Plinest: biorevitalization with smart nucleotides

The most effective beauty vitamins, such as Inneov, are based on seafood. Unfortunately, the facts are inexorable: only 1% of active substances reach the skin through the stomach.

Specialists from the Italian pharmaceutical company Mastelli have corrected this injustice. PLINEST injection preparations that have no analogues

(Plinest) and
(Plinest Fast). Now 100% of the nutrients from seafood instantly enter our skin cells.

The preparations are based on tiny DNA fragments (nucleotides) of the highest degree of purification, obtained from salmon milt. Cosmetologists around the world are unanimous: with the advent of Plinest, biorevitalization of the skin, its revitalization and rejuvenation, has entered a new level.


: these drugs are hypoallergenic,
compatible, and
do not give any side effects .
Injections are not recommended only during pregnancy and lactation, with hypersensitivity to components, inflammatory skin diseases, and autoimmune diseases.

The list of indications looks much more impressive.

PLINEST / PLINEST Fast preparations are used:

  • for the prevention
    of aging;
  • to eliminate (eliminate, not disguise!) any
    signs of wilting;
  • for skin lifting when its elasticity decreases;
  • to return the skin to a healthy youthful glow;
  • against dryness and dehydration;
  • to create a shield against the negative effects of UV radiation, smoking, free radicals;
  • when preparing the skin for plastic surgery;
  • to speed up recovery after aesthetic surgery;
  • special PLINEST / PLINEST Fast regimens are used to treat hair loss (alopecia);
  • against stretch marks (stretch marks) and acne, in combination with peelings.


: Plinest is a “smart” system that
helps the skin only when there are problems
. Plinest does not stimulate healthy skin in any way, which means it does not deplete its natural potential.

Review from Ekaterina, 48 years old:

“To go to a beauty clinic for a month and undergo many procedures in order to look young and fresh is an unattainable dream for me. I'm a very busy person.

Thank you, Anna Nikolaevna, for recommending Plinest. Very quickly and without the need for rehabilitation - and the effect is like a month in a spa! After the first procedure, the result was impressive! I’ll definitely do a repeat course in half a year!”

Biorevitalization with Revi


REVI is a drug produced by the domestic manufacturer CLS International Corporation. The product has a unique composition, and today there are no analogues to it. The age gradations of the rulers are very arbitrary. A patient aged 25+ can safely undergo a course of injections with the REVI STYLE line, or vice versa.


  • REVI Dark circles under the eyes;
  • Swelling in the periorbital area;
  • Hyperpigmentation of the mobile eyelid;
  • Wrinkles of the periorbital region;
  • Decreased turgor and skin tone;
  • Hernial protrusions of the lower eyelid.
      Prevention and treatment of skin “fading”;
  • Correction of age-related changes; skin (decreased tone and elasticity);
  • Dehydrated skin;
  • Preparation of skin for medium and deep peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and recovery after them;
  • Acne (stage 1), post-acne;
  • Rosacea.
      Correction of age-related skin changes;
  • Dry, dehydrated skin;
  • Reducing pigmentation, lightening skin;
  • Bioreinforcement;
  • Acne, post-acne;
  • Rosacea;
  • Preparation for traumatic procedures.
      Correction of age-related skin changes;
  • Dry, dehydrated skin;
  • Clinical manifestation of acne;
  • Rosacea;
  • Reducing pigmentation, lightening skin;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Preparation for traumatic procedures;
  • Bioreinforcement.
  • Indications

    • Dry skin
    • Dull complexion
    • Fine wrinkles
    • Dark circles under the eyes
    • Preparation for UV irradiation (vacation, resort)

    Unique composition of REVI

    • Hyaluronic acid is the main component for biorevitalization
    • Trehalose is a reinforcing component for hyaluronic acid, providing it with a prolonged effect


    • Pregnancy and lactation
    • Infectious diseases
    • Viral diseases
    • Epilepsy
    • Herpes
    • Tendency to form keloid scars
    • Oncological diseases
    • Temperature
    • Cold
    • Allergy to the composition of the product
    • Inflammatory process in the epithelium

    Benefits of REVI

    • The product has no analogues on the market
    • Prolonged results up to 6 months
    • The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by clinical studies, and, for example, according to the Merz REVI scale, they state that signs of aging are reduced by 32% - 40% after 3 months.

