We thought it was our own: stars who had plastic surgery, but we didn’t even notice

A talented and successful film star, a beautiful and charming blonde, Jennifer Lawrence is rapidly becoming the subject of imitation and envy of many Hollywood celebrities. The American actress rose to the top of fame while still young and received her first gold statuette at the age of 22. And what methods did she prefer for this: to achieve popularity and fame on her own and with her talents, using her natural abilities, or to slightly transform her external advantages and go under the knife of a plastic surgeon? You will learn about this in our article today.


Lawrence was born in a small suburb of Louisville, Kentucky. She grew up and was brought up in a poor family: her mother worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, her father worked as a worker in a construction company. Jennifer was the third child of her parents, she had two older brothers. Since childhood, she has been very active: the girl took part in cheerleading performances, as well as in field hockey competitions.

Jenny often spent time with her older brothers. They came up with different games and staged home performances. From early childhood, the girl planned to connect her life with medicine. And among her hobbies, she chose theater for herself and with great enthusiasm took an active part in various productions. As Jen says, she could not even dream of becoming a professional actress and threw all her energy into studying natural sciences.

How Jennifer Lawrence's body has changed

The actress maintains excellent physical shape: she eats right and works out with a fitness trainer. In professional photographs taken by an experienced photographer and processed in a graphic editor, the star’s body always looks flawless. But in the photographs taken by the paparazzi, everything does not look ideal at all: in the photo of Jennifer Lawrence in a swimsuit, you can see cellulite in the areas of the buttocks and thighs.


Having moved with her parents to New York, young Jennifer begins to try herself in various agencies. She recognized her acting talent when she was invited to shoot an advertisement for a famous brand. Having no acting education or experience in this craft, the girl graduates from school as an external student and begins to make her way into the masses.

Next fall, the talented Lawrence is invited to film the thriller “The Devil You Know.” She gets the leading role in “The Billy Ingval Show” and since then everything has been going just fine in her career.

Bob with beautiful waves

If you curl sandy blonde hair, then it will look special. The waves have a very light and fresh look. To make them, you don’t need to worry too much:

  1. First, wash your hair well.
  2. Dry a little, but not too much, as the hair should be damp.
  3. Braid your hair or simply tie your hair into a bun.
  4. If you don’t want to follow the previous step, then there is a much simpler way: just spray your hair with a spray that includes sea salt. This will give them a special texture and will remind them of the sea and the beach. These natural curls will look like you just came out of the sea. The curls turn out very beautiful thanks to salt, it helps to curl the hair naturally.

Personal life

The actress tells everyone very openly about her personal life. She does not hide any of her romances and allows her fans to observe her love affairs. On the set of the film “X-Men,” Jennifer meets Nicholas Hoult. The couple begins a whirlwind romance, but after 2 years the lovers break up.

In 2014, Jen met Chris Martin, who leads the band Coldplay. The relationship was very free and in the summer of 2015, each pursuing their own interests, the young people separated.

A bright, dizzying romance happened with 47-year-old boyfriend Darren Aronofsky. Their relationship began to develop when they starred in the film “Mom”, where the actress received the leading female role. Everything that flares up with lightning speed ends the same way. Immediately after the premiere, the couple breaks up. Some viewers believe that the relationship was a fiction in order to attract additional attention.

Kate Hudson

Celebrity Hairstyles 2016 - Kate Hudson

In 2022, many of the actress’s images were designed in the style of the winners of the Miss Universe competitions. Unlike many of her colleagues, Kate Hudson did not succumb to the trend of creating the effect of negligence. Perfectly collected and structured medium-length curls literally radiate light, giving Kate a special femininity and sophistication. No stray strands or “torn” lines – everything is very neat and stylish.

Was there plastic surgery?

Jennifer began her transformation by working on her nose. By nature, she inherited this organ of a far from ideal shape, which was especially noticeable against the backdrop of her small face. After rhinoplasty, everything began to look more harmonious and neat.

In Lawrence's school photographs, one can notice her rather heavy look. This is an unpleasant consequence of drooping eyelids over the eyes. Now we can find that her look has changed, it has become quite open and wide open, perhaps there was a place for blepharoplasty.

