Dermastabilon: features of the product, method of administration

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Every second girl suffers from excess weight and figure defects. You can achieve toned shape and an ideal silhouette through diligent physical training and strict dietary restrictions. But diets and sports are not always effective. What to do if standard methods do not work? The answer is simple, look for new reliable options.

A progressive solution today is lipolytic injections. This is an innovative cosmetic procedure, which is provided at the highest level by specialists from the Cloud Beauty salon. Our cosmetologists will conduct a preliminary consultation, assess the scope of the work, and provide professional tips and recommendations. You can make an appointment remotely - by phone or online.

How does it affect

Dermastabilon contains bile salts (deoxycholate) and phosphatidylcholine. These components complement each other's action. The essence of such injection liposuction is the destruction of cell membranes and the breakdown of fatty compounds into simpler elements, which are subsequently removed from the body.

Thanks to injections of this product, the following processes are launched:

  • destruction of lipocytes and conversion of their contents into a fat emulsion;
  • removal of toxins and fat-containing substances;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen, necessary to restore skin elasticity;
  • smoothing skin texture and smoothing wrinkles.

Correction zones

Lipolytic drugs are injected into areas where there are excess fat deposits.

In case of obesity, this procedure is not performed; it is indicated in the presence of local problems.

In this way you can work on the following areas:

  • drooping sides;
  • stomach;
  • buttocks;
  • riding breeches;
  • inner thighs;
  • knees;
  • “Widow’s hump” in menopausal women;
  • sacrolumbar zone;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • fat pads in the eyelid area;
  • plump cheeks;
  • double chin;
  • blurry oval face;

It is also possible to correct cellulite and eliminate unevenness after previously performed surgical liposuction.

Methodology of the procedure

The instructions for use of Dermastabilon warn of the presence of contraindications and contain special recommendations regarding its administration.

Only an experienced cosmetologist should carry out the procedure; without special skills, it is difficult to administer the product correctly and can cause unpleasant consequences.


Before using the drug, the patient undergoes a consultation with a specialist of his choice. It is recommended to carry out a test injection to ensure that there is no allergy to the components of the lipolytic.

If no problems arise, the skin is treated with antiseptics and special markings are applied to it. The general correction area is highlighted with a marker, and then the injection points of Dermastabilon are marked. This will allow the amount of the drug to be evenly distributed in the subcutaneous tissue.

Administration of the drug

After marking is completed, you can inject the product. The maximum dosage should not exceed 2-3 ampoules (10-15 ml). This is enough to treat several large areas; administering large doses is impractical.

Anesthesia is not used as the procedure is virtually painless. Injections are carried out to a depth of 10-13 mm, that is, into the area of ​​subcutaneous fat. For manipulation, a syringe with a thin needle of appropriate length is used.

To avoid getting into the muscle, the master forms a skin fold with his hands.

After completion of the procedure, the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic.

Dermastabilon: instructions for use

All these complications can be avoided if all the rules are followed, the patient excludes all possible contraindications and is treated in a clinic staffed by highly qualified specialists.

Unlike surgical liposuction, which is performed once, the course of injections can range from two to ten. The break between sessions is at least a week. The number of procedures and the depth of drug administration depends on how pronounced the fat deposits are. It is inserted to a maximum depth of 6 mm.

After administration of the drug, inflammation is observed at the injection site. This should not frighten the patient, as this is an indication that the remedy has begun to work and the fat cells are being broken down. On the contrary, the absence of any skin reaction at the injection site should alert you. If the local inflammatory process does not develop, it means that the drug does not work in this particular case, or it is of poor quality.

Dermastabilon has the ability to accumulate in adipose tissue. Therefore, even with a week's break between sessions, it works successfully, breaking down fat cells.

Very often, women suffer from folds of fat on the abdomen. When using a lipolytic cocktail, your waist size will decrease literally before your eyes. This fact especially pleases the ladies who have purchased a new dress. At the same time, the skin will not sag and gather in folds. This is another positive and important point.

