Teosyal - review of drugs and their effectiveness

Every woman undoubtedly has the desire to be beautiful, to have smooth and well-groomed skin, to look feminine and not have problems with her appearance. What factors determine a young and attractive appearance?

In order for the skin to remain elastic and wrinkles to appear as late as possible, the presence of the hormone estrogen in the blood is required, and its amount, unfortunately, only becomes less over the years. Therefore, after crossing the thirty-year mark, additional skin care procedures are required.

No one has yet been able to completely get rid of wrinkles even with the help of the most expensive and high-quality cosmetics. But not so long ago, cosmetology began to use a revolutionary product, which many women deservedly called the “elixir of youth” - hyaluronic acid. This component is widely used in various cosmetics from creams to facial washes; there are also a large number of special anti-aging preparations containing hyaluronic acid. All of them, of course, have their pros and cons, so a thoughtful approach is required to selecting the right product, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. Let's take a closer look at the line of drugs such as Teosyal.


Learn more about Teosyal products

The line includes a complex of 8 products with different purposes for cosmetic injections; the main active component of the gels is hyaluronic acid. Typically, these products are used during mesotherapy and biorevitalization sessions.

This is a set of medicinal cosmetic preparations, the main purposes of which are to restore the youthful appearance and elasticity of the skin, and correct skin defects.

Teosyal – products for improving the appearance of the skin

Components of this line:

  • drugs used for mesotherapy;
  • care cosmetics for preliminary preparation of patients for the procedure, as well as for subsequent care;
  • fillers;
  • substances for performing chemical peeling.

Interesting ! Country of manufacture – Switzerland, products are produced.

Leading specialists of this company develop products in order to obtain the most desired result for the client. Due to this, the drugs of this company compete with other products on the market not only due to advertising and promotion, but also due to their direct qualities.

These products are very popular

Main characteristics of the drugs.

  1. Strict compliance with standardization in the field of anti-aging products.
  2. No hyaluronic acid derived from animal components is used.
  3. Hypoallergenic and excellent removal of foreign impurities - Teosyal products are suitable for people with hypersensitive skin.
  4. An acid with a special molecular structure is used, due to which it can stay longer in the treated tissues.

Interesting ! Another important advantage of such drugs is the high fluidity of the drugs; accordingly, in order to administer them, particularly thin needles can be used that do not have a serious traumatic effect on surrounding tissues.

Teosyal line for volume and contour plastic surgery

The main tasks of this group of products are considered to be filling wrinkles of varying severity, smoothing the skin texture and correcting the oval of the face. Additionally, they have a positive effect on the firmness and elasticity of tissues.

Filler injections do not affect muscle function, can be performed at any time of the year and have a minimal risk of developing allergies. These include:

  1. Fist Lines is the lightest product indicated for eliminating the very first superficial wrinkles, minor crow's feet, etc. The effect lasts for 2-3 months.
  2. Global Action - designed to smooth out shallow nasolabial folds and moderately severe wrinkles, including those formed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and cheeks. The result lasts for six months.
  3. Deep Lines – optimally suited for combating severe wrinkles due to its denser gel structure. It is used to fill nasolabial folds and purse-string wrinkles. The effect lasts 6–9 months.
  4. Ultra Deep is the densest gel from the entire Teosyal line, created to fill deep folds, restore the necessary volume of the face and improve its oval. Duration of action – 6–9 months.
  5. Ultimate is an ideal filler for replenishing missing volume in cheekbones, chin, etc. The effect lasts 12–18 months.
  6. Kiss – designed to change the contours of the lips and increase their volume. The result lasts 6–9 months.
  7. Redensity 2 is a special gel for eliminating imperfections in the periorbital area, temples and skin of the hands. The effect lasts for a year.

Each product is available both in pure form and with lidocaine, which makes contouring and volumetric plastic surgery accessible to people who are allergic to lidocaine. In the latter case, it is marked with the inscription PureSence.

A few words about the composition

Teosyal fillers do not use hyaluronic acid from animal components - this reduces the likelihood of allergies several times and makes the products safer for the skin. For 1 gram of product there is about 25 ml of hyaluronic acid. When it enters the tissue, it combines with H2O molecules, the skin becomes more hydrated, and a visible effect of smoothing out wrinkles appears. The molecular structure, in which the molecules are connected to each other more tightly, does not allow them to disintegrate quickly, which can guarantee a longer lasting effect.

Interesting ! The gels are viscous enough to allow the use of thin needles that cause minimal tissue trauma.

