5 types of nasolabial folds - can they be removed or not?

If you are struggling with nasolabial folds at home, but do not see results, this article will help you understand the situation.

First of all, you need to understand three important points:

1. The reasons for the formation of nasolabial folds can be different, and in each case a fundamentally different approach is required.

2. The result of your efforts depends on the stage of age-related changes. At the initial stage, it is often possible to return everything as it was. At later stages, returning the situation one, or even half a stage back is a very good result. In other words, expectations must be adequate.

3. To solve the problem, targeted fire specifically at the nasolabial folds is not always needed. Everything in the body is so interconnected that often only an integrated approach can give results.

The reasons for the formation of nasolabial folds can be divided into several groups. And to improve the situation, you need to influence your cause.

“Empty” fold of skin

This nasolabial fold is characteristic of a Tired face. At the initial stage, the cause is most often dehydration and decreased skin turgor. Fortunately, this can be easily corrected with home care.

At later stages, the volume in the cheeks and cheekbones begins to disappear, and the skin turgor is reduced; it is no longer elastic enough to shrink, so it sags in the form of a fold.

What can you do at home?

You need to understand that at home we cannot return the lost volume. Unless you lost a lot of weight, and then returned to normal weight and miraculously gained weight in your face, exactly where you need it.

But with the help of home care, you can and should eliminate dehydration and improve skin turgor, that is, increase its elasticity and firmness. To do this, you first need to find out and eliminate the cause of dehydration.

The most common cause is a cleanser that disrupts the epidermal barrier, which leads to transepidermal loss of moisture and, as a result, skin dehydration, decreased tone and loss of elasticity.

Also, the reason for the violation of the barrier properties of the skin can be the use of acids, retinol in care, or procedures that injure the skin - chemical peels, laser treatment, the use of mesoscooters, dermopens, etc.

After the listed impacts, the skin must be restored, but unfortunately, this is not always done, so you can often find dehydrated skin with a damaged barrier.

Six years ago I wrote an article on how to choose a good cleanser and explained in detail in pictures what happens to the skin if the epidermal barrier is broken.

Aggressive surfactants (or acids) destroy the epidermal barrier, moisture begins to evaporate intensively, the skin becomes dehydrated, loses tone, elasticity and eventually sags, forming a fold.

The first thing to do is to find and eliminate your causes of violation of the skin barrier properties. I just listed them.

The second thing is to choose a gentle cleanser.

Third , include a cream in your care that will help restore the epidermal barrier. It would be better if it was a professional cream based on a lamellar emulsion. But in principle, any good face cream will help improve the situation.

You can look for such products yourself, or you can choose from the list in the video tutorial Tired Face, where I give examples of 50 professional products , from cleansing to creams and serums. And I explain to whom what will suit.

You will also benefit from procedures that improve blood circulation - manual self-massage of the face or using roller massagers. And after 1-2 months, the skin will become more elastic, fuller, its tone will improve and the nasolabial folds will smooth out.

Nasolabial fold “Roller”

This nasolabial fold is typical for people with an edematous-fatty morphotype, which he also calls the Deformation type of aging.

The main reason for the formation of a nasolabial fold in this case is that a person has well-developed subcutaneous fatty tissue in the facial area. This is not bad; on the contrary, subcutaneous fat serves as a depot for water.

But if for some reason excess fluid is retained in the body and swelling of the face appears (salty food, hormonal changes, simply a naturally weak vascular wall, etc.), the nasolabial folds become more pronounced.

And with age, fat packets in the cheek area, unfortunately, move down a little and are inhibited in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, which also aggravates the situation.

What can you do at home?

We cannot move fat bags at home, but we can reduce their volume and, accordingly, reduce the severity of nasolabial folds.

To do this, it is necessary to include in your care serums and masks that have an anti-edematous effect, for example with caffeine and niacinamide.

Complete your care with self-facial massage and lymphatic drainage techniques. I have a video on my channel with self-massage of the face, and the second technique, “Waterfall,” is aimed at improving the outflow of excess fluid.

For those who are determined to work seriously, in my self-massage training course, in addition to the “Waterfall” technique, there is a lymphatic drainage block to combat swelling, including in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

Adjust your lifestyle so as not to provoke swelling with diet and bad habits.

If you are overweight and you are determined, lose weight and your fat packets will decrease, and, accordingly, the severity of your nasolabial folds will decrease.

In more detail with examples of working cosmetics , I talked about this in the video course Floating oval, Swelling, Nasolabial folds - causes and action plan.

Nasolabial wrinkle

In fact, in this case there is no nasolabial fold, there is only a wrinkle. This situation is more common in people with dry skin and fine-wrinkle type of aging.

In such cases, due to anatomical features, there is usually no predisposition to the formation of a fold, but due to dry skin, a nasolabial wrinkle easily forms, since there is active facial expression in this area.

What can you do at home?

Restore normal moisture of the epidermis.

To do this, you need to include moisturizing serums and masks in your care, for example with hyaluronic acid, which will help fill the stratum corneum with moisture.

And also use nourishing, that is, rich creams that strengthen the lipid barrier (usually weak by nature) and help the skin retain moisture.

When the hydration of the epidermis is normal, superficial epidermal wrinkles will smooth out and will not form again so easily.

If a wrinkle has already formed in this area, then it will not be possible to completely eliminate the wrinkle, but it can be smoothed out, made less deep, less noticeable and further development slowed down.

