Stars over 40 who have never had plastic surgery. In vain or not?

Ekaterina Guseva: sports and proper nutrition

Despite the fact that many fans are sure that “you can’t be so beautiful” at her age without a magic scalpel, Ekaterina denies any surgical interventions on her appearance.

She looks great: wide-eyed, pretty smile and luxurious figure. There is no secret - the actress has always been and is involved in sports. Since childhood, he has loved figure skating, dancing, gymnastics and swimming. Her self-care routine includes spa treatments and hydromassage. In everyday life she uses a minimum of cosmetics.

Monica Bellucci

The face of 51-year-old Monica Bellucci has never undergone any surgical interventions: the star does not undergo blepharoplasty or a facelift, and, judging by the photo, she even refuses Botox. And the actress is philosophical about age-related changes: “Many are afraid of losing beauty with age, but I try not to worry about these things. I'm more afraid of death because I have two children and I want to see them grow up. There's nothing you can do about getting older anyway, so it's best to accept it."


Alena Sviridova: optimism and a good cosmetologist

The singer has repeatedly stated that plastic surgery does not make you younger or more beautiful. In addition, she herself has too bright an individual appearance, which she strives to preserve.

Alena maintains a toned figure and a clear oval face throughout her life. According to her, she has been doing beauty injections for a long time and sees a positive effect in them. The singer has been doing two procedures a year with a French cosmetologist for ten years. But he doesn’t like to go to the gym, even to maintain his figure. It is much more pleasant for her to roller skate, skate, swim - in general, have fun, and not kill time in the gym.

Melanie Griffith, 61

Melanie Griffith: left - 2010, right - 2022

What is done? The actress worked a lot and not entirely successfully on her face: she underwent an endoscopic forehead lift and chin augmentation, which is why her face lost its natural prettiness and femininity.

Recommendations: Melanie Griffiths can be classified as a woman who is aging according to the finely wrinkled type, which is why she looks like this and should pay great attention to procedures that improve the quality of the skin, namely biorevitalization and mesotherapy. Now her skin looks unkempt and dry.

Anita Tsoi: genetics, inner harmony and quality cosmetics

Her strong point has always been a skeptical attitude towards her own appearance. She recently announced that she is giving up diets because she does not want to spend her life unsuccessfully trying to conquer herself.

However, at the same time, she surprises fans with her youthfulness and lack of wrinkles, although the singer’s bright appearance, which does not change over the years, indicates that the singer does not turn to plastic surgeons for help. The point is in excellent genetics (she has thick skin, which retains its tone longer) and in her attitude to life. Anita herself assures that it’s a matter of careful daily care and the world’s best cosmetics.

Evelina Bledans, 49 years old

Evelina Bledans: left - 2010, right - 2022

What is done? Contour plastic surgery with fillers is no less popular among Russian celebrities than in the West. One of the successful examples of this technique is demonstrated by actress and TV presenter Evelina Bledans, who had aptos threads installed and augmented with fillers in the lower third of her face and lips.

Recommendations: Evelina’s skin is in excellent condition - well-groomed and moisturized, so there are no special recommendations.

Ksenia Alferova: mother’s beauty and youth

The Russian actress is known to fans not only for her successful work in films, but also thanks to her famous mother, the favorite of millions, Irina Alferova. Ksenia is very similar to her mother and also has regular and pretty features.

Due to the fact that in front of her is the example of the elder Alferova, we can say with confidence that Ksenia did not resort to the services of cosmetic surgeons. Her secret is not only “thanks to mom for genetics,” but also daily Pilates classes, participation in marathons and proper nutrition. By the way, Ksenia often resorts to folk beauty remedies to moisturize and nourish her hair and skin with beneficial substances.

Irina Dubtsova, 36 years old

Irina Dubtsova: left - 2011, right - 2022

What is done? We can definitely say that the singer is fond of botulinum therapy and has already resorted to contouring with fillers in the lower third of her face - there were injections of hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite in the cheekbones, lips and chin. Moreover, she most likely began to resort to lip correction (enlargement) a long time ago. Nowadays a completely different method is in fashion -

the priority is naturalness: they don’t so much enlarge the lips as they try to make them more harmonious and correct their shape.

