But is it beautiful? "House-2" stars who abused plastic surgery

  • 1 Irina Agibalova before plastic surgery
  • 2 How Irina Dubtsova’s figure changed after losing weight
  • 3 Irina Agibalova: facial plastic surgery
  • 4 Life before the Dom-2 project
  • 5 Irina Agibalova: height, weight and figure parameters ^ 5.1 Irina Agibalova lost weight: before and after
  • 5.2 Secrets of losing weight by Irina Agibalova
  • 6 Irina Agibalova: body plastic surgery
  • 7 How Irina Dubtsova’s face changed after losing weight
  • 8 House-2
  • 9 Diet for weight loss from Irina Agibalova
  • 10 Latest news about Irina Agibalova
  • 11 Disastrous results after plastic surgery
  • 12 How Irina Agibalova lost weight: menu and recipes ^
      12.1 Irina Agibalova’s diet: menu
  • 12.2 Irina Agibalova’s diet recipes
  • 13 Personal life
  • 14 Agibalova I.A. before and after weight loss
      14.1 How did Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova actually lose weight?
  • 15 Lost weight Irina Dubtsova: after photo
      15.1 The singer’s diet
  • 16 Reasons to contact surgeons
  • 17 Hobbies - gardening, cooking and playing with 3 dogs
  • 18 Personal life of Irina Rozanova
  • Irina Agibalova before plastic surgery

    Agibalova was born on November 1, 1964 on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. Her childhood was quite difficult: her mother left the family, and the girl had to completely take care of her younger brother. In 1985, she got married, and a year after that she received a diploma of higher education, graduating from the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in biology.

    In her marriage, she had three children: two daughters and a son.

    All-Russian fame came to Irina when she decided to participate in “House-2” in order to support her daughter Margarita, who was already a participant in the show.

    Margarita Agibalova

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so should we be surprised at the changes in the appearance of Irina’s daughter, Rita? However, the girl’s wishes, due to her age, were more modest - to tighten her breasts.

    As a friend of the project participant admitted, Margarita was prompted to change by the birth of her son in 2009. After this, the young woman’s breasts sagged slightly and became asymmetrical. Fortunately, Margarita did not “go too far”, only slightly adjusting what nature gave. And the new breasts did not interfere with the birth and subsequent feeding of my daughter.

    How Irina Dubtsova’s figure changed after losing weight

    The singer was not satisfied with what she thought was a too small bust. Since the age of 16, she dreamed of correcting nature’s unfortunate mistake, so she eventually turned to a plastic surgeon (probably this happened after the birth of the child) with a request to install implants. Now Dubtsova has a lush bust of size 4, which, after she lost weight, has not lost any in volume.

    The singer managed to lose weight by normalizing her diet (she ate proteins, vegetables, practiced split meals and drank 2 liters of water a day to suppress appetite) and physical activity. At a certain stage, the singer underwent vibration lipoaspiration (minimally invasive liposuction) and navel correction.

    Nadezhda Ermakova

    One of the old-timers of the project has long dreamed of correcting the shape of her nose. It seemed to Nadezhda to be too long, breaking the proportions. The girl admitted later that she was terribly afraid of both the anesthesia and the consequences. However, the result was worth it. The nose may not have become completely snub-nosed, but it has acquired a certain neatness. And, most importantly, it looks very natural.

    The girl also decided to touch up her breasts. According to Nadya, a neckline can solve almost any problem. So she adjusted her size from 1.5 to 3.5. The participant was quite pleased with the result, as she was tired of constantly resorting to push-up.

    Irina Agibalova: facial plastic surgery

    Radical plastic surgery was performed on Irina Agibalova at the age of 47 in one of the capital’s clinics. Since, according to experts, the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the face was deplorable, the patient required and was performed in one visit:

    SMAS facelift, which involves a comprehensive tightening of the skin, muscles, ligaments and subcutaneous muscles of the neck. This type of surgical intervention allows you to accurately restore the contour and features of the face and at the same time avoid the effect of “tightened” skin, and in addition, the face looks young and toned for 10–15 years. It is believed that after a correctly performed operation, the patient does not have obvious bruises and swelling, and within a week he can appear in public. However, this is relevant for relatively young people and only if they have undergone endoscopic, more gentle, compared to traditional, SMAS lifting.

    Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lifting is performed on patients of all age groups if they are concerned about drooping eyebrows, drooping upper eyelids and wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose. The operation is quite gentle and is performed through small incisions in the temporal and frontal areas, usually along the hairline using special endoscopic instruments. Rehabilitation usually takes about a month.

    Midface lifting helps smooth out age-related changes in the cheekbones and around the eyes. In addition, during the operation, lip bags, fatty hernias of the eyelids, lacrimal and zygomatic grooves are eliminated. Subperiosteal midzone lift (this is what was done by I. Agibalova) eliminates obvious signs of aging, such as skin ptosis, drooping of the outer corners of the eyes and sagging soft tissues of the cheeks (jowls). The operation takes up to two hours and is done through a blepharoplastic approach (the skin and muscles are cut under the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid). Endoscopic instruments are usually used for surgery. Rehabilitation lasts about five weeks, the effect of the operation lasts up to ten years.

    Platysmoplasty (neck surgery) involves correction of the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma), which is located between the chest and lower jaw. If the platysma weakens, a double chin and folds in the neck area form. Platysmoplasty is considered one of the most difficult plastic surgeries, but only it will help restore the contours of the face and neck in full and eliminate unsightly sagging skin, wrinkles and folds. Photos of Irina Agibalova before and after surgery convincingly demonstrate the improvement in the condition of the neck and the absence of visible age-related changes on it.

    The result of Agibalova’s operation, by her own admission, was disappointing. The lady probably wanted to appear before television viewers in a week with a “new” flawless face. Which, by the way, is what happened, but the face could not be called flawless - it was hidden by a bandage, under which the bruises were clearly visible. It was immediately concluded that the plastic surgery was unsuccessful (although such conclusions can be made at least a month after the intervention, and given the age and health of the patient, this period should be increased to two to three months!). Although there was still a reason for frustration: complications arose, because... the face became asymmetrical, the right eyebrow sank, and the upper part of the face lost its facial expressions. On the advice of the specialists who performed the operation, Agibalova did not want to wait for a slow natural recovery - further participation in the project was in jeopardy, since in this form they simply refused to let her onto the site. Probably afraid of imminent oblivion, Irina went to the Doctor Plastic clinic, where she was given disappointing diagnoses: frontal nerve paresis, loss of ear sensitivity (partial) and the formation of fibrous tissue in the suture area.

    I. Agibalova was prescribed restorative procedures, such as ultrasound and LPG massages, microcurrent therapy and drug treatment, as a result of which the patient’s condition improved significantly, and six months later her face acquired a healthy and blooming appearance. At the instigation of the “grandmother” of the TV show, a fuss arose in the press about the “failure” of her plastic surgery, but the absurdity of such statements was refuted by specialists from the Doctor Plastic clinic and European professor Ulf Samuelsson, who observed the woman. Yes, the rehabilitation took a long time, which is not surprising given such a set of surgical interventions performed simultaneously! If I. Agibalova had chosen a more gentle option (blepharoplasty and thread lifting) also offered to her (by the specialists of the Doctor Plastic clinic), such troubles could have been avoided.

    Life before the Dom-2 project

    Irina was born in the distant Semipalatinsk region, where she spent her childhood in the village of Borodulikha and went to school. Here she received her matriculation certificate in 1981. After that, she entered the Pedagogical University of Semipalatinsk. After 5 years, Tarasova (maiden name) became a certified specialist.

    In her fourth year, Irina met Yuri Agibalov, who became her husband a month and a half later. After graduating from university, the young teacher began working in one of the secondary schools in Semipalatinsk. Here in 1986 her daughter Olga was born. And after 4 years, the family was replenished with another daughter, who was named Margarita.

    In the mid-90s, the Agibalov family moved to the Moscow region. Here Irina continues her career as a teacher at secondary school No. 14. At the end of the 90s, 2 more moves of the Agibalov family followed, after which she finally settled in South Butovo.

    This period was marked by serious changes in Irina’s personal life. She divorces her first husband and almost immediately marries again. But this marriage did not last long either. Irina left him with a son. In 2007, the future reality show star returned to her first husband. The couple decides to combine living space by selling 2 apartments and purchases a house in Pavlovsky Posad.