There is also a high probability that the girl, in order to enhance the effect of her appearance, took advantage of a visit to a cosmetologist and had contouring done to herself: she enlarged her lips, creating additional volume.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

How Jennifer Lawrence's face changed

The actress, who began acting at the age of 14, excelled in the roles of teenagers. In order to turn from a cute simpleton into a real screen star, she had to bring her face to the “Hollywood” standard. We must pay tribute to the plastic surgeons who corrected Jennifer Lawrence's face, because they did their job extremely professionally: the girl remained recognizable, and the changes only harmonized her appearance.

What Jennifer Lawrence fixed:

Firstly, she adjusted her nose . During rhinoplasty, the surgeon reduced the width of the bridge of the nose and also removed part of the cartilage of the tip of the nose, as a result of which (this is confirmed by the photo) Jennifer Lawrence’s face was adorned with an elegant nose of the correct shape.

Secondly, she changed the shape of her eyes . A comparison of Jennifer Lawrence's eyes before and after plastic surgery leads to the conclusion that, naturally small and narrow, they have acquired an almost almond-shaped shape. You can try to explain this with makeup, but only blepharoplasty can provide such a radical effect. The effect of “open eyes” was enhanced by eyebrow correction.

Thirdly, she changed her cheekbones . After contouring, Jennifer Lawrence's cheekbones became a little fuller and raised upward, which is why her cheeks began to look slightly sunken (this is a fashion trend now). This assumption is confirmed by those photos of Jennifer Lawrence, where her cheekbones look different, depending on how much time has passed since the introduction of the hyaluronic filler used to add volume to one or another part of the face. The connection is simple: as the drug degrades, the effect of its administration disappears. To return everything to normal, you need to repeat the contour plastic surgery.

By the way, the actress does not hide her love for “contouring,” nor does she hide the fact that she regularly undergoes lip contouring. The shape of the mouth and the volume of the lips have changed for the better, which is convincingly proven by the photos of Jennifer Lawrence before and after plastic surgery.

Heidi Klum

Photos of celebrity hairstyles - Heidi Klum | Gossip Cop The hairstyles of Hollywood stars in 2022 are distinguished by their simplicity. Heidi Klum's look at the Oscars was one of the most successful and memorable, but, again, no intricate “crackpots.” A careless bun with loose strands looks very gentle and visually makes the model’s face look several years younger.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Men also undergo plastic surgery to look more attractive and masculine. So Jake Gyllenhaal decided to take such a step. Experts are sure that the actor had rhinoplasty and it only benefited him. Jake's face acquired courageous, respectable and slightly rude features, which allowed him to expand the palette of film images. Roles in the films Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Source Code, Southpaw, Everest, Nocturnal Animals, Stronger, The Brothers Sisters and Spider-Man: Far From Home Gyllenhaal in owes a lot to his new face. But before rhinoplasty, the actor did not have many roles and he played mostly cute “toothless” guys.

Dwayne Johnson

“The Rock” is what they call him due to his muscles and brutality, but once upon a time, Dwayne looked like a sweet and good-natured bun. And this despite the fact that he was actively involved in football and wrestling. When Dwayne decided to start a career as an actor, he was denied roles for a long time, and Johnson could not understand why. Then The Rock turned to plastic surgeons for help, who literally “sculpted” the body of his dreams. In an interview, the actor admitted that in 2005 he enlarged his mammary glands to make his chest look more masculine, and also decided to have liposuction on most of his body. After the last procedure, Dwayne’s muscles gained definition and paved the way for him to the big cinema. Basically, Johnson plays strong, purposeful and fearless heroes, ready to help at any moment.

Best films

  • 2019: “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”
  • 2018: "Red Sparrow"
  • 2017: “Mom!”
  • 2016: "X-Men: Apocalypse"
  • 2016: "Passengers"
  • 2015: “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 2"
  • 2015: "Joy"
  • 2014: "X-Men: Days of Future Past"
  • 2014: “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part 1"
  • 2013: "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"
  • 2013: “American Hustle”
  • 2012: “My boyfriend is crazy”
  • 2012: "The Hunger Games"
  • 2011: "X-Men: First Class"
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