Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid preparations

The first thing that fades with age in a person is the skin. It becomes dry and stretched, covered with wrinkles and spider veins. You can be young at heart, feel like you’re 25, but your skin—and above all on your face, the most exposed part of your body—suddenly stops making you happy. There is a way to slow down the aging process and even reverse it - biorevitalization.

If we translate the term literally, it will be a return to life, renewal and restoration. Moreover, it is completely natural, using a natural ingredient - hyaluronic acid, which is found in the body of every person. It has many functions, one of the main ones is skin regeneration.

Advantages of biorevitalization at ART-Clinic

Online consultations for patients from the regions

A team of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience

Modern minimally invasive techniques of operations and reconstructions

Affordable prices, promotions, discounts, installments

Being one of the newest cosmetological techniques, biorevitalization is capable of solving a wide range of problems, renewing and improving the skin in problem areas. Hyaluronic acid is delivered to the body through injections, and at this stage the main thing is that the procedure is performed by a specialist who is well versed in how the skin “works” and where and in what volume it is better to inject the drug to achieve an aesthetic effect.

Such professionals work at the ART Clinic. Their knowledge and experience, combined with the best injection drugs, are the main components of successful biorevitalization in our clinic. Sign up for a consultation at the ART Clinic by phone and (calls within Russia are free) or using a special form.

Advantages of laser biorevitalization

Laser biorevitalization is most in demand for a number of reasons:

  • painlessness;
  • no contraindications or side effects;
  • minimum duration of the procedure (from a quarter of an hour to half an hour);
  • the result obtained lasts for a year.

It is possible to achieve a rejuvenating effect quickly with this procedure, since the laser used is capable of delivering the drug to the deep layers of the skin, almost to the basement membrane.

Possibilities of biorevitalization at ART-Clinic

Hyaluronic acid injections made during biorevitalization can:

  • restore the water balance of dry, aging skin;
  • make the oval of the face clearer and more prominent;
  • solve the problem with pigment spots.

In addition, thanks to biorevitalization you can get rid of:

  • bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • wrinkles and folds;
  • spider veins and rosacea (red mesh on the skin);
  • scars (due to acne and traumatic);
  • stretch marks;
  • cellulite,
  • local fat deposits;
  • double chin.

The procedure is contraindicated

  • people with autoimmune diseases such as lupus;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • epileptics;
  • those whose skin is prone to the appearance of keloid scars;
  • people with poor blood clotting.

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

More information about the biorevitalization procedure

How does biorevitalization work?

At ART-Clinic, advanced drugs are used for biorevitalization: Teosyal Redensity (Teosyal Redensity) from Switzerland and Aqushine Revofil (Aquashine Revofil) from South Korea. They are based on:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • restorative complex (antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and other components);
  • lidocaine is an anesthetic.

Once in the skin, hyaluronic acid molecules then gradually disintegrate, forming new mono- and disaccharides - a building biomaterial. This accelerates the process of restoration of the dermis and the production of hyaluronic acid by the body itself. It, in turn, stimulates the synthesis of new elastin and collagen fibers - proteins responsible for skin elasticity.

Features of the procedure

A week before the procedure, you need to give up smoking and alcohol - they worsen the quality of the skin and can negate biorevitalization.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • at the site of exposure, the skin is cleansed with antiseptics;
  • local anesthesia is given (usually an anesthetic cream);
  • markings are applied where the drug will be administered;
  • injections are made with the thinnest needle;
  • A special mask is applied to the face to relieve skin irritation
  • A thin layer of sunscreen is applied to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Post-procedure period

Due to biorevitalization, papules (small red dots) form on the skin at the injection sites. This is normal and goes away within the first 2 days. In rare cases, there may be an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. All this can be removed with the help of medications prescribed by a cosmetologist.

After the procedure, no recovery is required; you can immediately go about your business. But remember the restrictions for three weeks:

  • do not use cosmetics or massage at the treatment site for at least a day;
  • Avoid direct sunlight for a week
  • do not go to the pool, bathhouse or sauna for two weeks;

Effect duration

The effect of biorevitalization occurs immediately after the procedure: at the site of treatment, the skin is moisturized, tightened, and becomes softer and more elastic. After two weeks, the skin becomes elastic, but it takes more time to smooth out wrinkles and lighten pigmented areas.

