5 masks for blackheads at home that are worth trying

A well-groomed and clean face adorns every girl. The pleasant impression is crossed out by the black dots in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). There are several reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. There are a huge number of pores on human skin; every square centimeter is covered with hundreds of micro-holes, through which the body is moisturized and protected. And this is the norm. Dead skin and dust clog pores. This leads to the appearance of comedones, closed, in the form of pimples, or open, in the form of blackheads. The places where the sebaceous glands are most active are affected first. Homemade masks for blackheads easily solve the problem.

Mask No. 1 – based on white clay

A mask for blackheads, which is easy to make yourself at home, is a faithful ally in the fight against blackheads. White clay is a natural adsorbent. It removes excess sebaceous secretion and toxins. It can dry out small inflamed areas and give the skin freshness. Clay can whiten the skin, remove age spots, destroy blackheads, and fill cells with minerals.

Clay has a matting effect.
Regular procedure actively combats enlarged pores on the nose. The refreshing properties are useful not only for problem skin. They return vital energy to aging skin. You can make a cosmetic mixture only from white clay powder by purchasing it at the pharmacy and diluting it with warm water in the specified proportion. Or prepare a mix against blackheads. Ingredients

  • two tablespoons of white clay powder;
  • one spoon of warm water;
  • one spoon of aloe pulp.

White clay is diluted with warm water to a thick paste, and fresh aloe pulp is added as a powerful antibacterial component. The mixture is applied to problem areas of the face and washed off after 20 minutes.

Helpful tips for use

When using a black face mask, you should consider the following points:

  • Apply to well-cleaned skin; it’s even better to steam it first. You can use a light scrub. This will help cleanse skin pores more effectively.
  • For application, it is better to use a brush (which should be rinsed immediately) rather than smearing the product onto the skin with your hands.
  • Use only warm water to rinse. Leave contrast washes for another occasion.
  • Refuse to carry out the procedure if there is inflammation, damage, or unhealed wounds on the face.

Despite the absence of contraindications, first check whether the mask will cause an allergic reaction. The test is carried out on the elbow.

Mask No. 2 – based on kefir

It is difficult for other products to compete with the soothing ability of kefir. Dietary fermented milk product relieves irritation of the epidermis. The addition is another useful element - oatmeal. Rich in vitamins, proteins and microelements, they fill the upper layers of the skin with essential nutrients. Masks for blackheads can easily penetrate deep into pores and remove impurities. To prepare at home, you need simple ingredients.


  • a spoonful of rolled oats;
  • a spoonful of finely ground table salt;
  • a couple of spoons of kefir.

The flakes need to be ground in a blender or using a hand mill. Add salt, stir. Dilute the resulting mixture with heated kefir to make a paste, like thick sour cream. The mask against blackheads is applied to the face. Exposure time is 15-20 minutes. The effect of the mask can be compared to the most delicate peeling.

Preparing facial skin for the procedure

To get the best results from using a charcoal mask, you need to prepare your skin before the procedure. Otherwise, the effect of the medicinal mixture will be superficial, and deep cleansing will not work.

Simple manipulations will help open the pores of the skin and make it easier for the coal particles to work. Here's what to do:

  1. Tie back hair with plastic tape.
  2. Remove makeup with micellar water or cosmetic milk.
  3. Wash with foam or soap.
  4. Steam your skin. If you don't have a special bath, hold your face over a bowl of very hot water, covered with a towel. You can add a couple of drops of your favorite aromatic oil to the water or use chamomile infusion.
  5. Delicate skin can be steamed in a gentle way (using a hot, damp towel dipped in fresh chamomile infusion).

At the preparatory stage (before steaming), light peeling will not hurt.

As a result of removing the upper coarsened layer of the epidermis, coal particles will be able to penetrate deeper into the skin, their effect will be more noticeable, and the result of the procedure will be more stable. For delicate sensitive skin, peeling before a black mask should not be done.

In addition to preparation before applying the mask, finishing procedures are also important. After all, the skin requires antiseptic treatment and nutrition. Therefore, after removing the composition with coal, it does not hurt to perform the following steps:

  • Irrigation of the face with an infusion of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, sage, calendula, etc.).
  • Rubbing the skin with ice cubes or rinsing with cold water.
  • Application of nourishing cream (after the disappearance of skin redness).

If your face remains red for a long time after removing the blackhead remedy, this means that mistakes were made when preparing the mixture with charcoal, carrying out the procedure, or your skin is too sensitive. In any case, redness does not pose a great danger (it will soon go away).

Mask No. 3 – based on soda

You can clear blackheads at home using baking soda and salt. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of soda, skin irritation is relieved. The presence of salt will help destroy comedones and remove toxins from the top layer of skin. After the procedure, blackheads are lightened, facial skin becomes smooth, matte and elastic.


  • a pinch of soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one spoon of water.

Soda and salt in equal proportions are thoroughly mixed and diluted with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Apply to a previously cleansed and steamed face. Areas with blackheads are easily massaged. Stays on for 10 minutes and washes off. The mask can greatly dry out the skin and is not recommended to be used more often than once every two weeks. After the procedure, your face should be pampered with moisturizer.

Vacuum cleaning

The procedure involves cleansing the face using a vacuum nozzle, which pumps air under negative pressure and draws out the contents of clogged pores. Before vacuum cleaning, the pores are opened by steaming the skin, which improves the quality of the procedure. After cleaning with a vacuum, the face looks refreshed.