Recommendations: the singer is recommended for cheekbone augmentation, which would make them more defined and at the same time highlight her chin, and lip augmentation using a new technique.

Anna Kovalchuk: love for yourself and your skin

The star of the Russian series looks great, and her regular facial features do not lose their attractiveness over the years, although according to all the laws (both beauty and physics), the oval of the face should have floated, pigment spots should have appeared, and the neck should have looked more aged. But it seems that Anna is not aware that it is time for her to grow old. Moreover, she never had plastic surgery.

Her self-care includes regular visits to a cosmetologist, beauty injections, daily self-care and relaxing baths. The actress has a lot of decorative cosmetics, which she uses with pleasure. Moreover, in her opinion, these do not necessarily have to be expensive brands; a good product can be found in the mass market.

Victoria Beckham, 44 years old

Victoria Beckham: left - 2010, right - 2022

What is done? Another example of how to deal with your face. At one time, the former “peppercorn” underwent the removal of Bisha’s lumps and contouring of the cheekbones, chin, corners of the jaw and lips with fillers. The augmentation was performed using the now fashionable “Paris” technique using injections based on hyaluronic acid.

Recommendations: Victoria has small bags under her eyes, perhaps this is a consequence of the administration of hyaluronic acid-based medications. Injections of lipolytics will help to cope with them.

Alena Babenko: cosmetologist and regularity

The successful theater and film actress maintains beauty and youth, despite her age and busy schedule, and definitely belongs to the category of women who know how to age gracefully. Alena has a negative attitude towards plastic surgery, believing that it kills a person’s individuality, which is beauty.

The actress regularly visits a cosmetologist and always listens to his advice. She has been going to massage for a long time, considering it a necessary part of self-care. She doesn’t rule out home treatments either, trying out masks and new products on the advice of her friends. Previously, a mask of three Soviet creams “Yantar”, “Evening” and “Lux” saved her from dry skin after makeup.

Video: Stars who are not afraid of old age

A star who ages gracefully - Monica Bellucci

The Italian actress and model will soon be in her seventies. But looking at this attractive woman, you can never tell about her age. It's hard to believe that the actress retained her shape without the help of plastic surgery. Her body and face look very sexy and beautiful.

Important: The actress is constantly asked questions about plastic surgery. However, Monica Bellucci is always categorical. She claims that plastic surgery is not for her, and she will not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Monica Bellucci in her youth
Actress and model has a philosophical attitude towards age. In one of her many interviews, she replied that she was not afraid of aging, but was more afraid of death. After all, she has two children and she would like to see them grow up.

Nature rewarded Monica Bellucci with excellent data. Therefore, she should be grateful not to plastic surgeons, but to good genetics. Monica herself has repeatedly admitted that she does not do any special manipulations to preserve youth. She is not a sports fan; she indulges herself in sweets and may drink wine and smoke a cigarette. The actress considers sleep, sex and a good mood to be the main secrets of beauty.

Monica Bellucci now

A star who ages gracefully - Kate Winslet

It’s too early to classify Kate Winslet as an old woman; the actress is only 43 years old. However, many of the actress’s colleagues and peers already have more than one plastic surgery in their arsenal. But Kate Winslet has a categorically negative attitude towards plastic surgery.

Moreover, she is one of the founders of the British League Against Plastic Surgery. Her colleagues were actresses Emma Thompson and Rachel Weisz. Hollywood stars encourage women to be the way Mother Nature created them.

Natural beauty of Kate Winslet

Fine wrinkles do not make Kate Winslet ugly. On the contrary, her face looks very natural and lively. The actress said that she does not think of giving up, it is important for her to have a natural expression on her face, and not a frozen one.

Important: The actress’s weight is discussed in the press. Winslet never had any complexes about her shape; she never exhausted herself with diets or exercise. The actress once said that her children are more important to her than abs.

This approach to life speaks of self-confidence and acceptance of yourself with all your shortcomings. It is clear that Kate Winslet is not fixated on her appearance, but is busy with more important things in life than being fixated on youth and beauty. And as a result, this does not prevent her from being an attractive, interesting and successful woman and actress.

Kate Winslet without plastic surgery

A star who ages gracefully - Salma Hayek

The Mexican actress, director and producer boasts a bright, spectacular appearance. Meanwhile, Salma Hayek has reached her sixth decade.