The course of biorevitalization is, as a rule, no more than six procedures performed once a month. Another option: do injections once a quarter or 3 times throughout the year.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of each procedure is influenced by the patient’s skin condition, his aesthetic wishes, and the price of the chosen drug. Therefore, the best option is to carefully calculate everything during a consultation at the ART Clinic.

Features of the use of the drug Profhilo

Currently, the ART Clinic has begun to use a revolutionary drug for skin rejuvenation - Profhilo. Unlike traditional preparations for biorevitalization, it contains only highly purified hyaluronic acid, without additional components (vitamins, antioxidants, etc.) and is a unique hybrid of two types of pure hyaluronate: high and low molecular weight.

Thanks to the increased spreadability of the low molecular weight component, Profhilo creates volume in the tissues exactly in those places where it is required. And the unusually high concentration of hyaluronic acid significantly accelerates the natural renewal of the skin without causing inflammatory reactions. As a result, the use of the drug Profhilo.

  • gives a quick noticeable lifting effect;
  • Maximum stimulates collagen production;
  • improves the condition of subcutaneous fatty tissue and local blood supply;
  • increases skin elasticity and firmness.

The Profhilo procedure allows literally in one application to increase the volume of skin at the correction site and raise its quality to a new level without the slightest risk of inflammation and complications. It is no coincidence that they even came up with a special name for this procedure, consonant with “biorevitalization” - “bioremodeling” Profhilo.

Profhilo injections are made at five points on each side of the face, neck or other areas. To obtain a sustainable effect, it is advisable to carry out a couple of 2 - 3 injection procedures at intervals of a month.

"To learn more".


The best age to start laser hyaluroplasty is 35 years.
Over the next 20 years, regular implementation of these procedures will help keep the skin young, healthy, tightened and moisturized, prevent, correct and neutralize the aging process. Main indications of the procedure:

  • dryness, thinning, tightness and increased sensitivity of the skin,
  • multiple small wrinkles and medium wrinkles,
  • decrease in turgor,
  • drooping, decreased elasticity and firmness,
  • skin restoration after laser resurfacing, Fraxel procedures, peelings,
  • prevention and treatment of photoaging,
  • unhealthy skin color due to insomnia, overwork.

Prices for biorevitalization

Appointment with a cosmetologist

*On the day of the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is free! The promotion does not apply to cosmetologists Ph.D.

Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 1 500₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist, repeated1 000₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with cosmetologist K.M.N. primary. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 3 500₽


*MESO-AI C71 (1.0 ml)17 500₽
*BELOTERO HYDRO (1.0 ml)12 000₽
*NITIA (70 mg) intradermal implant27 000₽
*MESO-WARTON (1.5 ml)18 000₽
*MESO-XANTHINE (1.5 ml)17 000₽
*MESOSCALP (1.0 ml)15 000₽
*NEWVIA Organic Hydro Deluxe (1 ml)12 000₽
*NEWVIA Organic Hydro Deluxe (2.5 ml)18 000₽
*NEUVIA Organic Hydro Deluxe Ex El (5 ml)25 000₽
*PROFILE (2 ml)25 000₽
*PROFILE (2×2ml.)47 000₽
*TEOSIAL REDNESS I (1 ml)15 000₽
*REVI Silk (1 ml)17 000₽
*REVI Silk (2 ml)24 000₽
*REVI Strong (1 ml)20 000₽
*REVI (Periorbital region) (1 ml))12 000₽
*Novacutan SBio (2ml.)19 000₽
*JUVEDERM VOLITE (1 ml.)20 000₽
*JUVEDERM VOLUX with lidocaine (1ml)23 000₽

Stages of the procedure

  1. Consultation and drawing up an individual procedure plan. The doctor will recommend the drug most suitable for solving your problems.
  2. Cleansing and disinfecting the skin.
  3. Opening the package with biorevitalizant.
  4. Consecutive injections to a shallow depth (1-4 mm). At the site of each injection, papules are formed - tubercles filled with liquid.
  5. Repeated antiseptic treatment and application of anti-inflammatory agent
  6. Recommendations for the recovery period and home care tips.


