin

Different areas of the body require an individual approach when applying paraffin wraps. It is also important to learn how to properly apply and remove the product from the body. You may not be able to do the procedure yourself the first time, so it is better to seek the help of family members or friends.

When wrapping with paraffin, consider the following:

  1. Time
    . The first procedure should take no more than fifteen minutes. Then gradually increase to sixty minutes. As for the face, the paraffin mask is removed after twenty minutes in any case; it cannot be left on longer.
  2. Temperature.
    Monitor the heating level of the paraffin; it should not exceed 55 degrees. It is also allowed to increase the temperature by 7 degrees if you tolerate such procedures well. First, dip your finger in paraffin, if it is not hot, you can begin the procedure.
  3. Heating paraffin
    . Melt paraffin in three ways. You can use a water bath, or you can place the paraffin in the oven or microwave. It is preferable to choose the first method, since others are dangerous for household appliances.
  4. Application technique
    . The skin should not be cold; warm up the body in advance with massage, exercise or shower. Apply gradually to the desired areas using a wide brush. Dip your hands and feet into paraffin several times.
  5. Removal technique
    . It is necessary to remove paraffin from the face carefully from bottom to top. The material is removed from the body in reverse - from top to bottom. It is removed from the feet from the ankle to the toes. Hands are freed from the layer of paraffin from the wrist to the fingers.
  6. Frequency of application
    . It is recommended to carry out such procedures every three days. The course should not exceed fifteen times, then it is important to take a break for a month.
  7. Relaxation
    . After you have applied paraffin and wrapped yourself well, take a horizontal position and try to disconnect from all your affairs and problems. The body should be as relaxed as possible for the effect of the procedure to be stronger.

How to do a paraffin wrap - watch the video:

No time to go to salons - we do everything at home

Despite the fact that this is a salon procedure, you can completely do a paraffin wrap at home. This procedure consists of several stages:

  • preparation for the wrap, which consists of thoroughly cleansing the skin, first under a hot shower, then using a scrub. At the same time, the body is lightly massaged. This is necessary in order to facilitate the penetration of medicinal components into the skin and enhance blood microcirculation;
  • applying serum. Serum is a cosmetic serum that stimulates the penetration of certain substances into the skin. If you are going to do paraffin wraps for cellulite, then you will also need an anti-cellulite serum, which you can buy at any pharmacy;
  • now the paraffin is actually applied. First, check that it is not too hot and apply it to the body with a special brush. The paraffin anti-cellulite wrap is applied in several layers. You will have to stock up on paraffin in advance by buying it at the pharmacy and warming it up before the procedure in a water bath or in the microwave;
  • wrap your body in plastic cling film and cover yourself with a warm blanket. The duration of the procedure is approximately an hour;
  • Now the paraffin is removed. There are also rules here. On the face it moves away from the neck to the forehead, and on the body - starting from the top and gradually moving down. The hands are cleansed from the wrist to the fingers, the legs - from the ankle to the toe;
  • After the procedure, apply nourishing cream to the skin and dress warmly. It is advisable to use this weight loss wrap recipe at home in the evening so that you can go to bed immediately after it.

For your information!

Throw away the remaining paraffin - it will not be used a second time.

Paraffin for velvet handles

To improve the appearance of your hands, apply a paraffin hand wrap. This simple procedure can reduce the volume of chubby hands and relieve them from cracks and dryness.

Before the procedure, the skin of the hands is cleansed and a cosmetic serum is applied to them (anti-cellulite, nourishing, moisturizing - it depends on what you want to achieve).

It is advisable to lightly massage your hands. Then the hands are immersed in a paraffin bath up to the wrist for a few seconds. Now take them out and wait until the paraffin hardens and stops dripping.

Do 6–8 such dives. Put plastic bags and warm mittens on your hands. The wrap lasts approximately 25 – 30 minutes.

Benefits of paraffin body wrap

Paraffin is a white or yellowish petroleum product. The consistency is similar to wax. Paraffin melts at temperatures in the range of 45-65 degrees. For medical and cosmetic purposes, highly purified paraffin is used, which melts at temperatures up to 55 degrees.

A distinctive feature of the substance is the combination of low thermal conductivity with high heat capacity. Therefore, throughout the entire procedure, paraffin gives off its heat to the skin, accelerating metabolic processes and increasing sweating and the removal of toxins.

