Elimination of local fat deposits: methods and their features

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna Nutritionist, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: November 10, 2022

Review date: November 24, 2022

Problem areas often arise completely unexpectedly. Some women note that fat in the lower abdomen appears after the second birth, some observe undesirable changes at 37, others at 35 years old.

Excess weight really appears under the influence of many factors and they are all purely individual.

Fat in the human body accumulates in the following areas:

  • subcutaneous fat on the abdomen/hips;
  • invisible fat located in the abdominal cavity is visceral;
  • retroperitoneal fat.

You need to understand that the presence of subcutaneous fat is not critical for health. It does not give the body the most attractive shape, but does not have a serious effect on the internal organs. And with the right therapy, it’s easy to say goodbye to it. But visceral (internal) fat, due to its effect on hormonal levels, can disrupt metabolism, compress internal organs, disrupt posture and give the body an apple shape.

To get rid of visceral fat, you will need special procedures, training, and a balanced diet. But it’s worth remembering that fat physically cannot lose more than 300–400 grams per week (in some cases, 400–700 grams). The approach to getting rid of belly fat should be comprehensive. And consistent.

Who can undergo abdominal liposuction?

Fat deposits tend to accumulate, most often in the abdominal area. The majority of patients at cosmetic clinics are women who want to correct their figure, but abdominal liposuction is not contraindicated for men.

Excessive fat not only spoils the figure, but also reduces many physiological functions:

  • fertility;
  • potency;
  • cardiovascular activity;
  • muscle activity.

People whose weight exceeds the norm by 10 kilograms can get rid of these problems forever with the help of this procedure.

Surgery to remove fat

The essence of the surgical method is to remove fat through miniature incisions or punctures that the surgeon makes in the abdominal area. After this, the fat is sucked out directly or previously split using a vacuum.

A solution of adrenaline, special enzymes and lidocaine (tumescent liposuction), laser, ultrasound or radio frequency waves can be used as a “reagent” for the breakdown of fat cells.
Disadvantages of the surgical method
Despite the effectiveness of this method - removing from 3 to 6 liters of fat in one session, all of these operations have their disadvantages:

  • possibility of blood loss, risk of infection - with direct suction;
  • the need for high-quality anesthesia - with tumescent effects;
  • danger of tissue burns - during the laser procedure;
  • risk of damage to internal organs - from ultrasonic and radiofrequency exposure.

Procedures for correcting fat deposits in the abdominal area

All these methods use different physical factors that reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat due to apoptosis (destruction) of fat cells. The destruction process is accompanied by the release of lipids contained in fat cells into the intercellular space. Lipids are then excreted primarily through the lymphatic system to the liver, where they are utilized.

The process of removing lipids from destroyed fat cells occurs slowly (over 6-8 weeks), and therefore you will notice the first visible result no earlier than after 4 weeks. Before treatment, it is important to activate lymphatic drainage, microcirculation and venous outflow.

This can be done, for example, using injection lipolysis.

Injection lipolysis is a fairly effective method of body correction, which is based on the injection deep into the patient’s subcutaneous fat tissue of lipolytic drugs that destroy the membranes of adipocyte fat cells and release fat.

Non-surgical ultrasonic lipolysis Ulfit

After the preparatory procedures, it is recommended to move on to more global ones.

The most powerful procedure today for eliminating pronounced local fat deposits and sculpting the figure is the South Korean ultrasonic lipolysis procedure - Ulfit-therapy.

The procedure is carried out using the Ulfit device, which generates highly intense focused HIFU ultrasound. It penetrates deep into the tissue - 6-20 mm, heats them and destroys the cell membranes of the fat cell. Next, the breakdown of adipocytes (fat cells) occurs and, as a result, the breakdown of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids.

The destroyed elements of the fat cell enter the extracellular space and are eliminated by the body using the lymphatic system and immune cells. The destroyed adipocytes are absorbed and excreted from the body within 4 weeks. Next, the active process of weight loss begins.

Lymphatic drainage procedures can be used to speed up the removal of broken down fat cells. For example, on the Endosphere apparatus. Vacuum massage, hydromassage, and lymphatic drainage wraps remove fluid and decay products well.

