Breast lift (mastopexy): when and how this operation is performed

Enlarge or reduce breasts, correct ptosis or asymmetry, change the size of areolas or nipples - with the help of plastic surgery mammoplasty today you can solve almost any aesthetic problem and achieve an ideal appearance. The first plastic surgery for breast correction was performed back in 1895, when the patient’s own fat was transplanted to enlarge her breasts. In 1889, paraffin was used for this purpose, which led to the death of a woman. More than 100 years have passed since then! Modern capabilities of plastic surgery, anesthesiology and related industries reduce the risks of complications to a record historical minimum. Operations such as mammoplasty today are considered not only relatively safe, but also affordable and popular. According to the Vademecum analytical center, in 2022 Russia entered the top 3 leaders, second only to the USA and Brazil. In our daily life, career, relationships with ourselves and other people, appearance plays an important, if not the primary role. Therefore, many women and men adhere to the principle: “If you don’t like something about yourself, it’s better to fix it.”

Indications for breast correction surgery

  • Small breast size, which causes psychological discomfort;
  • Too large breasts (gigantomastia), which causes physical discomfort and threatens complications;
  • Congenital or acquired asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • Sagging breasts (mastoptosis) as a result of age-related changes or breastfeeding;
  • Polymastia - the presence of additional mammary glands or nipples;
  • Previous masteketomy - removal of the mammary gland (partial or complete) affected by a cancerous tumor;
  • Gynecomastia is an enlarged mammary gland in a man;
  • Other congenital or acquired aesthetic defects.

There are several types of plastic surgery for breast correction.


The biggest disadvantage of this procedure is that it limits the reduction of aesthetic soft tissue to approximately 33% of the original skin surface area.
After a review of 319 cases involving radiofrequency therapy for breast lift, the average clinical response was one degree of improvement in ptosis.

Patients were warned that a non-surgical RF lift does not lift the areola of the nipple as well as a surgical mastopexy, but aesthetic reduction of the overall skin envelope can also serve as a good result.

Since the mechanism of action is the creation of multi-layered new collagen structure in the subcutaneous layer, this increase in tissue density becomes a preferable option to skin excision.

The upper pole surface can be restored to a moderate extent in patients undergoing radiofrequency therapy alone. Using this technique, dramatic clinical improvement in sagging can be achieved. While targeted treatment may also be beneficial in some cases, the best clinical results are still achieved when the entire skin pocket is treated.

None of the patients reported a complete lack of response, but about 5% admitted that they did not see the improvement they had hoped for. In the case of one patient, the procedure was repeated after 8 years due to recurrence of unilateral ptosis.

Expected consequences may include temporary numbness or hypersensitivity, subcutaneous nodules, and less improvement in ptosis than the patient expected. Unexpected complications may include hematoma, infection, poor scarring at needle entry points, and burns.

None of these complications were noted in this series. Because the tumescent pump and radiofrequency heating device are 1.8 mm in diameter, an 18-gauge needle can be used for the procedure without enlarging the access port. While the procedure does not leave permanent visible scars, the needle access points make this non-surgical technique minimally invasive rather than non-invasive.

Breast augmentation (endoprosthetics, lipofilling)

Most plastic surgeons prefer breast augmentation operations with implants. The advantage of breast replacement is:

  • Opportunities to create a more attractive breast shape;
  • Long lasting results;
  • Relatively low risks of infectious complications and postoperative asymmetry;
  • An additional opportunity to eliminate mild mastoptosis.

Modern new generation implants are safe, take root well and keep their shape. Most manufacturers such as Allergan, Mentor, Motiva, Polytech,

They give them a lifetime guarantee, since the likelihood of an arbitrary rupture (not associated with mechanical damage and complications after mammoplasty) is practically zero. At the initial consultation, a plastic surgeon, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s anatomy, initial breast size, personal preferences, will help you choose the most suitable shape of prostheses, their volume and profile. Read more about what types of breast enlargement implants are available in this article.

The examination by a plastic surgeon is followed by a stage of preoperative examination and preparation for mammoplasty.

The breast augmentation surgery itself is performed under general anesthesia and takes, on average, 1.5 - 2 hours.

The composition of surgical incisions depends on the individually selected method. There are 3 main ways to install implants:

  • submammary (access through incisions in the fold under the breast);
  • areolar (access through incisions along the contour of the areolas);
  • axillary (access through incisions in the fold of the armpits).

The process of securing the position of the implant in the capsule takes approximately 2 months. During this time, you need to wear compression garments.