The result of wrapping with paraffin is:

  • Skin moisturizing;
  • Rejuvenation by smoothing wrinkles;
  • Elimination of muscle tension;
  • Improving local blood flow;
  • Acceleration of lymph flow;
  • Removal of waste and toxins;
  • Skin nutrition;
  • Reducing the visibility of stretch marks;
  • Reducing the visibility of cellulite;
  • Weight loss due to profuse sweating and accelerating the breakdown of fats.

The benefits of paraffin wraps increase with the use of additional cosmetics. Depending on their purpose, the procedure can be targeted: against cellulite, stretch marks, against wrinkles, to relieve muscle tension or for weight loss. Paraffin, by maintaining a high temperature and opening pores, promotes maximum absorption of creams, serums and masks by the skin.

Indications and contraindications

Paraffin wrap is shown:

  • For fractures, sprains and dislocations, for torticollis and stiff joints;
  • For warts and cracks on the heels, thickened dry calluses on the feet;
  • For arterial hypertension;
  • For arthritis;
  • For tendovaginitis, bursitis and other inflammatory processes and injuries;
  • With articular growths that limit movement.

But the procedure has more contraindications. These include:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Lack of motor ability of the joint;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Open wounds;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Vascular diseases of peripheral organs;
  • Fresh scars with thin skin;
  • Damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system;
  • Acute and chronic pathologies of articular cartilage;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pustular skin lesion.

Paraffin wraps should be used with caution for varicose veins. Warm procedures can expand the veins even more. Paraffin wraps are not recommended if you are prone to excessive hairiness.

What are paraffin wraps made of?

There are two widely used paraffin compositions in cosmetology:

  1. Parafango;
  2. Shokofango.

Let's consider each of the compositions in more detail.

NameCompoundEffectNumber of procedures in the coursePrice of paraffin wrap in the salon
  • Highly purified cosmetic paraffin;
  • Mud extracted from the Dead Sea;
  • Laminaria (algae).
Increased tone and elasticity of the skin, weight loss. Elimination or prevention of cellulite, elimination of stagnant processes. 8-10 every 3 daysThe cost in Russia varies between 3,000-6,000 rubles per procedure.
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Fresh almond flour or almond butter;
  • Cosmetic paraffin.
Skin moisturizing. Elimination of sagging and signs of cellulite. Acceleration of local blood flow and weight loss. Elimination of depression and symptoms of chronic fatigue. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels. 10-15 every 2-3 daysThe cost in Russia varies between 1,500-7,000 rubles per procedure, depending on the area of ​​the body being treated.

Essential oils, sea salt or clay are also added to the wrapping composition. Essential oils help relax the nervous system and muscles. Sea salt helps speed up metabolism, and clay fights stretch marks and sagging, moisturizes the skin and deeply cleanses it.

Miraculous parafango

If not just paraffin, but a mixture of paraffin and sea mud is applied to the skin, then this procedure is called parafango.

The composition of such mud includes seaweed, thermal plankton and other components. It itself is a unique source of calcium, iodine and about 30 other beneficial salts and minerals.

This is a salon procedure that is not much different from a paraffin wrap. It is indicated for cellulite, excess weight (but not obesity!), age-related skin changes and loss of elasticity.


If you can’t visit a salon, you can do a parafango wrap at home.

To do this you will need:

  • a mixture of parafango, or sea mud and cosmetic paraffin;
  • body cleansing scrub containing sea salts. You can simply mix olive oil and sea salt;
  • anti-cellulite serum;
  • cling film, blanket;
  • paraffin bath, brush.

To achieve an anti-cellulite effect, it is necessary to perform 10–15 procedures, which should preferably be performed every other day, but at least one procedure every 3 days. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

What do you need for a paraffin wrap?

A paraffin wrap against cellulite requires a set of cosmetics and appropriate accessories. To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • Paraffin bath for 3 kg of composition;
  • Parafango or shokofango wrapping mixture;
  • Sea salt body scrub or other peeling;
  • Anti-cellulite serum or oil;
  • Cellophane film;
  • Brush for applying paraffin composition;
  • Thermal blanket;
  • Anti-cellulite cream.

!Advice! If you perform a paraffin wrap at home, replace the cosmetic film with cling film. It is cheaper and copes well with the functions assigned to it.

The essence of paraffin therapy

Paraffin wrap is one of the heat treatment methods.
The effect of paraffin is to uniformly warm the skin, which in turn leads to softening of the stratum corneum. During the procedure, the sebaceous glands open, sweating, blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage are activated. Skin cells are actively freed from oxides and better absorb nutrients. Thanks to the properties of paraffin, the pure substance does not evaporate from the surface of the skin, but is absorbed by the cells, perfectly restoring the water balance. Thus, harmful substances are eliminated, and useful ones are absorbed.