The preparations contain elements that are very beneficial for the skin.


These drugs do not cause any harm to the body: this fact has been proven by five years of research and a huge number of procedures performed (almost 1.5 million injections). The average incidence of side effects is 1 case per 15 thousand sessions. These are very low figures among all hyaluronic acid-based drugs.

The drug does not harm the body

Teosyal: analogues

Glytone, CRM, Belotero, Stylage, Princess, Surgiderm, Essederm and other hyaluronic fillers based on monophasic hyaluronic acid.

The main advantages of Teosyal

The main advantage of the gels from this company is that they use hyaluronic acid, which is very well purified. It is not only manufactured in compliance with all necessary standards, but in some aspects it can even exceed them. Because of this, complications when using Teosyal are much less common.

Teosial has its pros and cons

The advantages also include the duration of the effect: when using Teosial preparations, the positive effect lasts for about a year. With maintenance sessions, the effect can be prolonged.

Interesting ! At the same time, conventional fillers from most manufacturers guarantee a visual result lasting on average about six months or a little more.

Duration of action

Teoxane brand lip contour correction drug, Kiss filler, “works” from 6 to 9 months. After this period, the hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed, and the lips regain their previous appearance. But all these temporary characteristics may differ in patients, since everything depends on the condition and characteristics of the body. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to carry out 3 procedures, constantly reducing the volume of filler.

Age at which these products should be used

As a rule, biological age is not considered the main factor when using line products with hyaluronic acid; mesotherapy and facial contouring can be used for almost every girl or woman over 18 years of age. Typically, the indications are complaints from patients about the appearance of wrinkles in the neck (they occur even in young people) or the appearance of folds in the forehead and facial wrinkles, which also do not always depend on age.

Teosyal can be used by patients over 18 years of age

Interesting ! Age, thickness and density of the skin, the degree of manifestation of imperfections - these are the main characteristics, based on which the cosmetologist makes his choice which drug is best suited for sessions.

Teosyal MesoExpert

Biorevitalization Teosyal MesoExpert is prescribed to patients aged 25–30 years. This drug saturates the skin with moisture, fights inflammation, and helps prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging.

Indications for use

  • thinning, dry, unhealthy skin color;
  • shallow expression wrinkles;
  • decreased tone, flabbiness, atrophy, loss of elasticity;
  • drooping oval face;
  • the first signs of photoaging.

Teoxane MesoExpert injections are prescribed to patients during the rehabilitation period after peeling procedures, fractional photothermolysis, and dermabrasion.

The active ingredient of biorevitalizant is hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 15 mg/g. In addition to it, the composition includes additional components that provide a quick effect and prolonged action. The dermorestructuring complex looks like this:

  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants,
  • trace elements: zinc, copper;
  • vitamin B6

The Teosyal MesoExpert therapy course provides:

  • activation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen fibers;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • skin regeneration and restoration;
  • protection from the negative impact of external factors;
  • increasing local immunity;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes at the intracellular level;
  • effective hydration, nutrition, rejuvenation.

List of main contraindications

There is a general list of conditions and processes in which the use of products containing hyaluronic acid is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual hypertrophied sensitivity to drugs;
  • tendency of the skin to develop keloid scars;
  • history of seizure disorders or epilepsy, especially in cases where seizures cannot be controlled with medications.

If there is at least one contraindication, the procedure cannot be performed

If the composition contains a substance such as lidocaine for anesthesia, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to it.

There is also a list of certain contraindications for the general implementation of any such procedures:

  • age less than eighteen years;
  • presence of alcohol and drugs in the blood.

In some cases, after manipulation, you may encounter the following side effects:

  • the formation of residual visible marks from the needle, as well as micro-bruises after damage to blood vessels;
  • slight swelling of the tissue in the place where the product was injected;
  • the face may become asymmetrical when aligning the facial contour;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​drug administration;
  • small compactions caused by the proliferation of connective tissue.

Complications occur in rare cases

Interesting ! These effects may be considered part of the skin's normal response to the procedure and will usually subside within about a week. You should only worry if this effect persists for a long time.


Despite the fact that the technique is safe and has virtually no side effects, it still has contraindications, which, if ignored, are dangerous to health and fraught with negative consequences.