    Marina Mexico

    “House-2” participant Marina Mexico also decided to change. The girl dreamed of correcting the shape of her nose, but she “ran into” a bad surgeon. After the operation, Mexico began to have breathing problems, his nostrils became different, and his nasal septum collapsed.

    After a while, Marina went to the surgeon again, but this time she was unsuccessful. Soon Mexico changed doctors to correct the mistakes of other doctors; her rib was cut down to restore her nasal septum.

    Irina Agibalova: height, weight and figure parameters ^

    Back in 2007, Irina Agibalova came to Dom-2 with her two daughters. At that time, she was a fairly heavyset lady and weighed 105 kilograms, but everything changed since she decided to lose weight and remove wrinkles.

    In the first case, she used a simple diet, and in the second, she used hardware cosmetology, as a result of which she began to look 15 years younger than her real age.

    It is worth noting an important detail: a participant in the reality show “Dom-2” Irina Agibalova lost weight not in a short time, but gradually, since she was unable to withstand a strict diet, and besides, she cannot live without night snacks, which are prohibited by everyone nutritional methods.

    It is because of this that there was a lot of controversy on the Internet about why and how Irina Agibalova managed to lose a lot of weight. Some even claimed that she resorted to surgery to get rid of fat, or took special pills. Both statements are completely false, and women lost a lot of weight thanks to the diet.

    Irina Agibalova lost weight: before and after

    With daughter

    With grandson

    Now Irina Agibalova’s height and weight are 167 cm and 72 kg - for her age these are very good indicators. If you compare photographs taken before and after losing weight, the difference is very noticeable, and at the moment this slender woman cannot be recognized as the same plump figure who originally appeared on the project.

    Since Irina Aleksandrovna lost weight, journalists have not stopped asking her questions about such dramatic changes, but for a long time she kept her weight loss method a secret, and only relatively recently revealed its features.

    Secrets of losing weight by Irina Agibalova

    Irina Agibalova with her husband: photo

    • It is enough to cut the number of calories you consume to lose excess weight.
    • She allows herself to eat absolutely any food, since she does not accept strict diets, and besides, she can very often be seen at night with a portion of meat.
    • However, even with such a diet, she managed to shed pounds, but this does not mean that others can achieve a similar result.

    Irina Agibalova: height 167 cm, weight 70 kg

    Irina Agibalova’s weight loss raises many questions among nutritionists: they believe that you should not limit calories in order to eat unhealthy foods, because you can simply eat healthy foods.

    How Agibala managed to become slim

    However, facial plastic surgery was not the only thing that Irina did to restore her youth and beauty. The woman wanted to become slimmer and restore her breasts to their former firmness. She underwent gastric band surgery.

    During the intervention, a silicone device was put on him, which reduced the size of the organ. Irina could no longer overeat, as a result of which she lost 30 kg of excess weight. A diet specially prepared by a specialist also helped her in the process of losing weight.

    To finally correct her figure, tighten her skin, and get rid of swelling, Agibalova took a course of lpg massage. But she was not satisfied with the appearance of her breasts. After all, along with the extra pounds, the volume in this area also went away, and the skin sagged. Irina did not want to have implants installed, since she liked the small size of her own bust. The problem was solved by breast lift surgery. Now she looks neat.

    Irina Agibalova happily shares her photos on social networks, which show her alone in a bikini and with her own grandchildren. She is invited to “House 2” as an expert, called to advertise anti-aging cosmetics and participate in programs about plastic surgery. Irina looks the envy of her peers. This means that the plastic surgery was not so unsuccessful.

    Irina Agibalova: body plastic surgery

    Having received a “new” face, Irina Alexandrovna decided to take her figure seriously. The plans of the reality show participant included breast correction (reduction), liposuction and weight loss. However, the state of health and, in particular, the discovery of a benign tumor postponed the visit to the plastic surgeon indefinitely, but I had to go to the gynecologist and phlebologist immediately. So the impetus for weight loss was the surgery to remove the tumor, or rather the dietary restrictions that are mandatory in such cases. Having recovered, I. Agibalova continued to lose weight and in a few months got rid of 30 kilograms. The lady does not hide the fact that the doctors at the DoctorPlastic clinic did a lot of work on her figure: they reduced the volume of her stomach and applied special cosmetic procedures.

    I. Agibalova underwent gastric banding, that is, a silicone belt was put on the organ, thanks to which saturation occurs when consuming a very small amount of food. The operation was performed through a puncture in the navel area; no scars were left on the body. The operation is reversible; if necessary, the bandage can be removed.

