How to steam your face to cleanse blackheads at home?

It is impossible to imagine complete skin care without such a procedure as facial cleansing. It allows you to solve various cosmetic problems, in particular, it removes the stratum corneum, promotes tissue rejuvenation, eliminates acne and other imperfections. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to perform such a procedure in specialized clinics or beauty salons. But there is a way out. This is facial cleansing at home with special peelings or devices. So that you can perform this procedure yourself, we will consider its features and rules.

Why is steaming necessary before cleaning?

To understand why it is so important to steam your face before cleansing and correctly determine the best way to do this at home, let’s determine what processes are launched in the epidermis as a result of steaming:

  • stimulation of the skin's production of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity;
  • if antibacterial solutions are used with other agents, inflammatory processes go away;
  • Sebaceous deposits and dirt are removed efficiently and effortlessly;
  • Efficiency increases with subsequent use of scrubs; softened, keratinized scales come off much easier and more painlessly for the dermis;
  • remove comedones faster and easier;
  • The most important thing is that the procedure helps open the pores, which allows the beneficial substances applied to the face after steaming to penetrate deeply into the skin layers and moisturize and nourish the skin as effectively as possible.

Sometimes steaming is enough to get rid of blackheads and pimples. They pop out of the softened skin with slight pressure. Even pure steam has a disinfecting effect.

Did you know that steaming is most beneficial for mature skin? The hot steam treatment process stimulates collagen production, saturates the dermis with oxygen and has a positive effect on blood circulation. All this, in turn, slows down the aging process, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Why is it necessary to steam your skin before cleansing your face?

The process of heating the facial skin is one of the important preparatory stages of cleaning pores against accumulations of black sebum and dirt, carried out by a cosmetologist or at home. The need for pre-treatment is explained by the effect obtained from the manipulation:

  1. Cleansing. Using steam, impurities are washed away from the face.
  2. Softening. If you steam the surface of your face before you begin to cleanse it of black, inflamed spots, this helps to increase the plasticity of the keratinized skin layer, removing dead cells and pimples.
  3. Expanding pores. Their opening on the face promotes better cleansing of black sebaceous spots and deeper penetration of the medicinal composition.
  4. Disinfecting. Heat treatment gives an antibacterial effect if an antiseptic has been added to the water, possibly in chamomile infusion.

The benefits of a steam bath at home are manifested in saturating the facial skin with oxygen, improving blood circulation, and stimulating collagen production.

Preparing for the facial steaming procedure

You need to know not only how to steam your face before cleansing, but also how to properly carry out the steaming itself. The process requires preliminary preparation. Before the procedure you need to do the following:

  1. Use cleansers and wash to remove decorative cosmetics from your face. For oily skin, scrub can be used. If this is not done, dirt can penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis and cause inflammation.
  2. Gather your hair into a bun. It is better to tie them with a scarf or hide them under a special cap so that the hairs do not stick to the forehead during the manipulation.
  3. Lubricate delicate areas of the skin (eyelids and lips), which can be damaged by hot steam, with a rich cream.

In order to properly steam your face to remove all types of impurities from open pores, you should pay special attention to preliminary preparation. All of the above is done with thoroughly washed hands.

There are other features of skin steaming. For example, it is better to choose glass containers with a thick bottom for the procedure. They will make the process better and not burn your hands.

Professional products

Cosmetic companies produce many ready-made steaming masks that work just as well as homemade ones. Their distinctive feature is that they contain mineral and vitamin complexes and are produced for certain skin types. The most popular brands are:

  • Samtea. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and water-salt balance due to the presence of guarana.
  • Biox Thermal Expirience Mask. The mask very quickly warms up the dermis, removes toxins and expands pores, consists of biologically active components in thermal water, suitable for normal skin.
  • Algo Naturel. Thanks to the presence of alginic acid salt, which tones the skin, tightens pores and improves blood circulation.
  • Eveline Cosmetics Q10+R. An inexpensive mask is used before cleansing the skin, instantly steaming the face. Contains chamomile oil and coenzymes, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Garnier Skin Naturals. It warms up the dermis very quickly, deeply cleansing the pores of dead cells. Thanks to the content of zinc, clay and plant extracts, it tones and smoothes the skin.

How to steam your face to remove blackheads at home

There are several popular ways to effectively steam your face at home in order to prepare for further cleansing:

  • traditional steam baths;
  • special cosmetic products and masks;
  • manipulations using a home mini sauna or inhaler;
  • warm napkins.

All of the listed methods of steaming the skin have the same contraindications and give similar results, so you need to choose based on your own preferences. When choosing a composition, take into account the possibility of allergic reactions to some ingredients, as well as the fact that in some cases manipulation is contraindicated.

Any steaming method requires compliance with safety measures:

  • the liquid used should not be very hot;
  • After the procedure, you should stay at home for several hours;
  • It is necessary to first protect delicate areas of the skin with creams.

It would be a good idea to consult a cosmetologist who can give advice based on your individual characteristics.

Traditional steaming

Classic manipulation involves the use of clean water enriched with decoctions of various herbs. The procedure looks like this:

  1. Boil clean water in a kettle or other container.
  2. Take a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom, and pour dry grass into it. Since ancient times, women have used chamomile for this purpose.
  3. Wait for the boiling liquid to cool to 50-60 degrees, and then pour it into the contents of the saucepan.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the herb to brew, lean over the container and cover your head with a towel so as to direct the steam onto your face.
  5. Stay in this position for 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Remove the towel and blot your face with a soft cloth or paper napkin.

