Acne rinse. Recipes with chloramphenicol, salicylic acid, calendula tincture, streptocide

Problems associated with acne are familiar to most people. Such rashes can take a long time to heal, become inflamed, fester, hurt and itch, and they also cause psychological discomfort when they appear on visible parts of the body.

Today, there are many home and pharmacy medications available in various forms designed to combat acne. Despite the rapid development of pharmacology, one of the most effective remedies against acne is still chatterbox.

This article discusses in detail the methods of preparing various versions of mash and the features of its use in practice.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such talkers include the following factors:

  • the cost of the product (will be several times lower than for ready-made pharmaceutical preparations);
  • ease of use;
  • You only need to treat the skin once a day;
  • quick effect.

    Champagne with chloramphenicol will help you get rid of acne in a short time

There are also disadvantages:

  • not sold ready-made, you either need to prepare it yourself or order it from a pharmacy;
  • It is effective only in cases with minor rashes;
  • During treatment, the skin may dry out and peel;
  • during the treatment period, you cannot use decorative cosmetics, including foundation (it is better to replace it with baby nourishing cream);
  • the remedy is powerless in the fight against internal acne.

What is included in acne talkers and why are they good?

There are several recipes for mash that are used to treat rashes. Their composition varies: the ingredients are selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin and the problem that needs to be solved.

The mash contains components that:

  • provide antimicrobial action (antibiotics);
  • exhibit drying properties;
  • cleanse the epidermis of dead particles and other contaminants;
  • block inflammation;
  • activate cell regeneration;
  • stimulate metabolic processes.

Common components of chatterboxes are the following ingredients:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc;
  • aspirin;
  • alcohol (ethyl, ammonia, camphor);
  • salicylic acid;
  • tincture of calendula;
  • erythromycin;
  • boric acid;
  • streptocid.

Acne is often a sign of a malfunction of the organs and systems of the body, the result of poor nutrition or the use of low-quality cosmetics. Therefore, treatment of rashes should always be comprehensive: doctors recommend combining the use of external remedies, including talkers, with a rational menu, a healthy lifestyle, suitable skin care and therapy for existing diseases.

How to use it correctly

The procedure for using the mash on problem areas of the skin is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to wash off your makeup.
  2. To prevent the skin from drying out so much after the procedure, you should wash your face using tar soap or any other product that contains milk protein.
  3. Then take a bottle of mash and shake it well so that the particles that have settled to the bottom rise up.
  4. Then you need to saturate the cotton pad and wipe the necessary areas well with rubbing movements. It is better to apply the solution pointwise, only to acne-affected areas, avoiding the area around the eyes.

    The mash should be applied pointwise

  5. After treatment, after 5 minutes, be sure to apply a nourishing face cream, you can use a baby cream.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime, since after talking the skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Tips for use

It is recommended to use acne talker in accordance with the list of rules outlined below:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the treated areas ; for this, special alcohol-free products are used. Tar soap or skin care products containing casein are best suited for such purposes, since they do not cause drying and flaking;
  • The mash is applied to areas with acne using a sterile cotton swab or fingers , but excessive rubbing must be avoided, as this increases the risk of drying out the upper layers of the epidermis, which can subsequently provoke relapses;
  • The mash is applied to the face once a day ; it is better to choose the evening hours for the procedure;
  • When carrying out the procedure, you should avoid applying the mash to the area around the eyes and eyelids , as it can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  • When treating acne with talkative, sunbathing and the use of decorative cosmetics are contraindicated;
  • When completing the course, it is recommended to follow a dairy-vegetable diet ; fried foods and foods high in fat are excluded from the diet. Meals should be fractional, meals are taken 5 times a day;
  • The mash is stored in glass containers for no more than 1 month ; after the expiration of the specified period, the product must be disposed of. It is best to keep mash in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer;
  • The duration of the course is 1 month . It is not recommended to use the mash for a longer period of time, as this can cause drying and flaking of the skin, disruption of the sebaceous glands and the reappearance of acne, and will also cause addiction to the product, which will reduce its effectiveness. After taking a break of 2-3 weeks, you can take a repeat monthly course.

How to enhance the effect

Talkers can be used as an independent remedy, but greater effect can be achieved if you approach the issue comprehensively. In addition to applying the mash, you need to reconsider your diet, eliminate fatty, salty and sweet foods, alcohol and tobacco.

