Is it true that hemorrhoid cream and ointment help with dark circles under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are common cosmetic effect arising mostly against the background of the development of pathologies of internal organs and in case of disruption of vital systems. But often such disorders appear solely due to skin problems and due to overwork and fatigue.

In such situations, it is not necessary to look for the cause in serious disorders of the body and you can limit yourself to symptomatic treatment.
For your information! You can even use products whose main purpose is not related to the treatment of bags. These drugs include ointments against hemorrhoids.

How to use Relief ointment

Before use, hygiene procedures must be carried out.

The product can be used rectally and externally. Children over 12 years of age and adults can use Relief 4 times a day.

The ointment is applied rectally using an applicator. When used externally, the cream treats damaged areas of the anus. After each use, wash the applicator thoroughly and close it with the cap.

Use until symptoms disappear completely. Do not use the medicine if the protective cap is damaged or missing.


Vlada, Voronezh: I heard a lot of rave reviews about Relief from wrinkles ointment from a friend, the price announced by the pharmacist suited me. The product smoothed out wrinkles in the corners of the mouth well. But I used it in several courses with breaks of 25-30 days.

Olga, Zernograd: I spent a long time choosing which anti-wrinkle ointment is better - Relief or Gepatrombin. A product with shark liver helped me get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Now I always keep the tube in the refrigerator and use it once a month for prevention.

How to use Relief candles

Before using candles, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures.

It is necessary to enter 1 piece. up to 4 times a day (including before bedtime).

Suppositories are best administered in the morning, at night and after each bowel movement. The therapeutic course lasts on average 1-2 weeks.

With regular use, you can achieve a lasting therapeutic result and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Do not use the product if the protective coating is damaged or lost.

Useful video

From this video you will find out whether hemorrhoid ointment removes bags and bruises around the eyes:

Since ointments against hemorrhoids are not intended for application to the skin of the face, responsibility for the result of such treatment always lies with the person himself .

There are no results of clinical trials of such drugs for off-label use, so it is impossible to say for sure whether such ointments will have a positive or negative effect, although such drugs are used in small quantities and to eliminate small bruises and give good results .

Contraindications and adverse reactions

You should avoid using Relief in case of hypersensitivity to its constituent elements. The drug is also contraindicated for thromboembolism and granulocytopenia. Take with extreme caution if you have high blood sugar levels, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, heart and vascular diseases, or hepatitis.

In rare cases, taking the drug may cause unwanted reactions such as allergies.

The central nervous system may manifest itself as nervousness, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and headache.

From the cardiovascular system, increased blood pressure and abnormal heartbeat may be observed.

A burning sensation, itching, and swelling may occur at the application site.

No cases of overdose have been identified.

What is the product?

The product is available in two forms (as already mentioned): as a rectal suppository and an ointment. Candles will not be the best option for cosmetic procedures. Before use, you will first have to melt them for some time, which is not very convenient. It is preferable to use “Relief” (ointment) for the face against wrinkles. Reviews from consumers confirm this. The ointment itself has a light yellowish tint, a greasy consistency and a characteristic fishy smell. The aroma, as well as the effectiveness of the product, is explained by the unique substances that are included in the composition.

How to use Relief ointment in cosmetology

It is worth saying that in addition to the indications indicated in the instructions, Relief is often used in cosmetology as an ointment.

Since the ingredients are beeswax, corn oil and shark oil, many women and men have already appreciated the effectiveness of the anti-wrinkle product. The ointment can also remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, smooth the skin and nourish it with nutrients. The cream should be applied in a thin layer, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Despite such results in the field of cosmetology, doctors categorically refuse to confirm the feasibility and necessity of such inappropriate use.

Description, release form, composition and price of Relief

The remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids Relief is available in the form of an ointment or cream for external and local use in an aluminum tube with an applicator of 10, 15, 24, 30 or 50 grams, as well as a suppository in foil for rectal administration. The cost of the medicine varies on average from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on the form of release, volume, composition and concentration.

Relief is also available in the form of rectal suppositories, which can be melted and used for facial rejuvenation

Thanks to the unique combination of powerful natural ingredients in its composition, Relief has become a worthy competitor to popular anti-aging cosmetics.

The main components of the miraculous ointment:

  • Mezatone (phenylephrine). It has the effect of adrenaline - it narrows and tones the walls of blood vessels, and starts the process of restoring damaged cells.
  • Creeping thyme oil (thyme). Eliminates irritation, relieves itching and destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). A powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of malignant cells and tumor growth. Acts as a conductor of vitamin A, helping it better penetrate the body. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Corn oil. It is a source of the previously mentioned vitamins A and E. It also contains B vitamins, linoleic acid, important macro- and microelements - iron, magnesium and potassium. Corn oil accelerates the regeneration process and prevents cell mutation.

The base for Relief ointment is a mixture of petroleum jelly with other emollients - mineral oil, glycerin, beeswax. The drug also contains other excipients (stabilizers and preservatives).