As a rule, the procedure is performed once. But there are no contraindications to undergoing a course of procedures in order to sharpen the contours of the body and make the stomach flat.

It is important to note that Ulfit removes not only subcutaneous fat, but also fights internal fat deposits, which are especially harmful to our health. Ulfit therapy also perfectly tightens the skin. When tissues are heated by the device, not only does the fat cells rupture, but also the active process of production of new collagen by skin cells – fibroblasts – begins. After the procedure, the skin is noticeably tightened and smoothed. And the process will only increase over time.

Liposuction Cellu Program

Ultrasonic Israeli liposuction Cellu Program is based on the use of two types of ultrasound - with high and low wave frequencies.

High-frequency ultrasonic waves freely penetrate to a depth of 8-9 cm and dissolve abdominal (internal) fat. After this, it is eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. This process is called visceral lipolysis. During a course of procedures, you can eliminate 2-3 kilograms of internal fat.

Low frequency ultrasonic waves are also used at the same time. They penetrate the surface layer to a depth of 3 cm and dissolve subcutaneous fat deposits. In this case, Cellu Program works like classic ultrasonic liposuction.

Figure correction using the Cellu Program technology is so effective that in just 3-4 sessions you can reduce your waist size by 4-8 cm and your body weight by 5-7 kg! The maximum effect is obtained from a course of 15 Cellu Program procedures. Body weight decreases by 20-25 kg, and waist size decreases by 12-20 cm.

In addition, cleansing internal organs of fat load improves their functioning and prevents the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys. The action of high-frequency ultrasonic waves improves the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, harmonizes neuro-endocrine regulation. This gives the effect of general health improvement.

Myostimulation Izoja

Izojay is an innovative Italian technology based on physiotherapy.

The delivery of electrical impulses causes tension in individual muscles without changing their length (stretching). This impact is called isometric gymnastics.

The VIP Line Isogei device works muscles in two modes. One corresponds to aerobic exercise, the second to anaerobic exercise. The former burn fat deposits, the latter strengthen and build muscle tissue.

Thanks to strengthening and increasing muscle tone, the chest rises, clear, harmonious contours of the buttocks, hips, and waist are formed. As a result of active lipolysis, fat deposits are burned. The stomach “goes away”, it becomes flat and toned. The skin as a whole becomes more elastic, firm, and youthful.

The effect of myostimulation procedures is persistent and lasts for a long time. This is not just skin improvement and figure correction. Working out the muscles improves blood circulation, which means the inflow and outflow of arterial and venous blood. Muscles play a big role in the overall health of the body. Improving their tone with the help of Isoja has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

Mesotherapy for weight loss

This is a maintenance or preliminary injection procedure. Lipolytic cocktails are injected deeper into the skin - 4-5 mm.

Local accumulation of active components in the mesoderm improves metabolism and accelerates the breakdown of lipids.

Another type of mesotherapy for the body is lipomesodissolution. It is also based on the introduction of special cocktails into the dermal layer of the skin (to a depth of no more than 6 mm), which promote the active breakdown of adipose tissue and the removal of fat from the body.

Cocktails do not consist of several components. Lipolytic components break down the fat cell. Drainage components consisting of extracts of various plants - from green tea to artichokes - speed up the work of lymph flow: so that what has been destroyed is better released. L-Carnitine is an amino acid, a natural substance related to B vitamins, which promotes the rapid conversion of fats into energy.

There are so-called basic cocktails that are calcined superficially: along the spine and along the intercostal spaces. With this method of introducing biological products, biologically active points are activated. With their help, weight begins to decrease as quickly as possible.

In addition to the basic ones, there are local cocktails that are injected into problem areas, including the stomach.

Non-surgical liposuction of the abdomen

The main advantage of the non-surgical method of abdominal liposuction is the sterility of the procedure. The risk of infection during this procedure is completely eliminated, since the effect on adipose tissue is carried out externally, using a special device.