To avoid complications, it is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor during rehabilitation. Our plastic surgeons guide patients from the initial consultation until the completion of rehabilitation.

How long does the rehabilitation period last?

Non-surgical breast lifting does not require long-term rehabilitation. Within a couple of hours, skin sensitivity will be restored. Mild swelling will subside the next day. Some patients develop bruises at the sites where the threads were inserted; this is an individual characteristic of the body and is normal. In the first days, you need to treat the puncture sites with antibacterial drugs, which will be prescribed to you by your doctor. This is necessary to avoid infection. Do not touch punctures with dirty hands. On the first day after filament lifting, you should not shower.

For two weeks the following is prohibited:

  • sports and other intense physical activity;
  • exposure to the sun;
  • visiting a solarium, bathhouse, sauna;
  • performing a massage of areas adjacent to the area where the threads are installed.

It is not recommended to attend cosmetic procedures during the recovery period.

After two weeks, you return to your normal life and enjoy a beautiful breast shape! The result of thread lifting lasts from 2 to 5 years, depending on the type of threads. Breast lift with gold threads gives the longest lasting effect.

You can choose the lingerie you like, wear low-cut clothes, and buy beautiful swimsuits. Having gotten rid of complexes, you will want to pay more attention to your body, pamper it and delight yourself.

Removal of excess breast tissue

Plastic surgeons at our clinic perform operations for gynecomastia, polymastia

and other types of interventions aimed at correcting congenital or acquired defects of the mammary glands.

Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the mammary glands in men, which occurs due to hypertrophy of fat (with false gynecomastia) and glandular tissue (with true gynecomastia). Often conservative treatment does not bring the desired result. In this case, excess tissue is removed through surgical resection or liposuction. Sometimes with gynecomastia, nodular neoplasms and lumps occur, which can be benign, borderline, or indicate cancer. In this case, we take tissue samples for histological examination or biopsy.

What threads are used for non-surgical breast lift?


Biocompatible, absorbable threads that are completely eliminated from the body over time. Suitable for correcting mild manifestations of ptosis. We use Miracu threads.

Golden threads

Made from the highest standard gold (24 carats). Suitable for correcting moderate changes. Invisible under the skin. Provide long lasting effect. Combined with plastic surgery.

Aptos threads (Aptos)

There are absorbable and non-absorbable (made from hypoallergenic surgical material polypropylene). Typically, polypropylene threads are used to correct the neckline and bust area. Provide a natural lifting effect.

Polycon threads

Made from polycaproadmide. Hypoallergenic, durable, guaranteeing intense tightening and long-lasting results.

Silhoette Lift threads

Like Aptos, they are made of polypropylene. Suitable for correcting moderate changes.

Your doctor will help you choose threads. Sometimes patients come for a breast lift with mesothreads, and the cosmetologist explains to them that in this case this type of thread will be ineffective. And vice versa - some girls want to have a lift with gold threads, but the doctor advises them to start with absorbable threads.

In case of severe ptosis, before thread lifting it is better to perform a mastopexy - breast lift. The plastic surgeon will make the breasts tightened and neat, and the threads will consolidate the effect and improve the quality of the skin.

Why is it worth having breast correction surgery at the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov?

Our plastic surgeons are recognized as leading in the city. We have been successfully performing all types of breast correction surgeries since 1999. Contacting the clinic named after. N.I. Pirogov on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg, you can be sure of high standards of preoperative examination, first-class results and quick rehabilitation. We are proud of our specialists and offer our patients:

  • promotions and special offers, the price of which already includes everything, at affordable prices;
  • the presence of all specialists (plastic surgeons, mammologists, gynecologists) in one place;
  • our own laboratory, which allows you to receive the results of preoperative examinations quickly and even by email;
  • operating rooms equipped with new generation equipment, as well as the availability of intensive care;
  • the opportunity to consult with plastic surgeons remotely using the “Online Clinic” service, which is especially important for out-of-town patients or with a busy work schedule;
  • high-comfort and “Lux” rooms;
  • organizational assistance from a supervisor for patients from other cities.

Do you need a mastopexy?

Do you want to have perfectly shaped breasts? Wear open dresses and sundresses with straps without a bra?

Mastopexy will help you solve the following problems:

  • restore or significantly improve the shape of the breast (mastopexy without augmentation);
  • achieve a perfectly harmonious relationship between the shape and volume of the bust (breast lift with augmentation);
  • beautiful breasts will make your figure more feminine and sexually attractive.

