Vacuum massage of the face and body at home: benefits, how to do it correctly

Many people have heard about vacuum banks. Some even remember how they were put on their backs when they had a cold. Today, vacuum massage is actively gaining popularity and has a lot of useful properties. This technique has acquired a new shape and is now used not only for health improvement, but also for weight loss.

Special jars are used for vacuum massage. Due to the special design, rarefied air (vacuum) is formed inside the flask, which is why it is tightly “sucked” to the body. Even the subcutaneous layers of tissue are involved in the process. As a result, blood circulation and lymph outflow improve. Many athletes began to practice vacuum massage between training and performances for quick recovery and pain relief.

What are the benefits of vacuum massage

Vacuum massage should be done on problem areas of the body. Most often these are the buttocks, stomach, legs, arms, face (for lifting).

To obtain the desired effect, you must follow the recommendations of experts, which we will discuss in more detail later in the article. As a result of correct execution of all stages of cupping massage:

  • sleep will become stronger;
  • swelling will disappear;
  • back pain will stop, headache will stop;
  • you can fight chronic diseases;
  • the risk of sprains will decrease;
  • excess volumes will go away;
  • muscle pain and tension will disappear;
  • the skin will become more elastic and smooth;
  • you will get a boost of energy.

Vacuum massage has a beneficial effect on the body. However, before starting the procedure, you should make sure there are no contraindications. Massage stimulates the movement of lymph, so if you have certain problems, complications may arise.


  • presence of autoimmune diseases;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • purulent diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatitis, eczema;
  • elevated temperature;
  • fungus;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis.


At first glance, cups seem absolutely safe and the only disadvantage of using them is spots and bruises on the skin.

Skin reaction to cupping

However, this method of treatment is not suitable for everyone, since it has a whole list of contraindications:

  • skin diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • oncological formations;
  • inflammatory processes of any kind;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with blood vessels, thrombosis;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • physical exhaustion.

The ban on the procedure is due to the fact that a sharp blood flow contributes to the spread of harmful microbes and viruses throughout the body, intensifying inflammatory processes, and the formation of blood clots. Cupping should not be used for children under 3 years of age, as well as for those with a thin physique and nervous excitability, regardless of age.

Banks are placed only if there are no contraindications

Advice. To avoid negative consequences, you should definitely consult your doctor or therapist before the procedure.

How to massage with a vacuum can at home

Vacuum massage at home will not require you to purchase expensive equipment. All you need is cream, jars and oil.

A special anti-cellulite product is better as a cream. You should not buy the most expensive, since vacuum massage will require a large volume. Regular cream is absorbed in a few minutes, so it is important to use additional oil with anti-cellulite effect before applying it to the skin. If you have a goal to lose extra pounds, then anti-cellulite cream and oil together with a jar will give you the desired result.

For home vacuum massage, one can will be enough for you, since working with two cans at the same time will be ineffective and inconvenient. This instrument is made of glass or flexible materials (polymer, silicone, rubber). Some say that a glass jar glides better, but do not forget that it can break. If you are not sure which one is better to choose, try each option and decide for yourself.

When performing vacuum massage, follow the general recommendations:

  • As with any anti-cellulite massage, it is important to warm up the skin well before the procedure. Ideally, this would be going to a sauna or taking a bath, but if this is not possible, you can simply massage the skin by rubbing in warm oil for a few minutes;
  • at the second stage you can add anti-cellulite cream. This is optional, but recommended for weight loss purposes;
  • if you have a jar made of flexible material, place it in hot water for a few minutes to make it more pliable;
  • Before placing the jar on the skin, you first need to squeeze it in the center with two fingers. When we press it to the body in this form, we release it. At this moment, the skin is sucked into the jar by a vacuum;
  • We immediately begin to move the can over a certain area of ​​the body. We move it slowly, working through the entire area. With active movements, you can harm yourself and get bruises;
  • do not be distracted from the procedure and do not stop moving the jar. If you leave it at one point for even a minute, you will get a bruise;
  • You need to fully concentrate on the vacuum massage. It is impossible to combine it with any other activity, so turn on your favorite music and do a massage. Hold the jar firmly, but do not press on it;
  • When vacuum massage is performed correctly, the skin will turn red. Remaining products can be rubbed until absorbed or taken in the shower;
  • There is another option to massage while taking a bath. To ensure that the jar glides over the body, you can use shower gel or oil.