The star accepts her age with dignity. She believes that all women are beautiful, but natural beauty needs to be revealed and enhanced.

Important: The actress was taught beauty techniques by her grandmother. She took care of the actress's hair and appearance. Subsequently, Salma Hayek was inspired by her grandmother to found her own cosmetics line.

Salma Hayek admits that she sees changes in her appearance. Repeatedly she thought about changing something with the help of plastic surgery. However, she never decided to take this step. Because she is afraid that the results may not please her.

Salma Hayek

A star who ages gracefully - Catherine Deneuve

A beauty, a sex symbol not only in her home country of France, but throughout the world. Catherine Deneuve was considered a fatal beauty in her youth, she broke the hearts of many men.

However, the actress did not choose the path of eternal youth. She decided to grow old gracefully. In her interviews, the actress claims that she does not consider beauty the main meaning of life. Although he does not deny his good natural abilities.

Important: Currently, the actress is approaching 80 years old, but she is still active and gorgeous. The actress has not had plastic surgery, but does not neglect regular cosmetic procedures.

Catherine Deneuve in her youth
Peels and Botox injections are what the actress considers necessary to preserve her beauty. Catherine Deneuve does not accept more serious interventions.

She considers her beauty secrets to be good sleep for at least 8 hours, good nutrition without exhausting diets, plenty of fluids and, most importantly, avoiding sun rays. The actress never tans, her mother taught her this. By the way, Catherine Deneuve’s mother is now 107 years old. But she is still active and lucid. Still, genetics plays a very important role in the aging process.

Catherine Deneuve now

A star who ages gracefully - Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts is a famous and sought-after actress. Her sincere and dazzling smile won the hearts of millions of viewers and many men. The actress is slightly over 50. She claims that she has never resorted to facial plastic surgery in her life. However, you can find information that Julia Roberts did have plastic surgery.

Julia Roberts in her youth

Even if this is the case, the result is very good. After all, the actress’s appearance cannot be judged for her unnatural forms or doll-like appearance. Julia Roberts believes that proper nutrition, good heredity, proper care, and exercise help preserve youth. Not only the face, but also the actress’s body is young and slender.

Important: In one of the interviews, the star said that at her age she feels quite comfortable and confident. She claims that posing at 40 is much more interesting than at 20. According to the actress, she knows her own body well and feels quite relaxed.

At the same time, the actress does not have a categorically negative attitude towards plastic surgery. In the future, perhaps she will undergo plastic surgery, but for now she is fine without it.

During her career, Julia Roberts was included in the list of “The Most Beautiful People in the World” 11 times according to People magazine.

Julia Roberts

A star who ages gracefully - Julianne Moore

The red-haired, green-eyed actress will be in her seventies in a few years. Julianne Moore is not one of those who, in pursuit of youth, is ready to go under the surgeon's knife. She is aging gracefully and naturally.

The actress emphasizes that she herself chose the path of natural aging. She is not at all afraid of old age, she is not ashamed of her age. Julianne Moore's skin shows age-related changes, but this absolutely does not make her appearance repulsive.

Julianne Moore in her youth

The secret of the actress’s beauty and success is self-love. The actress claims that plastic surgery does not make women better. Julianne Moore is convinced that plastic surgery does not help you become younger, it just makes women look different.

Important: The actress uses a minimum of makeup in everyday life, dresses discreetly and, probably, this makes her stand out from the crowd of beauties with an artificial doll-like appearance. The choice of the actress is very worthy, one can see her self-sufficiency and self-confidence.

Julianne Moore now

A star who ages gracefully - Sharon Stone

The star recently celebrated her 60th birthday. The actress did not undergo plastic surgery. According to her, old age is a completely normal process; no one can avoid it.

Important: Sharon Stone allowed herself to age naturally, there is zest and sexuality in this. Many surgeons tried to force her to think about a lift, but in vain.

Sharon Stone in her youth
The actress does not neglect cosmetic procedures, takes good care of her facial skin, plays sports and eats right.

The actress looks great. Her face is not perfectly smooth, but it looks fresh and well-groomed. Unlike her heroine in the film “Catwoman,” who tried to preserve her beauty with the help of a special cream, Sharon Stone chose a different path. She does not chase the appearance of a 20-year-old beauty and looks respectable at her age.