A breast lift will restore your slim figure and your self-confidence.

After mastopexy, you will notice that clothes fit better on your figure and you can wear evening dresses and open dresses without a bra.

Evolution of the modern approach

Although the importance of gland formation was recognised, considerable emphasis was still placed on the "skin bra". These techniques used the removal of excess skin to form and lift breast parenchyma. Unfortunately, these approaches have not produced consistent results.

To avoid the stretching of the skin that can occur with dermal mastopexies, special meshes have begun to be used to enhance the stability of the breast parenchyma using an internal bra. This was first done by Da Silva in 1964

Subsequent studies have demonstrated reliable and safe results using a special mesh.

More recently, acellular dermal matrix has been used to provide a more natural breast texture, achieving excellent early results.

This approach is also effective for coating breast implants and is also used for reconstructive purposes.

Types of postoperative scars

Each organism is individual. The condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the speed of tissue regeneration processes - all this determines the appearance of the postoperative scar. He can be:

  • normotrophic: the former incision line has a lighter tone compared to the rest of the skin, does not rise above its surface;
  • hypertrophic: the scar is pink and slightly raised above the surface of the skin; this is a normal condition of the tissues, if only a few months have passed after the operation, with proper care the scar evens out and fades within six months to a year;
  • keloid: a voluminous, rough scar with a bright color, the condition occurs when regeneration processes are disrupted and excessive tissue formation; requires long-term treatment using hormones, cosmetic procedures and even the help of surgeons.

Reasons for the formation of a rough scar:

  • Patient's predisposition to excessive formation of connective tissue.
  • Rough work of a surgeon with tissues.
  • Strong tension on the edges of the surgical wound, which leads to stretching of the scar and its subsequent hypertrophy.
  • Excessive use of electrocoagulation in the scar area, i.e. in close proximity to the dermis of the skin.
  • Suturing the surgical wound with absorbable suture material close to the surface of the skin.

The surgical wound must be sutured in such a way that all absorbable sutures are deep inside.


Anesthesia plays a very important role during surgery. The method and drugs are selected by the anesthesiologist before the operation based on consultation with the patient and data from tests and examinations. During the tightening, one of the following anesthesia options can be used:

  • intravenous,
  • inhalation, intubation or endotracheal,
  • sedation in combination with local anesthesia.

Intravenous anesthesia is prescribed to young patients without health problems. Inhalation allows the anesthesiologist to control the depth, and the surgeon to not be interrupted during his work to introduce a new portion of medications. Sedation, as a separate method, is used very rarely, but local anesthesia is almost always used for any type of anesthesia.

Take the first step!

Take the first step!

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You can make an appointment for a consultation by calling +7 495 150 23 32 or 8 800 500 42 32 (calls within Russia are free), on the website, or on WhatsApp and Viber.

If you want to get a high-quality, guaranteed beautiful breast lift and minimize its cost, take advantage of seasonal discounts, credit or installment payments.

For details, please contact the administrators or by phone: 8 800 500 42 32 or

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Non-surgical radiofrequency breast lift is a relatively new and unconventional procedure.
Although many patients agree to it, the likelihood of unmet expectations can also be high, so be prepared. Therefore, during the initial consultation, the limitations of the procedure should be clearly explained to the patient. The ideal patient is a young woman with a breast volume of B to C who does not require more than one degree of ptosis correction.

Contraindications to RF lift include patients with grade III or IV ptosis, large sagging breasts, inability to follow postoperative recommendations, and unrealistic expectations regarding the degree of improvement that can be obtained.



Publication date: November 30 `17

How to speed up the resorption of scars after breast surgery

Is it possible to speed up tissue healing and scar resolution? On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on this matter, both adequate and not so adequate. The main thing is to understand that not all recommendations are effective and safe, and before using this or that product you should definitely consult with a surgeon.

General recommendations that can somewhat speed up tissue restoration include the simplest tips: a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins, adequate water regime, wearing properly selected underwear that does not injure or chafe the skin, etc. If prescribed by a doctor, you can use Contractubex ointment, which promotes the resorption of scar tissue. It is important to remember that all creams, including moisturizers, can only be used after the wound has completely healed.

If you want your breasts to be beautiful and natural-looking, without scarring to remind you of the surgery, choose your surgeon wisely. At the GALAXY Beauty Institute you will find experienced doctors, high-quality consumables, comprehensive care in the early postoperative period and regular monitoring during rehabilitation. A beautiful bust is real!

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