Mini facelift is your ticket to the world of youth and beauty

After a certain age, every woman begins to monitor her appearance more carefully, wanting to maintain her youth. Modern cosmetology offers many effective procedures that can effectively restore skin turgor, nourish and moisturize the skin. But there comes a time when cosmetic procedures become powerless. Then women think about surgical facelift. This plastic surgery helps to radically tighten the oval of the face and restore the elusive youth.

When should you think about facial plastic surgery?

If we talk about the average age of patients who apply for facial plastic surgery, their age is usually 40 and older. However, when performing an operation, one should take into account not only the age category, but also individual indications, the condition of soft tissues and skin.

Usually, after 30 years, patients begin to think about radical methods of rejuvenation, as the first signs of aging become more obvious. Fine wrinkles, creases, and sagging skin may appear on the face, but all these troubles can be corrected in a cosmetology office using non-surgical procedures.

In the period of 40-50 years, unfortunately, the production of collagen, which is so necessary for maintaining the elastic framework of the skin of our face, decreases. Signs of aging become even more pronounced, and skin ptosis increases.

Therefore, it is during this period that it is worth paying attention to surgical methods of facelift, if the usual cosmetic procedures are no longer so effective.

In the photo: Patient 45 years old. Facelift according to Mendelssohn. Result of surgery after 2 weeks

Facelift after 50 years

After 50 years, few women can boast of elastic facial skin turgor and the absence of deep expression wrinkles.

Even with all the love for a correct and healthy lifestyle, no one will be able to deceive the biological clock. With age, the oval of the face loses its shape, the skin on the neck sags, nasolabial folds increase and unattractive jowls form in the lower part of the face.

If no surgical interventions have been performed to restore and rejuvenate the face before, then you should pay attention to a full facelift. A competent and experienced plastic surgeon will help determine the scope of work and select the most effective method without harm to the body.

In the photo: The patient is 65 years old. Facelift completed. Result of surgery after 2 years


Plastic surgeon's recommendations:

1. If you notice such changes on your face

  1. eyebrow dropped
  2. wrinkles appeared between the eyebrows
  3. crow's feet appeared

Then FRONT-TEMPORAL lifting will help you (you can do it on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia)

2. If there are changes on the face:

  1. cheek sank
  2. the height of the lower eyelid has increased
  3. increased contouring of the tear trough
  4. significant prominence of the nasolabial fold
  5. “puppet folds” have appeared (folds running from the corners of the mouth downwards)
  6. very annoying “jowls” appeared

Then lifting the MIDDLE ZONE of the face in combination with plastic surgery of the lower eyelids will help you.

Is it possible to have a facelift after 70 years of age?

With modern methods of performing facial surgeries, facelift can be performed on patients who have crossed even the 70-year mark without harm to health. In this case, a very important factor is the general health of the patient. If no contraindications are identified, then a lift can be done. However, it is worth noting that experts do not recommend waiting for maximum deterioration of facial tissue.

At the age of 60-70 years, the skin loses more soft tissue and fat, so for optimal results you will have to resort to additional procedures. Facelifting can be supplemented by introducing fillers or lipofilling into those parts of the face where additional volume is needed.

In the photo: Patient 75 years old. MACS lift. Short scar facelift method. Indicated for patients whose neck does not require correction. During the operation, the middle and lower areas of the face are perfectly corrected. The zigzag scar afterwards is completely invisible. The operation lasts about 2 hours.

Mini facelift is your ticket to the world of youth and beauty

MACS lift is a “minimal access cranial suspension lift”, which literally means “facelift through minimal access”

You can love your face. Accept your appearance. But after 35, you understand that natural beauty has waned...

Radical measures are not necessary: ​​a mini facelift is a safe way to restore youth.

What prevents you from feeling luxurious?

• Drooping skin on the lower eyelids; • Creases in the nasolabial area; • Unclear facial contour.

Problems can be easily resolved by an experienced plastic surgeon. Zurab Meladze knows a “shortcut” to attractiveness: without large scars, general anesthesia and long recovery.

How does one procedure combine these benefits? Read below...

Mini facelift or scarless facelift. Timeliness is the basis of efficiency

To correct minor age-related changes, a mini-facelift or scarless surgical facelift has been created.


1. A short incision does not require large skin detachments - this significantly reduces bruising and swelling. 2. Mini-lifting can be performed under local anesthesia - reducing the risks of general anesthesia. 3. An alternative method of plastic surgery shortens the rehabilitation period to 1-2 weeks. 4. A tangible advantage of a mini facelift is the price per operation. The cost of the intervention is less than in classic braces.

