Microneedle “butterfly wings” against nasolabial folds: who wins? Minimally invasive biorevitalization – BLOM Microneedles For Nasolabial Folds

Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: June 24, 2022

Review date: November 02, 2022

Causes of nasolabial folds (wrinkles)

Nasolabial folds are natural lines that extend from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Everyone has nasolabial folds, even babies. They are noticeable when a person smiles or expresses something emotionally. But with age, nasolabial folds become visible even in the absence of emotions on the face. There are several explanations for this.

Nasolabial folds appear when:

Collagen loss occurs. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity as the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid decreases markedly. This is a natural process that is characteristic of every person’s body.

There is sagging of the cheeks. When a person has a lot of fat deposits on the face and in the chin area, then with age they will make themselves felt. Plump cheeks increase pressure on the nasolabial folds. As a result, wrinkles appear faster.

Bone loss occurs. As we age, calcium is lost from our bones. As a result, the teeth are the first to suffer. If a person loses some teeth and does not replace them with implants, the skin of the face begins to sag.

If a person has naturally dry skin. Dry skin develops wrinkles faster than oily skin. And if a person also smokes, then this is an additional blow to the skin. Harmful chemicals present in cigarette smoke seriously damage the skin, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles in the nasolabial folds.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Frequent stressful situations occur. When stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced. Increased secretion of this hormone causes surges in the activity of free radicals, which accelerate the process of premature aging.

The man loves to sunbathe too much. Ultraviolet rays are the main cause of collagen breakdown in the skin. You need to sunbathe in very moderate amounts.

When sudden or dramatic weight loss occurs. In such a situation, the skin simply does not have time to get into the desired shape. Stretch marks also appear for this reason.

When a person chooses the wrong diet. To keep your skin healthy, you need to eat a balanced diet.

Modern aesthetic medicine can cope with any of the problems that cause the formation of nasolabial folds.

How to solve problems yourself

To visually correct nasolabial folds at home, you should take the advice of a makeup artist on how to apply makeup correctly. In this case, the anatomical structure of the nasolabial zone will remain the same, but its visual perception will change.

Anti-aging care products (creams, tonics, foams, face masks, scrubs) will help to slightly tighten nasolabial wrinkles. They contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, antioxidants, vitamins, oils, and moisturizing components.

To prevent and smooth out facial wrinkles, massage and special exercises are used. Folk remedies include the use of herbal decoctions and compresses with plant pulp. Unfortunately, the result after applying the listed correction methods is neither pronounced nor durable.

Causes of nasolabial folds

The word “appearance” is not entirely correct, since every person has nasolabial furrows from birth. They are clearly visible when we smile, laugh, sing, cry. Throughout life, nasolabial folds become noticeable even in the complete absence of facial muscle function.

The main reason for the occurrence of such a defect is age-related processes affecting the skin. A decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, a lack of minerals and moisture lead to a decrease in the elasticity of all dermal layers and, as a result, deep wrinkles on the face.

Other factors may include:

  • active smoking
  • excessive facial expressions
  • genetic predisposition
  • sudden decrease in body weight
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin
  • pronounced gravitational ptosis
  • endocrine pathologists
  • skin dehydration
  • deficiency conditions of the body (lack of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, etc.)
  • constant stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • physical and emotional stress
  • alcohol abuse

Often, the deepening of the nasolabial folds is associated with dental problems and anatomical or physiological features of the structure of the facial skeleton as a whole. In such cases, the help of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons is first required, and then cosmetologists.

In cosmetology, there are many highly effective methods for correcting nasolabial furrows, and our specialists will select the best option, taking into account all the features of your face.

Cosmetological correction methods

To more effectively resolve the issue, cosmetologists have developed special procedures. These include contour plastic surgery (injection of fillers), botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, SMAS lifting, 3D volumization, thread lifting, and hardware techniques.

Contour plastic surgery (fillers)

It is the main and most popular way to fix the problem. Hyaluronic acid is most often used as a filler.

Fillers are injected into the nasolabial folds subcutaneously using injections. The drug has a gel-like structure. After injection of hyaluronic acid, the nasolabial folds are uniformly filled. As a result, they level out and become less deep.

In addition to smoothing wrinkles, hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the physiological condition of the skin. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic, its ability to regenerate (recovery) increases, metabolism improves, and age-related changes decrease.

Over time, hyaluronic acid is absorbed. The rejuvenating result after such exposure lasts on average 6-12 months. After this, the procedure can be repeated again.

Contour plastic surgery does not require special rehabilitation. However, certain restrictions must be observed. Directly on the day of the procedure, you should not use decorative cosmetics, usual care products, wash your face, or touch or massage the injection site.

List of what not to do after injecting fillers into the nasolabial folds:

  • sunbathe;
  • exercise;
  • take thermal procedures, take a steam bath.

It is recommended to observe these prohibitions for two weeks. You should use sunscreen before going outside.

How to tighten nasolabial folds without a cosmetologist?

Effectively - not at all, unfortunately. Sooner or later, even with careful skin care and a healthy lifestyle, you will still need the help of a professional cosmetologist.