    Essence of the procedure

    The procedure protocol is classic for biorevitalization. The technology of administration is the same as for many biorevitalizants. A cosmetologist can use several techniques for this: linear, papular or cannula.

    At the client’s request, the cosmetologist can use local anesthesia and apply a special anesthetic cream for 30 minutes.

    Revi drug

    How many procedures are needed?

    The mesotherapy procedure with the REVI product is, on average, carried out once every 5-6 months. If we are talking about intensive recovery, then more procedures will be required - 2-3 procedures every 10-14 days.

    How long does the procedure take?

    Depends on your individual characteristics and wishes. On average, the procedure lasts 30 minutes, excluding the application of anesthesia, if required.

    Do I need special preparation for the procedure?

    No special preparation is required for this procedure.

    How to care for your skin during the rehabilitation period?

    Avoid sports, visiting baths and saunas for 2-3 days

    Minimize touching injection areas for 24 hours after the procedure

    For 2 weeks it is prohibited to visit solariums and take natural sunbathing.

    Use skincare products without SPF

    Treat the skin with an antiseptic solution

    What procedures cannot be combined with REVI biorevitalization?

    With any procedures that injure the skin, as well as with SPA procedures.

    The REVI family is a small revolution in the field of biochemistry of hyaluronic acid, which has made it possible to create injection rejuvenation and skin restoration preparations that are even higher. Hyaluronic gels of this line are designed to bring aging and problem skin closer to perfection.

    They promise to reduce the severity of fine wrinkles, eliminate age-related skin changes, significantly reduce the clinical manifestations of acne and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.

    Results of the procedure

    Before the procedure

    After the procedure

    Before the procedure

    After the procedure

    Photos before and after

    The drug has no analogues

    Plinest radically improves the condition of the skin within a few hours after administration
    . The effect of the course of procedures increases over several weeks. The final result lasts for approximately six months.

    The secret of Plinest is to stimulate the rapid growth of your own

    skin cells and collagen.
    Yes, yes, unlike biorevitalization using hyaluronic acid preparations, it does not just return moisture and volume to the skin. Plinest is one of the few biorevitalization preparations that truly rejuvenate the skin, and not just create a youthful effect

    Expert comment:

    “It is important that PLINEST preparations not only provide a powerful independent effect, but also combine perfectly with other anti-aging techniques. We at Platinental successfully use them before contouring, after chemical peels and laser resurfacing, to prepare for mini-lifting, blepharoplasty and other plastic surgeries.”

    Elmira Baltacheeva, dermatocosmetologist.

    Plinest preparations are available in two forms with different concentrations of active ingredients:

    Advantages of Plinest bioremediants

    • Plinest is the only biorevitalizant and bioreparant based on polydeoxyribonucleotide. The polydeoxyribonucleotide for the Plinest line of drugs is extracted from the seminal secretion of salmon and undergoes thorough, repeated purification. Its use is highly effective and completely safe, the drugs are hypoallergenic, which has been confirmed by numerous clinical trials.
    • Plinest is based on its effect only on affected skin cells, so injections with drugs do not have an additional stimulating effect on healthy areas of the dermis, and therefore do not lead to disruption of the natural functioning of the body, and do not lead to depletion of the natural potential of cells.
    • Biorevitalization and Plinest reparation can be used in parallel with hardware methods of restoration and rejuvenation, peelings and, as a restorative measure after surgery.
    • Plinest does not lead to the accumulation of water at the injection site, so the manifestations of swelling after the procedure are minimized.
    • Clinical results of using Plinest have proven the effect of stimulating the secretion and proliferation (formation of new cells) of dermal fibroblasts, which guarantees improved tone, turgor and elasticity of the skin.

    Preparation for biorevitalization PLINEST LIGHT Mastelli, 4 ml.*5 pcs.