It is important to choose an antibiotic that will be active against exactly the microorganisms that caused acne. To choose the appropriate option for facial care, you should first visit a cosmetologist. A skin scraping may be prescribed to determine pathogenic microflora.

How to cook at home

If you need to prepare a mash with chloramphenicol for acne at home, you need to know some features:

Mechanism of action

The effect of the product depends on the medications that are in it. Depending on what is the basis of the composition, the suspension can be:

  • Water;
  • Oil;
  • Alcohol-water.

When the bottle is standing, the components in it are subject to separation. The powder part of the mixture settles to the bottom of the bottle, and the liquid part rises to the top. Regardless of the components used, the proportions will be the same: 70% - liquid foundation (oil) and 30% - powder.

The face wash does not have a systemic effect, but the basic principles of operation are as follows:

How to prepare an antibiotic solution

To get rid of purulent and phlegmonous pimples, you will need a broad-spectrum antibiotic, this can be Urotropin, Dimexide, Dioxidin, Trichopolum. They reliably cope with different types of fungus and bacteria, and provide quick help in relieving swelling and redness. They also suppress the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve pain.

Recipe 1:

  • Levomycetin (5 g);
  • Powdered urotropine (5 g);
  • Zinc oxide (3 g);
  • Boric acid 3% (100 ml);
  • Ethyl alcohol 90% (50 ml).

Recipe 2:

  • Dimexide (5 ml);
  • Metronidazole (3 t.);
  • Salicylic alcohol 2% (80 ml);
  • Dioxidine solution 1% (10 ampoules);
  • Chilled boiled water (20 ml).

Chatterbox - composition

This drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. This effect is achieved due to the fact that a face wash for acne, purchased at a pharmacy or made with your own hands, may contain the following components:

  • medical (ammonia or camphor) alcohol, which disinfects the skin;
  • boric acid, which is an antiseptic;
  • sulfur is a substance with an antimicrobial effect that helps cope with subcutaneous mites;
  • salicylic acid – a disinfectant that promotes wound healing;
  • tincture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula) - a component that has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Dimexide is a conductor of active components.

Anti-acne face wash

There is no single universal recipe. Dermatologists offer several options for this remedy. The composition of the face wash is selected individually.

The following factors are taken into account:

  • the cause of the rash;
  • skin type.

More often, the face wash contains alcohol, metronidazole, boron solution or sulfur. This suspension provides the following effect:

  1. Suppresses the work of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Stops the inflammatory process.
  3. Cleanses the skin.
  4. Removes skin irritation and redness.

Before purchasing a ready-made product or making the drug yourself, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use. Such a suspension is prohibited in the following cases:

  • fungal skin infection;
  • allergic rashes;
  • eczema and other skin diseases;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Chatter for subcutaneous mites on the face

This drug effectively copes with harmful microorganisms. More often, a mash with Levomycetin is used for this. In addition, the composition may contain other components, for example, salicylic alcohol, boric acid or sulfur. Tick ​​spray on the face can only be used after consultation with a doctor. The specialist will recommend the most effective composition and tell you how to apply the suspension correctly and how long to perform such procedures.

If such a face skin mash is used incorrectly, it will lead to the following consequences:

  • the dryness of the cover will increase;
  • redness will occur;
  • the skin will begin to peel.

Pigment for age spots on the face

To eliminate this cosmetic defect, store-bought and homemade products can be used. The former often contain the following acids:

  • lemon;
  • salicylic;
  • wine;
  • dairy;
  • glycolic.

Among pharmaceutical products with a whitening effect, the following are especially popular:

  • Tsindol;
  • Lekker-Antipigment.

You can make salicylic talker yourself. It is applied pointwise and has the following effects on the skin:

  1. Softens the top layer of the epidermis, making the exfoliation process easier.
  2. Stimulates the formation of new cells.
  3. Destroys harmful bacteria that cause skin inflammation.
  4. Reduces the production of subcutaneous sebum, thereby providing a drying effect.

With salicylic acid

This mash is popular among people suffering from skin problems as it effectively treats acne. Salicylic acid acts as an antiseptic, soothes inflamed skin and cleanses it of scales and crusts.


  • Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Erythromycin (4 g);
  • Boric acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Zinc oxide (4 g).

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Advantages and disadvantages of Levomycetin

The popularity of using Levomycetin in the fight against acne and acne is based on a number of its advantages. However, the drug has its drawbacks. All the pros and cons must be weighed before using the product.

