“Big nose is my personality.” People take profile selfies and prove that big noses are beautiful

The anatomy of the human body is amazing, despite the fact that the structure of all organs in people is very similar in shape, nature still works on each individual differently, so you rarely see two identical people in the world, with the exception of twins.

Humanity has always compared which people have the tallest height, biggest legs or, for example, the longest nose. Competitions and championships were even organized on this occasion; their winner often ends up in the Guinness Book of Records. However, not everyone is happy about the victory, since its volume often increases due to an unpleasant disease (rhinophyma), which can only be treated surgically.

Today we will find out which person has the longest nose in the world.

Winona Ryder

The beautiful actress finally decided to undergo rhinoplasty before filming the film “Edward Scissorhands,” where she played with her boyfriend Johnny Depp. Following the path of Angelina Jolie, Winona found an experienced plastic surgeon and performed a simple operation. But the question is: did the nose given by nature really bother her?

Before and after nose surgery

The smallest human nose in the world

If there are many candidates vying for the title of the person with the largest respiratory organ in the world, there are no championships for small noses. Although a competition to identify the smallest nose would seem more logical, because, according to statistics, it is the small external respiratory organs that are the most attractive, at least in Europe.

In China, a small nose has always been considered one of the most significant attributes of beauty. However, in recent years, small shapes have become unfashionable in Asia: due to the desire to resemble Europeans, Chinese women make their small noses wider, resorting to rhinoplasty or special inserts. In physiognomy, a person with a small nose is considered purposeful and efficient, as well as easily enduring troubles.

Sarah Jessica Parker

It’s impossible to count how many times Jessica has “lead” in the ratings of ugly actresses. The result of this pressure is several operations, including to shorten the nose. Not to say that the nose has become very short - it is still larger than average. But this does not diminish Sarah’s effectiveness and beauty - she is truly a charming woman.

Sarah Jessica Parker before and after plastic surgery

Margot Sikora - 10.16 cm

Margot Sikora's nose became the longest among women at the championship held in 2011, its length was 10.16 cm. Not a single contemporary could beat the lady's record.

The girl remained the owner of the title of the longest nose in the world among women until 2022, so the competition is held every five years, and in 2016, none of the participants in the competition could defeat her long nose.

But Margot never made it into the Guinness Book of Records; today, unfortunately, there are no owners of the longest olfactory organs whose name would appear in it.

Joan Rivers

Joana has always had a distinctive feature - her face shape and a large nose. It is unknown who advised the actress to undergo rhinoplasty; most likely she became a “victim of the fashion for plastic surgery.” As a result, the thin nose on her face looks completely unnatural, especially in combination with plump lips.

Joan Rivers nose change

Why is it believed that horsemen have the longest noses?

When talking about long noses in the post-Soviet space, many people first think of Georgians, whose respiratory organs are exaggeratedly depicted in caricatures. In fact, according to research by scientists, the nation with the longest noses is considered to be the Kurds, whose average length is 5.8 cm. Next come the Armenians, whose figure is slightly less - 5.7 cm. The size of the Georgian nose is only slightly larger than the average European one.

The myth that the longest noses belong to the inhabitants of the Caucasus was largely provoked by them themselves. Since the Middle Ages, many scientists have associated the length of this organ on the face with the size of manhood. Some believe in this pattern today, although the absence of this relationship has long been proven by scientists. But loving horsemen are flattered by such a comparison, so they are proud of their large respiratory organs.

Kristina Orbakaite

The actress is the “owner” of the most famous nose in Russia. Thanks to her appearance and unusually large nose, Christina received a ticket to the silver screen. And away we go. For a long, long time the girl was tormented with advice and sent for rhinoplasty - and she gave in, but only for a light operation. Over time, Christina realized that her nose is her “highlight”. And today she is not at all embarrassed about her appearance.

Rhinoplasty by Kristina Orbakaite

Suzanne Kloiber - 6.95 cm

Not only men, but also ladies want to win the long-nosed competition. , Suzanne Kloiber won the title of record holder . At the championship held in Lagenbruck, the judge noted that the length of the girl’s nose was 6.95 cm.

