How to choose the best concealer for dark circles under the eyes: types, colors and brands?

Dark circles under the eyes are something that many people experience and are not necessarily a consequence of injury. Often such a defect occurs due to pathological and non-pathological reasons, but in any case, in addition to measures aimed directly at eliminating the bruise, it can also be disguised.

One of the products that can be used to cover up bruises is concealer . Below we will try to figure out which model and color is best to choose the product for the best effect.

What is concealer and how does it work?

Concealer is a modern cosmetic product that can be purchased today in any perfumery department.

This product is widely used - it
helps to cope with any defects in color and texture of the skin , and it is often used for bruises.
Technically, the product is an improved cosmetic pencil for spot application.

But if it is necessary to mask bruises, this product is simply shaded after application at several points.

This pencil has a dense and thick structure, so it lays on the skin in an even layer and does not crumble.

Keep in mind! This product is not used on its own: it requires prior application of foundation.

This way you can achieve a more natural skin color, while the concealer needs to be selected not strictly to match your skin color, but a couple of shades lighter.

Why do you need a green face concealer?

Green is the opposite color of red on the color wheel and is therefore the strongest color for canceling out red. Because of this, green color-correcting concealers are best for neutralizing intense red spots. Most green color correctors are a pastel mint color.

  • Use green concealers directly on small red areas such as pimples.
  • Green concealers are also good for moderate areas of redness such as mild acne and irritation. For those with fair skin, apply green concealer down the front of the nose, center of the forehead, around the nostrils and along the cheekbones.
  • For more diffuse areas of bright redness that cover most of your face, such as sunburn or rosacea, consider using a green-colored primer instead. A tinted foundation will work just like a color correcting concealer but will even out your tone for a flawless foundation application.

How to use concealer and what colors to use for different bruises?

The products also come in different colors and shades, and they must be selected according to the color of the bruise in order to achieve the best camouflage effect:

  • It is better to paint over blue-green bruises with orange concealers to even out the skin tone;
  • purple and dark bruises are well eliminated with blue concealers ;
  • On the contrary, it is better to mask healing yellow bruises with dark-colored products .

It is important not only to choose the right shade, but also to use the concealer correctly :

  1. The skin must first be cleansed of cosmetics.
  2. Five to ten minutes before application, apply moisturizer to the skin and apply foundation.
  3. When applying concealer and blending it, you do not need to go beyond the boundaries of the bruise.
  4. It is better to blend with a brush - this way you can achieve a more uniform layer.

Remember! Sometimes concealer on the face looks unnatural and gives the impression of a “doll face”. Additional use of powder, which hides shine well, will help to avoid this effect.


It is difficult to cope with widespread blue under the eyes using powder and modern foundation. They do not have enough density to mask the defect with a dense layer. You will have to layer tone after tone, which will lead to even more trouble.

How to apply concealer

You need to use concealer on your lower eyelids. This is how you can get the benefits:

  • effectiveness of masking blackouts;
  • moisturizing, nourishing the delicate skin under the eyes;
  • there is no need to use additional funds;
  • the presence of reflective elements makes the skin not only lighter, but more radiant.

An equally significant advantage is versatility. It perfectly removes not only bruises and dark spots under the eyes, but copes with such imperfections as:

  • acne in young ladies;
  • pigment spots inherent in women;
  • inflammation, redness.

Concealer is the perfect multi-functional product. The concealer is able to hide a variety of imperfections. It should be present in every woman's makeup bag!

What is the best concealer for dark circles under the eyes?

In each specific case, it is necessary to select a concealer based on the color of the bruise, the shade and condition of the skin, so it is difficult to name any universal and best products.
However, we can recommend several popular concealers, which in most cases can achieve a satisfactory effect:

  1. Perfect Teint Concealer (ARTDECO). A lightweight concealer that does not clog skin folds or wrinkles and does not emphasize them. One of the few products that stays on the skin for a long time.
  2. La touche magique from (L'OREAL). The product looks natural and natural, and in addition to the coloring effect, it provides the skin with additional care and hydration, preventing its aging.
  3. DermaBlend Cosmetique Corrective (VICHY). The product is well absorbed, so after application there are no traces left on the skin. The product contains nutrients that moisturize the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  4. Dior Diorskin Nude Skin Perfecting Hydrating Concealer (DIOR). A high-density concealer that covers the skin evenly. In addition to bruises, the product also covers up age spots that tend to appear under softer cosmetics.

A little history

The prototype of concealer, or color corrector, was first introduced in 1928, when one of the best students at New York College, Lydia O'Leary, decided that she needed to hide a red mole that was disfiguring her attractive features. This is how the first concealer was invented, called Covermark. It was this product that became the ideological basis for the entire line of foundation and concealer products.

Later, in 1942, Helena Rubinstein expanded the palette of concealer shades, which would make it easy to hide even the consequences of severe burns and injuries.

The final version of the product was introduced to the cosmetic market by Max Factor in 1954. All Hollywood stars used his product.

The best budget solution

In cosmetology there is a rule: “ the more expensive the product, the better quality it is .”

You should know! There are also budget products that are no worse than luxury ones, and at the same time cope with their task just as well. One of the best concealers in the low price segment is Radiant (VIVIENNE SABO).