They are summarized in the table:

Relatively low price compared to other acne treatmentsIt has a very bitter taste and is not recommended for use on the lips.
Tested and proven effective, results can be seen after the first useIt may lose effectiveness over time, since harmful microflora, after prolonged use, get used to the active substance and develop immunity to it
Has a more gentle effect on the skin - other products dry it out even moreHas a number of contraindications for use

Attention! If you learn to use Levomycetin correctly and promptly alternate it with other drugs, then the shortcomings will disappear

With boric acid

This solution can be used as a lotion. It is suitable for oily skin type. Fights teenage acne. Boric acid will disinfect and clean pores clogged with sebum. The effect of this talker lasts for a long time.

Recipe 1:

  • Boric acid solution (25 ml);
  • Levomycetin tablets (3 pcs.);
  • Chilled boiled water (25 ml).

Recipe 2:

  • Boric acid solution (50 ml);
  • Ethyl alcohol 90% (50 ml);
  • Salicylic acid 2% (5 g);
  • Levomycetin tablets (2 pcs.).

Preparation and storage rules

The main condition for high-quality preparation of mash is maintaining the proportions of active substances in the composition. This will ensure the effectiveness and safety of the drug

In this case, the rule “the more the better” does not work, but only harms.

It is also very important to grind all the dry ingredients into a fine powder. This will help the components dissolve quickly and ensure a uniform texture of the liquid: large particles of tablets can damage and scratch the skin.

Before cooking, containers, tools and your hands must be absolutely clean

To avoid drying out your hand skin, wear rubber gloves.

It is best to store the mash in a transparent glass bottle, tightly closed with a cap. Under no circumstances should the container be kept in direct sunlight. It is best to choose a dark, cool place - a closet or refrigerator.

Before using the mash bottle, shake the bottle thoroughly to remove sediment from the bottom.

Compliance with these rules will help preserve the beneficial properties of the mash for a long period of time.

With camphor alcohol

A powerful mash that will heal the skin even from purulent boils. This effect is achieved by camphor alcohol, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes the resorption of stagnant spots after acne. The first results appear within 3-4 days.


  • Camphor alcohol 2% (60 ml);
  • Salicylic alcohol (60 ml);
  • Boric alcohol (30 ml).

With calendula tincture

This product will have an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanse and disinfect the skin of the face. Thanks to the regenerating properties of calendula, cells are quickly renewed, which is why recovery occurs faster.

Recipe 1:

  • Alcohol tincture of calendula (50 ml);
  • Camphor alcohol 2% (5 ml);
  • Ammonia 90% (5 ml).

Recipe 2:

  • Alcohol tincture of calendula (50 ml);
  • Aspirin tablets (5 pcs.);
  • Levomycetin tablets (5 pcs.).

If you need to treat the skin of your face completely, rather than spot-on, then it is better to dilute the calendula infusion in half with chilled boiled water. In this case, it will be possible to avoid drying out the skin.

Effect of use

The chatterbox is a popular and sought-after product not only because of its low cost, but also because of the effect obtained after using the suspension.

The effect of application is as follows:

  • The skin is cleansed;
  • Existing acne goes away;
  • The skin has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect;
  • Vessels are strengthened and perfectly toned;
  • When used correctly, subsequent breakouts are prevented;
  • The structure of the epidermis is normalized;
  • The color of the skin is restored.

With streptocide

An anti-acne solution with chloramphenicol and streptocide produces a strong antimicrobial effect. Has drying properties. Used to treat acne and minor rashes.


  • Streptocide tablets (10 t.);
  • Levomycetin tablets (5 t.);
  • Camphor alcohol 2% (80 ml);
  • Salicylic alcohol (30 ml).

With sulfur

Sulfur prevents microbes from multiplying and helps get rid of extensive inflammatory processes. Using such a talker, demodicosis, pustular rashes, and red pimples are treated. Sulfur also activates the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic and firm.

This element participates in the body’s metabolic processes, strengthening the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Disorder of these mechanisms in the body often provokes the appearance of acne on the skin of the face.


  • Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Sulfur (7 g);
  • Streptocide tablets (7 g);
  • Boric alcohol (50 ml).

With Metronidazole

This medicine is an antibiotic and has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. Quickly relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of scars. Metronidozole most effectively fights acne caused by hormonal imbalances, problems with the gastrointestinal tract or caused by subcutaneous mites, as well as rosacea.