The lifting effect is high due to working not only with the epidermis, but also with the dense layer of connective tissue (aponeurosis area). The surgeon tightens the deep structures of the face and excises excess skin.

The requirements for the procedure are its timeliness.

THE RESULT DEPENDS ON THE AGE OF THE PATIENT: the sooner you decide to fight wrinkles and sagging, the more noticeable the transformation!


Effective or invisible, painless or frightening - people's opinions differ on many issues. It is important to understand when reading information about a mini facelift - reviews directly depend on the skill of the surgeon.

The personality of the doctor is important when choosing a clinic... Zurab Meladze maintains a friendly, trusting atmosphere from the first consultation.

Mini-facelift becomes safe in the hands of a professional.

BEAUTY DOESN'T LIE: Zurab Meladze restores natural attractiveness and youth to his patients!

MACS-lifting from Zurab Meladze
Features of mini-lifting
The first signs of aging of the body are noticeable after 35 years. It’s possible to restore youth and attractiveness to your face; mini-lifting will help with this. The MACS lifting operation helps get rid of wrinkles and smooth out uneven facial contours without any special consequences and long recovery. This technology was first used in the United States several years ago and has proven to be effective. Some experts equate mini-lifting with a smas procedure, since they both have a long-lasting effect.

A mini-lift is a plastic surgery performed on certain areas of the face. The face area means the area of ​​the chin, cheeks, nose and more.

Indications for surgery

In facial plastic surgery, an approximate classification of patients for MACS lifting has been created. It is based on the age division and the degree of age-related changes in the face: 1. The first type includes patients who have reached 35-40 years of age with minor manifestations of sagging facial skin. These indicators are sagging cheeks and double chin. 2. The second type includes patients 40-50 years of age who have moderate sagging cheeks and a double chin. 3. The third type includes patients who have reached 50-60 years of age with pronounced sagging facial contours and noticeable ptosis of the cheeks. 4. The fourth type includes elderly people with significant sagging of the skin in the facial area. For such people, a full SMAS facelift is recommended. MACS-lifting (mini-facelift) is indicated for people who have: • Changes in the oval and contour of the face; • large folds between the lips and nose and drooping corners of the mouth; • Decreased skin elasticity in the face and neck area; • appearance of a double chin; • Sagging of soft tissues of the middle and lower areas of the face. Mini-lifting has no special contraindications, but there are general therapeutic standards for admission to the operation.

The main advantages of mini-lifting:

• skin incisions – short; • low invasiveness of the operation; • traces of the procedure are minimally noticeable to surrounding people; • the session is carried out on an outpatient basis; • operating time - no more than two hours; • by the weekend you can already appear in society and return to work; • the process does not involve the use of general anesthesia. The positive effect of the operation is noticeable within a couple of weeks.

Preparation period

There is no special preparation for the operation. There is only a stage of consultation with plastic surgeon Zurab Meladze and diagnosis of the general condition. A set of tests and examinations is necessary in order to reduce the risk of surgeon intervention and detection of pathologies that the client might not be aware of.

Carrying out the operation

In practice, plastic surgeons perform surgery in a special way. The incision begins from the area of ​​the earlobe and further along the border of hair growth in the form of an inverted letter L to the cheekbone area and further upward. As a rule, the incision does not exceed 6-7 cm. The operation lasts 2-3 hours. After the operation is completed, a specially created bandage is put on the patient’s head to support the chin. For the next 14 days, it is used only during sleep. At this time, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow. Many people make the mistake of thinking that a mini-lift involves lifting the entire face. This is pure delusion. Mini correction covers a smaller area of ​​preparation, thereby leaving invisible scars. The effect of the procedure lasts for 5-7 years. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body.

Recovery after surgery

You will recover in a private recovery room under the care of a registered nurse. You will be sent home with a friend or relative the next morning when you are fully awake and comfortable. Zurab Meladze recommends returning to work or school after seven days, although with low physical activity some return on the fourth or fifth day. For the first month, you will wear a compression bandage that we will provide you with. You will receive instructions and recommendations. Final rehabilitation occurs in 2-4 months.