The only drawback of this product, like any other inexpensive product, is that it is clearly visible if you look at the face at close range , although it masks bruises well.

The composition of this cosmetic product includes:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • chamomile extract;
  • beeswax.

Together, these components provide the skin with hydration, have an antioxidant effect, smooth out wrinkles and even out the texture of the skin.


How much does facial concealer cost?
One of the key factors when choosing a concealer is price. Liquid or cream products from little-known brands will cost you 80–170 rubles, from professional ones 2,500–3,500 rubles. The cost of concealers with the same structure, but designed specifically for the eye area, will be higher and range from 120 to 2,500 rubles.

The price of paste-like corrective products, presented in the form of sticks or pencils, starts from 120 rubles. and reaches 1,500–2,000 rubles. Special correctors with this texture for the skin around the eyes are rare, and those that are on sale will cost you 500–2,000 rubles. The price of cream palettes, consisting of 8-15 shades, ranges from 150 to 2,500 rubles.

Mineral loose concealers, including reflective particles, cost from 150 to 2,500 rubles. Corrective lip products that have recently appeared on sale can be found at prices ranging from 300 to 1,000 rubles.

Useful video

This article provides an overview of the best concealers for covering under-eye circles:

When bruises appear on the skin, it is necessary to deal with the problem , and not only at the level of masking defects.

If the reason for the appearance of such disorders lies in illness, concealer will not help , moreover, long-term and constant use of such products can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Since the substances contained in cosmetics can, over time, replace and displace natural microelements that the body itself produces.

It is important to know

What should you consider when choosing a concealer?
The right concealer is an opportunity to rid your skin of imperfections and make it truly perfect.

When buying a concealer, you must:

  • Test shades only in natural lighting conditions, so we recommend going to the store in the morning or afternoon;
  • Take your foundation with you or use a similar tester to avoid making mistakes when purchasing;
  • Decide right away what is more convenient for you to apply and shade the concealer: with a sponge, a brush (only suitable with synthetic bristles!) or your fingers.

Possible Causes of Dark Circles

The thin skin of the eyelids contains very few sebaceous and sweat glands and has no subcutaneous tissue, so it is susceptible to drying out and fading quickly. Various factors contribute to the deterioration of the eyelids:

  1. Congenital anatomical features, when the venous network is located superficially, creates strong shadows.
  2. General fatigue. Bruises occur from fatigue and usually appear in the morning. On weekdays, you may experience bruises from sitting for a long time in front of the computer at work. If blueness is detected after sleep, this may be due to incorrect head position or insufficient blood supply to the face. After giving birth, a young mother may not sleep at all.
  3. Diseases. Dark circles can signal problems with the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and vascular system. May be a symptom of anemia.
  4. Mechanical impact on the periorbital area. This can be either a blow inflicted by a hard blunt object or a blow to the head, for example, on the floor at the time of loss of consciousness. After an injury, the eye area may have different shades, because larger vessels are damaged by the impact and hematomas develop, which gradually fade.
  5. Poor nutrition. The female sex loves to go on diets. By depriving themselves of valuable food components, they get dark circles under their eyes.
  6. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking impair blood circulation, dilate the subcutaneous veins of the lower eyelids and cause black shadows to appear. After excessive drinking, every second woman experiences bruises.
  7. Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Causes aging of the skin, especially its thinned areas. The skin of the eyelids becomes dry, wrinkled and dark circles appear faster. You shouldn't give up wearing sunglasses to protect yourself from sun rays.

A child may develop bruises for the same reasons. From childhood, you should find out the causes of dark circles and take timely measures to correct them.

How to quickly remove bruises at home

If the problem arose from lack of sleep and is accompanied by bags under the eyes, then you can help with folk remedies.

Tea bags for eyes

Pre-brew the tea, cool and lightly squeeze the bags. After this, put it on your eyes and lie with them for 15 minutes. Tea bags are great for eliminating puffiness of the eyelids.

Masks with grated potatoes

Potatoes contain starch, which has a bleaching property. It is also rich in antioxidants, which helps refresh the delicate skin of the eyelids. You will need 1 raw tuber, which must be grated on a coarse grater and the resulting pulp should be placed on the eye area. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Refreshing mask with cucumber

It is necessary to cut the cucumber into slices. It’s better to pre-cool them in the freezer; you can add a drop of Visine to each slice. Place cucumber discs on your eyelids and wait 15-20 minutes.

Recipe with toothpaste

Apply evenly to the periorbital area. Aged for 10 minutes, brings a cooling effect. These methods constrict the blood vessels and the blue color becomes smaller. Teenagers are often prohibited from using cosmetics and are forced to use homemade recipes.

Actions in case of injury

Only a few people know how to disguise a black eye from a blow, since not every person knows even the basics of makeup. In this regard, you will need to do everything necessary to reduce the likelihood of a bruise as much as possible. Of course, the stronger the blow, the brighter the mark will remain, but by reacting instantly, it is possible to make it less pronounced.

In the first few seconds after the blow, it is necessary to apply something cold, due to which the hemorrhage will stop a little and the hematoma will become less noticeable. The cold should be kept for 15-25 minutes, depending on the severity of the bruise.

Once the bruise is completely formed, you can apply a warm compress to ensure rapid resorption of the dried blood.

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