Body plastic surgery – slimming from head to toe

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarina is an experienced and talented plastic surgeon. She successfully performs a variety of plastic surgeries.

In addition to extensive experience in aesthetic surgery, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna is a qualified (and certified) specialist in such areas of surgery as oncology, mammology, general surgery and urology. This knowledge and experience greatly expands her capabilities in plastic surgery.

Gagarina S.V. is a plastic surgeon who has been engaged in not only aesthetic, but also reconstructive operations of the mammary glands for many years. She really knows everything about modern breast implants, since she regularly gives reports and conducts master classes for plastic surgeons in Moscow and neighboring countries at the invitation of the world's leading companies producing breast implants. American companies Mentor and Allergan regularly invite Ph.D. Gagarin, as one of the best plastic surgeons in Moscow and Russia, to participate in his exhibitions, seminars and scientific symposiums.

After graduating from the Moscow Medical Academy named after. Sechenova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarina worked at the center as a reconstructive surgeon at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems and at the same time operated in the microsurgery department of the 71st city hospital, and since 1999 she practiced at the Clinical Center for Microsurgery and Andrology of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Russian Health Service, where she held the position of deputy director. At the center, she worked on reconstructive and plastic surgery of the breast and intimate plastic surgery, on which she defended her doctoral dissertation. At this time, the area of ​​bariatric surgery (surgical treatment of obesity) was actively developing at the Rossdrava LRC, and former patients of this department who needed plastic surgery began to turn to her for help. Thus, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna acquired extensive experience in plastic surgery for patients with massive weight loss.

“I do a lot of plastic surgery for patients who are overweight. Many come to me having already tried many “miracle techniques,” diets and hardware treatments, which are not only absolutely useless, but often harmful. I am outraged that people who consider themselves specialists can convince such patients that ten body wraps or hardware cosmetology sessions replace liposuction. I always think: maybe they really believe it themselves? If so, can they even think straight and distinguish reality from fantasy?

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna sincerely cares about each of her patients. All plastic surgeons talk about this, but as for Gagarina, this is really true. And if surgery is not the best option for you, she will definitely tell you about it. She believes that it will be better for both you and her if you find out before plastic surgery, rather than after it. In an effort to help the patient make the right decision, she always takes the time to listen carefully and understand what you expect from the operation. When choosing a plastic surgeon, this is very important, because if the doctor does not have time for you before the operation, do you think he will find time after it?

Dr. Gagarina has an impeccable reputation. She never gave up and never gave up responsibility for her patients. More than half of the doctor’s patients come to Svetlana Vyacheslavovna on recommendation and not only from grateful patients, but also from doctors - colleagues, plastic surgeons.

Dr. Gagarin is not afraid of difficult cases. However, before any manipulation, the doctor carefully assesses the patient’s condition and the prognosis of the outcome of the operation in order to be sure that plastic surgery will not harm, but can actually help.

In some areas of plastic surgery, Dr. Gagarina is especially well known as a truly outstanding specialist and universally recognized leader.

Breast surgery

Dr. Gagarina is internationally recognized as an expert in the field of breast plastic surgery. She is one of the few surgeons who regularly conduct master classes and give talks at the invitation of the world's largest breast implant companies. In addition to all types of breast plastic surgery (including breast augmentation, mastopexy (breast lift), breast reduction, correction of breast asymmetry, etc.), Dr. Gagarina is a certified specialist in non-surgical breast augmentation (Macromine) and, perhaps, the only plastic surgeon in Russia , having a certificate of oncologist-mammologist. Svetlana Gagarina has significant experience in reconstructive surgeries, which certainly helps her in her daily practice as a plastic surgeon.

Body plastic surgery – slimming from head to toe

It's no secret that losing excess weight can lead to sagging skin. If we are talking about minus 5-15 kilograms, you can hope for a natural tightening. But in a number of cases: after childbirth, losing weight by 20-30 kilograms or more, or in other difficult cases, you will most likely need professional help. And now it’s time to call an experienced professional - a plastic surgeon such as Svetlana Gagarina

– a specialist in comprehensive body lifting (abdomen, chest, hips, arms and even back and vagina). And Svetlana Aleksandrovna is a professor, doctor of medical sciences, a full member of the Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Russia and several foreign professional societies.