Sharon Stone now

A star who ages gracefully - Brigitte Bardot

The standard of beauty, fatal blonde, sex symbol. In the 50s, almost all women wanted to be like Brigitte Bardot. And to this day, many people admire the image of this legendary beauty. Her makeup, perfect figure, and beautiful face were forever etched in the memory of the audience.

Many people remember Brigitte Bardot as in the photo below.

Brigitte Bardot in her youth

But the years go by, and old age does not bypass even such beauties as Brigitte Bardot. Another thing is how people are ready to meet this very old age. Brigitte Bardot chose naturalness. She did not disfigure her appearance with plastic surgery and does not advise others. After finishing her career, the movie star took up other, more important things in her opinion. She led the animal protection movement.

According to the recollections of her colleagues, Brigitte Bardot, despite her bright and spectacular appearance, never behaved like a “star”, treated her work patiently and did not give free rein to whims on the set.

Important: Brigitte Bardot is currently 84 years old. The woman now looks like the photo below. There have certainly been dramatic changes in her appearance, but this is a woman’s choice and must be respected. However, in the face of Brigitte Bardot you can recognize her sweet features, with which she once amazed many men.

Brigitte Bardot now

A star who ages gracefully - Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep will soon turn 70 years old. But the actress can proudly say that she is not afraid of aging. And age does not prevent her from being a wonderful actress and a beautiful woman. After forty years, Meryl Streep's career took off.

Important: The actress’s attitude towards rejuvenating her appearance with plastic surgery is negative and only laughs at her peers who consider plastic surgery a panacea for youth.

Meryl Streep in her youth
By the way, Meryl Streep for a long time could not accept her own appearance at school age. She didn't like herself. But then she simply got tired of constantly thinking about this topic. Meryl Streep accepted herself for who she is. Apparently, it was not in vain.

Not every woman of her age can boast of such a lively and sincere facial expression. And wrinkles only add beauty to the smiling and talented actress.

Meryl Streep now

A star who ages gracefully - Isabella Rossellini

Italian actress and model. In her youth, Isabella Rossellini was famous for her excellent appearance; her figure and face were beautiful and attractive.

It cannot be said that with age the actress has lost her attractiveness. It's just that her beauty took on different forms. For a long time, Isabella Rossellini represented the famous cosmetics brand Lancome. But one day the company needed a younger representative. Isabella did not panic and throw herself under the surgeon’s knife.

Isabella Rossellini in her youth

Instead, the woman made it clear that she has no plans to become a victim of plastic surgery. The actress said that she will not undergo plastic surgery, as many do, as if it were a mandatory event.

Important: The actress has something to do. She is a defender of wildlife. She became the author of mini-series dedicated to this topic. She also takes part in training guide dogs.

Isabella Rossellini does not pursue her fading youth; instead, she devotes her time to family, science, knowledge and personal development. This bright woman is a good example of the fact that external beauty is not the most important thing in life. She is convinced that the meaning of human life lies in completely different things.

Isabella Rossellini now

A star who ages gracefully - Emma Thompson

As already mentioned, Emma Thompson became one of the organizers of the British League Against Plastic Surgery. The actress has a negative attitude towards plastic surgery and any interventions to change her appearance.

Important: Emma Thompson calls the plastic surgery craze crazy. She thinks this could have a negative impact on future generations. According to the actress, boys and girls should not consider it normal to introduce foreign objects into the body.

Emma Thompson
According to the actress, aging is inevitable, and it's true. No matter how people try to delay this process, it will still come. Emma Thompson advises plastic surgery supporters to spend more time on work and other things than on consultations with plastic surgeons.

A star who ages gracefully - Rachel Weisz

Another striking example of how you can age beautifully without plastic surgery is the English actress Rachel Weisz. The actress is almost 50 years old, but she remains still sexy and charming, despite minor changes in her appearance.

The actress welcomes naturalness; in everyday life she uses a minimum of makeup. Naturalness is not the actress’s weapon, it is her life belief. She recommends that all fans of plastic surgery reconsider their views in favor of natural beauty.