The use of endoscopic technologies makes it possible to reduce the body’s regeneration time to two weeks, and a person can return to a full life after 5 days. Sutures are removed 4-6 days after surgery. During the rehabilitation period you should: • abstain from alcoholic beverages; • exclude physical stress on the body; • refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium. The main advantages of a facelift by Zurab Meladze Not every clinic offers mini-lifting services. The operation “minimal face lifting” implies a highly qualified plastic surgeon and extensive experience in performing them. Meladze Zurab Amiranovich has extensive experience in such operations.

Zurab Meladze has a number of advantages over competitors: • the procedure is carried out quickly, and a few hours after the procedure the patient returns home if desired; • the doctor makes only one single incision in the ear area, which avoids unwanted scars and macro damage; • minimal risk of postoperative complications; • short rehabilitation period.

The mini-lifting procedure is considered the optimal choice for patients who want to look beautiful while choosing a minimally traumatic procedure. SIGN UP FOR A CONSULTATION

Which is better SMAS or MACS facelift?

Max face lift is an opportunity to get the effect of a circular face lift without noticeable scars with a quick recovery stage. Plastic surgery is more gentle in contrast to traditional methods of surgery. At the same time, the method is no less effective - noticeable facial rejuvenation remains for decades.

The abbreviation MACS in Russian means “minimum acceptable cranial incision,” which implies the use of a small incision to perform the operation. Thanks to this, a significant reduction in pain and swelling after surgery is achieved.

How does MAX lifting differ from the traditional lifting method?

The main difference is the level of visibility of the postoperative suture. With a conventional circular lift, the incision starts from the conventional line where the hair grows and ends after the earlobe. Whereas during MAX lifting the seam does not continue after the lobe. This results in the scar becoming barely noticeable, unlike a conventional lift, which inevitably leaves scars.

The following advantages are also present:

— During the recovery period, such a side effect as disruption of the facial nerve is not observed. The reason is the absence of peeling of the aponeurosis; — Less hemorrhage and swelling at the incision sites than with a simple circular lift; — The operation can be performed simultaneously with blepharoplasty of the eyebrows, forehead, upper and lower eyelids. Combination with conventional lifting is allowed for a more pronounced result in patients with significant age-related changes; — Fewer complications after surgery due to the fact that the lift after the incision is carried out using a peeling method, which only applies to a small area on the cheek.

Positive aspects of Max-lifting

The effectiveness of plastic surgery is best judged by the results of other people. Facial lifting is no exception, reviews of which indicate significant rejuvenation with a small number of side effects and complications.

Also, the advantages of MACS lifting include:

— Maintenance of the lower eyelid; — The basic rehabilitation period does not exceed two weeks; — Noticeable smoothing of nasolabial folds; — There is no disruption of the facial muscles, so the face looks natural; — A small number of possible complications (when compared with classic circular plastic surgery);

The advantages include the cost of the service. Face lifting, the price of which is lower than complex surgical intervention, brings comparable results. MAX-lifting is a safe type of rejuvenation. There is virtually no risk of serious complications. There is not a single known case where this type of lift did not lead to the desired result.

Indications and compatibility with other rejuvenation methods

The main indication for surgery is the patient's desire. In addition, there should be age-related changes on the face that need to be eliminated. There are specific symptoms, the presence of which makes plastic surgery possible:

— Noticeable deep folds in the nose and lips; — The muscle corset of the middle and lower areas of the face has lost its plasticity; - Slightly sagging and drooping facial contour; - The corners of the mouth drooped; — Facial features have become less pronounced, amorphous; — In the neck and face area, the elasticity and turgor of the dermis decreases.

Most often, it is advisable to carry out natural facial rejuvenation at the age of 35-70 years.

In what cases should you refrain from surgery?

It is recommended to avoid surgery if you have an increased risk of keloid scar formation. People with this type of skin structure have scars for a long time. Also, the operation is not performed in the following cases:

— Diseases due to the cardiovascular system; — The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding; - Increased or decreased blood clotting.

In some cases, max-lifting is possible after solving the problem that caused the failure. Before going to the clinic and starting surgery, it is recommended to abstain from nicotine use. For one and a half weeks, you must stop taking aspirin-containing drugs that thin the blood.

How is the operation and rehabilitation period performed?

The scope of surgical intervention is discussed with the client. After a lengthy conversation and detailed examination, the main directions of surgical intervention in the upcoming operation are identified. After this, on the appointed day, the person comes to the clinic, is examined by an anesthesiologist and is sent to the operating room.