The anti-aging injection procedure is not prescribed to patients diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • dermatological diseases localized in the injection area;
  • acute inflammatory, infectious, purulent processes;
  • allergy to components of drugs used for biorevitalization;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • high temperature, fever;
  • chronic diseases in the healing stage;
  • diseases of autoimmune etiology;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • neurological disorders accompanied by uncontrolled attacks, fits;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • the need for constant use of medications that affect blood viscosity;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

Biorevitalization is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menstrual bleeding. The procedure has age restrictions. Injections are not given to patients under 18 years of age.

Session outline

Typically, biorevitalization is performed according to a fairly standard procedure. It is worth paying attention that such manipulations should be performed exclusively by a qualified and experienced cosmetologist.

Before the gel is injected, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Usually this is a special cream or lidocaine. If it is already contained in the preparation, it is, of course, not used additionally.

Before the procedure, the skin surface is disinfected

Next, the gel itself is introduced - this process takes approximately thirty minutes. After administration, massage is performed to ensure that the drug is evenly distributed under the skin.

The last stage involves reintroducing the anesthetic.

An anesthetic must be used

How long the visible result will last usually depends on the characteristics of the skin, the original reason for the procedure, as well as the age characteristics and habits of the patient. It happens that difficulties arise due to the lack of qualifications of the cosmetologist who performs the manipulations.

Interesting ! In most situations, the effect lasts approximately 10-12 months when using a set of drugs from the Teosyal line.

When using the Kiss product, the session is carried out so that the result does not stop for up to 12 months, the same period of validity for UltraDeep, and for the Ultimate product – up to 18 months.

How is the procedure done?

Before an expert cosmetologist selects a suitable drug, he will conduct an initial examination, during which the general condition of the skin and the severity of age-related defects are assessed. The procedure has contraindications, which can be excluded or confirmed by the results of a comprehensive diagnostic examination. If everything is in order with the patient’s health, the specialist will set a date and time for biorevitalization.

Stages of rejuvenation using Teosyal Meso and Teosyal MesoExpert:

  • Preparation. The injection technique is carried out in a cosmetologist's office. The patient sits comfortably in a chair and relaxes. The specialist cleanses the face of makeup and other impurities. To avoid discomfort during injections, the area in need of correction is treated with a local anesthetic.
  • Injection of the drug. Injections are administered subcutaneously with special cosmetic syringes equipped with ultra-thin needles that minimally injure the skin. Biorevitalization can be carried out using a linear or papular technique. In the first case, the cosmetologist inserts the needle at an angle of 45 °, passes it along the entire length of the surface and introduces the composition by uniformly pressing the piston. The average depth of needle penetration is 1 cm. With papular injection, the cosmetologist creates a depot for hyaluronic acid. It introduces the composition to a depth of 2 mm tangentially to the skin.
  • Gently massage the treated areas. After administering the entire drug, the cosmetologist performs a light massage to evenly distribute the drug throughout the entire area.
  • Application of soothing, wound healing agents. Despite the fact that the composition is injected subcutaneously with ultra-thin needles, this does not exclude injury. To relieve irritation, swelling and accelerate tissue regeneration, a special gel, cream or mask is used. The product is applied to the treated areas and left for several minutes.

The procedure takes 25–30 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, the patient can return home and do his usual activities. But do not forget to follow the rules of rehabilitation, which the cosmetologist will tell you about in detail after biorevitalization.

How should you care for your skin after the procedure?

After the session is completed, taking care of your own skin falls directly on the patient. In order to avoid swelling and other problems, the following requirements must be met:

  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • try to avoid increasing the ambient temperature (exclude sauna, solarium);
  • minimize physical activity;
  • do not visit the pool;
  • Do not massage the area where the product was injected.

Certain recommendations must be followed to avoid complications

Side effects from use

Complications and adverse reactions after biorevitalization Teosyal Meso and Teosyal MesoExpert develop rarely and are mainly associated with non-compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period. Sometimes immediately after the procedure the patient may observe such negative phenomena as:

  • hyperemia;
  • swelling, puffiness;
  • soreness, itching.

Such symptoms are considered normal and go away on their own without special treatment within 2 to 3 days. To quickly normalize the condition, it is important to follow the rules of rehabilitation. During the recovery period, it is forbidden to stay in direct sunlight, visit a swimming pool, solarium, bathhouse, sauna, engage in active sports, resort to peeling, scrubbing and other aggressive procedures that injure the skin.

More serious complications, indicating low qualifications of the specialist or violation of the injection technique, are:

  • extensive hemorrhage at the site of biorevitalizant administration;
  • infection;
  • acute allergic reaction.

