How to thicken the skin on the face and under the eyes: proper care and strengthening

Signs of thin skin

Sensitive and thin skin

With age, our skin type can change depending on lifestyle, climate, bad habits, dietary habits, professional conditions, cosmetics used, and past diseases.

Thin facial skin can be easily tested using a regular napkin. When you apply it to your face, you will never see traces of oil, since this type is prone to excessive dryness. This condition is caused by a decrease or complete absence of sebum production. It leads to loss of elasticity, firmness, premature aging and the appearance of a noticeable number of wrinkles. In addition, this type of skin is characterized by pronounced capillaries, which can give the face a red and unhealthy tint due to the thinness of the epidermis.

As for the skin around the eyes, in all women, without exception, it is dry and thin due to the lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue. If you start proper care from an early age, you will maintain and also significantly improve its condition for many years without the need to use radical and aggressive rejuvenation techniques.

Fungal diseases


Lesions on the skin of the eyelids occur due to exposure to yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, redness, and the appearance of small pustules. Therapy is carried out by treating the affected areas with nystatin ointment and taking nystatin internally.

Trichophytosis (ringworm)

The cause of the disease is fungi of the genus Trichophyton. Clinical manifestations are hyperemia and swelling of the eyelids, the formation of pustules and yellow crusts. A coating of spores appears on the eyelashes. In some areas of the eyelids, eyelashes fall out or break off.

It is possible to develop concomitant diseases – conjunctivitis or keratoconjunctivitis.

During therapy, the affected area is treated with a solution of alcohol and iodine. Griseofulvin is recommended for internal use.


The disease is caused by actinomycetes (radiant fungi). A dense knot forms in the outer or inner corner of the eyelid, but there is no pain. Over time, it softens and forms an intradermal infiltrate, after opening which a fistula with purulent discharge remains (it does not heal for a long time). Antibacterial therapy and actinolysate are prescribed. An x-ray is taken, the abscess is opened and scraped out.

Features of care for thin skin of the face and around the eyes

Thin skin requires regular care

Thin skin types do not tolerate washing with soap well, becoming thinner and dehydrated even more each time. However, if you cannot do without this usual procedure, use soft water that has gone through the boiling process. Soap can be used once a week, not more often. As a cleaning agent, you can use egg yolk, rich in valuable vitamins and microelements, white bread crumb infused with milk, steamed oatmeal, and sour cream.

Before washing, it is best to lubricate the area around the eyes with a thin layer of olive or any other plant-based oil.

Do not rub or stretch such skin under any circumstances. Perform all movements easily and carefully, avoiding the appearance of irritation and folds. Cosmetologists advise cleaning it in the morning with special products in the form of milk, lotion, thermal water, which are not able to remove the lipid protective layer created overnight. They must be completely free of alcohols and components that dry out the epidermis (acids, abrasives), otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Try to spend less time in the sun, since ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of dryness, early aging and thinning of the skin layer.

If exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, be sure to use protective products containing special filters that reflect directed rays and prevent the aggressive, destructive effects of the sun on epidermal cells.

In winter, before going outside, be sure to lubricate your skin with nourishing creams containing a high percentage of fats and natural oils that tighten and tone the turgor.

Every evening massage of the face and area around the eyes can significantly improve blood supply and, as a result, nutrition of thin skin. It should be performed with your fingertips after cleansing your face and before applying caring cosmetics. Movements should be neat, light, directed from the middle of the face to the temples, that is, strictly along the massage lines.

Problem: drooping upper eyelids

No one has canceled the force of gravity, however, in addition to gravity, ptosis can be associated with both the loss of tone of the orbicularis muscle and its hypertonicity. And the root of the problem may be a hernia of the upper eyelid. Each case is individual and requires individual consultation with a cosmetologist.