Other meanings of this word:

  • "not stupid" on the face
  • "Roll out" fold
  • "flap" of the mouth
  • “the bull... was stupid” (short)
  • “an angry person’s belly is thicker, but its belly is thinner” (last)
  • "Smart" lipstick coloring object
  • ... not a fool (joking)
  • Scarlet human organ
  • in the Moscow state of the XVI-XVII centuries. — Smallest territorial judicial-administrative district (abolished in 1702)
  • upper or lower part of the mouth
  • Upper or lower part of the mouth.
  • Guardhouse
  • Guardhouse (in military speech)
  • Guardhouse (jarl.)
  • Guardhouse (colloquial)
  • guardhouse in the mouth of a simple soldier
  • The guardhouse in the mouth of a soldier
  • Guardhouse in jargon
  • Guardhouse like a soldier
  • the hero of Stepan Shkurat in the film “Ivan”
  • Mushroom, has no nutritional value
  • Fungus on tree trunks
  • A sea bay or bay protruding far into the land (usually in northern Russia)
  • They bite her in thought
  • it is rolled out by someone who wants a lot
  • it's being rolled out by greedy people
  • it is rolled out by lovers of freebies
  • There are teeth behind it
  • Behind it are the teeth.
  • rounding the edge of the pocket
  • Bay in the lower reaches of the Ob
  • Bay at the mouth of the Ob
  • Bay in the North
  • Hare or army
  • hare, rolled or army
  • And any of the two folds of flesh surrounding the hole, and the men's outer long-skirted clothing made of long-pile cloth among the Hungarians and Slovaks, and the place of departure for offenses in soldier's jargon
  • Imprisonment in the army (jargon)
  • jail time in the army (slang)
  • end of claws
  • edge of mouth
  • Sea bay in the north
  • Husband. top clothes made of cloth among Hungarians and Slovaks
  • men's outer long-skirted clothing made of cloth with long pile among the Hungarians and Slovaks (ethnographic)
  • In the North of Russia: the name of sea bays
  • Name of sea bays in northern Russia
  • Punishment for military personnel consisting of detention in a guardhouse
  • Don't be stupid
  • Not a fool, although without brains
  • nice part of face
  • Obskaya…
  • One of the “flaps” of the mouth
  • One of two movable musculocutaneous folds that form the edges of the mouth
  • One of two folds of skin surrounding the mouth opening in fish, amphibians and reptiles
  • One of two movable musculocutaneous folds that form the edges of the mouth
  • One of the two folds that form the edges of the mouth
  • Near the mouth
  • she's not stupid
  • it rolls out to the dreamers
  • Premises for holding military personnel under arrest, in common parlance
  • Pomeranian name for the bay
  • Rolled out on the face
  • Rolls out at the dreamers
  • Russian name for a sea bay or bay that extends far into the land, into which large rivers usually flow.
  • northern bay
  • North Bay
  • The fold under the nose
  • Fold at the edge of the mouth
  • sweet at the edge of the mouth
  • Territorial district in which local authorities, headed by the headman, exercised judicial and police functions (in Rus' of the 16th-17th centuries)
  • A narrow place in a river, gorges, valleys, compressed by high rocky banks or steep slopes
  • Smart part of the face
  • Smart face
  • Mouth half
  • Part of the face as a bullpen for soldiers
  • The part of the face that is “not stupid”
  • Part of the body that a soldier can sit on if he does something wrong

Nasolabial fold “Tense”

If the facial muscles in general and especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle are tense, they shorten and pull the skin along with them, gathering it into a fold.

Hypertonicity of the facial muscles can occur with different types of aging and is often caused by severe emotional stress. For example, if a person needs to speak in front of people live or online, and he is very worried.

We humans are social creatures, we all, to one degree or another, have a fear of public speaking, we are afraid of somehow making a mistake, of being embarrassed in front of others. And when we are very worried, even a smile looks tense because the muscles are tense.

Such tension in the facial muscles is often found in people with very responsible work.

What can you do at home?

First of all, you need to relax your head, because tension comes from the head.

Exhale at the end of the day, take a warm bath, listen to calm music, watch your favorite TV series. Do something that relaxes you, take a break.

If the muscles still remain tense, self-massage your face and neck. But in this case, the emphasis should be placed not on lymphatic drainage, but on kneading techniques.

In my self-massage technique, this is the lamb technique. You can directly linger in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and massage this area well if there is tension and a fold is forming.

Tension in certain facial muscles can also occur for other reasons. For example, due to malocclusion or injury. And it is not always possible to eliminate the causes of muscle tension.

But you can always improve the situation - relieve hypertension.

Lifting of the nasolabial area (we press the tongue from the inside)

  • The technique evens out the middle part of the face, smoothes nasolabial folds and wrinkles, and reduces nasolabial edges.
  • Removes underhangs in the chin area and forms a clear submandibular line.
  • Self-massage with the tongue gently stretches the shortened frenulum of the tongue, improves diction, helps correct the bite, which reduces tooth wear and restores correct facial proportions.

How to do it:

  • Find your nasolabial wrinkle. Place the fingers of one hand under it and the fingers of the other hand above. Gently stretch the fabric to the sides (create a spacer) without slipping your fingers on the skin. From the inside, we press our tongue into the center of this nasolabial wrinkle. We hold for 10-15 seconds. Press from the inside all the time, press your tongue against the tissue, working against resistance. In this way, we treat 2-3 areas of the nasolabial wrinkle - from the nose to the corners of the mouth, we linger in each area for 10-15 seconds.
  • Please note that the work is carried out in two directions - the hands stretch the working area to the sides, and the tongue pushes this area in the center.
  • Perform the same technique on the other side.

ATTENTION! When performing the technique, you may feel an unpleasant swelling or tingling of the skin, this is normal - the connective tissue is activated, which thus reacts to the work. You may also experience some discomfort if you have a shortened hypoglossal ligament. This is also a variant of the norm - continue to perform the technique, it will gently stretch the frenulum of the tongue. Perform: 1-2 minutes, 2-3 approaches per day.

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