    A sharp weight loss resulted in sagging skin, which is natural in such cases, and Agibalova’s situation was worst with the inner surface of her arms. In such cases, brachioplasty is usually done, but in order to avoid the scars remaining after it, it was decided to get by with mesothread lifting and RF lifting. In other areas of the body, correction was carried out using LPG massage, Elos rejuvenation procedures and contouring.

    The “crown” of the transformation program was supposed to be “new” breasts, but difficulties arose in the form of several cysts in the mammary glands. After undergoing a course of appropriate treatment for about two months, the patient was ready for breast correction surgery, during which the asymmetry and ptosis of the glands that appeared after weight loss were eliminated.

    Maya Dontsova

    The girl seriously worked on her face: she removed Bisha's lumps, plumped her lips, changed her cheekbones and, possibly, had a breast lift. The funny thing is that Maya denies her passion for plastic surgery. No need, friend, you won’t fool us! Photos confirm this, and there are many of them.

    How Irina Dubtsova’s face changed after losing weight

    First, the cheeks disappeared. Let's say more, they literally fell in, giving the face the “haggard” look that is fashionable today. In order for your cheeks to remain sunken for life, you need to undergo plastic surgery to remove Bish's lumps (fat tissue). It is unlikely that Irina Dubtsova decided to undergo such plastic surgery. Fashion is changeable, and tomorrow the trend will be cheeks like those of the beauties from Kustodiev’s paintings, then another operation awaits, but this time to pump in fat? Most likely, she didn’t remove her cheeks, but made her cheekbones more prominent, lifting them with hyaluronic filler

    Plus a little trick when shooting: if you pull your cheeks in a little, they will look sunken in the photo, but it’s important not to overdo it

    Secondly, the actress’s nose looks more elegant. But let’s not suspect rhinoplasty: indeed, the bridge of the nose has become narrower, the nostrils are pressed together, but Irina Dubtsova’s tense face in the selfie reveals all the efforts that the girl makes to hold the wings of her nose.

    Thirdly, the singer’s lips have become fuller. Since the shape of the mouth has not changed significantly, there was no cheiloplasty, that is, surgical correction of the lips, but Irina most likely does contour plastic surgery.

    Irina Dubtsova does not deny that she uses the achievements of aesthetic medicine and posts on the Internet photos taken during sessions with a cosmetologist. The singer is going to age gracefully (remember that in 2022 she will turn 37 years old) and after 40 years old she promises to think about correcting age-related changes.

    Evgenia Feofilaktova

    This girl became the first from House 2 to decide to go under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon. She was also the first to publicly announce her goal. The excitement led to the fact that the film crew accompanied the girl literally to the doors of the operating room.

    Even before the plastic surgery, Evgenia was a pretty pretty young lady, but the surgeons were able to make her even better. Initially, dissatisfaction was caused by the shape of the nose. Experts managed to straighten this part of the face, making it more graceful and subtle.

    Zhenya also decided to enlarge her breasts. True, I was worried that in the future I would not be able to feed the child. However, everything ended well, and after the second birth, the celebrity’s breasts even became more natural.

    Evgenia is convinced that if there is a desire to fix something, it needs to be brought to life. But in moderation. She was guided by this, slightly enlarging her lips with an injection of biogel.

    House 2

    The Dom-2 project came to the Abigalov family in 2007. Or rather, Irina’s eldest daughter Olga then came to his site, who liked Andrei Cherkasov, and she decided to try to build a relationship with him. After some time, the youngest, Margarita, “pulled up” to the frontal place.

    With daughters

    The whole country was shocked when the sisters began to compete for one guy. No one still knows whether it was a publicity stunt or whether both really managed to fall in love with the local macho, but this love triangle made all its participants super popular. By the way, Olga Cherkasova could not be retained, and she flew out of the project.

    Rita, on the other hand, was not very compliant and often quarreled with Cherkasov about this. As a result, she also soon left the project, but returned after a while

    Then another participant drew attention to her, and Rita again became part of the love triangle

    As a result, she found herself pregnant from her new lover Evgeniy Kuzin. The couple got married live on air, and in December 2009 they had a son.