The cosmetic effect of the drug Relief is due to the presence of shark liver oil in the composition

Some Relief preparations contain benzocoin, which acts as a local anesthetic, as well as valuable shark liver oil, which contains a rich complex of beneficial microelements and vitamins A, E and D. It promotes cell renewal, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has a local immunomodulatory effect.

special instructions

If bleeding is observed while using the medicine, the course of treatment should be completed immediately. It is also worth refusing further use if the condition worsens, or if there is no visible result after 5-7 days from the start of using the product.

The drug can be stored for 24 months. It should be kept in a dry and dark place at room temperature away from children.

You should not use Relief in parallel with antihypertensive drugs and antidepressants.

The medicine does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms that require increased concentration.

Precautions when using these substances

Regardless of the strength of the effect, ointments for hemorrhoids always have a short-term effect.

It is worth noting! Therefore, if the bags do not go away completely or the process is insignificant, you should not increase the dosage.

Most likely, in such situations, the matter is due to internal problems of the body, and exceeding the dosage will only lead to the development of side effects.

The main danger of such drugs is that the skin gets used to their components , so at some stage the effect will be reduced to zero, and further refusal of such drugs will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the epithelium.

Considering that such products
can cause allergic reactions , it is recommended that you first do an allergy test yourself before using them.


Blepharogel is a medical drug for the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases - blepharitis. For cosmetic purposes, it is used to eliminate swelling and fine wrinkles around the eyes. Blepharogel contains hyaluronic acid, aloe vera juice, and glycerin. The complex of active substances is responsible for maintaining water balance, moisturizing, and softening the skin.

In general, the drug has an anti-inflammatory, calming, regenerating effect, relieves swelling and redness, activates collagen production, and prevents age-related changes. The drug is recommended to be applied to the skin of the eyelids, around the eyes in the morning and evening. To achieve a lasting anti-aging effect, it is enough to use Blefarogel for 2 weeks. The average price of the drug in pharmacies is 220 rubles.

Security measures

Relief should not come into contact with mucous membranes, eyelids or lips. If this happens, you should immediately rinse the area with running water. Cosmetologists also recommend using the drug “at the right time” - to cover wrinkles and swelling, and not the entire face.

If you are predisposed to acne, you must cleanse your skin with special care a few hours after applying the mask. Thick oily ointment can tightly close the pores and thereby provoke the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

Women's choice

Most effective drugs are quite expensive. A woman cannot always spend money from the family budget on a range of cosmetics.

There are budget pharmaceutical drugs that have shown effectiveness. In pharmaceutical creams and ointments, the concentration of active ingredients is higher.

If your age does not exceed 25 years, then, on the contrary, serious cosmetic procedures and active anti-aging creams are contraindicated for you; it is better to pay attention to preparations with natural ingredients that will have a mild effect.

Pharmacy ointments, unlike creams, penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, act on wrinkles from the inside, and activate the processes of tissue renewal and restoration.


  1. They renew and strengthen the protective layer of the skin, which is exposed to natural factors, water, and household chemicals.
  2. Cell regeneration occurs in all layers of the skin.
  3. You can purchase products containing natural ingredients that are gentle but effective.
  4. The result is noted by many women who used the ointments.
  5. They undergo a period of testing and are safe for use.
  6. Their low price will help save money and replace cosmetic procedures.

Before using the products, test on the back of your hand for an allergic reaction.

Preparation for the procedure, allergy test

Before using the drug, you should check whether your body tolerates it:

  1. apply a small amount to your wrist;
  2. rub the product into the skin;
  3. wait at least 1 hour.

If the surface does not turn red, does not begin to itch, and there are no rashes, the product can be safely used on the face. To do this, the skin is prepared as follows:

  1. remove decorative cosmetics;
  2. For better absorption, steam your face or do a light peel using a scrub.

"Curiosin-gel" for skin rejuvenation

The direct purpose of Curiosin Gel is the treatment of acne.

Tip: use as an anti-aging product

When fighting acne, the key point is accelerated skin renewal, the growth of young healthy cells and deep hydration (the gel contains hyaluronic acid in a fairly high concentration). This principle of action allows you to even out skin texture, smooth out fine wrinkles and improve complexion.


I myself have a pharmaceutical education - and I bought it! An article on the site suggested mixing Curiosin with vitamins A and E in oil, and this mixture would rejuvenate your facial skin by as much as 10 years. I tried so hard for two weeks until I realized that I was doing complete nonsense. Then I started thinking. Hyaluronic acid as a cosmetic product really has a good moisturizing effect and a slight lifting effect. In cosmetics it is used in a concentration of 0.2-1.0%. And “Curiosin” contains zinc salt of hyaluronic acid, the concentration is 10 times less than in a regular cream with hyaluronic acid. Its effect is somewhat different and is described in detail in the instructions. The gel itself in its pure form dries and tightens the skin. You should not look for things in medications that they are not intended for.

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