Solution: hardware procedures

Stretched skin of the upper and lower eyelids does not have to be immediately “cut” in a plastic surgery clinic. Radiofrequency thermolysis, performed after anesthesia using special equipment, can quickly, painlessly and without a rehabilitation period tighten the skin and reduce its stretching. More radically, the volume of “excess” skin will be reduced by laser resurfacing procedures - in this case, remember that you cannot do without a rehabilitation period.

Solution: plastic surgery

Oksana Deryabina, dermatocosmetologist, anti-aging medicine doctor, chief physician of New Face Clinic

There are problems that only plastic surgery can help to cope with - for example, hernias of the upper eyelid. Combating these manifestations with the help of hardware and injection techniques is expensive, time-consuming and sometimes useless; moreover, it often has the opposite effect. Why torture yourself if there is blepharoplasty, which is done very quickly, under local anesthesia, and requires a little rehabilitation in one or two weeks? In some cases, only after radical measures does it make sense to profitably work on improving the skin with injections, threads and creams.

Tigran Aleksanyan, MD, plastic surgeon and founder of the Art Plastic clinic

Upper blepharoplasty is indicated for age-related and genetic changes. On the eyelid, excess skin that hangs or approaches the eyelash edge is removed. To get the best result, the doctor makes an incision in the area of ​​the natural fold. If you take this nuance into account, the surgical intervention will remain invisible to others. After the operation, the patient’s appearance improves, swelling and “heavy eyelid” syndrome disappear.

Photo: @doctor_vasilisa

Lower blepharoplasty eliminates cosmetic defects in the lower eyelid area and gives a fresh face, an “open look.” The operation is indicated for severe atrophy of skin tissue in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids, deep wrinkles, bags, skin creases.

More often, preference is given to classic blepharoplasty , when skin tissue atrophy is simultaneously corrected and hernias are removed through an incision in the lower eyelid area. For young people, surgeons recommend the transconjunctival method , in which hernias are removed through an incision or puncture in the conjunctival area. The advantage of this technique is the absence of scars on the skin, pain and a short rehabilitation period.

What active ingredients should be present in eye cosmetics?

Cosmetics for eyes with thin skin should be special

High-quality compositions included in cosmetic products for the care of thin and dry skin necessarily contain the following components, the action of which is to restore, moisturize, nourish and strengthen both the outer and inner layers of the skin:

  • retinol or vitamin A, involved in cell regeneration (renewal), improvement of microcirculation, hydration, nutrition, firmness support, elasticity, general rejuvenation;
  • lanolin, containing a large percentage of animal fats, instantly nourishes, protects and thickens the turgor;
  • vegetable oils with a high content of vitamin E of youth and beauty (jojoba, olive, burdock, peach, almond, wheat germ);
  • allantoin or bisabolol (restore damaged cells, prevent dryness and irritation of the epidermis, protect against the aggressive action of most external factors);
  • hyaluronic acid (has active moisturizing, rejuvenating, promoting healing, and the production of its own collagen substances);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries, prevents their fragility, redness and thickening - rosacea);
  • extracts or decoctions of natural herbs and plants (eliminate inflammatory effects, saturate the skin with antioxidants, rejuvenate and renew).

How to make facial skin more elastic at home

Nothing will help your skin become elastic like you.

You can, of course, go to a cosmetologist for safe procedures that are not associated with damage to the skin. For example, for some peeling or massage. But it’s not painful to rush into the salon, and care must be constant.

It is much easier and more convenient to independently master anti-aging techniques that will help restore the elasticity of your skin.

Follow three basic rules:

  1. Healthy eating.
    Eat healthy foods, avoid “food waste,” and watch your caloric intake.
  2. Competent cosmetic care.
    Choose the right anti-aging cosmetics or make it yourself from natural ingredients.
  3. Self-massage and exercises.
    Spend 10-15 minutes a day on your face every day. Your hands are the best replacement for injections and scalpels.