However, she failed to break the 2011 record; the lady who won it had a much longer nose. Also, Suzanne’s nose is far from the owner of the longest nose in the world, a Turk who is in the Guinness Book of Records; there are no women in this book yet.

Maria Valverde

But the heroine of the legendary film “Three Meters Above the Sky,” Maria Valverde, did not even think about surgery. No rhinoplasty, no way! This is probably how she answered all her advisers. As a result, her big nose became an integral part of the girl’s charm. It’s impossible without him now.

Actress Maria Valverde's big nose

Territorial feature

There are also natural reasons for nose growth. Entire nations are distinguished by their majestic olfactory organs. According to the results of the Swiss championships, the leaders are Pakistan and Türkiye. Why do the Caucasian peoples believe that the right of primacy belongs to them?

In the 15th century, when human anatomy was poorly understood, the opinion arose: the larger the nose, the greater the manhood. Then these nations became famous. Despite the advances of science, the myth has not disappeared.

The mechanism is not completely clear to modern scientists. It is believed that this makes it easier to perceive the rarefied mountain air. This explains why Armenians have big noses. The nation ranks second in the world rankings. The Kurds are 1 mm ahead - 58 millimeters. It is curious that Georgians, who were previously outstanding in this part of the body, are approaching the average European indicators.

Barbra Streisand

No offense to the actress, but if I didn’t know what she was doing, I would never call her an actress. Well, this woman has a very unusual appearance. Not Hollywood. How attractive is she nonetheless? How popular and successful Barbara is, even despite (and even thanks to) her huge nose. It is impossible to imagine this woman with a different nose shape - it would change her irrevocably.

Barbra Streisand in profile

Hans Roest - 6.59 cm

In 2016, the title of owner of the longest nose at the championship in Bavaria was given to a bus driver named Hans Roest . The man was quite happy to have won, and was not at all offended by the conclusion of the competition host that the winner’s nose was shaped like a large potato tuber.

The length of the record holder’s nose was 6.59 cm and the width was 5.52 cm. It is worth noting that this is not the first time Hans has won such a competition.

Rachel Weisz

The actress has always championed naturalness. Her confidence has become a model for many girls. As for the shape of the nose, there is the already unloved “hump” and a very wide bridge of the nose... So what? Weiss remains herself and when you see her you don’t even think about the “imperfect” nose.

Rachel's nose

Thomas Vedders

It is possible that Ozyurek is not the record holder for the longest nose. British written sources from the 1770s mention Thomas Vedders. The long-nosed Briton “worked” as an exhibit in a circus of freaks. The first circuses were fairground entertainment, where carousels were set up next to food stalls and curiosities were displayed. Its striking appearance invariably attracted the attention of visitors.

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Photo: Thomas Vedders
Thomas Vedders' nose was 19 cm. It is impossible to verify the veracity of the description for completely natural reasons. However, a cast of the giant nose has become part of the exhibition at Ripley's museums around the world.

It is believed that Vedders' nose prompted Carlo Collodi to write the tale of a wooden boy with a long nose, The Adventures of Pinocchio. Collodi lived a hundred years later than Vedders, but may have heard of the long-nosed circus performer of the past or seen someone with a similar appearance.

The first edition of Collodi's tale was published in 1883. Since then, the book has been translated into 240 languages ​​and is considered the most recognizable of children's fairy tales.

Julia Roberts

That same “Pretty Woman” was a sex symbol 20 years ago, 10 years ago and remains so today. One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood has endless charm and indescribable charm. And her nose plays an important role in this stunning image. Not to say that it is too big - but it is definitely far from modern ideals. Or maybe Julia has the right to create her own ideals?

Pictured: Julia Roberts

Faizan Agha - 12.19 cm

It is quite possible that soon the owner of the longest nose from Turkey will have to come down from the pedestal and give up his place to a man from Pakistan. There are rumors that there lives a man whose nose is more than 12 centimeters long, his name is Faizan Agha .

However, to date this information remains unconfirmed, since the Pakistani did not take part in any competition where the length of his nose was officially registered.

Perhaps it's all about his modesty and reluctance to attract undue attention to himself. A photo of the Pakistani has also not been found anywhere; there are rumors that he would not be happy at all if his name was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest nose.