… we cut and sew from the customer’s leather

They say that a good sculptor does not sculpt anything, but only cuts off the excess from a block of marble. In Dr. Gagarina’s practice, there are many clients who have lost 30, 40, 70, or even 100 kilograms, and the surgeon’s skill freed them from the “skin bag” in which all these kilograms were previously stored.

In this sense, Svetlana Gagarina can rightfully be called a sculptor of the human body. As the doctor herself says, ideologically she is closest to the founders of plastic surgery, medieval doctors who began performing operations to restore or correct certain defects of the face and figure not for reasons of beauty, but for health reasons. Therefore, abdominoplasty operations (removal of sagging skin and skin “aprons” on the abdomen) are carried out for Gagarina under the sign of two requirements - health assistance and aesthetic considerations.


There are different ways to choose a doctor, including a body plastic surgery specialist. Collect the opinions of eyewitnesses or those involved: interview friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of friends and friends of acquaintances, and also test the theory of six handshakes and the power of social networks. Examine under a microscope the numerous “Before and After” photo gallery on Dr. Gagarina’s website. Or you can chat with Olga, a sweet, charming woman who has changed her status from Dr. Gagarina’s patient to the position of her administrator.

It’s impossible to believe that Olga became so pretty just recently. But you can see for yourself that the photos don’t lie by calling Dr. Gagarina’s office and making an appointment with Olya.

From 2011 to 2014, Olga underwent 7 surgeries to correct her body after losing weight. Here's what she says herself:

“Even from childhood it became clear that I would not be thin. At the age of 15, I wore size 50 clothes and weighed 70 kg with a height of 162 cm. I was not yet 19 when, after the birth of my second child, I became a huge fat woman. For many years I suffered from all kinds of diets, Herbalife, coding, and the weight steadily continued to grow and approached 170 kg, I wore clothes in size 78 (yes, yes, there is one).”

My health has deteriorated. Doctors warned that they couldn’t live long at that weight. Then Olya decided to simply stop eating - she lost 70 kg... and immediately gained 50. A “swing” began: within six months, the weight loss and subsequent weight gain amounted to up to 30 kg. As a last chance, Olga decided to have surgery to reduce her stomach (bariatric surgery). And by the beginning of 2010, I lost weight from almost 170 to 70 kilograms. But it was impossible to look at the “new” body without tears: rags hanging to the navel, which were once breasts, and an empty leather bag that remained from the stomach. Not to the beach, not to undress, not to the pool. At this time, Olga was lucky enough to meet her doctor, plastic surgeon Svetlana Gagarina, who said that the matter was difficult, not quick, but fixable. In just one abdominoplasty operation, 8 kg of skin was removed - the very “bag” of the former abdomen.

Dr. Gagarina is convinced: a person who has done such a great job of improving himself, such as losing weight, deserves the help of the highest qualifications. That is why he takes on difficult cases. Such difficult work is helped by extensive knowledge and experience not only in plastic, but also reconstructive surgery, microsurgery, urology and mammology, endoscopic surgery, as well as the “habit of learning,” which, according to Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, is an indispensable attribute of any practitioner (especially operating) doctor.

Here is what Dr. Gagarina herself says about this: “I am an experienced surgeon, but not too experienced, that is, I don’t feel like such an “honored doctor” that I can rest on my laurels. If I were looking for a doctor for myself, then, of course, I wouldn’t want a novice to operate, but I certainly wouldn’t want to end up with a tired, elderly doctor who is tired of both patients and work in the operating room.”

It is worth noting that working with people who have lost weight is only one of the areas of activity of Dr. Gagarina. She is equally skilled in helping women after childbirth who want to overcome age-related changes or who have decided to undergo liposuction or a tummy tuck. One thing is constant - Svetlana Vyacheslavovna finds enough time to listen carefully to the client, understand the expectations from the operation, and help make the right decision. And if surgery is not the best option for you, you will learn about it right away from Gagarina.

There's a little Schwargenneger in everyone

A toned and sculpted torso “with cubes” like Stallone or Schwargenneger (young, of course!) - there is probably no man who would not dream about this. Yes, many don’t even admit it to themselves. And instead of cubes, they build up “balls” and beer bellies.