Recipe 1:

  • Salicylic alcohol (50 ml);
  • Levomycetin tablets (4 t.);
  • Metronidazole tablets (4 t.).

Recipe 2:

  • Ethyl alcohol 90% (100 ml);
  • Metronidazole tablets (6 t.);
  • Streptocide tablets (6 t.);
  • Mumiyo tablets (6 t.).

Important Note

You can always enhance the recipe for the above chatterboxes with an additional antibacterial agent. To do this, read the table below, find the main antibiotic and look for a drug that is marked with one (+) or several (++) pluses. This indicates how well the two products work together.

For example: chloramphenicol combines well with erythromycin, tetracycline and sulfonamide (streptocide), which means that you can add one of these antibiotics to increase the effectiveness of the chatter several times.

With activated carbon

Using an acne mash with activated charcoal and chloramphenicol will help cope with inflamed areas of the skin and cure acne, as it is able to deeply cleanse the pores and prevent their subsequent clogging. Activated carbon normalizes sebum secretion, evens out unevenness and roughness on the skin and eliminates small wrinkles.


  • Alcohol tincture of calendula (70 ml);
  • Activated carbon tablets (5 pcs.);
  • Levomycetin tablets (3 pcs.);
  • Aspirin tablets (3 pcs.).

Acne mash - effective recipes for skin

Pimples appear on the skin due to the impossibility of sebum coming to the surface through the mouth of the hair follicle. As a result, sebum accumulates inside the mouth, where bacteria begin to multiply, leading to the formation of a pimple.

According to statistics presented on the portal “Health with Elena Malysheva”, the following people suffer from acne:

  • 85% - 12-24 years old,
  • 8% - 25-34 years old,
  • 3% - 35-44 years old.

A healthy lifestyle and care do not always get rid of acne. When proper nutrition and luxury skin care products fail to combat breakouts, try mash.

What is a chatterbox used for?

Chatterbox is a suspension that includes special preparations with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and tonic properties. It needs to be shaken before use - hence the name.

The main components of any talker are a local antibiotic and an alcohol solution.

Acne powder is used for 2 purposes:

  • preventive – skin toning, acne prevention;
  • medicinal - to get rid of minor rashes.

Remember: talkers are ineffective in the fight against acne. Complex treatment is required.

A dermatologist or cosmetologist should make a recipe for acne mash. The specialist will take into account the needs of the skin and select a composition for the treatment of rashes. The composition of the mash varies depending on the skin type, type of rash and degree of spread.

An acne wash can be ordered with a prescription, purchased at a pharmacy, or made at home.

Rules for applying mash

Shake the suspension before each use.

  1. Grind the drug in tablet form to a powder.
  2. Cleanse your skin with an alcohol-free cosmetic. You can use tar soap or products containing casein - they will cleanse the skin without drying it out.
  3. Apply the suspension to the skin with your fingers or a cotton pad once a day - in the evening, avoiding the area around the eyes.

If you are using mash for the first time and don’t know whether it will suit your skin, do an allergy test: apply the prepared mixture to a small area of ​​skin and wait 15 minutes.

To maximize the effect of treatment with mash, during treatment, follow a dairy-vegetable diet and avoid decorative cosmetics and sunbathing.

Store the mash in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month in a glass bottle.

The standard course of skin treatment with talker is 1 month. Long-term use will be addictive or cause dry skin. You can repeat the course after 2 weeks.

Recipes for pimples for acne

If you are planning to make your own face wash, try any of the following recipes.

With calendula

Calendula is a natural antiseptic with an anti-inflammatory effect.

For the mash recipe you will need:

  • calendula tincture - 40 ml;
  • chloramphenicol tablets - 3-5 pcs.;
  • aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid tablets - 3-5 pcs.


  1. Grind the tablets into powder in a container, add the tincture.
  2. Leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

This mash is used for spot application on acne. But if you want to treat a large area, then dilute the suspension by half with clean water to reduce the concentration of the drug.

With salicylic acid

Salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect, has drying properties and reduces the production of sebaceous gland secretions. Salicylic acid is the main ingredient in most acne creams.

You will need:

  • salicylic acid 2% - 30 ml;
  • camphor alcohol - 80 ml;
  • chloramphenicol tablets - 4 pcs.;
  • streptocide tablets - 10 pcs.