Scarlett Johansson

The cute blonde needs no introduction. Having gone through many films and showing her attractiveness in all its glory, Scarlett remains popular to this day. But they say that she still had rhinoplasty.

Scarlet in her youth and now

Joseph Dewald

Since 1961, the small German town of Langenbruck has hosted the Big Nose World Championship. The idea for a funny competition arose by chance. A group of friends, consisting of the local mayor and hop growers, met for a pleasant evening. Men sat in a pub and made fun of each other's noses, determining the "nose king".

I liked the idea so much that after 2 weeks my friends registered a big-nosed club. Anyone whose nose was longer than 6 cm could join the community. In 2022, the club had 330 permanent members. The main event is the Big Nose Championship, which is organized every 5 years.

Club members register to participate in competitions, and the olfactory organ is measured by a commission. Participants are allowed to frown and make faces to make their noses appear larger. But performing plastic surgery or using substances that cause an enlargement of the organ being measured is prohibited.

Joseph Dewald is the current club champion. The length of the man’s nose is 12.7 cm. However, the club does not aim to get on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, so the champion has not submitted and does not plan to submit an application to document the record.

Penelope Cruz

A hot brunette, a real “gangster” and a passionate woman, Penelope Cruz has a rather rough nose shape. And this does not prevent her from regularly being ranked among the most desirable movie stars. Although experts have no doubt that surgical intervention did take place, judge for yourself...

Photos before and after plastic surgery

Mehmed Ozyurek - 8.8 cm

The owner of the longest nose on the planet is a resident of Turkey named Mehmed Ozyurek . The man has a nose length of 8.8 cm.

The reason why his olfactory organ is constantly increasing in size is not comforting, since he suffers from a rare but unpleasant disease - rhinophyma.

Today the man is over sixty years old, but his nose continues to grow. The disease cannot be treated with conservative methods; for some reason the Turk does not want to resort to surgery. Every year his nose grows at least a millimeter.

It is worth noting that, despite the long nose, the man does not look strange or ridiculous; his nose has a rather remarkable shape, giving his appearance some exclusivity.

PS Sophia Loren. The girl you can't live without

Carlo Ponti once suggested that a girl should have her nose shortened. She sharply refused with the wording that she was proud of the traits that nature and her parents gave her. As a result, she began to stand out from the rest of the girls and gained popularity. The girl's name was Sophie Scicolone... She is better known to us as Sophia Loren...

Actress Sophia Loren's consistently large nose

Gustav von Albach - 17 cm

Many centuries ago, there lived a nobleman named Gustav von Albach . According to historical reports, his nose was the largest in the history of mankind. Its length was at least 18 centimeters.

Of course, photographs of this remarkable baron have not survived to this day, for obvious reasons, but a written description of his amazing appearance has survived to this day.

It is worth noting that the owner of the longest nose in the world was never ashamed of his feature, he was proud of it. People around him loved the baron for his good disposition, cheerfulness, kindness and love for jokes and practical jokes.

At that time, various balls and masquerades were often held; Gustav never needed masks or costumes to participate in them, since his long organ of smell already made his person noticeable and unusual.

If adults treated the baron with respect, then children simply adored him, he knew a lot of fun things to do and was always happy to spend time with children.

Reasons for outstanding nose

Most often, the main cause of an extremely large nose is a special disease known as rhinophyma. It affects the skin of the nose, increasing its size so that it begins to grow and can even block the respiratory passages, causing significant inconvenience to the patient. Scientists have not yet established the causes of such an unusual disease. It is only known that it affects mainly the male part of the population over the age of 40. Rhinophyma usually develops slowly, although it can subsequently progress quite rapidly. This disease can only be dealt with surgically. During the operation, all excess skin is cut off and the nose is given the correct shape. If everything was done efficiently, then this disease will no longer bother the patient. Relapses are possible if the affected tissue was not completely removed during surgery. In this case, the patient’s nose is left with skin containing glands, which are responsible for the spontaneous proliferation of the epithelium.

Most likely, all the big-nosed people we mentioned suffered from rhinophyma. What if we take ordinary people who do not have such chronic diseases? Then representatives of the Kurdish ethnic group (they live mainly in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria) can claim the title of “the world’s largest nose.” The average length of the nose in these people is 5.8 cm.