The full recovery cycle after surgery is short - only two weeks. After this time, no traces of surgical intervention will be observed on the skin of the face. During the rehabilitation period, slight swelling and subcutaneous hematomas with blood are observed. At the end of the healing stage they disappear. Moderate pain goes away after 4-5 days, but it is eliminated with the help of general painkillers.

The number of people who decide to undergo surgery is constantly growing. Because face lifting is a simple but effective way of rejuvenation. Quick recovery, absence of disturbances in facial function, low pain syndrome and accessibility make MACS lifting one of the most popular operations in plastic surgery.


Indications for facelift

Among them are:

  • Presence of visible skin ptosis in the middle and lower areas of the face
  • The appearance of so-called jowls
  • Sagging neck and chin area
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Sagging subcutaneous fat of the face
  • Strongly expressed expression wrinkles and creases

Due to the different characteristics of each patient's body, age-related skin changes occur individually during natural aging or due to sudden weight gain/loss. Also, sagging skin can be caused by hormonal imbalance in the body or genetic predisposition. Under certain circumstances, skin aging can be triggered after age 25. Therefore, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the indications for facelift.

Facelift methods

Facelift can be partial, i.e. carried out in certain areas of the face, or in a circular manner. A circular facelift involves a major operation to correct age-related changes. An experienced plastic surgeon evaluates the condition of the soft tissues, skin and age of the patient to prescribe a specific correction zone:

  • An upper face lift is indicated for patients with obvious complaints of sagging upper eyelids, eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead.
  • The average facelift is aimed at combating bags under the eyes, deep nasolabial folds, and loss of skin elasticity in the cheekbones and mouth.
  • A lower facelift is recommended for patients with problems with sagging cheeks, the appearance of jowls, and sagging chin and neck. This method can easily tighten the lower part of the face and return a clear oval.
  • Circular facelift. Most often, the patient needs an integrated approach to facial rejuvenation. Correction of only one zone may give temporary results and in a couple of years the operation will have to be repeated.

In the photo: Patient Irina, 47 years old. A facelift and upper neck lift with platysmaplasty was performed, 3/4 view

Facelift for patients with “heavy” faces

When turning to a plastic surgeon, many people want to get rid of the unaesthetic manifestations of age-related changes in the skin of the lower third of the face and oval irregularities. However, these changes are not always caused by external factors or lifestyle. They are often caused by the anatomical features of the patient’s face. It should be noted that patients with an initially “severe” face seek help from plastic surgery clinics much more often, since age-related changes in them appear earlier and are more pronounced.

The main signs of a “heavy” face are its round or square shape, pronounced subcutaneous fat tissue, overhanging cheek ridges and pronounced nasolabial and oromental folds, which become more and more noticeable with age. Triangular or classic oval-shaped faces age a little later and differently. If you correct such age-related changes in the face at the stage of early manifestations, the effect will be more radical and last longer than from surgery performed at the stage of pronounced signs of aging.

The surgeon at the clinic can offer several ways to correct a “severe” face, including facelift, contouring using lipofilling or injections, as well as chin implantation if there is facial disproportion. However, contour plastic surgery can provide a good result only with mild changes in soft tissues. Otherwise, the effect will be short-lived, since the problem of a “heavy” face should be solved at the level of the deep layers of the face, which is somewhat more complicated. The result of lipofilling turns out to be equally short-lived.

The optimal choice for correcting age-related changes in patients with a “severe” face is facelift, or rather one of its varieties – SMAS lifting. This technique appeared quite a long time ago and involves working with the superficial muscular aponeurotic system, from which it got its name (SMAS - Superficial Musculus Aponeurotic System).

This type of plastic surgery opens up wide possibilities for facial modeling, allowing you to emphasize or smooth out certain areas. For patients with a “heavy” face, such a lift means getting rid of folds, wrinkles and other manifestations of age-related changes in the skin, as well as partial neutralization of anatomical features that accelerate the process of sagging tissue. In addition, the SMAS lift allows you to restore the oval of the face without excessive tension and changes in the shape of the eyes and mouth (the occurrence of a “mask effect”).

Performing a classic superficial facelift with the so-called “SMAS plication” in patients with a “severe” face is a bad practice, since in this case excessive tension of the skin in the facial area is formed. The consequences are not the most pleasant: elongated earlobes, stretched mouth, deformed eye shape.

The SMAS lifting procedure is associated with the displacement of deep layers of facial tissue and is therefore quite complex, requiring high surgical skill and experience in performing these operations. This intervention should only be entrusted to a professional, highly qualified surgeon.

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