How to use zinc ointment for acne, blackheads, wrinkles, age spots, blackheads? Zinc ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use for adults in cosmetology

Women often leave positive reviews of zinc ointment or paste, which helps get rid of pigmentation on the face and body. The product is safe, inexpensive, has no side effects and does not require long-term use. The first results appear within a few weeks. Even those with sensitive or dry skin can use the medicinal composition to eliminate imperfections. In addition to dark spots, the drug allows you to get rid of acne, dermatosis, diaper rash, and burns. It is also often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after salon peeling.

Zinc ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use

The ointment contains 2 components:

  • petrolatum
  • zinc oxide

It is the latter component that helps relieve inflammation, and also accelerates healing and dries wounds.

  • Before using the ointment, you must read the instructions.
  • Apply a thin layer of product to clean skin.
  • For a positive effect, you need to use the ointment 3-4 times a day.
  • Applying ointment before going to bed is mandatory.

Zinc ointment
To obtain the desired effect, also do the following:

  • The use of ointment during illness should be regular.
  • Avoid eating products with copper.
  • Eat as many nuts and legumes as possible, as well as all foods containing zinc.

Zinc ointment: instructions for use for acne, blackheads and acne marks on the face

The problem of acne affects every person to a certain extent. Among the variety of modern cosmetics, you can find a huge number of products that help fight acne and acne. But very often they do not bring a positive effect, and the problem returns again.

Zinc ointment

If you decide to use zinc ointment during the treatment of acne and acne, you must follow these rules:

  • It is advisable to treat only well-cleaned skin. After this, the components of the drug will penetrate more easily and quickly into the deep layers of the skin.
  • Treat your hands with disinfectant in advance. This is necessary in order to avoid infection. You can use alcohol wipes for this purpose or wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Apply zinc ointment carefully to pimples and blackheads. An ordinary cotton swab will come to your aid. If you apply it all over your skin, a progressive rash may occur.
  • Since the ointment is almost not absorbed, it must be removed after a certain time. This is because Vaseline tends to clog pores.
  • During treatment, avoid using decorative cosmetics altogether. Let your skin rest a little.
  • If there are small wounds or cuts on the skin, then use the ointment with great care. Make sure that the drug does not get on the mucous membrane.
  • After using zinc ointment, your skin may darken slightly. The reason for this effect is the active ingredients contained in the ointment. You should not stop treatment because of this. A little time will pass and the darkening will disappear on its own.

Hormonal ointments

When there is no positive dynamics from the use of non-hormonal ointments, specialists resort to hormonal drugs. Their main components are glucocorticosteroids - hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands in the human body. The mechanism of action of such drugs is based on the effect on the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Hormonal ointments restore the level of cortisone, with a deficiency of which the body becomes unable to cope with inflammatory processes.

Depending on the degree of impact on the skin, hormonal ointments are divided into several categories:

  • weak,
  • average,
  • strong,
  • very strong.

The latter are used only for the most severe forms of dermatitis, so they are never prescribed first. Examples of hormonal ointments:

  • Hydrocortisone,
  • Celestoderm,
  • Akriderm,
  • Advantan,
  • Elokom,
  • Dermovate,
  • Fucicort.

The main disadvantages of hormonal ointments in the treatment of dermatitis:

  • Addiction. The main disadvantage is that over time the ointment ceases to be effective for treating a particular patient. The same active components of hormonal ointments are addictive.
  • Side effects. Due to their hormonal nature, such ointments have many unpleasant side effects. They appear when used incorrectly or for too long. In severe cases, skin atrophy and even adrenal insufficiency may develop.
  • Presence of withdrawal syndrome. As in the case of non-hormonal ointments, when using hormonal ointments, you cannot interrupt the course and skip application. The withdrawal syndrome manifests itself especially strongly when abruptly stopping a hormonal drug. This means that symptoms of dermatitis may suddenly return. For this reason, hormonal drugs are discontinued gradually, reducing the dose and number of applications.