Preparation of salicylic mash:

  1. Grind the chloramphenicol and streptocide tablets into powder.
  2. Mix all ingredients. Shake well.
  3. Leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Stir occasionally.

With zinc and erythromycin

Zinc is a wound-healing agent that reduces skin irritation and forms a protective barrier on the surface of the epidermis.

You will need:

  • zinc oxide - 4 g;
  • boric acid - 50 ml;
  • erythromycin - 4 g;
  • salicylic acid - 50 ml;

Prepare a mash with zinc and erythromycin:

  1. Mix zinc powder and erythromycin.
  2. Add boric and salicylic acids.
  3. Stir the mixture thoroughly for 3-5 minutes and leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

With chloramphenicol

Levomycetin is an antibiotic that destroys pathogenic microorganisms and quickly restores cells. Available in powder or tablet form.

For acne mash with chloramphenicol you will need:

  • chloramphenicol tablets - 2 pcs.;
  • sulfur - 2.5 g;
  • boric acid - 50 ml;
  • medical alcohol - 50 ml.


  1. Grind the chloramphenicol tablets and mix with sulfur powder.
  2. Add boric acid and medical alcohol to the powders.
  3. Stir the suspension and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

With trichopolum

Trichopolum is an antimicrobial drug that relieves inflammation.

For mash with trichopolum, prepare:

  • Trichopolum tablets - 4 pcs.;
  • chloramphenicol tablets - 4 pcs.;
  • medical alcohol - 250 ml.

Follow the recommendations:

  1. Grind the Trichopolum and Levomycetin tablets and mix with each other.
  2. Dilute the resulting powder with medical alcohol.
  3. Stir the solution and leave in the refrigerator for 3 days.

With dimexide

Dimexide is a local analgesic with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The mash with dimexide includes:

  • Dimexide concentrate - 50 ml;
  • tincture of chlorophyllipt 1% ​​- 15 ml;
  • purified water - 250 ml.


  1. Dilute dimexide concentrate with water in a ratio of 2:5.
  2. Add chlorophyllipt tincture.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a container and leave in the refrigerator for a day.

Caution: At high concentrations, chlorophyllipt may stain the skin, so test this property on a small area before applying. If necessary, dilute with water.

Ready-made pimples for acne

There is no need to make the mash yourself. You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy.

Here are 3 common and budget-friendly options for ready-made acne scarves.


Tsindol is a suspension with zinc oxide.

Anti-acne face wash

Components of the chatterbox:

  • zinc oxide,
  • talc,
  • starch,
  • glycerol,
  • ethyl alcohol 70%,
  • distilled water.

Has a drying, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The drug fights skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash, bedsores. Cindol is also used to heal scratches and treat herpes.

The suspension relieves inflammation, eliminates small pimples and prevents the formation of new ones. To treat acne, the suspension is applied with a cotton swab or swab to problem areas.

Suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

The drug is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. Average price - 120 rub.

Vidal's milk

Vidal's milk is prescribed for demodicosis - rashes caused by the activity of subcutaneous mites. But the drug is no less effective for common skin rashes.

Its recipe was created by professor, dermatology specialist A.P. Rakcheev, who was developing methods for treating various skin diseases.

The milk contains camphor and ethyl alcohol, salicylic and boric acid, precipitated sulfur, and glycerin. The components disinfect the skin, soothe and soften it, relieve inflammation and reduce sebum secretion.

Vidal's milk is sold in pharmacies and is available with a prescription - if it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient's skin, and without. Average price - 200 rub.

Boltushka from Propeller

The Russian company produces medical and cosmetic products for problem skin. One of their developments is the “Salicylic Acne Talker” from the “Immuno” series.

Salicylic suspension destroys harmful bacteria that cause inflammatory processes, dries the skin, reduces inflammation and prevents the appearance of new formations.

The mash contains BIO Salicylate - natural salicylates from willow bark extract, enhanced with salicylic acid, lactulose and zinc.

Sold in pharmacies and supermarkets.

Available without a prescription, average price ‒ 100 rubles.

Chatterbox "Effaclar"

Among the more expensive medicinal and cosmetic products for skin care with acne, the “Effaclar” series of products from the French brand La Roche-Posay has proven itself. The line is designed for people suffering from acne. Products from the Effaclar series normalize sebum production, eliminate inflammation, tighten pores and even out the surface of the skin.

Sold in a pharmacy. Available without a prescription. The average price of a product from the line is 1,200 rubles.