He is considered wise and powerful

What do Adrien Brody, Marlon Brando and Bradley Cooper have in common? Many years ago, ancient people would have considered them incredibly smart men.

The fact is that in Greek and Roman times, a large nose meant power, intelligence and strength. Such people, as a rule, have a tendency to fight against any obstacles in order to achieve the desired result and win.

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Sofia Coppola

One can only envy the girl. We are, of course, not talking about the nose. In the past, she had a fairly successful career as an actress. Today, Sofia is an equally successful film director. Coppola's career is fine, and his personal life is fine too. The girl was married twice, she does not suffer from a lack of male attention. And she doesn’t consider her big nose to be something terrible at all, although plastic surgeons would recommend that she get rid of the hump and correct the tip of her nose. One of the correspondents asked her a not entirely delicate question regarding her nose. He asked why the girl didn’t get rhinoplasty, because she could afford it. Coppola replied that she would never cut off her “family” nose.

Lady Gaga

Bursting onto the music scene in the late 2000s, Stefani Germanotta became a superstar almost overnight. But after rapid success there was also a rapid decline in popularity. Gaga exploited her freak image by showing her fans (“monsters”) that we are all born beautiful. This was probably how she tried to justify her large hooked nose, unattractive appearance, small stature and unsightly figure with sagging breasts.

Now the 32-year-old artist gravitates more towards cinema. After failures in music, she began to move more and more into cinema. It is not yet clear how well she succeeds, but it is worth giving her credit - she made a splash in her time. And neither her big nose nor anything else bothered her. By the way, in October the film “A Star is Born” will be released, which will be the debut directorial work of actor Bradley Cooper. Actually, this will be a debut of sorts for Gaga - this is the first full-length film where she played the main role.

Non-surgical ways to reduce a large nose

Only rhinoplasty can permanently eliminate a large nose. If it is not possible to have surgery, then it is worth trying to at least hide the real size of the olfactory organ using the following techniques:

Makeup. A girl with a big nose must correctly place “accents”, that is, distract from the nose and switch the attention of the interlocutor to other parts of the face. The best way to highlight your eyebrows is to enhance the color and give them a round or curved shape, as well as brighten your eyes. Makeup artists advise applying dark shadows to the inner corner of the eye and thereby visually narrowing the bridge of the nose - this technique is also good for correcting a wide, large nose. The length of the nose can be visually reduced if the tip is made a little darker (powdered with a dark shade of powder). Interestingly, girls with large noses should not highlight their lips, since the effect of switching attention in this case does not work.

Hairstyle. If a girl has a big nose, then soft, large curls and waves suit her. You should not style your hair in a straight parting (it will look like an extension of the bridge of your nose); it is better to opt for a side parting.

Glasses. Stylists know what to do if a large nose interferes with your life and advise you to choose glasses with original frames. The accessory will not only distract attention from the respiratory organ, but will also make the image complete and stylish; For owners of large noses, dark-colored frames with a narrow lens frame, preferably with pronounced angles, are well suited.

Russian actresses with big noses

Of course, our stars are far from all of the above. But among them there are also those who managed to successfully use their disadvantage to their advantage. For example, Ekaterina Varnava. In the show “Comedy Woman”, the number of jokes about her huge “shnobel” is difficult to count - in almost every episode this highlight of hers became the object of ridicule. But this does not prevent Varnava from acting in films and advertising, leading television projects, and being beautiful and attractive. Although initially appearance was clearly not her weapon.

Another Russian actress with a big nose is the daughter of the diva Alla Pugacheva herself - Kristina Orbakaite. She played her first role at the age of 12 in Rollan Bykov’s film “Scarecrow”. And she got it not because of connections, but because she played well and was really downright ugly. All this did not stop her from starring in more than thirty films and becoming a real pop star.

Looking at the photos of actresses with big noses, I would like to note that there are many not the most attractive women in the above list. But they all have magnetism and are incredibly talented performers of their roles. Perhaps all this is somehow connected. So ideals are ideals, but people still love ordinary people on the screen. The kind you might encounter in line at a clinic or buying bread.

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