Smart medicine for smart people

Safe, effective and natural rejuvenation

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We don't just take care of your beauty - we recharge you!

The effect of biorevitalization

  • improving the quality of the skin, increasing its turgor;
  • even out complexion;
  • reducing the severity of old age spots, eliminating lighter pigmentation;
  • removal of spider veins;
  • reducing the severity of the nasolacrimal groove;
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • surface leveling;
  • smoothing scars, post-acne;
  • lifting the lower third of the face;
  • lifting jowls, cheeks;
  • raising the corners of the lips.

The procedure has maximum effect for mild age-related changes. With moderate and severe severity, laser rejuvenation, hardware SMAS lifting and contour plastic surgery may be required.

How is non-injection biorevitalization performed?

Please note that biorevitalization without injections requires a mandatory preliminary examination. During the examination, the doctor evaluates the treatment prospects for a particular patient. Specialists from the clinics of the Vash Doctor Group examine the skin, study potential problem areas and select an individual type of medication.

Before the procedure begins, the doctor treats the skin using antiseptic drugs. After this, markings are made for the precise and rapid introduction of hyaluronic acid. The average session duration ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

Biorevitalization without injections involves the use of auxiliary medical and cosmetic products. Thanks to them, the effect is consolidated and discomfort is minimized. After completing the session, the specialist re-examines the skin and draws up an individual list of recommendations for the patient.

You can make an appointment with a cosmetologist in Moscow to undergo professional biorevitalization without injections online. You can check the cost of services on the website or get acquainted with the prices when communicating with specialists from the clinics of the Vash Doctor Group of Companies.

Non-injection mesotherapy device – effectiveness without punctures

If injections cannot be used due to negative reactions from the skin or other conditions that prevent the administration of drugs subcutaneously, a non-injection mesotherapy device will come to the rescue. Here, instead of needles, methods of physical influence on the skin are used, which help to activate the processes of assimilation of meso-cocktails, such as ultrasound, electromagnetic fields, oxygen and others.

An oxygen mesotherapy device is very popular, which delivers nutrients by applying air pressure to the skin. The price of the device, which is in demand among customers, is adequate to the build quality and performance characteristics. We offer only proven cosmetology equipment, produced directly to order, or from brands where we are official representatives.

Devices for home mesotherapy

Thanks to modern technologies, the mesotherapy device can be used not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. The cost of the device will vary depending on its specifics and the manufacturer that produces this product.

To save on salon procedures, women purchase a mesotherapy device at home. These are models that operate on the same principle as professional devices, but have limited impact parameters so that a person without special training cannot harm himself. The use of devices for home mesotherapy involves individual use and treatment with disinfectants.


NameCost, rub.
Biorevitalization with Princess rich9000
Biorevitalization with Aquashine10500
Biorevitalization with Hyalual 1.1% 2ml9000
Biorevitalization with Hyalual 1.8% 2 ml11000
Biorevitalization with Restylane Vital Light10000
Biorevitalization with Teosyal Meso 1ml7700
Biorevitalization with Teosyal MesoExpert 3ml11000
BiorevitalizationJuvederm Hydrate 1ml10300
Biorevitalization with Beautelle 30 2ml7000
Biorevitalization with Beautelle 40 2ml8000
Biorevitalization with Betuelle Age 2ml9000

Make an appointment

Methods and purposes of biorevitalization without injections

Non-injection biorevitalization involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid through chemical or physical external influences. The capabilities of specialists and the technical equipment of the clinics of the Vash Doctor group of companies make it possible to carry out biorevitalization without injections using:

  • laser radiation;
  • liquid nitrogen (cold);
  • galvanic direct current;
  • ultrasound and so on.

Today, the procedure of this type demonstrates effective results in terms of solving the following problems:

  • dry skin;
  • decreased tone;
  • the appearance of age and facial wrinkles;
  • formation of dark circles and “bags” in the eye area;
  • swelling;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • deficiency of vitamins and nutrients;
  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • rosacea;
  • violations of the facial contour;
  • a wide range of age-related changes.

Similarly, the non-injection biorevitalization procedure is recommended as part of rehabilitation after plastic and aesthetic surgery.

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