Visually, the operation resembles an ultrasound examination: the doctor adjusts the laser or ultrasound machine to the desired frequency - capable of causing the destruction of fat without damaging neighboring tissues or organs.
This way the risk of injury is minimized. Advantages of the non-surgical method
The advantages of the non-surgical method include:

  • easy rehabilitation;
  • no need for anesthesia;
  • minimum pain;
  • positive side effect in the form of skin tightening.

It has only one drawback - no more than 500 ml of fat can be removed in one session, so the method is recommended for people with slight deviations in weight for figure correction.

Methods for eliminating local fat deposits

It is necessary to solve the problem of local fat deposits in a comprehensive manner. Measures to eliminate them include stimulating the processes of fat breakdown with the subsequent removal of breakdown products from the body and body correction (lifting) in those places that have been deformed by overgrown adipose tissue.

Cosmetological methods of combating excess fat are divided into:

  • cosmetic (use of creams, gels, natural products);
  • injection (use of liquid pharmacological preparations);
  • hardware (impact using physical factors);
  • massage and surgical techniques.

One of the traditional ways to correct certain defects on the body is mesotherapy. The method is based on the subcutaneous or intradermal introduction into the body of cocktails, the components of which promote the breakdown of fats, improve blood circulation, enhance lymph outflow, restore tissue elasticity, and have an antioxidant and biostimulating effect. Mesotherapy is carried out in courses. As a rule, each includes from 7 to 10 sessions aimed at eliminating local fat deposits. One of the types of lipolytic therapy is considered mesotherapeutic liposuction, or mesodissolution (special hypoosmolar cocktails are injected into the hypodermis).

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Another way to effectively combat excess fat is intralipotherapy. This newest injection technique involves deep injection of Aqualyx into the adipose tissue (its lipolytic effect is scientifically proven). Carboxytherapy and ozone therapy are actively used in methods of getting rid of fat deposits.

Injection effects are often complemented by hardware manipulations, such as cavitation, thermolifting, electrolipolysis, cryolipolysis, cryosauna, shock wave therapy, low-intensity transcutaneous laser radiation, etc. The listed methods of figure correction are based on physical factors (ultrasonic radiation, radio waves, extremely low temperatures, light and electrical energy, etc.), which, penetrating to a certain depth of tissue, are able to influence subfascial fat deposits until they are completely destroyed.

To get rid of fat deposits faster and more effectively, they also turn to thalassotherapy, hydrotherapy, various techniques of manual and hardware massage: lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite, honey, cupping, vacuum roller, vibration and others. Thanks to such manipulations, blood circulation improves, the outflow of lymphatic fluid increases, the process of fat breakdown is more active, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Algae, mud, chocolate, cold, thermoactive wraps are pleasant procedures that also help remove cellulite, fat deposits, and make the skin more toned. In addition, complexes for eliminating local fat deposits often include hydromassage, Charcot’s shower, infrared sauna, acupuncture, pressotherapy, myostimulation, etc.

You can fight unnecessary fat more radically - with the help of plastic (aesthetic) surgery, in particular liposuction. It can be tumescent, ultrasonic, high-frequency, vibration, laser, water jet - and this is not the whole list. Most often, patients who want to get rid of fat deposits resort to liposuction of the face (cheeks, chin), arms, buttocks, thighs, abdomen (the procedure is often combined with a lift).

Stages of liposuction

The fat removal procedure is carried out in four stages:

  • marking the area of ​​surgery or hardware intervention, anesthesia (if necessary);
  • tissue incision or laser/ultrasound exposure;
  • removal of adipose tissue;
  • suturing.

The surgery can take from half an hour to several hours.

Non-surgical procedures require less time (from half an hour to one hour).

What does the stomach look like after liposuction?

People with pronounced sagging skin and heavy weight are recommended to undergo liposuction in combination with a lift. Otherwise, removing fat will only worsen the appearance of the body.

In other cases, the stomach will visually become smaller, and the waist circumference will also decrease. Similar results can be seen approximately one month after the procedure. Fat will no longer accumulate in this area, but you should not neglect a healthy diet and exercise.