Cosmetologists at the International Hemostasis Clinic strictly adhere to the technology of biorevitalization, carefully select the drug, and prescribe comprehensive diagnostics to eliminate the slightest contraindications. Therefore, clients always trust us and recommend the center to their relatives and friends who need professional cosmetology services.

How much do the procedures cost?

Typically, the price of a session depends on the density of the gel used and the quantity of it introduced. Usually the cost is considered quite average: from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Teosyal Ultimate30-34 t.r. / 3 milliliters.
Teosyal Ultra Deep12 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Kiss16 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Deep Lines14 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Global Action14 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal First Line7 t.r. / 0.7 milliliters.
Teosyal Touch UP7 t.r. / 0.7 milliliters.
Teosyal Meso5.5 t.r. / 1 milliliter
Teosyal Meso Expert12 t.r. / 3 milliliters.

Cost of biorevitalization Teosyal

The cost of biorevitalization Teosyal Meso and Teosyal MesoExpert depends on factors such as the general condition of the skin, the severity of age-related changes, the number of sessions, the volume of the drug used, and the desired effect. The price range ranges from 5600 – 10210 rubles per 1 ml of anti-aging composition.

To clarify prices and make an appointment with a cosmetologist, call +7 (495) 106-90-74 or fill out the online form offered on the clinic’s website.

Botulinum therapy in cosmetology


PRP - plasma therapy

Existing Alternatives

Unfortunately, Teosyal has not yet received final certification for FDA approval in America, so some estheticians recommend using other approved fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm. However, it should be noted that these drugs do not last so long.

Restylane or Juvederm is sometimes used instead of Teosyal.

Restylane contains calcium hydroxyapatite as a base - it helps eliminate wrinkles, skin folds, and increase the volume of the cheeks. Procedures are carried out once every 8 months.

Interesting ! The disadvantages of such a drug include the inability to dissolve in the same way as drugs based on hyaluronic acid - this leads to the fact that if the result is not satisfactory, the patient will have to wait a long time for the drug to dissolve.

The effect of Restylane lasts for a shorter period of time

Sculptra - this drug is made on the basis of poly-L-lactic acid, it is used to correct the shape of the face with sunken cheeks and design the area under the eyes. Usually the results become noticeable after about 2 months and last up to two years.

Important ! If side effects occur, removal may be difficult.


Contour plastic with Teosyal Ultra Deep filler - reviews

Svetlana Ponomareva

Previously, I performed biorevitalization with the drug Hyaluform, but the attending physician suggested replacing it with Teosial Meso. I liked it much more: the skin recovered faster, and the effect lasted a month longer.

Irina Tarichina


Biorevitalization with Swiss Teosial brought quick results. At the same time, the skin healed quickly.

Daria Shchekochikhina


The procedure helped me get rid of age-related wrinkles around my eyes: my relatives noticed that I looked 10 years younger. I use Teosial and don’t think about changing to another drug.


https://v_dguk.ukr/ru/contour_plasty_with drug_teosyal-r1131903.html

After long diets and stress, I developed deep nasolabial folds, and my cheeks also retracted unsightly. All these shortcomings made me several years older and this situation greatly upset me. I turned to a cosmetologist I knew, who advised me to do contour plastic surgery using the drug Teosyal. The procedure began with cleansing the face of cosmetics and impurities. Then the cosmetologist applied a thick layer of anesthetic gel and covered the face with the gel with a piece of cling film. As he later explained - for a better and faster effect of anesthesia. Then the actual procedure began. In front of me, the cosmetologist opened the bottle and packaging and began to carefully inject the product with a dense texture into my nasolabies. During the procedure, I had conflicting sensations. So, for example, when they injected the left side of my face, I felt practically no pain, but when they injected the right side, the pain was so noticeable that tears came to my eyes. However, what can you endure for the sake of beauty. So, first they treated my nasolabial lips, then they injected my cheeks. During the treatment of nasolabial folds, the cosmetologist, from time to time, massaged those places where the cosmetic product was injected. I was told that I might develop severe bruises at the injection sites that would remain visible for several days. The cosmetologist warned that the effect would not appear immediately. Now I’ll tell you what I noticed. After the cosmetic procedure, I developed slight redness and bruises, which were practically no longer visible the next day. By the way, despite the fact that the cosmetologist told me that the result would not be visible immediately, I immediately noticed that my haggard and tired face was pleasantly rounded, and the unpleasant angularities disappeared. Within a few days, the nasolabial folds smoothed out well. The only thing that was not very pleasant was that on one part of my face the folds did not completely disappear. This was the part that reacted more painfully to the injections. Now the most important thing is the validity period of contour plastic surgery. The cosmetologist explained that much depends on the characteristics of the body and how active facial expressions are. I can’t say anything about the characteristics of my body, but I know for sure that the facial expressions of my face are very active. Taking into account this fact, the result lasted 1.4 years, then the folds appeared again, but were not particularly visible.


