Step forward: what kind of plastic surgery do stars do on their legs?

American rap artist Nicki Minaj, at 36 years old, has achieved tremendous success. She became the only guest rap star at the Grammy Awards; seven songs performed by her were in the Billboard Hot 100 music chat. The singer is recognized by her unusual figure - the difference in the volume of her hips and waist is almost 50 cm. As her volume grows, so do fees. The girl’s fans are asking online questions about Nicki Minaj before and after plastic surgery, and we conducted an investigation into whether the girl’s figure is the work of a plastic surgeon, or these are just rumors from curious fans.

Nicky's childhood

Onika Tanya Maraj (real name) had a rather difficult childhood. Until the age of 15, the girl was raised by her grandmother in St. James; her mother visited them only on incursions, while simultaneously searching for housing in New York. Nika's father was a drunkard and dabbled in drugs, beat his mother, and once tried to set fire to the house in order to kill his wife.

Due to regular scandals, Nicki Minaj hid from her parents for days and diluted her loneliness by writing poetry. Later, the girl used these lines in her track “Autobiography”.

Music in her childhood included playing the clarinet and trying to enter college in the “Vocal Mastery” class, but the circumstances were not the best - Niki lost her voice that day and was unable to show her vocal abilities to the admissions committee.

Lena Dunham, height 160 cm, weight 66 kg

The star of the series “Girls” regularly shows off her figure on camera (sometimes in sex scenes), and it doesn’t bother her at all! Although her data:

  • chest volume - 91.5 cm,
  • waist size - 71 cm,
  • hip volume - 96.5 cm.

For a long time, Lena was considered an example of body positivity, but not so long ago she lost 30 pounds (about 14 kg), and she was accused of hypocrisy. The actress answers them like this: “I just understand that the body is changing. We live a long life. Things happen".

On the way to success

In 2010, Nicki released her fateful debut album “Pink Friday”, before the release she carried out a mini-tour of five cities: the first was her hometown of Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, the remaining four were US cities. After a short time, the singer began to be recognized all over the world; almost 4 million copies of this record were released.

Currently, Nicki Minaj is actively writing albums, traveling around the world with concerts, giving interviews in glossy magazines, traveling and attending social parties.

Candice Huffine, height 182 cm, weight 90 kg

This year, Candice became the star of the Pirelli calendar. For almost 60 years in a row, the most beautiful and most desirable models in the world have been photographed for this publication. We could also see her on the cover of Vogue Italy and other famous glossies. Candace's parameters:

  • chest - 107 cm
  • waist - 84 cm
  • hips - 109 cm

“My body is designed to be voluminous. I eat healthy and work on myself, but my weight is not moving. So he is where he should be. I love my body and you love yours."

Personal life

Minaj was looking for her man for a very long time. Nicky was in a relationship with Safari Samuels for 10 years, but he turned out to be not a very decent person. After breaking up with him, the girl announced her engagement to Nick Mill on social networks, but canceled it two months later.

Now Nicky is dating a dark-skinned handsome man, and does not reveal his name. There are only photographs of hand-in-hand walks and subscribers asking “Who is this?”

Kate Upton, 178 cm, 64 kg

The world's most famous plus size model, who you might have seen in the movie The Other Woman. In 2014, Kate won the title of sexiest girl alive according to People magazine. This is how the curvy model turned into a sex symbol. Her girths:

  • chest volume - 99 cm,
  • waist size - 71 cm,
  • hip volume - 91.5 cm.

She says: “People say, 'Wow! You are healthy." And I think: “Excuse me, what? Yes, I dreamed of such a body all my life!”

Was there plastic surgery?

First of all, fans are concerned about the naturalness of the buttocks. Niki had voluminous hips from her youth, but in recent years their volume has increased significantly; our experts do not associate this factor with general weight gain. In the photo after, the implant is clearly visible - most likely gluteoplasty was performed.

The next plastic surgery was mammoplasty. At the beginning of her career, Minaj was a size two, now we see a full size four. In addition, the singer began to increasingly perform in revealing outfits with an open neckline.

As for rhinoplasty, in the photo after it was more likely the skillful application of the sculptor and highlighter than the hand of the surgeon - the shape of the nose did not change, the wings remained wide. With a curvaceous figure and outstanding talent, Minaj is unlikely to care about such a trifle as her nose.