    Diet for weight loss from Irina Agibalova

    The information described below will explain this original diet, which is the diet of Irina Agibalova. Perhaps the reader is not familiar with this name, so a little information about it. She appeared on television screens suddenly, in episodes of the television project “House 2,” known as the oldest participant in the television show. At that time, Irina’s weight and appearance caused hidden smiles from the participants and clearly left much to be desired, but, as if by magic, everything soon changed.

    The girl lost a lot of weight, and since her figure became ideal, many questions arose. As you know, most women after forty no longer hope that they can again become slim and attractive and stop struggling with the problem of excess weight, give up, thereby making a big mistake.

    According to medical indicators, in the body of a woman under forty, all metabolic processes slow down and, as a result, unpleasant fat deposits appear on the body. In this case, active physical exercise is ineffective and does not bring pleasure. Irina understood all this too. Not wanting to live with her status as an “ugly fat woman,” she, with the help of nutritionists, developed a special diet for herself and others like her.

    The whole secret of Agibalova’s diet is that it actively stimulates exactly those same metabolic processes. One of the complexes of such a diet is fractional meals. After testing the diet on herself, Irina lost weight fantastically quickly and began to look much younger, which gave rise to rumors about some kind of miracle weight loss technology. Adopting a diet does not imply switching to vegetarianism and tedious activities of counting calories consumed.

    And finally, the diet itself! All recommendations are very important for execution, compliance and accuracy.

    Svetlana Davydova

    But it’s difficult to call this transformation successful. It is completely incomprehensible why this beautiful girl needed to change herself in any other way. Having barely appeared on the project, the smiling brunette was already able to conquer everyone.

    However, stars have their quirks. Being already famous, Svetlana decided to have lip lipolift at all costs. Apparently having lost her sense of proportion, the girl tried on lips of incredible size. At the same time, for some reason, she decided to work on her cheekbones and chin. The result is sad - from a pretty young lady Davydova turned into a so-called mukla.

    Latest news about Irina Agibalova

    Having become famous, Agibalova began to write her own blog. The subject of her posts and videos consists entirely of fashionable and interesting tips for women. She also runs her own culinary blog, teaching various culinary intricacies.

    Quite quickly, the woman took care of herself, radically changing her image and seriously losing weight. Now she is often invited to participate in various television shows. Irina remembers House 2 quite warmly. The post-show of this TV show also regularly invites the former participant to visit to discuss changes within the project and the couples’ relationships.

    Irina is a regular on social networks. She regularly shares her notes and photos with her many fans.

    Disastrous result after plastic surgery

    All aesthetic interventions were carried out in a short time. This led to severe tissue trauma. Problems arose that frightened Agibalova:

    • Lymphostasis. This is stagnation of fluid in the lymphatic vessels. It arose against the background of tight bandaging of the forehead area. The lower part of Irina’s face became noticeably swollen and painful.
    • Damage to the right frontal and auricular nerves. The result of this was a drooping eyebrow and the inability to move facial muscles. And the ear area has lost sensitivity.
    • Scars and uneven skin. Agibalova decided that the healing was going wrong, and the scars would now remain with her forever.

    Irina was in pain, had difficulty turning her head, and there was a feeling of tightness on her face. Hematomas and swelling were also a concern. In addition, Agibalova was not satisfied with the shape of her eyes that had changed due to the lift. She came to the conclusion that the plastic surgery was performed poorly in the early postoperative period.

    The woman decided that she should contact another surgeon. That's what she did. The specialist prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures for the woman: microcurrents, ultrasound manipulation and lpg massage. She also completed the necessary course of drug therapy.

    The problems began to go away over time. And although the new specialist assured Irina that these were not complications, but rather side effects, she colorfully described her own suffering on the blog. Agibalova told how painful and scared she was. The “House 2” star also publicly regretted that she had decided to undergo plastic surgery at all.

    We recommend reading about unsuccessful star plastic surgery. You will learn about unsuccessful plastic surgery of Russian and Hollywood stars, the most unsuccessful surgeries on the nose, chest, lips and face. Read more about forehead and eyebrow lift here.