You can get rid of excess fat on your sides with exactly the same effect. If you use injections in both of these areas at the same time, then after the first sessions your clothing size will noticeably decrease.

On many women's forums and websites of plastic surgery clinics you can find a large number of positive reviews regarding the drug Dermastabilon. You can get acquainted with them by visiting these sites, and also get complete information during a consultation with a specialist.

Side effects

The instructions warn of the likelihood of negative consequences. To reduce such risks, intense physical activity should be avoided the first day after injections. The development of mild inflammation in the corrected area and slight swelling are considered normal, as they are associated with the processes of active breakdown of fat cells. The next day, the discomfort should disappear. If this does not happen, infection of the injection site cannot be ruled out.

The following side effects are also possible:

  • redness of the skin, allergic rash (individual reaction of the body to the components of Dermastabilon);
  • bruises and hematomas at the puncture site (if blood vessels are damaged);
  • seals at the injection site;
  • fibrosis of muscle tissue.

How do lipolytics work?

To understand the principle of the procedure and understand what determines its effectiveness, it is necessary to understand what lipolytics are and how they work. Lipolitics are drugs that are injected subcutaneously to break down fat deposits. They contain natural soy enzyme and various vitamin and mineral complexes. Together they dissolve fat cells, making the figure more toned and slender.

Such substances are used to correct not only the figure, but also the face. Injections guarantee the elimination of wrinkles, provide lifting and tightening of the oval, contour, and lines. With their help, you can get rid of such an aesthetic defect as a double chin. The most used lipolytics are:

  • Aqualix;
  • Dermastabilon;
  • Revital Celluform and others.

Injections cope with the task in the shortest possible time. The areas most susceptible to fat deposition - the stomach, thighs, arms - immediately become toned and slimmer. Many people wonder how effective the procedure is; lipolytics allow you to burn fat, but not strengthen muscles. Cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles - these problems can be dealt with with injections.

Contraindications and restrictions

The guidelines for the use of Dermastabilon describe absolute and relative contraindications. These include the following circumstances:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to soy and drug components;
  • epilepsy;
  • malignant tumors;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • kidney and liver diseases during exacerbation or decompensation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars, collagenosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • dermatological problems in the correction area;
  • diabetes;
  • calculous cholecystitis.

Lipolitics - injections for weight loss in Novosibirsk at the Center for International Cosmetology "Bi Lucci"

Excess weight and figure defects are a problem of our time.
It is possible to achieve a slim silhouette through diligent physical training and diet. But what to do if, when losing weight, areas of the body decrease disproportionately? For example, with significant weight loss, the area of ​​the riding breeches, the inner surface of the thighs does not decrease, or the “double” chin does not disappear. Progressive techniques will help solve problems. An innovative cosmetic procedure for local dissolution of adipose tissue - lipolytic injections.

The composition of the preparations includes: natural soy enzyme and vitamin and mineral complexes, amino acids and antioxidants. Together they dissolve fat cells and make the figure more toned and slender, and facial injections also eliminate wrinkles and tighten the oval.

Injection lipolysis is not used to treat obesity, but is used for liposculpture to achieve perfection in working on the shape of the face and body.

Indications for subcutaneous administration of lipolytics:

  • cellulite
  • fat deposits on the face: chin, cheeks, jowls
  • excess fatty tissue on the body: waist, abdomen, arms, hips, folds on the back
  • problems with metabolism in tissues due to failures in oxidative processes.

How is the injection lipolysis procedure performed?

A cosmetologist-dermatologist determines the exact injection sites for the lipolytic and the dosage. The procedure is carried out with special needles that do not cause pain or discomfort. Needles with a small diameter penetrate the skin to the depth where a person has fatty layers that he would like to get rid of.

After administration, the lipolytic components break down fat, after which fat cells enter the bloodstream and are eliminated from the body naturally.

At the sites where the needle was inserted, small hematomas may appear, which quickly disappear. After the procedure, the areas where the injections were made are treated with a soothing cream.

Efficiency and long-term results

A full course of lipolytics guarantees a reduction in volume by 4-6 centimeters. In addition, the drugs have a positive effect on overall well-being, increase immunity, and improve blood circulation.