In addition to changes in her body, the girl likes to change her looks; a dark bob can suddenly change into bright strands. Only the style of clothing remains unchanged - bright, extravagant outfits, unusual accessories and catchy makeup - Nicki Minaj's calling card.

The star herself denies the presence of plastic surgery, and managers claim that the matter is due to the weight gained in recent years. In any case, Niki herself decides how to look and what operations to do, and we can only watch the singer’s life.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Buttocks of a rap singer before surgery

Let's not be unfounded, let's evaluate from the singer's photographs whether she really has a real butt, or whether the plastic surgeon added a few centimeters of his own.

Photos before and after surgery:

And here, in my opinion, it is obvious how separated the artificial part of the butt is from the hips and legs. But it’s up to you to judge.

Photos of foreign stars without makeup and photoshop

Angelina Jolie

Source: Legion-Media

Angie is not the kind of woman who likes to wear makeup. Although in her youth, the actress could cover up her entire face, wanting to hide all her shortcomings. According to Jolie, today she cannot do without concealer - it helps her get rid of dark circles under her eyes. In everyday life, a star doesn’t need anything else.

Only at social events, red carpets, and photo shoots does Angelina sometimes prefer to wear bright makeup.

“I wear one shade of red. I also have black eyeliner and mascara. “I have the most boring makeup set,” admits the actress.

She likes her maturing face, in which she increasingly sees the features of her beloved mother. “I see that I’m getting older and I love it because it means that I’m alive—I’m living and getting older,” the star adds.

Kate Winslet

Source: Legion-Media

Previously, Kate never considered herself beautiful and was embarrassed about her appearance and body. But over time, she realized that life is too short to waste it on sad thoughts and constant worries about her appearance. Winslet advocates natural beauty and tries to use makeup as little as possible, even often posing without makeup.

In addition, she is an ardent opponent of plastic surgery and is confident that women need to learn to love themselves, and not constantly look for flaws in themselves and try to change them through surgery.

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“When I was young, I didn’t feel beautiful. Sometimes I even seriously suffered because I was fat. In our youth, we are all dissatisfied with ourselves, but when you become an adult, achieve something in life, you can relax a little and love yourself. You can’t look up to models or actresses until you’re old,” the actress concludes.

Jennifer Aniston

Source: @jenniferaniston

Many women have been trying to unravel the secret of Jennifer’s youth for many years. It seems that she has found a good elixir, thanks to which she looks so flawless - both with and without makeup.

“I take care of my skin, take care of it, which is why I don’t sunbathe much and try not to be in direct sunlight for a long time. In general, to feel young and beautiful, you just need to be happy!” - says Jen.

The only thing the actress constantly struggles with is gray hair. Aniston dyes her hair at the salon once every five weeks.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Source: @gwynethpaltrow

Gwyneth is not shy about her natural beauty and calmly posts photos without makeup or Photoshop on her microblog. According to the actress, she was previously called a “typical beauty,” which made her very happy. However, over the years, Paltrow began to feel complex due to the fact that new wrinkles appeared on her face.

“At some point you just start to like yourself! You just get to a point where your inner beauty becomes more important than your outer beauty. Such a funny shift!” - says the actress.

She encourages other women not to be ashamed of their appearance and try to love themselves.

Drew Barrymore

Source: @drewbarrymore

For many years, Drew looked at herself in the mirror with disgust and believed that she had no right to wear revealing outfits. The actress had to spend many years “rebuilding her brain to have a positive self-perception.”

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“Gloomy, envious and always dissatisfied people do not look young, even if they spend half their lives in beauty salons. It's all written all over their faces. And those who perceive the world around them positively live longer and have fewer wrinkles,” says Barrymore.

She admits that she wants to age naturally, so she is not afraid of new wrinkles appearing on her face. “I don’t want to be made into someone else, even a more beautiful woman by modern artificial standards of beauty,” Drew concludes.


Source: @madonna

At 62, Madonna looks so good that many younger women would envy her. Although, of course, age-related changes are still present on her face. The singer, despite her star status, does not hesitate to post candid pictures on her microblog. You can also find photos of her without makeup. And even then she looks good.