Hormonal products can claim to be the best ointments for dermatitis, but only in terms of effectiveness. Yes, they help cope with the symptoms of the disease faster than non-hormonal ones. But at the same time, they can have a short-term effect, require very strict adherence to the treatment regimen, have side effects and a large list of contraindications, which includes:

  • venereal diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes;
  • bacterial or fungal skin lesions.

Using zinc ointment with erythromycin for acne

If you have acne on your skin, you can try an excellent remedy - this is a mixture prepared from zinc ointment and erythromycin ointment. Preparing this composition is quite simple:

  • Take a little of the first and second ointment.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply the resulting product to the places where you have problems (preferably at night, when you go to bed).

Zinc ointment with erythromycin for acne
As a rule, problematic lesions gradually begin to calm down on the second day - the inflammation goes away, the pain subsides, and the pimple itself becomes much smaller.

What it is

Pigment spots are darkening of areas of the skin from light to red-brown.
They can have different shapes. The edges can be either blurred or clearly defined. They occur even at a very young age, but still more often - after 40 years. To get rid of this problem, women whiten their skin using special cosmetics. In particular, creams and ointments based on zinc oxide.

Zinc ointment has been successfully used against age spots on the face for a long time. She copes with this task perfectly.

The medication is produced in jars or tubes with a volume of 20-30 g. Their contents look like a thick white suspension. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

From my point of view, the main advantage of an ointment based on zinc oxide is the minimum of contraindications and side effects. Its accessibility can also be considered a plus. The price of a tube is 20-37 rubles.


The zinc ointment contains no parabens, synthetic fragrances, or hormones. And in general, the number of components in it is minimal:

  1. Zinc oxide. Has an antiseptic and drying effect. Penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, reducing the production of sebum and accelerating the process of cell destruction. This substance has an astringent and astringent effect. Thus, the use of ointment slightly tightens and refreshes the skin.
  2. Vaseline . Necessary for uniform application of the product. In addition, it covers the treated area with a kind of film, preventing the entry of harmful microbes. Vaseline softens the pronounced therapeutic effect of zinc on the skin. It is the basis of the drug. The thickness of the consistency of the ointment is his merit.
  3. Salicylic acid (this component is contained in salicylic-zinc paste for age spots). Introduced into the composition to accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. It quickly heals and dries wounds. In addition, this substance evens out skin tone, eliminating minor pigmentation and freckles.

Many manufacturers additionally saturate the ointment with various beneficial ingredients that enhance its effect. Most often, the drug is flavored with menthol, lanolin, fish oil, as well as vitamins A, D, E.

You can enrich the product yourself. I recommend adding fir, orange or apricot oils to it. They will give it the properties of a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

How it works

Women use pharmacy zinc ointment or salicylic-zinc paste as a cosmetic product. It is mainly used to tidy up problematic skin. This drug is also effective for pigmentation.

Regular application will compensate for the lack of this microelement in the body and correct the production of melanin. As a result, the appearance of age spots will be prevented.

If there are already spots, the ointment will help increase the speed of recovery of problem areas of the skin. After zinc penetrates the epidermis, the growth of new healthy cells is activated. They begin to displace melanin from the deeper layers. This leads to lightening or complete disappearance of spots.

I want to warn you that with deep pigmentation, ointment alone will not work. In this case, professional peeling will be required.

In addition, zinc ointment is capable of:

  • normalize sebum production;
  • eliminate oily shine;
  • dry small wounds;
  • treat irritation and inflammation;
  • prevent premature aging;
  • improve skin tone;
  • protect from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


There are almost no contraindications to the use of zinc ointment. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions and apply the drug in a very thin layer to problem areas.

Zinc ointment is well tolerated by most people. If you are individually intolerant to any component of the product, redness, tingling and burning may occur. If you experience these symptoms, stop using the drug. It is contraindicated for you.