Contraindications for talkers

Like any medicine, acne mash is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications for the use of talker:

  • pregnancy and lactation period - only in consultation with a doctor;
  • children's age up to 12 years. The exception is “Tsindol”;
  • skin prone to allergies - do a test before use;
  • damaged skin - wounds, abrasions;
  • areas with warts or moles.

Side effects from the unreasonable use of acne talker:

  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • peeling.
  • 5 rules for getting rid of acne

To make your skin happy with its appearance, do not forget about five simple rules:

  1. Cleanliness is the key to health and beauty. Cleanse your face regularly with products suitable for your skin type.
  2. Healthy food. What we eat affects the condition of our skin. Therefore, review your diet and adhere to the basic rules of proper nutrition.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. That lifestyle also affects the condition of the skin. Create a daily routine so that you have time for rest - including 8 hours of sleep, 5 meals a day, physical activity and pleasant leisure time. Get rid of bad habits: smoking, addiction to alcohol.
  4. Health vitamins. It is not always possible to supply the body with vitamins and minerals every day. To compensate for the deficiency, special vitamin complexes and mineral dietary supplements have been created.
  5. Help from a specialist. If you cannot solve your acne problem on your own, consult a doctor - a dermatologist or cosmetologist. A competent physician will give you recommendations for skin treatment.

Properties of additional components

EthanolTightens pores, dries out acne, cleanses skin, kills harmful bacteria
Zinc oxideNormalizes sebum production, has regenerating and antibacterial properties. Makes skin more elastic
ErythromycinAntibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance
Salicylic alcoholAntiseptic. Disinfects the skin, relieves inflammation, dries
Boric alcoholAn antiseptic with antibacterial and disinfectant effects. Reduces sebum production
AspirinReduces inflammation, cleanses the skin. Fights acne, tightens pores
MumiyoRelieves inflammation, dries, has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect


Acne talkers with chloramphenicol and other components have contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to elements of the drug;
  • pregnancy, especially the first trimester;
  • lactation;
  • the presence of problems with the liver and hematopoiesis;
  • skin problems that are not associated with acne;
  • age up to 12 years.

Treatment should be interrupted if the following symptoms are observed:

  • severe redness;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • hives.

Before using an acne talker with chloramphenicol, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. They will help you decide on a specific prescription and course of treatment. It is important to remember that uncontrolled use of antibiotics can be harmful to health.

Description and purpose of the drug

The active ingredient of chloramphenicol is chloramphenicol, an antibiotic obtained by synthesis. It has the appearance of white crystals, sometimes with a greenish-yellowish tint. Easily dissolves in alcohol, very slightly in water.

The drug acts on bacteria that are the causative agents of many diseases, including purulent infections. This is why chloramphenicol is so effective against acne. After all, it is bacteria that cause their appearance; if you get rid of germs, you eliminate acne.

Before you start using products with this medicine, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to its use:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • skin diseases: candidiasis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • age up to two years.

Perhaps some of the contraindications are not related to the use of chloramphenicol specifically for acne on the face, but there is no point in taking risks. It is quite possible to find other, safe, means.

The medicine is toxic and may cause adverse reactions. If a rash, swelling, headache, visual and hearing impairment, nausea, vomiting, or other unusual symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the drug in any way.

For medical purposes, it is used internally, externally, and in the form of injections. Therefore, there are different forms of release of the drug.

  1. Tablets are available as regular or coated tablets. Most often, one tablet contains 250 mg of chloramphenicol; these are the ones used to prepare the acne solutions and remedies described below.
  2. Alcohol solution - three percent and one percent are more common, but you can buy them with a concentration of 0.25% or 5%. Used for disinfection and treatment of skin diseases.
  3. Eye drops are sold in special dropper bottles with a capacity of 5 or 10 ml. The drops contain only a quarter of a percent of chloramphenicol.
  4. Many pharmacies sell the powdered drug. These are whole packages weighing 5 – 20 kg. Of course, no one buys five kilograms of medicine to take home. Typically, such volumes are purchased by hospitals and prepared solutions for injections.

Ointments with chloramphenicol were originally intended to get rid of acne. The instructions for many of them - for example, Levomekol, syntomycin ointment - directly indicate acne as an indication for use.

There are simpler remedies based on this drug - masks, talkers, alcohol solutions. They can be prepared at home, and the ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy.

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