    Useful video

    To learn about what gastric banding is (with the participation of Irina Agibalova), watch this video:

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    How Irina Agibalova lost weight: menu and recipes ^

    Irina Agibalova lost weight: before and after photos

    Rules for losing weight from Irina Agibalova

    • You shouldn’t deny yourself your favorite food, but you need to eat no more than 1300 Kcal for the whole day;
    • Despite the absence of any special prohibitions, it is still better to eat healthy food, and it is this that should prevail in the diet. This includes vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish, cereals, low-fat fermented milk drinks, herbs, and berries.

    Diet of Irina Agibalova: menu

    To know how Irina Agibalova lost weight and what she ate, you can familiarize yourself with her menu, which she kindly provided to TV viewers:

    • For breakfast we drink a cup of coffee with added sugar;
    • After a couple of hours, drink a glass of milk with a slice of whole grain bread;
    • We have lunch with grilled meat, vegetable salad and a glass of lemonade;
    • For an afternoon snack we eat some waffle cake and chocolate, drink Coca-Cola;
    • We have dinner with a cup of iced tea. For example, Nestea – i.e. from a bottle;
    • At night before going to bed, we eat 100 g of grilled meat and drink coffee with sugar (2 pieces).

    Despite the large amount of junk food, Irina Agibalova has noticeably lost weight, and this is visible to the naked eye. There is no reason to doubt the veracity of her diet, and nutritionists do not exclude the possibility that the woman simply has a good metabolism, which is why she managed to lose pounds on such a menu.

    Diet recipes by Irina Agibalova

    Agibalova, who has lost weight, also shared ways of preparing her favorite dishes that anyone can now eat.

    Grilled meat recipe:

    • We wash the pork ribs, remove the film, cut them and sprinkle with spices;
    • Sprinkle with lemon juice, wrap in cling film and marinate for 1 hour;
    • Place the ribs on the grill, fry on all sides, then top with any sauce.

    Vegetable salad recipe:

    • Cut cucumbers and tomatoes;
    • After mixing, season with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs.

    Fruit salad recipe:

    • Cut the pulp of banana, pineapple and orange into pieces;
    • Mix everything, season with unsweetened yogurt.

    We also recommend that you read the article on Happy-womens.com How Victoria Lopyreva lost weight.

    How to lose 20 kilograms - Agibalova's recipe

    When Irina was a participant in the show “Dom-2”, she weighed more than 100 kg, but she managed to lose weight. As the blogger admits, she couldn’t have done it on her own. The key to success was a personal instructor who selected an individual diet. “We are constantly in touch,” said Irina.


    The woman is proud of her achievement and often shares collages with her subscribers before and after losing weight. The result is truly impressive.


    Well, when there is no need to lose weight, Agibalova maintains her tone with physical activity - which she also recommends to her subscribers.

    Personal life

    In Semipalatinsk in 1985, Irina met her future husband Yuri Agibalov. Their romance was so stormy that within two weeks they submitted an application to the registry office. A year and a half later, the eldest daughter Olga appeared in the family, and at the end of the summer of 1990, the youngest daughter Margarita. Already in Obninsk, Irina and Yuri’s long-awaited son Oleg was born, and immediately after this joyful event the whole family moved to their own country house in Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow region.

    Irina Agibalova with her husband Yuri

    But Irina Agibalova’s family life was not smooth. As the ex-participant of the television project herself admits, she is a very powerful woman, she likes to control the behavior of her children, her husband’s decisions, and the family’s finances. On this basis, she had repeated conflicts with her husband, and Yuri even left his wife several times. At the same time, the children usually took the father’s side, as a result of which even the most acute conflicts were eventually resolved amicably, and the family was reunited again.

    Irina Agibalova with her daughters

    In 2011, Olga Agibalova married Ilya Gazhienko. The couple has a son, but the family tries not to show him to fans and the press.

    In 2014, Agibalova’s eldest daughter Rita married again. The girl's new boyfriend was Pavel Marceau. Now Margarita Marceau lives in Cyprus with her husband. Fans assume that Irina will soon move to the island to live with her daughter; Agibalova is allegedly already selling her huge three-story house in Pavlov Posad.

    Irina Agibalova with family

    In 2016, after a long struggle with the disease, Agibalova’s friend from “House-2” Svetlana Ustinenko died. Irina was very worried about her friend, was interested in her health, and when she died, she shared her pain with the press, touchingly recalling her last meeting with Svetlana.

    Elena Bushina

    Elena Bushina was remembered by the audience not only for her explosive character, but also for her outstanding hooked nose. But everything changed after 2011. At least the appearance has changed.