“In the morning I prefer not to rush. I spend 10–20 minutes putting on my beauty right in bed. The first thing I do when I wake up is apply a mask to my eyes. And, without getting out of bed, I spray a spray with rose water on my face, after which I can wipe the skin with special cryo-sticks (which I store in the refrigerator). And only then do I go for coffee,” the performer shares her beauty secrets.

Jennifer Lopez

Source: @jlo

It seems that J. Lo has also found youthful apples that help her to be beautiful and attractive at 51 years old. The star has always been proud of her curves and figure and tries to emphasize it whenever possible. Lopez thinks through every appearance to the smallest detail - attention is paid not only to outfits, but also to hairstyle and makeup.

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The actress prefers to focus on her eyes; she loves smoky eyes in gray or brown tones, but her lipstick shades are usually nude. Jennifer has always preferred skincare products, and in everyday life she tries to go without makeup.

“I use mostly basic products because I believe that less is more. My beautician gives me a cleanser, and I really need it to be very good, since for so many years in a row I have had to walk around with so much makeup on my face! I also use a very gentle makeup remover and a simple moisturizer with SPF,” says the star.

Hollywood stars

With the onset of the holiday season, many world celebrities go to the beach and show off their fashionable and expensive couture swimsuits. On some they fit like a glove, while on others they emphasize “bulging” figure flaws. Below we present the most recent photos without additional Photoshop processing of Hollywood style icons that the paparazzi managed to acquire this summer.

Celebrities on vacation

Dakota Johnson. Today, she is one of the most sought-after Hollywood stars, who gained worldwide popularity thanks to her role as Anastasia Steele from the “50 Shades of Gray” trilogy, where she exposed herself and showed off her beautiful and slender body.

Dakota Johnson

As you can see in the photo fragment from the filming of the third part of the same film, Dakota is wearing a yellow bikini that fits perfectly. The only drawback of her figure is her slightly saggy buttocks, which could use some pumping up.

Dakota Johnson on vacation in Miami

Katy Perry. The bright and charismatic singer in real life has the correct proportions of her figure, which was emphasized by her elegant swimsuit in a fashionable blue color. Katie just needs to maintain the achieved result and select swimsuit models with higher swimming trunks.

Katy Perry

Jessica Alba. Sexy and graceful in the photo in real life, she is a striking example of a rectangular sporty body type, which is further emphasized by the not entirely successful choice of swimsuit

Jessica should slow down a little in her sports activities and pay attention to types of fitness that will help create smooth curves of an hourglass figure.

Jessica Alba

Scarlett Johansson. The spectacular and flexible Natasha Romanova from the film “The Avengers” is not so flexible in real life. As you can see in the photo, Scarlett Johansson has gained several extra pounds, which would not hurt to lose, especially in the abdominal area.

Scarlett Johansson

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Fergie. At 43, Fergie has perfect body proportions that younger girls would envy. And the rich chocolate-colored swimsuit only emphasizes the already spectacular advantages of the performer.


Lady Gaga. This photo of Lady Gaga can be called one of the most unfortunate. Thanks to extra pounds, sagging skin, and cellulite, this very eccentric singer often resorts to Photoshop and displays already retouched “ideal” proportions on her Internet pages.

Lady Gaga

Important! Psychologists in the UK have proven that photoshopped photos of stars increase depression among young people, thereby increasing the suicide rate. Therefore, the government is considering a decision to ban the use of Photoshop in various periodicals

Lady Gaga

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Drew Barrymore. Unfortunately, the photo shows that Drew's figure has lost a lot. Instead of smooth curves and sexy contours, Drew Barrymore has gained a fair amount of extra pounds, which, in relation to her small breasts, further enhances her voluminous proportions.

Drew Barrymore

Jennifer Aniston. The beauty from the TV series “Friends” has been pleasing us for years not only with her achievements, but also with her sense of will, since everyone knows that she was previously a plump girl. Today Jennifer has a beautiful figure that her peers can envy. However, a slightly bulging tummy and small breasts spoil the overall picture a little, so the actress should especially work on these places.

Jennifer Aniston

Britney Spears. Britney's figure can be called simply ideal. Beautiful proportions, well-groomed skin and the absence of excess fat indicate the singer’s attachment to proper nutrition and love of sports. But Britney could have chosen a different swimsuit, since breasts falling out of the bust look not entirely ethical and somewhat sloppy.

Britney Spears

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