https://v_dguk.ukr/ru/contour_plasty_with drug_teosyal-r1239601.html

Last year, after the summer, I stopped being happy with the reflection in the mirror. The skin is overdried, the nasolabial lips and tear grooves have deepened. It was easy to decide on contour plastic surgery, the main thing is to choose a good cosmetologist so that there are no problems. They injected me with only 1 syringe (1 ml) into all areas - tear troughs, above the eyebrows, nasolabial lips, above the upper lip, temporal area, and a little into the hollows of the cheeks. They did it with a cannula. I asked the cosmetologist if the drug was not enough? She said that the first time is enough - if you don’t like the result, then it’s never too late to introduce another one. After about two weeks, the result appeared, as shown in the photo. I did it in December - now it’s the end of July - I think it needs to be repeated in August. I am very pleased with the result. Now some advice for those who are planning to do this.

Before doing contouring, you first need to clean the skin - peeling, then you need to moisturize the skin - biorevitalization, and only after that you can inject the gel. I did it in exactly this order, and the result still pleases me.



After I had Teosyal Redensity II filler placed under my eyes, I began to look younger and fresher! There were dark circles under the eyes, as well as small pits. I studied this issue for a long time after a cosmetologist advised me to correct the “circles” under my eyes with filler. I chose TEOSYAL PureSense Redensity II, since this product is Swiss and created specifically for the eye area, and in addition to hyaluronic acid, it also contains minerals, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, which will also smooth out wrinkles and strengthen blood vessels.

The doctor performed the procedure with a cannula without anesthesia - it didn’t hurt at all!

Immediately after the procedure, the dark circles under the eyes disappeared and the skin evened out! The filler lasted for six months, then it began to dissolve in places, I went and injected a little in those places where correction was needed (that’s half a syringe), and the rest of the half syringe was put in my nasolabial lips, it turned out great! Very pleased! There were no allergic reactions, redness, or swelling after the procedure. Yes, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, I applied Dolobene under the film once a day for 40 minutes for 4 days.

I recommend!



I read reviews about the drug, to be honest, I was surprised, I work with all fillers, from different companies, each has its place, with the right approach, your reflection in the mirror will please you. With this drug you can do everything, from volumes, to meseotherapy, to lying down softly. Yes, the lips may swell, but this is post-traumatic swelling, it goes away in a couple of days.


It’s strange to hear people say that injecting Teosyal is painful. I also have a very high pain threshold, I really don’t like all injections and generally any interventions on my beloved, but age takes its toll and this is necessary. I did my nasolabials with Teosyal, namely RHA 3, and my cosmetologist put Teosyal Deep Lines in my husband’s nasolabials. So, on the contrary, I would note the painlessness of the procedures, because the drugs with lidocaine, even my husband did not squeak once. In my opinion, laser hair removal for bikini is much more painful... Moreover, these drugs last a long time, give a long-lasting effect, and the procedures do not need to be repeated often.




adds volume very well


did not find

I did my cheekbones and chin with Teosyal Ultra Deep filler all in one procedure. It took two 1.2 ml syringes. The result impressed me. Firstly, the correction turned out to be very obvious, we even compared it with the doctor during the procedure, when we did one side and not the other, the resulting effect was that the cheekbone was raised, and the jowl was raised along with it. Secondly, it only hurt for a couple of days, there wasn’t even any redness. Thirdly, the drug lasts for a very long time, 16 months to be exact. And along the chin we used this filler to even out my natural asymmetry, it turned out very natural. In general, I couldn't be happier.




One hundred percent rejuvenation!


a bit expensive + needs to be repeated once a year

I have been a regular customer for several years

beauty salon Aurora. I have already tried several procedures involving injectable drugs for my face. As for fillers, they work with tissue filling: for example, a deep crease (in my case, large nasolabial folds) or lip augmentation, etc. I used Teosyal gel in the nasolabial folds. I must say that the procedure turned out to be not at all painful: Emla anesthetic ointment is applied to the nasolabial folds, you sit with it for 15-20 minutes, then the doctor injects the drug itself. You only feel that the drug is pushing the skin a little, but this is normal. Immediately after the procedure, practically no traces remain, and there is not even swelling. My swelling appeared the next day, only when I put the drug on for the first time. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it is expensive and must be repeated approximately once a year. Otherwise, I’m very satisfied! My nasolabial lips have become the same as when I was young, and I think I’ve lost about 7 years! :)




Obtaining results immediately after the procedure, no rehabilitation period, painless.