    It is noteworthy that Elena herself chose not to comment on her trip to the clinic. But it was hard not to notice the result - it turned out to be very successful. After rhinoplasty, the nose became more neat, feminine, and even acquired a slight snub.

    Agibalova I.A. before and after weight loss

    On various Internet sites, unscrupulous advertisers use the miraculous weight loss of Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova, a participant in the TV show Dom-2, to present their product.

    It tells about different methods of losing weight by I.A. Agibalova, starting with plastic surgery and diets, and ending with food.

    Photo by Agibalova I.A. before and after weight loss

    How did Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova actually lose weight?

    Interview with Agibalova I.A. on the day of gastric band surgery

    Interview with Agibalova I.A. 1.5 years after the banding operation. Irina Aleksandrovna talks in detail about the new lifestyle and nutrition after weight loss surgery:

    Question: Irina Alexandrovna how did you manage to lose weight so quickly?

    Answer from Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova: I really lost weight as a result of surgery, but we are not talking about liposuction at all. I had a gastric band performed. To be honest, before I went to the clinic, I didn’t even consider this weight loss option. Like many women, I considered such operations to be something scary and was sure that only liposuction could help me.

    After talking with a bariatric surgeon, I was convinced that banding is indeed a relatively easy way to correct weight. What was especially important for me was that they practically guaranteed the result and told me that I could eat whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted and at the same time I would lose weight. I was limited only in the consumption of ice cream and sweet soda (Coca-Cola, etc.).

    The bandaging operation was really very easy. After it, I rested for about 3 hours in the clinic, and the next day I went to another shoot on the Dom-2 project. No one even noticed my absence.

    Question: What helped Irina Agibalova lose weight so quickly? How did she decide to have the operation?

    Answered by Doctor of Medical Sciences, bariatric surgeon Vadim Viktorovich Fedenko.

    In the method we proposed, Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova was captivated by the fact that we could confidently promise her weight loss on schedule, without the use of diets or any other restrictions and without intense physical activity, and she could decide for herself how many kilograms to lose weight.

    The bandaging technique that we applied is widely used today both in our country and abroad. Banding is recognized as the most physiological, safe and effective method of treating overweight and obesity. The operation is performed without incisions, does not require rehabilitation and is easily tolerated by patients.

    Banding takes only 20-30 minutes and guarantees not only the rapid achievement of the desired goals, but also the preservation of the results for life.

    The operation is reversible. If the patient wishes, we can return his stomach to its original state, but, of course, then the weight will return

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    BARIATRICS is the most effective method in the world today of LOSSING WEIGHT and MAINTAINING WEIGHT after LOSSING WEIGHT.

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    • Tatiana's story
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    • I want to tell my weight loss story.
    • In 4 months I lost 20 kg
    • Three steps to happiness
    • How I lost weight
    • I decided to approach the solution to such an issue as losing weight wisely.
    • Little black dress
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    • Diary of a Losing Woman
    • There were times when I cried... But how much joy it surprised my acquaintances who had not seen me for a long time!
    • And at forty years old the Internet helps me
    • Girl from the magazine
    • The weight loss story of House-2 participant Agabalova I.A.
    • History of success. Gastric banding. Olga, 43 years old.
    • History of success. Gastric banding
    • Gastric banding. Irina's story
    • Reviews about gastric banding. History of success

    Rustam Solntsev

    Plastic changes affected not only the beautiful half of the project. One of the most famous male participants, Rustam Solntsev, also became addicted to this business. The results turned out to be quite contradictory.

    Initially, I was prompted to go to a plastic surgery office for a rather significant reason - a problem with my nose. A car accident that happened a long time ago made Rustam’s nose look like a boxer’s. The septum was injured quite severely. However, Solntsev was able to decide on surgical intervention only at the end of 2013. Well, this change turned out to be quite successful - the celebrity’s nose began to look better.

    Apparently inspired by such success, the star man decided to change something else about himself. He couldn’t stop in time: lip injections, eyelid surgery, use of fillers. True, over time, the man wisely decided to remove the silicone from his lips.

    As we can see, the participants of “House-2” are walking illustrations of both successful and unsuccessful operations. It's up to you to imitate them or not. In any case, we recommend taking into account star errors.