Which cosmetic product to choose for the procedure

To perform a cupping massage, you can choose one of two products: oil or cream. The first is practically not absorbed into the skin, due to which less is consumed. As a rule, a few tablespoons of oil are enough for one session. Also, the herbal product is distinguished by its natural composition, budget price and long shelf life. Coconut, flaxseed, almond, peach, olive or even sunflower oil (the simplest and most affordable option) are perfect for cupping massage. It is recommended to add apricot, peach, grapefruit, lemon, orange, cinnamon, rosemary, mint, patchouli, geranium, cypress or cedar ether to the base product. All of the oils listed have anti-cellulite properties, which will increase the effectiveness of the procedure. To prepare the composition, a ratio of 5:1 is used. In this case, five parts of the base product and one part of ether are taken.

Even ordinary sunflower oil is suitable for the procedure.

Massage creams also have benefits. Cosmetics are perfectly absorbed, which allows you to avoid having to shower at the end of the session (especially important for busy people). Also, anti-cellulite creams have an additional warming property, due to which the effectiveness of the massage increases. In addition, the products contain special active ingredients aimed at eliminating the “orange peel”. The main disadvantage of creams is wasteful consumption. For one cupping massage session you may need 50–150 ml of product.

Decide for yourself which product to choose for the procedure. It is recommended to try both options and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Vacuum thigh massage for cellulite

  • When performing a massage for the hips, the gluteal area and legs above the knee are affected. On the buttocks it is necessary to perform circular movements, and on the legs - move the can from top to bottom and in a zigzag manner;
  • The average diameter of the jar is 7 cm. This size is enough to capture the required volume of skin and carry out the massage procedure with smooth movements;
  • do not touch the inner thighs;
  • we move along the same line no more than 6 times;
  • Do not perform vacuum massage chaotically, as you will harm yourself;
  • massage movements should be neat and smooth;
  • Do not use any force to hold the jar on your skin. Just hold it tightly, but don't press it down. If it slips, squeeze it again and apply it to the skin;
  • Experts recommend starting the massage from the area above the knee.

One session lasts on average about 40 minutes (15-20 minutes for each leg). However, beginners are recommended to start with 5 minutes per zone, for a total of 10 minutes per day. And gradually increase.

Regarding frequency, expert opinions are divided. It depends on the degree of cellulite and the characteristics of the body. This can be 15 days in a row, after which there is a break for a month. Or you can do vacuum massage for 20 days, and then take a break for six months. There can be many schemes, look at your health and time. To get an anti-cellulite effect, the main thing is to massage every day for 2-4 weeks.

Table: pros and cons of the method

  • Easy to do. Even a completely untrained person can do a massage using cupping.
  • Budgeting. Medical jars can be purchased for 200 or 1,500 rubles, depending on capabilities and preferences.
  • Solution to the problem of cellulite. Cupping massage combats impaired blood flow, rather than simply smoothing the surface of the epidermis. Thanks to this, skin health is restored and the results last a long time.
  • Discomfort. A frequent occurrence during a session. Most often it occurs if you have just started practicing the method. Over time, the discomfort should subside.
  • Inconvenience. Some areas affected by cellulite are difficult to treat on your own, so you have to look for outside help.
  • Redness. In summer, traces of the procedure will be visible to the naked eye, so it is better to perform a massage in the cold season.

Vacuum abdominal massage

  • A silicone jar is good for vacuum massage of the abdomen;
  • The procedure should be carried out on clean skin with the application of special anti-cellulite oil;
  • first warm up the skin with your hands, massaging movements;
  • for the abdominal area, circular movements with the jar in a clockwise direction are suitable;
  • Do not massage the lower abdomen. Vacuum massage in this area can be harmful to health;
  • the first procedure should last no more than 10 minutes so that you can see the body’s reaction;
  • after the first session, small hematomas may appear;
  • after the 3rd session, increase the massage time to 15-20 minutes;
  • after the 6th session, if you feel well, you can extend it to 30-40 minutes;
  • at the end of the massage, remove the remaining oil with a towel and lie down for half an hour;
  • eating no earlier than 2 hours later.

What do doctors think?