I would like a longer lasting effect

By nature I have a very thin face, and if in my youth it looked good, then with age the skin lost its elasticity, and a tired and painful expression appeared on my face. In the language of cosmetologists, so to speak, there is a shortage of soft tissues. The skin seemed to sag in some places, and it looked kind of sad. I regularly visited a cosmetologist, performing various care procedures, both hardware and injection, but they did not solve the problem of lost volume in the cheekbones. And so my cosmetologist offered me Teosyal Ultra Deep filler injections to sculpt my face to compensate for the lack of soft tissue in the cheekbone area. I agreed, and after trying this procedure once I couldn’t refuse it - I was so pleased with the result! The shape of the face became more prominent, the volume in the cheekbones gave the face a youthful appearance and, as a bonus, the nasolabial lips were smoothed out! Although they were not very pronounced given my facial structure, this effect undoubtedly pleased me. The overall impression was that my face looked younger!

For those who are afraid of various injections, I will say that it is really painless! Believe me, I am one of those people whose sensitivity threshold is such that everything always hurts me. And here I didn’t even have to endure it. But, I always ask to inject me with the drug through a cannula and calmly wait for the end of the procedure, trusting the professionalism of the cosmetologist. We will only feel the first puncture, but it doesn’t hurt either. If we compare it with mechanical cleansing of the facial skin, then during it I experience more painful sensations. Due to the use of a cannula, bruising is almost impossible; I personally have never had any. Edema too. Thus, there is practically no rehabilitation period. You need to avoid sun rays, baths and saunas for two weeks, and also do not massage your face until the gel, so to speak, settles down. It is advisable not to sleep on your side for the first few days, but to be honest, I did not adhere to this, I slept carefully and this did not affect the result in any way. The most important thing in this matter is to find a competent and experienced specialist! The characteristics of the drug indicate that the result lasts up to 9 months, but in reality it varies, everything is individual. The first time, to achieve a natural result, I used 1 ml on each cheekbone and the next time, after about 9 months, 1 ml on both cheekbones. The manufacturer promises a cumulative effect. But, as for the duration of the effect, I personally want to repeat it after half a year. The cost of 1 ml of the drug cost me about 15,000 rubles. in a decent non-economy class cabin. But compared to other drugs (for example, Juvederm Voluma), which give a similar effect, this price is relatively low! In conclusion, I will say that there is an effect from this procedure, I am satisfied with it and recommend it to everyone.



My first review, please don't judge too harshly

At the age of 30, I finally decided to get rid of the hated nasolabial folds. I have always had them clearly expressed, but with age they have also become very deep. Also, with age, the lips “blown away”.

The cosmetologist I contacted suggested that I also inject it into my cheeks, under the eyelids (or what is the correct name for this?) to remove the sharp transition. I was offered two drugs to choose from, one cheaper (Israel), one more expensive. I chose the more expensive one - TEOSYAL Ultra Deep (Switzerland).

Here's what the manufacturer writes specifically about Ultra Deep:

Well suited for creating volume in the cheekbones, cheeks, and adding volume to the lips.

Correction of deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, volumetric facial remodeling, lip augmentation.

Everything was perfect for my problem areas. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but now 1 syringe was enough for my entire face, including my lips. The volume of the syringe was non-standard 1.2 ml. I received 3 injections on each side of my cheeks/cheekbones, 1 injection on the bridge of my nose, 3 injections on each side of the nasolabial fold, 2 injections on my upper lip, and 1 injection on my lower lip. The drug contains lidocaine, so it was not as painful as I expected. But during the first injection I was still very tense, which is why I received a small bruise.

The face actually noticeably smoothed out, became fresher and even a little plumper or something, which only improved the overall picture

This is what I looked like immediately after the procedure.

And of course, BEFORE and AFTER photos (after 5 days):

Now every day I notice the effect of this procedure more and more. The cosmetologist promised that it would last for a year and a half...

Price: in November 2016 this pleasure cost me 15 thousand rubles.