Some techniques still have some effect, beneficially affecting the condition of the skin and overall well-being.


Classic massage is a great way to improve blood circulation in tissues, stretch and relax muscles, and stimulate metabolism. In the process of proper facial massage, lymph flow increases, which helps relieve puffiness. Alas, even daily massage will not help to significantly smooth out nasolabial folds.


The so-called face building is a fairly popular trend, which involves regularly performing a set of exercises for the face. Like classic massage, such gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and lymphatic systems, but it cannot in any way affect the structure of the skin.

Decorative makeup

Perhaps the most effective option for correcting deep skin creases, but only externally. Properly applied makeup, with correctly placed light and shadow accents, will hide the nasolabial furrows, visually reducing their size and depth, and also distract attention from this area. Unfortunately, makeup is only a temporary measure that gives short-term results.

Beauty Institute GALAXY is the largest center of plastic surgery and medical cosmetology in the region. We employ specialists of the highest category with professional education, enormous practical experience and unique knowledge. Based on scientific data, we select the most effective and safe anti-aging therapy methods for our patients. If necessary, dentists will be involved in the process.

Don’t waste time on ineffective practices, come for a consultation with specialists.

What to do if a feast cannot be avoided?

Sometimes giving up drinking can be difficult. Often a cosmetic procedure is a preparatory element before a holiday. In this case, everyone wants to feel free during the feast.

You should also not forget about peer pressure. Few people would want to explain to everyone the reason for their abstinence from drinking. In this situation there is only one way out.

It is necessary to minimize portions of alcohol. It is best to limit yourself to drinks with a small amount of ethyl alcohol. If you stretch out a glass of red wine throughout the evening, the likelihood of your health deteriorating is small.

Complex of Evgenia Baglyk

Preventative exercises for wrinkles at their initial appearance were also developed by face-building trainer Evgenia Baglyk. They restore muscle tone in the cheeks and mouth.

How to do them correctly:

  1. “Rabbit” is an exercise that imitates the movements of the nose, like an animal. Place your index fingers along the nasolabial folds, fixing them. Move your upper lip without moving your lower lip. Photo reference:
  2. Look in the mirror and raise your upper lip (like a dog grins), determine the area of ​​the formed folds. Place your fingers on these areas and press them to the skin. Move your upper lip again, as in the photo:
  3. Looking at yourself in the mirror, move your nose, pulling it down. At the same time, do not work with eyebrows, forehead and lips. If the exercises are easy, you can add resistance in the form of resistance with your index finger (place it on the tip of your nose and resist pulling down).
  4. Flare your nostrils and relax 10 times.

If you train daily using this method for a month, the wrinkles in the nose area will disappear.

Endoscopic lift

The operation involves the redistribution of sagging tissues on the face in such a way that sagging cheekbones almost completely disappear. Unlike a classic lift, the skin is not excised.

The technique helps ensure long-lasting, natural results. An endoscopic lift is also called a seamless lift because it involves making small incisions in inconspicuous areas on the face.

The lift is performed by a qualified surgeon using special endoscopic equipment. To tighten the nasolabial triangle or cheekbones, skin incisions are made in the mouth at the base of the upper lip.

The face looks much younger after such manipulations, and the effect lasts for many years.

Patch fillers under the eyes

Apply patch fillers under the eyes without touching the lower eyelid. We remove it after 40 minutes. With light patting movements of the fingertips we help the remaining hyaluronic acid to be absorbed. A radiant and rested look is a wonderful result. By the way, the use of Libriderm patch fillers under the eyes is very effective during flights, when the skin around is especially susceptible to dehydration.

Rules for performing gymnastics for the face

Careless movements while performing facial exercises can lead to the appearance of unwanted wrinkles and creases, as well as damage to muscle fibers. To avoid common mistakes and not harm your skin, follow the rules:

  1. Before starting classes, ventilate the room: fresh air will speed up blood circulation, saturate the cells with oxygen, and also give you strength.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly and cleanse your face.
  3. Apply a thick layer of nourishing cream to your eyelids, and a light base oil or cream to the rest of your face.
  4. Watch your posture and head alignment.
  5. While tensing the muscles in the mouth area, try to relax the remaining areas.
  6. Monitor the process using a mirror.
  7. Make the exercises more difficult gradually.

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What complications can occur caused by alcohol?

Drinking destroys hyaluronate. Ethanol changes the structure and amount of hyaluronic acid. The more alcohol you drink, the more serious the consequences.

Drinking provokes a loss of vitamins E and C. These substances promote collagen production.

A lack of vitamins E and C provokes a loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin. With enough collagen, the skin looks young and does not require any maintenance procedures. Therefore, it is important not only to give up drinking before and after the injection, but also to control your alcohol intake in general.

Combining injections with fillers can provoke:

  • hematomas and bruises;
  • allergic reactions;
  • short-term effect;
  • inflammatory processes.

If you drink during the recovery period, the gel may be rejected. Even the formation of tumors is possible. Some people experience lip asymmetry.

Experts advise giving up drinking completely. Low-alcohol cocktails are no exception. This is the only way to prevent possible consequences.

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