  • minimal discomfort;
  • removal of contaminants in hard-to-reach places;
  • high hygiene;
  • possibility of independent implementation;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • complex effect (tonic, lymphatic drainage, cleansing effect).


  • not suitable for thin and dry skin;
  • cannot be used for dermatoses, rosacea, rosacea, purulent formations.

Mask No. 4 – lemon based

At home, a lemon mixture with a pronounced antibacterial effect actively acts against blackheads. Lemon juice contains a lot of acids and vitamins that easily overcome various skin defects. Thanks to citric acid, the skin is cleansed of dead and dying cells. By ridding the upper layers of the skin of excess oil, citric acid fights blackheads. At the same time, the skin lightens and collagen synthesis is stimulated. Honey, as a powerful antiseptic, will cleanse the skin well, but will not dry it out.


  • half a lemon;
  • one spoon of honey;
  • one spoon of cosmetic clay.

Before cooking, it is recommended to check whether you are allergic to lemon. Citrus fruit can be aggressive. If, when applied to a small area, there is no reaction, you can begin preparing the mask.

Half a lemon should be grated and mixed with fresh liquid honey. If the honey is frozen, it should be preheated by steaming. Add clay, mix into a homogeneous mass. The mixture is applied to a cleansed face. Be careful around the eyes and lips.

Leave for 10 minutes, rinse. Remove the mask using a sponge moistened with warm water. As a result of the procedure, the skin will be deeply cleansed, the pores will be narrowed, and the texture and tone of the skin will be evened out.

How to apply and how long to use a black face mask

The composition is based on activated carbon and other components are added to it depending on the desired result. So the method of application and time of use do not differ. Of course, there are several rules for the best effect.

  • Before applying the mask, you should wash your face thoroughly, removing any remaining makeup, dust and grease. It is worth drying your face thoroughly and checking for cosmetics.
  • Steam the skin to expand the pores. This will help remove dirt from the base of the pores more gently. It will be enough for you to put a warm towel on your face for 10 minutes.
  • It is better to apply a black mask with a medium-hard brush. Try to apply evenly in the same layer to all problem areas of the face. Pay close attention to the area around the eyes, lips and eyebrow line.
  • You should wait until the mask dries to achieve results, but if you immediately wash off the mask, it will not help you. The mask lasts about half an hour. During this period, the mask should absorb all the unnecessary contents of your pores. You will understand when to remove it, it will stop sticking to your fingers, and you will feel a little tightness. This means that the mask is completely dry and can be removed. It has no side effects, so it is not dangerous to overexpose it, and early removal will not lead to a positive result.
  • Removing the mask will not be a problem. It is necessary to remove the film from the face with smooth movements from bottom to top. It is better to remove it in one piece and avoid tearing it. Residues from the face are removed with cool water to close the pores.

Black mask will help maintain the health and beauty of your delicate facial skin.

Mask No. 5 – based on activated carbon

A mask that draws out blackheads is prepared from several tablets of activated carbon. In terms of efficiency and instantaneous action, it holds the palm. The absorbent properties of activated carbon are unrivaled. It will persistently pull out all the dirt and all the fat from enlarged pores and deal with all the harmful substances accumulated on the surface of the skin.


  • two tablets of activated carbon;
  • one spoon of gelatin;
  • one spoon of milk or water.

The tablets need to be crushed to fine crumbs. Mix with gelatin. Add cool milk or water and mix well. Heat the resulting mixture in the microwave until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Apply to areas with blackheads. Shoot sharply and quickly.

Proper cleansing of the skin prevents problems from occurring. It is recommended to use mild cosmetics for washing. It is not advisable to clean the skin with soap and alcohol, so as not to dry it out. Makeup should be washed off thoroughly. Any water procedure should be completed by rinsing with cool water.

What effects to expect when using a black mask

To combat the problem of blackheads, it is worth knowing the essence of the problem.
What are blackheads? And so, blackheads are comedones that occur when pores are contaminated with sebum and various dirt. To get rid of these formations you need something stronger than regular washing. And the black mask helps very well to get rid of blackheads, as it perfectly and deeply cleanses the pores. Of course, now there is simply an unimaginable variety of different masks, foams, and films for cleansing the skin of the face. But the recent Black Mask product has surpassed many other masks in terms of effectiveness. It will help fight not only acne, pimples, but also other skin problems.

The main advantages of a black mask:

  1. A natural composition with which you don’t have to worry about allergies and side effects of the mask on your skin.
  2. Quick effect. Restoring cellular metabolism and improving various processes. In just a couple of days you will see noticeable changes.
  3. Pulls out and cleanses pores of impurities, impurities and various toxins.
  4. Cleanses the skin of all blackheads, penetrating deep to their very base into the skin layers.
  5. Ease of use and ease of application will save you a lot of time.
  6. Cleanses the skin not only from blackheads, but also from all possible types of pollution.
  7. Helps smooth the surface of the skin, returning its former tone and elasticity.
  8. After several sessions of use, you will be able to boast a vibrant, more even skin color and enviable softness.
  9. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and you will forget about problem skin. Formation of acne and oily sheen.
  10. Fills it with useful substances, creating skin tightening effects (removes double chin), and removes puffiness from the face.

All our skin problems are based on poor cleansing. As a result, we get oily shine, pimples, blackheads and inflammation. Cosmetics help solve the problem, but not for a long time. Due to superficial cleansing, all problems come back. And the black mask penetrates exactly to the root of the problem and deeply cleanses the pores. When using it, you are insured against the appearance of defects after some time.

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