Doctors believe that anti-cellulite massage using cupping is one of the most effective and affordable methods of getting rid of the “orange peel”. However, experts warn that the presence of excessive discomfort during the session is a sure signal for its completion. Doctors recommend listening to your feelings and not enduring pain for the sake of beauty. Doctors also warn against being too harsh on the epidermis: pressing and sharply tearing the cans off the surface. In addition, you should not overheat the skin before the procedure to avoid increased sensitivity. Cupping massage is not a panacea for cellulite, doctors say. To solve the problem once and for all, act comprehensively:

  • eat right,
  • get enough sleep,
  • play sports
  • get rid of bad habits,
  • minimize stressful situations,
  • drink more fluids.

Massage using cups is not an absolutely safe method of combating cellulite, experts say. That is why it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor before starting practice, as mentioned above.

Vacuum facial massage

  • when performing a vacuum facial massage, it is better to take non-comedogenic oil;
  • in this case, only the lower part of the face is affected - cheekbones, cheeks, chin;
  • the jar must be disinfected before and after touching the face;
  • After the procedure, it is better to wash your face to remove any remaining product from the skin;
  • massage movements are performed from the bottom up, in the direction from the chin to the cheekbone area;
  • You cannot do vacuum massage in the neck and lymph nodes;
  • Also, massage should not be done if there is irritation or rashes on the face.

Precautionary measures

To avoid side effects, certain precautions must be observed:

  • Conduct a test for individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Apply the massage mixture to the inside of your elbow. If after 24 hours no irritation occurs, feel free to use the product.
  • Do not neglect to read the instructions included with the jars. The fact is that the latter may contain information about the features of using the devices you purchased.
  • Do not forget about preparing the epidermis for the session. Poorly warmed skin means an increased risk of hematomas and bruises.
  • Do not massage with cups in the area of ​​the heart, kidneys, mammary glands and spinal column.
  • The first course of cupping massage is recommended to be performed with devices with a small radius of influence. With experience, the size of the tool can be increased. The larger the jar, the stronger its effect on the skin. In this regard, the epidermis can be damaged, especially if this is the first course of massage.
  • One area should not be massaged for longer than 3–5 minutes.
  • During the procedure, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the epidermis. If the latter acquires a burgundy tint and itches, stop the session immediately. However, it should be remembered that a pink surface and a slight desire to scratch the areas affected by cellulite after the procedure are normal.
  • Do not be alarmed by the appearance of water bubbles on the treated surface after the procedure. This is a clear sign that there are stagnant formations in the affected area. In such a situation, it is recommended to reduce the intensity and duration of the massage.
  • Do not use massage oils containing aggressive ingredients: hot pepper, mustard, etc. The devices already have a strong effect on the epidermis, so the method is effective. Increasing the effectiveness of hot massage products may lead to an increased risk of side effects.

    It is not recommended to use oil with pepper for cupping massage

Methods of influence

Vacuum roller massage is carried out using plastic bowls called maniples. There are several different diameters - for a specific part of the body. A vacuum is formed in them artificially. Inside the handles there is a movable roller, as well as an infrared emitter. Thanks to this, this method combines several technologies: the use of vacuum cans, rollers, infrared radiation and radio frequency waves (RF energy). Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Vacuum absorption

The vacuum formed as a result of pumping air out of the handpiece absorbs and stretches the skin. At the same time, fat deposits become more mobile and can now be easily excreted through the lymphatic system of the epidermis. This allows you to reduce body weight and reduce its volume.

Science has proven that under the influence of vacuum, the production of collagen is activated - a natural protein that is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. This way you can get a sustainable skin lifting effect.

Regulators of the intensity and frequency of skin suction make it possible to prevent the occurrence of swelling, as well as to avoid painful sensations during the procedure.


The mechanical effect of the roller mechanism on the skin promotes the destruction of connective tissue cords that tighten the tubercles. Thanks to this effect, the volume of fat deposits is noticeably reduced. In addition, forced kneading of the skin increases microcirculation in the skin tissues, improves lymphatic drainage, and evens out the texture and color.

The cosmetology clinic offers you the following procedures:

  • Dysport contour plastic surgery;
  • contour plastic;
  • lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid;
  • botox for wrinkles;
  • facial mesotherapy;
  • etc.
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