    The famous Italian pharmaceutical concern “Mastelli” has developed a new unique drug of the PLINEST line for mesotherapy with a biorevitalization effect.
    PLINEST light

    is a follower of
    Placentex integro
    . The drug was specially developed to solve various aesthetic imperfections and, unlike its predecessor, has the form of a liquid gel with a higher concentration of the active substance.

    PLINEST light

    consists of polynucleotides, which are fragments of a DNA molecule with a low molecular weight, extracted from trout milk using a patented technology developed by Mastelli. The concentration of the active substance in the drug is 2 mg/ml.

    Preparation PLINEST light

    intended for birevitalization procedures of the face and body, and, above all, recommended for restoring thin, aging, dry, atonic skin and increasing the tone and turgor of skin under stress of various etiologies, for the prevention of premature aging, for young skin, prevention of photoaging, as well as for inducing repair processes after traumatic procedures.
    In cases of pronounced age-related changes, PLINEST light
    is used mainly for mixed types of aging, to restore skin turgor in the neck, décolleté, bust, abdominal area, inner thighs and arms, i.e.
    on large surfaces. When conducting intensive courses of birevitalization, PLINEST light
    is used in combination with more powerful preparations
    PLINEST Fast
    , which are used to correct wrinkles of varying localization and severity.

    USING Plinest light, professionals get GREAT RESULTS

    • increasing skin tone and turgor
    • restoration of moisture levels
    • slowing down the aging process
    • eliminating symptoms of stress and fatigue
    • skin restoration during the changing seasons
    • acceleration of repair processes after traumatic procedures
    • smoothing of skin relief
    • improvement of skin tone and color
    • effective against rosacea in the early stages

    PLINEST light injections

    are characterized by minimal local erythema, absence of intradermal reaction and excellent tolerability due to its liquid consistency, which also ensures ease of administration of the drug.

    Characteristics of PLINEST light

    • Liquid gel for intradermal administration
    • 2mg/ml (kDa)
    • 4 ml ampoules
    • Sterile long-chain polynucleotide gel
    • Odorless, colorless
    • Full biocompatibility with tissues
    • No toxicity
    • Absolutely hypoallergenic

    Clinical trials of PLINEST light

    showed not only excellent tolerability, but also a complete absence of side effects upon administration.

    Action of PLINEST light

    • Due to the biochemical properties of polynucleotide chains, the drug is able to bind a significant number of water molecules, which promotes tissue hydration and has a pronounced moisturizing effect.
    • Polynucleotides stimulate both the proliferative and metabolic activity of fibroblasts, which is based on the stimulation of A2 cell receptors. The result is an increase in the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
    • The polymeric structure of polynucleotides is a free radical scavenger, due to which the drug has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
    • Initiation of the synthesis of VEGF growth factor, which stimulates the formation of microvessels and angiogenesis in areas with impaired skin integrity.

    Indications and recommendations for use of PLINEST light

    • Skin with decreased tone and turgor
    • Thin and dehydrated skin
    • Correction and slowdown of chrono and photoaging processes
    • Young skin / prevention of premature aging
    • Skin under stress
    • Restoring facial skin after winter
    • Preparation for sun exposure and skin rehabilitation after intense sun exposure
    • Preparing the skin for traumatic procedures and accelerating repair during the rehabilitation period / surgery, laser, thermage, etc.
    • Correction of age-related changes in combination with PLINEST
      PLINEST Fast
    • Maintenance therapy in the intervals between intensive courses of biorevitalization PLINEST
      PLINEST Fast

    PLINEST light

    It is not recommended to use for the correction of deep wrinkles and pronounced age-related changes as the main drug.

    Recommended injection techniques for PLINEST light

    • nappage
    • superficial papules


    • Restoring water balance and skin turgor
    • Increased tone and elasticity
    • Leveling the skin texture
    • Improved skin tone and color
    • Acceleration of reparation processes

    Application areas:

    • Face
    • Neck, décolleté
    • Abdominal region
    • Inner thighs and arms
    • Dorsal surface of hands
    • Scalp (with alopecia)
    ( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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