The most effective natural homemade masks for skin tightening, renewal and nutrition

Masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use

Very often, thin and dry skin reacts negatively to factory-made cosmetics with the appearance of irritation, redness and swelling. For those with sensitive skin, we recommend preparing the following simple masks from available ingredients 3 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Do not forget that masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use, as well as if they are applied to clean skin, free of cosmetics and impurities.

  1. Based on cucumber juice. You will need to mix 50 ml of juice from fresh, finely grated cucumber with egg yolk, 10 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of retinol - vitamin A and 1 ampoule of vitamin E (sold at the pharmacy). Add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Based on parsley juice. You will need 20 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of potato flour and parsley chopped in a blender. Mix all ingredients well and apply.
  3. Avocado based. Avocado pulp, converted into a mushy mass in the amount of 20 grams, is mixed with 10 ml of cold-pressed olive oil, everything is mixed well.
  4. Spinach based mask. Take 20 ml of fresh spinach juice, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 10 grams of baby fat cream to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply.
  5. Starch based. Potato starch in an amount of 30 grams is mixed with 15 ml of high-fat cream, and the mixture is left for 30 minutes. Then add 30 ml of vitamin E oil pharmaceutical concentrate (in ampoules) to the composition and leave the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before use, add 10 grams of finely chopped mint and parsley and mix thoroughly.

Don't forget that a varied diet, good sleep, a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits can have a positive effect on the condition of your skin!

By receiving constant care with cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting, your skin will be filled with radiance, health and elasticity so that you always remain young, beautiful and desirable!

Problem: swelling and “bags”

Firstly, “painting” bags at the border of the cheeks and eyelids may simply be a feature of the structure of the face. In this case, you can only get rid of the swelling with the help of a cosmetologist (or you can come to terms with it and finally accept yourself for who you are).

Photo: @dr.daryo_sadykhi

Secondly, they can signal health problems. Namely, about diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, thyroid gland... So, if swelling bothers you, get a check-up and, if necessary, visit a doctor. Thirdly, pay attention to your diet: maybe you overuse pickles, spices or alcohol, especially in the afternoon? Try to normalize your diet - drink clean water and don’t forget about work-life balance: sometimes, to remove puffiness and blue under the eyes, it’s enough just to get enough sleep and increase the number of healthy habits. Another reason for the hated “bags” is tension in the facial muscles. By spasming and shortening, they disrupt the natural circulation of fluid in the eye area and form so-called “traps” for collecting lymph.

Sometimes it can be... not swelling at all, but hernias. It is difficult to distinguish one from the other (a specialist will help), but we will at least theoretically explain what the difference is. If edema can signal a malfunction of the kidneys, then hernias are simply the result of changes in the structure of the skull and eye sockets. The eyeball is surrounded by a layer of subcutaneous fat. With age, the volume of the skull decreases; the bone mass “compresses”, but the volume of the layer remains the same, and it begins to bulge. Visually it looks like a “bag”, but neither lipolytics nor patches will help here.

Solution: the right cosmetics

If you are sure that your problem is swelling, not hernias, and they are not caused by disruptions in the body, include in your care products enriched with components such as caffeine, carnitine and horse chestnut extract. These can be gels, creams, fluids and serums.

Instant protective eye cream, pHformula

And they work especially effectively when applied with a metal roller! For a wow effect, the tube (and the roller itself) can also be cooled by first keeping it in the refrigerator or under running cold water. These same ingredients plus antioxidants also help with dark circles caused by lack of sleep.

Solution: hardware techniques and plastic surgery

For pronounced “bags” or hernias, a procedure using the Ulthera device, which affects various skin structures with microfocused ultrasound, can be effective. The waves affect layers of different depths - ligamentous-muscular, adipose, superficial (epidermis), dermis... Due to controlled heating of tissues, processes such as the breakdown of adipose tissue, collagen synthesis and growth of muscle tissue at the SMAS level, reconstruction of the dermis are launched. However, with pronounced hernias, only surgery will help (fortunately, not very traumatic): the doctor will simply cut out the hernias, and at the same time remove excess stretched skin.

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