After surgery

After non-surgical

Types of local fat deposits

Adipose tissue is needed to maintain energy balance in the body. It comes in several types (differences are determined by location and metabolic characteristics):

  • subcutaneous fat (hypodermis);
  • deep (subfascial) fat layer;
  • internal, or visceral, fat (mostly covering the abdominal organs).

Many factors influence the severity of specific types of adipose tissue and the ratio in which they are all found in the body. Age, gender, genetic predisposition to being overweight or thin, the speed of metabolic processes, etc. – your figure and complexion depend on all of this.

Subcutaneous fat is present to a greater or lesser extent in every anatomical region. Thanks to her, the face and body have smooth contours. As a rule, most people manage to reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat without any problems: it is enough to reduce the caloric content of food and increase physical activity.

Deep fat deposits are characterized by concentration in certain areas (waist, abdomen, hips, buttocks, etc.); this type of adipose tissue determines the constitution of the body and body type. It is almost impossible to break down subfascial fat, even exhausting yourself with diets and exercise.

Depending on where and how fat deposits are located, there are two forms: generalized (general) and local, which includes three types:

  1. Limited type. Fat deposits have clearly defined boundaries, and these deposits are formed due to hypertrophy of adipocytes in the superficial or deep fat layer.
  2. Diffuse-local type. Caused by the growth of subcutaneous fat in a specific area of ​​the body (upper abdomen, front surface of the thighs, legs, etc.) The boundaries of this anatomical zone lose their clear outline and merge with the neighboring one, where the fat layer is normal.
  3. Finely lumpy contour irregularities. This is the well-known cellulite, or small-tuberous lipodystrophy. The deformation is caused by hypertrophy of adipocytes in the subcutaneous layer with bulging of adipose tissue, resulting in the formation of uneven contours of the skin surface with small tubercles and indentations - a defect called orange peel.

Eliminating local deposits is not an easy process, because such fat traps can persist even if a person loses a lot of weight, as they are characterized by stability of shape and volume.

Indications and contraindications for radical fat removal

Potential patients for whom this procedure is indicated are people over 18 years of age. Liposuction will help:

  • if you have 3-4 liters of fat in the abdominal area;
  • in case of muscle imbalance resulting from long-term physical training;
  • with slight deviations in the contour of the figure (including people who are contraindicated for playing sports, suffering from mild endocrine diseases).


  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • severe form of hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • menstruation;
  • chronic diseases during exacerbation.

Progress of the procedure

Liposuction of the abdomen and sides in our clinic is performed using vibration using the PAL LipoSculptor device. This method is suitable for women and men who have excess fatty tissue in the areas mentioned above.

Male liposuction has a fundamental difference in that the treatment area in this case is exclusively the abdomen. A woman is often interested in adding grace to her silhouette, so the waist is also shaped during the procedure.

The essence of the method is that, unlike traditional technology, here a vibration effect is added to the forward movements of the cannula. Thanks to this, the number of amplitude movements, and, consequently, their effectiveness, increases significantly.

Also, due to the fact that vibration is added to the movement of the cannula, the number of punctures performed decreases. Therefore, liposuction of the sides and abdomen in this way has a number of advantages:

  • Reduced pain in the postoperative period.
  • Removing more fat.
  • The operation is faster than the traditional procedure.

These qualities make the procedure so popular in modern aesthetic medicine.


You can evaluate the results of liposuction immediately after completion of the procedure or after a few weeks. It all depends on the chosen method and the initial volume of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area. To ensure that the recovery period after liposuction is quick and comfortable, you should follow some rules:

  • exclude physical activity, especially those associated with lifting weights;
  • do not wear clothing that puts pressure on the liposuction area;
  • refuse thermal procedures;
  • do not take drugs that affect blood clotting.

Depending on your individual circumstances, you may be given additional recommendations.

How much does abdominal liposuction cost in Moscow?

The surgical operation will cost approximately 50,000 rubles , and the problem with excess fat will be solved in one session.

Non-surgical procedures - a painless alternative to surgery - are several times cheaper, but to obtain a similar result they will need to be repeated two or three times.

Remember that the results of correction in the abdominal area will be effective only in combination with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, so you need to be clearly aware of the advisability of turning to this particular correction technique.

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