Important: when preparing your skin for further treatment against acne and blackheads, try not to expose your face to hot jets to avoid getting burned.

If you breathe deeply during the procedure, this will allow the lungs to open and get rid of mucus, which will make breathing more free.

The manipulation should be carried out once every 21 days. For thick, oily dermis – once every 2 weeks.

Instead of chamomile, you can use other medicinal plants:

  • rose petals;
  • Linden blossom;
  • mint;
  • parsley;
  • lemon;
  • St. John's wort;
  • dandelion;
  • calendula, etc.

You can also use special herbal medicines.

A potato decoction with the addition of a small amount of starch and baking soda, as well as a few drops of tea tree ether, gives a good result.

Mini sauna or inhaler

In pharmacies and cosmetic departments of stores you can purchase a special inhaler or mini sauna, which will make steaming before cleansing the dermis more effective.

The device operates on the principle of an electric kettle. The main element of the electronic device is the heater located on the working part.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Pour water with oils or herbal decoctions into the container.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. When steam comes out of the device, place your face under it.

Choose saunas with a timer and the ability to set different modes. This will allow you to use the inhaler for both cosmetic and medical procedures.

Masks with steaming effect

Modern cosmetology can give several clear answers to the question of how to steam your face without steam. This:

  • creams,
  • gels,
  • masks and other means.

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made cosmetic mask that has a steaming effect. This option will be especially useful for those who have contraindications to heat exposure.

A steaming mask for steaming the face before upcoming cleansing consists of scraps of natural fabrics soaked in extracts of medicinal plants. They are used as follows:

  1. Place the mask in water until it gets wet.
  2. Lightly wring out the fabric.
  3. Distribute over face for 15 minutes.

Before starting the procedure, read the instructions carefully. The use of some types of masks has its own peculiarities.

Rules for the steaming procedure

The frequency of facial skin cleansing against multiple blackheads at home is determined by the severity of comedones and the structure of the epithelium. Cosmetologists recommend cleansing oily skin with acne that is prone to inflammation once every 10-14 days. You can steam the skin for no longer than 10 minutes. Oily and rough skin with an abundance of black, inflamed spots and seals can be softened for up to 15 minutes.

For those with normal or combination skin, the procedure time is 5 minutes. For a mild problem of black sebaceous spots, heating is used once every 21-28 days.

Dryness of the epithelial covers requires reducing the time of the facial cleansing process to 3 minutes. Home manipulation is carried out once every few months.

You can steam the epidermis to eliminate deep blackheads after the preparatory stage, consisting of the following actions:

  • decorative cosmetics need to be cleaned. For oily skin, the use of a scrub is recommended;
  • Before warming up at home, you need to remove hair from your face using a hoop (cap);
  • The delicate skin in the eye and lip area is lubricated with a fatty cosmetic product (cream, balm, hygienic lipstick). This will protect them from hot steam;
  • Steam your inflamed face before cleaning from multiple blackheads by thoroughly washing your hands.

Steaming your face at home is easy. The process before removing black rashes and spots is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Bending over a container into which heated water (herbal decoction) has been poured, cover the head with a terry sheet (towel). The head is kept at least 20 centimeters above the liquid. Otherwise there is a risk of skin burns.
  2. The face is held over the steam for 5-15 minutes. The time is determined by the skin type and the severity of deep blackheads. The fatter the epidermis and the more comedones, the longer the body should be steamed before cleansing.
  3. Finally, blot the skin with a dry cloth. Do not rub the skin.

When not to steam your face

Steaming your face at home cannot be done if:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • lung diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin caused by viruses or infections;
  • the presence of immature, inflamed pimples under the skin.

Before steaming your face, make sure that you do not have the listed contraindications to manipulation.

To summarize, we can conclude that steaming is a procedure that will be useful for people of all ages. Even those with problematic skin can find a safe method for softening the skin and preparing for cleansing. In addition to the skin, steaming has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and other body systems, soothing and relaxing.

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Discussion: 4 comments

  1. Vika says:
    My mother taught me this amazing procedure. Thanks to her, I didn’t know about acne and teenage acne. Just once a month, treat your skin to a warm, aromatic steam, and it will glow and delight others
  2. Tatyana says:

    It's funny, but I didn't know before about the benefits of steaming for the skin. The idea that this could cleanse the face came when I was doing inhalation during a cold. I noticed that my skin became soft and pleasant to the touch.

  3. Lydia says:

    I look younger than my peers because I regularly steam and do cleansing and peeling. Steaming is the basis of many procedures. Besides, it's a pleasant pastime. In the process you feel how even your thoughts are cleared

  4. Marina says:

    It’s great that this cheap and effective procedure can be carried out at home using improvised means.

How steaming your face can help reduce acne

Acne appears when pores are blocked by dirt, sebum, dead cells, bacteria and their waste products. According to PubMed Health, exposing your skin to steam and warm water can help unclog pores. This is important for reducing acne outbreaks.

Another study confirmed the hypothesis that steaming the skin increases its permeability, which means that acne medications and other ointments are better absorbed. After steam treatment, the skin softens, and products applied after the procedure work better.

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