Important: It is known that the actress is married to the popular sexy agent 007 - Daniel Craig. She was probably able to conquer him with her true natural beauty.

Rachel Weisz, together with her colleague Kate Winslet, is convinced that the actress’s facial expressions should be flexible.

The actress believes that she manages to maintain her youth with the help of proper nutrition and proper care. Of course, Rachel Weisz visits a cosmetologist. Her skin retains a good color. Many women would like to look like this in their 50s.

Rachel Weisz

A star who ages gracefully - Cate Blanchett

Important: Cate Blanchett's appearance is proof that age is just numbers in a passport.

The Australian actress looks very young at almost 50 years old. When asked whether she had plastic surgery, the actress denies this fact. She claims that high-quality cosmetics help her maintain her youth.

There is an opinion that Cate Blanchett's husband joked that he would file for divorce if she had plastic surgery. However, this beautiful actress does not need plastic surgery. She looks good enough without it.

Cate Blanchett is a supporter of natural makeup at social events. In everyday life she does not wear makeup. What can we say about plastic?

Cate Blanchett

A Star Who Ages Gracefully - Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster accepted the fact of aging as a natural and inevitable process. The actress has many facial wrinkles on her face, but she accepts each of them.

This only indicates that the actress loves to smile and does not deny herself this pleasure. She is not afraid to show herself in her natural form, which many show business stars cannot boast of. According to the actress, she is not at all ashamed of herself and does not want others to think that she is ashamed of her age.

Jodie Foster in her youth

Jodie Foster insists that she never wanted to change anything about herself. At the same time, she is reserved about the fact that others undergo plastic surgery. The actress does not take a categorical position on plastic surgery.

Jodie Foster now

A star who ages gracefully - Brooke Shields

The actress, who became famous for her role in the film “The Blue Lagoon,” had modeling qualities and a very attractive appearance. Brooke Shields was a beautiful girl then, and now she is a beautiful woman.

Brooke Shields in her youth

The actress had an unsuccessful Botox in her life, after which she abandoned forever any interventions in her appearance. And this did not stop her from maintaining attractive features into her sixties.

The actress rarely appears in public, however, her every appearance emphasizes her natural appearance. When an actress without makeup, a network of wrinkles is visible, but this does not prevent Brooke Shields from aging gracefully.

The actress considers herself young at heart; she has been happily married for a long time and has two daughters.

Brooke Shields now

Plastic surgeries performed in pursuit of youth do not always bring the desired result. Many famous stars have chosen a different path. They decided to age naturally, and this does not prevent them from being beautiful, self-sufficient and interesting individuals.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite: cleansing, moisturizing and sports

The charming actress has very lively facial expressions and an excellent figure, which she maintains despite her age. She highly values ​​her individuality and admits that she does not resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Ingeborg's main beauty secret is regularly moisturizing the skin and using products with a high level of sun protection. She also doesn’t give herself beauty injections, since her appearance suits her anyway. But whenever possible, he goes to the gym, trying to start his day with a workout. A very sensible decision, because muscles are a natural framework for the skin.

Cameron Diaz, 49 years old

Cameron Diaz: left - 2010, right - 2022

What is done? Unfortunately, nothing. The actress pays more attention to training than to her appearance, so she looks even a little older than her age.

Recommendations: the actress is recommended for contouring using fillers based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite, in particular augmentation of the lower third of the face (chin, angle of the jaw, cheekbones), as well as botulinum therapy. It would be possible to further moisturize the skin using mesotherapy cocktails or injections of hyaluronic acid (biorevitalization).

Pamela Anderson

This beauty was noticed at one of their football matches and was invited to become the face of the brewing company. Very soon Pamela began to appear on the cover of Playboy. At some point, in order to stir up interest in her figure, she decided to enlarge her breasts from a three to a confident four. And away we go. Anderson pumped up her lips and brought her breasts up to size five. Now playing with the size and shape of the bust has become the star's calling card. She periodically changed her implants, surprising her fans.

In 2022, 52-year-old Anderson appeared at one of the events in a dress with an open neckline. Idle eyes noticed stretch marks and wrinkles on Pamela’s breasts, tired from operations. Apparently, the star was tired of playing with plastic surgery, and she finally allowed her body to age in peace. Although it doesn't look very good now.

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