It is known that men are less likely than women to admit to distress about their weight, and even less likely to make consistent and significant efforts to lose weight. And yet there are such heroic individuals who have the courage not only to admit excess weight, but also to overcome it.

Here is Alexander’s story: “I suffered from enormous weight for many years, then I had bariatric gastric bypass surgery. As a result, I lost 70 kg, and everything would be fine, only my stomach sagged a lot. A huge leather bag hung almost to the knees and was very in the way. Under this “apron” my skin was constantly irritated, I sweated a lot, and no matter how many showers I took, the unpleasant smell accompanied me everywhere. Picking out clothes, tying shoelaces - everything was still a problem, and I’m not talking about sex at all. But I really hoped that I would lose weight and have a calm life. It became clear that I couldn’t cope on my own; I again needed the help of a surgeon, this time a plastic one. I went for a consultation with Professor Gagarina on the recommendation of friends. I really liked how Svetlana Vyacheslavovna very carefully, but explained exactly what she would do and how. During the torsoplasty operation, this bag was cut off from me - as much as 10 kilograms. Now you can start pumping up the “cubes.”


We can say that for Dr. Gagarina, torsoplasty is one of her “horses.” This is what I’m interested in doing,” says Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, “because this is not the fulfillment of glamorous whims, but a real opportunity to help a person who has worked a lot on his own body see worthy results of his efforts. And, of course, it is important that torsoplasty not only allows you to create an expressive volumetric shape, but also get rid of the problems of diaper rash, that is, directly improve the skin, relieve excess stress on the muscular skeleton, which ultimately will help keep your back straighter and generally more Orient your torso correctly and healthily. With my work, I help to get an additional effect of healing the body in addition to weight loss, and what could be more important for a doctor than good health.

Bust for the heroine

Plastic surgery is often called beauty surgery. Because the most discussed and well-known results of the work of plastic surgeons in society are invariably associated with media figures - artists, athletes, politicians, social stars. In reality, plastic surgery for the sake of beauty and glamor is only a small percentage of the work of plastic surgeons. The main part of it is not related to the fulfillment of whims like “give me a beautiful nose (plump lips, a different eye shape, size 5 breasts, etc.)”, but with the elimination of congenital or acquired defects of the face and body, most of which harm not only aesthetics , but also to health. Although anything can happen. In the practice of Dr. Gagarina, there are often cases of correcting the consequences of inept or even dangerous plastic surgery. Therefore, I would like to repeat again and again - contact trusted specialists working in modern, equipped clinics. Saving on yourself is the last thing. To illustrate, here is the story of another client, Svetlana Gagarina.

“The purpose of my story is to warn others from similar horrors. In 2009, I really wanted to have my breasts enlarged. Implants as a foreign body caused me panic, so at the nearest medical center, a reliable doctor, as friends said, agreed to a “proven” method - breast enlargement without implants, using special medical fat (as the doctor called it). This fat will be injected into my chest, it will increase by 2 sizes and will be natural and no one will ever guess that anything was done. And the price is reasonable. No anesthesia, no tests, a couple of hours after the procedure you can go home. That’s what they did, I arrived at the clinic in the morning and was already at home at lunchtime. The breasts have expanded beautifully. Problems began about 4 years later, my chest began to hurt, bruises appeared. I got tired of looking for a doctor and went to Moscow. I found Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarina by accident, but it was just a happy accident. Since the problem was growing, and this immediately became clear to the doctor, preparation for the operation and the operation itself took place in the shortest possible time. In the morning they explained to me that there was an oily substance of unknown origin inside the chest, which caused such pain. After the cleaning, on Gagarina’s recommendation, I had to wait a year, but then she gave me excellent reconstructive plastic surgery. And now my only regret is that Dr. Gagarina and I did not meet earlier.”

For many years, Svetlana Gagarina has been engaged not only in aesthetic, but also in functional and reconstructive operations of the mammary glands. So he knows everything about modern breast implants. At the invitation of the world's leading implant manufacturers, Dr. Gagarina regularly makes presentations at international symposiums and conducts master classes in foreign clinics and centers. And of course, as a woman, she perfectly understands both the functional and aesthetic role of breasts for a woman.