For several years now I have not been able to look calmly in the mirror... the bags under my eyes have become constant companions. Hernial bags under the eyes require, of course, surgical intervention. But, for starters, I decided to make do with contour plastic surgery of the nasolacrimal duct using hyaluronic acid.

Why did you choose Teasyal? In the cosmetology clinic where I go, there was a good discount on this drug as part of the promotion.

Day X was appointed. The administrator informed in advance that the procedure would be performed under topical anesthesia. I thought I would relax during the procedure)) but that was not the case. Anesthesia is applied by precise injection with a needle. But, with this method, there is a high probability of bruises. Therefore, my doctor decided to use a conula (a long flexible needle). And with this method, anesthesia is not used. At least the applique one.

The procedure is not pleasant, but there was no pain! Everything took about 20 minutes. I was warned about swelling. And they gave recommendations to spend the whole day in a horizontal position so that the drug “does not escape” anywhere. There was no swelling at all! I saw the result immediately after the procedure! My happiness knew no bounds)) After 4 days, additional correction, because... It is not known how the drug will behave; they always leave it a little short so as not to overdo it. The effect was promised for exactly half a year. In general, how will the body remove the component?

If you have 13 thousand rubles and a desire to prolong youth, then go for the procedure))



The area under my eyes has always been a problem for me. The structure of the face plus negative environmental factors only worsened the situation. At 26, my face began to look tired, this greatly increased my age and it became stupid and difficult to hide it with makeup. I heard a lot about filling the nasolacrimal grooves with fillers and finally decided to try it on myself. It was done without anesthesia, through cannulas, there were no painful or unpleasant sensations. After the procedure there was only redness and slight swelling. But even now I see a huge difference, and it looks like in a couple of days the effect will be final and wonderful!



Good evening! I have already talked about my first positive experience of injections

xeomin. After that, I was inspired to say goodbye to my nasolabial folds. Not because of my age, but because of the structure of my face, my nasolabial lips have been irritated since my youth. I would like my face to be smooth. The cosmetologist just advised me to give injections with Teosyal. Before the procedure, the injection site was numbed with cream. Then the cosmetologist made injections. The procedure is completely painless. It took 30 minutes with anesthesia. The effect was noticeable immediately, but the composition was finally installed within 2 weeks. After the procedure, you cannot actively laugh or smile for 2 weeks. Reduce lip miming as much as possible. It was certainly difficult) I love to laugh) 6 months have passed, and the drug still lasts, which makes me happy. The cost of the procedure for me was 13 thousand. I'll definitely do it again in the summer.

Glycolic peeling Teosyal

This procedure can also be performed using Teosial products. This is a chemical peeling of the skin surface using glycolic acid. The desired concentration of the composition of this peeling can be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the skin - there are products containing the active substance from 20 to 70%.

Glycolic peeling is also performed using Teosyal.

This product line provides a complete set of tools in order to successfully carry out the full peeling cycle procedure.

  1. Post-procedure care products (protective creams).
  2. Neutralizing agent for glycolic acid.
  3. Means used to pre-prepare the skin.
  4. Cleansing preparations.

As you can see, the Teosial complex of drugs has in its assortment all the necessary drugs so that you can successfully perform procedures to restore beauty and youth for any woman.

Interesting ! After consultation with a cosmetologist, you can choose the ideal products, taking into account the individual characteristics of your skin.

Teosyal Meso and MesoExpert - biorevitalization with drugs

The preparations Teosyal Meso and Teosyal MesoExpert were created by the Swiss laboratory Teoxane in 2003. These are effective, rejuvenating, restorative, healing cosmetics for biorevitalization, which are administered subcutaneously by injection. The active ingredient of biorevitalizants is hyaluronic acid. The composition also includes excipients that provide more pronounced results and a lasting effect. Cosmetologists at the International Hemostasis Clinic will select an individual rejuvenation program with Teosyal preparations, taking into account the needs of the skin and the desired effect.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Ivanov Grigory, cosmetologist

“I have been using Teosyal for more than 10 years - during this time my patients have not encountered any side effects from the use of drugs, so I can conclude that these products are the best of their kind. Their price is paid off by the long-lasting effect, I recommend everyone to pay attention to these products.”

Liliya Smekhova, cosmetologist

“Teosial is the most effective line of all that I have used in my practice. I receive a large number of reviews from grateful clients, since the result often exceeds all possible expectations, especially when using skincare products from the same brand."