Lipolitics burn fat, but do not strengthen muscles. Combining the lipolysis procedure with other methods of combating fat deposits will increase the effectiveness of the procedure many times over!

Procedures that enhance the results during a course of injection lipolysis:

LPG – massage using the Cellu M6® Alliance device, France:

will eliminate swelling, remove decay products, improve the production of collagen and elastin in a short time, eliminate stretch marks, improve skin condition.

Radiolifting using the INTRADERMA device:

will remove age-related sagging skin, make the skin elastic and hydrated, tighten muscles, reduce fat deposits and cellulite.

Bio-Ultimate Gold Microcurrent Therapy:

normalizes cellular metabolism, reduces swelling, improves blood and lymph circulation, improves the color and structure of the skin, increases muscle tone.


Injection lipolysis is contraindicated for patients who suffer from leukemia, diabetes, varicose veins, are sensitive to the components of the drug, kidney and liver diseases, and other diseases. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Efficiency of the procedure

Lipolytic allows you to achieve noticeable progress in losing weight in just a few sessions. Thanks to the effect of the drug, accumulations of subcutaneous fat disappear from the treated areas, the skin in these places is tightened, unevenness is smoothed out, and the increased production of collagen and elastin prevents the formation of stretch marks.

A positive property of Dermastabilon is its cumulative effect. The drug depot formed in the tissues increases the duration of the drug. The process of fat breakdown will continue until the next session. After completing the full course, the volume of problem areas will be significantly reduced, the body will become more elastic and toned, and the appearance of cellulite will disappear.

Registration for the procedure

At the Center for International Cosmetology “Bi Lucci” you can get advice from cosmetologists and dermatologists of the highest category, and take a course of lipolytic injections for body and face weight loss using Revital Celluform.

The price for lipolytic injections and the number of procedures are calculated individually for each client and depend on the amount of the drug per volume of the treated area and the desired result. In addition, each patient will be able to receive recommendations regarding preventive measures to preserve beauty and health for a long time.

You can sign up for a course of lipolytic injections in Novosibirsk at the Bi Lucce Center for International Cosmetology by calling or filling out the form on our website.

Questions and answers

When will the effect of the injections appear?

After the first session, the process of breaking down and removing fat begins. The maximum result for most clients can be observed after the fifth manipulation.

How many procedures are needed to achieve a visible effect?

This depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the amount of fat deposits and their location. Usually 3–10 sessions are required. It is recommended to combine them with massage and a set of other treatment methods recommended by the doctor.

What is the duration of the effect of lipolytics?

After completing the full course, the result lasts for 9-12 months, but it is important to streamline your diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Where can I buy Dermastabilon?

You can buy Dermastabilon at a pharmacy or directly at the salon where the procedure will be performed. The price of one session, taking into account the material and the work of specialists, averages 3,000 - 8,000 rubles, depending on the size and location of the area being treated.

How to administer the drug correctly?

A prerequisite is deep injection of the product in order to directly reach the fat layer. But it is very important not to hurt the muscle tissue. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to get injections in a salon from a qualified specialist.

Features of the procedure

The total duration of the course is about three months. Sessions should be held every other week. What is the price of lipolytics, every woman wonders. The cost is calculated individually and depends on the area being treated, the amount of materials used, the complexity and duration of the work. Correcting the hips will cost more than correcting the arms.

The peculiarities of the effect of lipolytics on the body lie in the processes of synthesis and breakdown. They should be approximately equal. Modern people lead a passive lifestyle, eat unhealthy foods, which causes an imbalance in these important processes. To stabilize the situation, use lipolytics. The doctor injects the product under the skin with a thin needle, which does not cause pain or discomfort.

A full course of lipolytics guarantees you a weight loss of 4-6 centimeters in volume. In addition to reducing volume, the drugs have a positive effect on general well-being, the immune system, and blood circulation. Visit the Cloud Beauty aesthetic medicine center and take a step towards your dream of an ideal figure.

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