A doctor of medical sciences, a practicing plastic surgeon and an attentive woman, Dr. Gagarina knows very well that mental health is just as important as physical health. And he is a unique, perhaps the only specialist in Russia in all types of body plastic surgery - abdominoplasty, torsoplasty and mammoplasty, intimate and reconstructive plastic surgery, as well as an expert in implants, surgery of the legs, arms, circular body lift, hip plastic surgery and much more, as well as author of more than one and a half dozen techniques for these types of plastic surgeries. As Dr. Gagarina herself says: “I am for a harmonious and natural result. But at the same time, she is always attentive to the wishes of her clients, because they are the ones who should be comfortable both physically and mentally in their renewed body.” Therefore, many of Svetlana Gagarina’s patients, having undergone one operation and seeing exactly the result they dreamed of, return themselves and recommend Dr. Gagarin to friends and acquaintances.

Women are designed in such a way that only after polishing their appearance do they turn to internal problems. And this is understandable - we have put things in order outside, I want to add tone to those parts of the body that are not so visible but are just as important. Vaginal tightening, plastic surgery of the labia minora and clitoris, and correction of the volume of the labia majora will help restore a woman’s confidence and sexual attractiveness. Here, Dr. Gagarina is also a recognized specialist, the owner of his own patented techniques and methods. Beauty on the outside and confidence on the inside – that’s what every client of Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarina gains.


Body plastic surgery

Without any exaggeration, Dr. Gagarina is an unsurpassed surgeon in the field of body plastic surgery (abdominoplasty, torsoplasty, lifting the lower body, legs and arms). Her experience in the most complex simultaneous operations has no analogues in Russia, and perhaps in the world. Many years of work with former patients of bariatric surgeons, who “lost” more than 100 kg, gives her invaluable practical experience, allowing her to masterfully cope with all types of body lifting operations of any level of complexity.

Professional credo

In her activities, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna adheres to several basic rules:

  • Never recommends surgery unless it is the best option for a particular patient.
  • He is not afraid of difficult cases, but also does not take on any of them. Before prescribing an operation, she will make sure that the plastic surgery can give a positive result and will not cause harm.
  • He always finds time for his patients and answers to their questions both before and after surgery.

The talent, professionalism and responsibility of Professor Gagarina are the key to the success of each of her operations.

List of manipulations and operations

  • Mammoplasty - plastic surgery on the breast
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Brachioplasty
  • Blepharoplasty
  • VASER - liposculpture
  • Surgical treatment of obesity
  • Thigh lift
  • Intimate plastic surgery
  • Plastic surgery after childbirth
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Chronic postcoital cystitis
  • Women's intimate plastic surgery
  • Male intimate plastic surgery

“I enjoy working in the operating room, I am interested in every new patient, and I believe that the day when I operated was not lived in vain. I love my job because there is nothing better than making someone’s dream come true every day.”


“Big plastic” at the level of the best world standards

  • complex, hours-long surgeries to restore body contours after massive weight loss;
  • comprehensive breast and abdominal lift after childbirth;

High-quality breast and body plastic surgery of any complexity:

  • all types of mammoplasty , including repeated operations with replacement of implants and elimination of shape defects and elimination of gynecomastia for men;
  • all types of body plastic surgery : abdominoplasty and torsoplasty, upper and lower body lifting, lifting the hips, buttocks, arms, etc.;
  • lipoplasty : liposuction and lipofilling as independent procedures or as part of a set of measures for reconstructive plastic surgery of the body and breasts.

Expert-level intimate plastic surgery

  • Plastic surgery of the external genitalia (labiaplasty, lipofilling of the labia majora, nanolipografting);
  • Vaginal tightening;
  • Restorative intimate plastic surgery after childbirth;
  • Enlargement and correction of penile deformities;

Women's health - modern solutions

  • Highly effective surgical treatment of chronic (postcoital) cystitis;
  • Elimination of urinary incontinence (installation of a loop). High efficiency!


  • Full member of the Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons of Russia (OPREH).
  • Full member of the Association of Aesthetic Medicine Specialists.
  • Co-founder and board member of the Russian Interregional Association of Women Plastic Surgeons.
  • Holder of 12 patents for inventions in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.
  • Author of more than 60 scientific publications.