Paraffin has the ability to gradually release heat. If you apply a substance heated to a temperature of 52-55 degrees on the skin and cover it with polyethylene, we will get the effect of a sauna with additional nutrition of cells with beneficial substances included in the mixture. This way you can achieve a powerful anti-cellulite, rejuvenating, nourishing effect even at home.

Preparation for the procedure

Before applying the paraffin mixture, it is necessary to perform the following preparatory procedures:

  1. Shower with a body scrub or exfoliator. Can be replaced with sea salt mixed with vegetable oil;
  2. Treat problem areas with anti-cellulite serum or oil;
  3. Melt paraffin in a bath and add seaweed and sea mud for parafango. For chocofango you will need cocoa powder and almond flour, which can be replaced with butter if necessary;
  4. Stir the paraffin mixture until smooth.

!Advice! If you don’t have a paraffin bath, you can melt the mixture for wrapping in a water bath. The result will be the same, but the process itself is more labor-intensive.

Method of performing the paraffin wrap procedure

The effectiveness of the procedure will increase if you rub the problem areas before applying the composition. To combat cellulite, massage your buttocks and thighs, and to reduce fat deposits, massage your sides and abdomen. When performing a paraffin wrap for children against torticollis, knead the neck with your fingers. This will help to locally increase body temperature, and the baby will not feel hot during the procedure.

After the massage:

  1. Apply the paraffin mixture to problem areas of the body with a brush;
  2. Wrap them in cellophane film without tightening it tightly. This is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature, and not to fix the application;
  3. Take a horizontal position and cover yourself with a blanket;
  4. Relax for 30-40 minutes.

Advice! If you are doing a paraffin wrap for your hands or feet, then simply dip your limbs in a bath of the mixture.

A distinctive feature of paraffin wrap is the easy removal of the application. The frozen mass in the form of a crust is removed from the body, exposing clean skin. It is lubricated with anti-cellulite cream. This completes the procedure.

Difficulties in applying a mask at home: notes for a novice master

If you are doing a paraffin wrap for the first time, the following notes will help you avoid unwanted incidents:

  1. Heated paraffin can drain excessively quickly and in large volumes from the areas of the body to which it is applied. To avoid uncontrolled spreading of the mask, place small “obstacles” in the way of liquid paraffin movement (for example, tie some parts of the body with pieces of fabric).
  2. Paraffin strongly eats into fabric fibers and is difficult to remove from clothing, so during the procedure, wear old or unnecessary things.
  3. Heated paraffin can damage plumbing fixtures, so it is strictly forbidden to flush it down the toilet or into the bathtub.

Possible complications

Complications are possible after paraffin wrap:

  • Allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the components of the mixture;
  • Burns when using a paraffin composition at a temperature of 55 degrees. You can get a burn if you do not warm up the treated areas of the body;
  • Stretching of the venous vessels, loss of their tone with varicose veins;
  • Thickening and rapid growth of unwanted hair in the paraffin-treated area;
  • Decreased blood pressure.

Advice! To avoid getting burned, dip your finger in the mixture before applying paraffin to your body. If you feel comfortable, continue the wrapping procedure. If it’s hot, wait a little for the mass to cool down a few degrees.

Paraffin wrap at home and in the salon

You can sign up for a paraffin wrap in a salon or perform the procedure at home. The pros and cons of each option are shown in the table.

Location of the procedureprosMinuses
House+ Cheap. To conduct a course of 12-15 procedures, you will need about 8,000 rubles. This is approximately 7 times less than what is needed for the entire course in the salon. + No need to sign up for the procedure. It can be done at any time convenient for you. — Inconvenience of applying paraffin. It is very difficult to do the procedure yourself, provided that it is advisable to lie still during it. You will need help from another person.—Increased risk of complications. Without special knowledge, it is easy to forget about safety precautions.
Salon+ Minimal risks of complications.
Beauty salons employ professional cosmetologists who strictly follow the methodology of the procedure. + Convenience. The cosmetologist will do everything for you, from skin peeling to applying cream. + Enjoyment. The paraffin wrap procedure is very pleasant. The pleasure is enhanced by the fact that a cosmetologist does everything for you.
- Expensive. To conduct a paraffin wrap course in the salon, you will need 7 times more funds.— The need to sign up for the procedure. You will be waited in the salon at a strictly designated time.
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