    Lost weight Irina Dubtsova: photo after

    In less than six months, Irina lost 18 kg. The extra pounds were gone thanks to a specially selected diet.

    Photo: Instagram @dubtsova_official

    The singer turned to a nutritionist for help, and he selected a diet that takes into account the individual characteristics of the girl’s body.

    Singer's diet

    The point of the diet was to completely abstain from salt. It is difficult to observe: bland food is not to everyone’s taste. But in a month it’s possible to get rid of 10 kg.

    Photo: Instagram @dubtsova_official

    The menu contains only healthy foods: vegetables and fruits, poultry, baked fish, buckwheat and oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir. You can eat up to 200 g of rye bread per day. Instead of salt, you can use herbs and spices (ground pepper, cinnamon, paprika).

    Photo: Instagram @dubtsova_official

    It is strictly forbidden to consume: any baked goods, fast food; sweet carbonated drinks; sweets, especially marmalade, Turkish delight, ice cream. Irina ate 6 times a day. The portion should fit easily in the palm of your hand.

    Daily diet:

    • For breakfast: oatmeal with water, a glass of tea without sugar, 100 g of cottage cheese with raisins (without sugar).
    • Snack: apple or orange.
    • Lunch: 200 ml of vegetable soup, 150 g of chicken fillet with fresh tomatoes, a glass of kefir.
    • Snack: grapefruit.
    • Dinner: 200 g of vegetable stew, some rye bread, a glass of kefir.
    • Before bed: a handful of almonds or walnuts.

    It is important to maintain water balance. You need to drink 2 liters of pure still water per day

    Of other drinks, only unsweetened tea and kefir are allowed.

    ★ Read about other celebrities ★

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    Expert opinion about this method of losing weight

    According to one of the leading surgeons at one of the Moscow clinics, bandaging has long gained incredible popularity abroad.
    After 40 years, it becomes increasingly difficult to monitor your weight, and you no longer have the strength to deplete your body with diets or grueling workouts. Liposuction is not a very successful method of getting rid of extra pounds, since it only removes the fat layer (which may return over time). But the method that Irina Agibalova chose is very effective. The operation takes place in less than an hour, does not require a long rehabilitation period (like liposuction), it has minimal contraindications, and the results last a lifetime. In addition, if you wish, you can remove the band from the stomach, but then the weight will return to its previous state - you will want to eat as before. Liposuction does not provide as many possibilities, and it can also have very serious consequences. The weight returns after liposuction, but there is no talk of losing 30 kg after liposuction. That is, according to the surgeon, the way Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova lost weight is a very effective, simple method that does not require serious physical exertion, and therefore is suitable for women of any age.

    Reasons for contacting surgeons

    The woman in general was always happy with her appearance. For a mother of three children, she actually looked quite decent at her age.

    But “House 2” is a special place

    To survive here, the complete absence of complexes is important. And Irina, according to her admission, could not boast of this

    She was embarrassed that compared to the young participants in the reality show, she looked like a grandmother. And although the woman aroused the sympathy of both them and the audience, she wanted to change. To gain self-confidence, Irina needed the help of aesthetic surgery.

    There was another reason to have plastic surgery. Irina wanted to achieve success on a television project and become even more popular

    Plastic surgery could attract additional public attention to her. This means providing a start for making money, participating in advertising and other television shows


    She had long dreamed of changing the shape of her nose and even asked for money online for it. At the show, the girl’s dream came true. By the way, my lips have also increased to a heap. Well, and a lot more...

    Hobbies: gardening, cooking and playing with 3 dogs

    @agibalova_irina The vegetable garden is the passion of both spouses, but Yuri manages the greenhouse, and Irina processes the harvest. She regularly posts photos of what she has collected and tells which varieties are better and how to properly care for them. Irina’s second hobby is cooking. The blogger loves to cook and often spoils her family with a variety of dishes. On her page you can find a lot of recipes and step-by-step videos in which she reveals her cooking secrets. Hashtag.


    Instagram users don’t understand where Agibalova gets so much energy! In addition to shopping, working out, gardening and preparing delicious meals, Irina manages to devote time to her pets. Agibalova has 3 dogs: Lavrusha, Vanessa and Byons. The blogger has a special love for the Chihuahua breed.

    Well, there are no words here. They are so funny and cute! Not surprisingly, one of the posts received 70 thousand views.

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