At the Seline clinic, the doctor performs breast reconstruction, intimate plastic surgery, correction of deformities after weight loss surgery, abdominoplasty, and body sculpting.

Gagarina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

Short biography.

Gagarina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna – plastic surgeon, microsurgeon, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor of the Department of Plastic Surgery of the RUDN University.

The focus of her scientific and practical interests are such areas of surgery as aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery of the mammary glands, intimate plastic surgery, all types of body plastic surgery (including body correction after massive weight loss, abdominoplasty and torsoplasty, thigh and buttock lifting, etc.). d).


In 1992 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov, after which she completed her residency at the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetic Engineering under the guidance of prof. Borovikova A.M. Studied in clinical residency at the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics (TsNIIPP).

From 2002 to 2003, she trained at the departments of urology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, MMA named after. Sechenov, Department of Surgery with a course of endoscopic surgery.

Practical activities.

From 1992 to 1994 she worked at the Moscow Center for Microsurgery and Replantation of the Upper Limb.

Since 1993, she worked as a surgeon in the emergency microsurgery department at 71 city hospital in Moscow.

Since 1997, she worked as a surgeon at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Applied Physics.

From 1999 to 2001, she held the position of executive director of the non-profit organization Professional Association of Andrologists, and worked as a surgeon at the Republican Center for Human Reproduction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. She specialized in genital surgery and breast plastic surgery.

From 2002 to 2011 she worked at the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of Roszdrav as Deputy Director of the Clinical Center for Microsurgery and Andrology.

From 2011 to the present, leading plastic surgeon of the Central Committee of the Hospital of JSC Russian Railways No. 6. He also operates at the Doctor Plastic medical center.

Scientific activity.

In 1997, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “The role of reconstructive surgery in the complex rehabilitation of patients with electrical trauma of the upper limb.”

In 2003 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Correction of the external genitalia in patients with borderline mental disorders.”

Holds the following copyright patents:

  • Patent No. 2309683 Method of microsurgical phalloplasty for traumatic deformities and anomalies of the penis.
  • Patent No. 2234256 Method of surgical treatment of premature ejaculation
  • Patent No. 2303405 Method for treating Peyronie's disease and erectile dysfunction
  • Patent No. 2239366 Method of penile prosthesis for total cavernous fibrosis.
  • Patent No. 2234257 Method for surgical correction of erectile deformity in Peyronie's disease
  • Patent No. 2303406 Method of penile prosthesis for erectile dysfunction
  • Patent No. 224258 Method of neophallus prosthetics


1993-1997 – surgeon in the microsurgery department of the Moscow Mountains. Hospital No. 71. During this period, Dr. Gagarina performed more than a thousand operations in the field of traumatology, reconstructive surgery and microsurgery.

1997-1999 - surgeon at TsNIIPP.

1999-2001 – surgeon specializing in plastic and genital surgery at the Republican Center for Human Reproduction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, executive director of the Professional Association of Andrologists.

Since 2002, she has been operating at the Plastic Surgery Center she created in Moscow.

Since 2022 - founder and leading plastic surgeon of the REFORMEN center, deputy chief physician of the Celine Clinic for surgery.

Education and scientific activities

1992 – graduated with honors from Moscow Medical University. Academy named after Sechenov.

1992-1994 – completed clinical residency at TsNIIPP.

1994 – underwent retraining at the RUDN named after. P. Lumumba on plastic, aesthetic and maxillofacial surgery.

1997 – defended her PhD thesis on the role of reconstructive surgery in the rehabilitation of disabled people with severe electrical injuries of the upper extremities.

2003 – defended her doctoral dissertation “Correction of the external genitalia in patients with borderline mental disorders.”

Professor of the Department of Plastic Aesthetic Reconstructive Surgery and Cell Technologies of the Russian National Research Medical University and the Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery of the RUDN University, Dr. Gagarina conducts active scientific and pedagogical work on training and advanced training of young doctors. Participates in congresses, conducts training seminars, lectures and master classes in Russia and abroad, making an invaluable contribution to the development of the most significant areas of aesthetic medicine.

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