Some features of working with TEOSYAL®PEN during injection procedures

The use of TEOSYAL®PEN helps the doctor significantly save the drug used due to precise adjustment of its administration and precise dosing.

TEOSYAL®PEN Injection modes

“Flow mode” allows you to use all injection methods, the injection speed is selected in accordance with the purposes: • slow speed – for superficial wrinkles and when treating sensitive areas; • medium speed – for superficial and moderately deep wrinkles; • fast speed – for deep injections.

“Drip mode” allows you to select the size of the drop in accordance with the goals: a small drop for injection with the formation of superficial papules during biorevitalization, a medium drop for deep intradermal injection of the enhancer, a large drop for the formation of a supraperiosteal bulla. TEOSYAL®PEN: some important notes for operation

• use a medium injection rate, becoming familiar with the injector before moving to a fast injection rate; • during drip injection, press and hold the activation button, TEOSYAL®PEN will automatically form the required drop size; • wait a few seconds after stopping TEOSYAL®PEN before withdrawing the needle/cannula from the skin, • do not forget that the quality of injection and placement of the drug depends on its fluidity, the selected injection speed and tissue resistance; • After completing the injection, press the rewind button to return the wand and turn off the device.

TEOSYAL®PEN automatically turns off after approximately 4 minutes of inactivity.

Feedback from a medical practitioner on the use of Teosyal Pen

Larisa Grinchuk, cosmetologist, founder of Anti Age Boutigue “Lys Royal”: TEOSYAL®PEN appeared in our clinic about six months ago, the experience of the best international speakers made me think about the need to purchase it. Observing at international congresses the ease with which speakers perform the most labor-intensive injections, seeing the calm face of a model whose pain was minimized thanks to this device, I involuntarily remembered the “particularly sensitive” patients in my office, analyzed how much easier and more controllable the procedure was. .

met my wishes and first provided me with a sample of this “miracle pen” for testing. A week of working with the injector showed that it is not only a convenient device that greatly facilitates the work of the doctor performing the injection procedure. Work with TEOSYAL®PEN has indeed demonstrated a significant reduction in pain experienced by patients during the procedure. I am seeing a real decrease in the frequency of post-traumatic swelling and its severity, and fewer complications in the form of bruises. The procedure overall becomes less traumatic and requires less filler per procedure. In addition, patients themselves, who have already tried the procedure with TEOSYAL®PEN, ask to carry it out with this device. Today, TEOSYAL®PEN has become an essential tool for injection procedures in our clinic.


Patient reviews

Victoria, St. Petersburg

“I used the drug Teosial Kiss to correct the shape of my lips. The most important thing is not only to choose a drug, but also to choose the right specialist. I had to do the correction twice, but the result was still not as expected. The products themselves are very good - if I had not seen the effect in the mirror, I would not have remembered its presence in the body. The natural look came to the lips after the drug dissolved. Some time after the correction, my lips shrunk again, and I’m ready to repeat the procedure, but this time I will choose a more qualified specialist.”

Marina, Volgograd

“I started using fillers when I was about 30 years old - after a difficult period in my life, I visually aged a lot, the first expression wrinkles appeared, circles under the eyes, and the skin lost its tone. Having turned to my cosmetologist, I, on her recommendation, decided to use local administration of the drug. We used Teosial Fest Lines - a very light gel. One syringe for problem areas turned out to be too much! The effect has lasted for six months, and I plan to complete a course of Teosial Meso procedures to consolidate the result.”

Duration of the course of procedures

The safety of Teosyal preparations lies in the low concentration of active ingredients, due to which they have a gentle effect on the skin in the treatment area.

Due to the cumulative effect of the drug, you will have to complete the full course of sessions to achieve the desired result. It usually consists of 5-10 procedures, which depends on the initial condition of the skin, the type of meso-cocktail, as well as the problem you want to get rid of.

The break between sessions is from 3 to 10 days according to the recommendations of the master.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after using Teosyal No. 1

Photos before and after using Teosyal No. 2

Photos before and after using Teosyal No. 3

Patient Reminder

The effectiveness of the drug also depends on the correct care and the accuracy of following all the specialist’s instructions.

For several days after the procedure, it is prohibited:

  • take anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant drugs;
  • drink too hot and cold drinks;
  • kiss;
  • talk a lot and use facial expressions;
  • drink alcohol;
  • take a hot shower;
  • be exposed to sudden temperature changes;
  • be in the open sun;
  • visit the bathhouse and solarium for two weeks;
  • apply makeup and previously unused cosmetics.

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