Do side effects persist even after stopping use of the ointment? Then I recommend that you seek help from a dermatologist. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances - there is a risk of making things even worse.

If you have a large number of acne and pimples (when almost the entire face is covered with them), the presence of pustular lesions and open wounds, it is best to immediately go to see a doctor. You can’t smear all this with zinc ointment. It is also prohibited to treat skin with fungal or herpes lesions with it.

Pharmacists have not found any negative interactions between zinc oxide and other medications. This means that you can try combining the drug with other medications if you are taking them.

Using the ointment too frequently can cause an overdose. If you experience headache, dizziness or nausea, stop treatment immediately.

Zinc ointment in cosmetology for blackheads: instructions

Zinc ointment helps fight not only pimples and blackheads. It also works great against blackheads. Read the instructions carefully and you can begin the process:

  • Before applying the ointment, wash your hands thoroughly using antibacterial soap. Remove any remaining makeup and excess oil from your skin.
  • Then steam the skin for about 5 minutes (use a regular water bath). Wait until the pores are completely open.
  • Apply the ointment to the skin and leave it on for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off the ointment and treat the skin with moisturizer.

Zinc ointment in cosmetology
It is better to do this procedure in the evenings, but then steam your face during the day. Remember - after you remove blackheads, do not go outside. After all, this can cause more serious problems on the skin.

Zinc facial ointment for wrinkles on the face and under the eyes: instructions

Zinc is often used in the manufacture of cosmetics and medications. Zinc is used to make zinc ointment, which helps eliminate wrinkles. If you treat your skin with this ointment, it will perform the following actions:

  • Activate enzymes that renew the epidermis.
  • Protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, preventing the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • Regulate the performance of enzymes, maintain the upper layers of the skin normal.
  • Even out the skin texture on the face.
  • Free the skin from dead cells.
  • Heal scratches and wounds.

The main factor in the primary aging of the skin on the face is the rays of the sun, which dry out the skin, resulting in wrinkles.

Zinc ointment for facial wrinkles

Those women who have already used zinc ointment were able to appreciate this remedy. They noted that the ointment ideally smoothes out wrinkles, maintains normal skin condition, makes it young and very silky.

Zinc ointment is a universal medicine. If you decide to use it, you will have to perform some subtleties:

  • Apply zinc ointment only in the evening.
  • Clean your skin well before applying the ointment.
  • Do not use the ointment as a makeup base.
  • Do not add any additional components to the ointment if you have oily skin. This product will dry out your skin.
  • If you have dry or normal skin, then add butter or nourishing cream to the ointment.
  • If you do not want your skin to become too dry from the ointment, then apply it in a thin layer to places where there are wrinkles.

Short and age spots

To understand whether zinc ointment can overcome excessive pigmentation, it is worth understanding what this problem is.

Our epidermis contains a special coloring pigment - melanin. If this substance is distributed evenly, the skin tone is approximately the same in all areas. However, sometimes some cells begin to synthesize more melanin than others, which leads to hyperpigmentation - turning certain areas of the skin a darker shade. It can appear in different ways: from several barely noticeable freckles on the nose to large red-brown pigment spots.

The main causes of hyperpigmentation:

  • increased exposure to UV rays;
  • skin injuries (including burns);
  • hormonal imbalances (including during pregnancy, gynecological pathologies, etc.);
  • age-related changes;
  • use of certain medications;
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • dysfunction of internal organs, etc.

Age-related changes are a common cause of age spots on the face and body.

Video: dermatocosmetologist about age spots

How zinc ointment whitens skin from age spots: instructions

You already know that zinc ointment can be used to combat skin problems. But this product is also recommended to be used to remove age spots. The following instructions will help you get rid of pigmentation correctly:

  • Before applying, wash the skin where the spots are located.
  • Every day, treat clean skin with zinc ointment 2 times.
  • As an additional remedy, use a cosmetic product to lighten pigmentation.

Zinc ointment for age spots
Store the product in a special place where it is dry and the temperature is no more than 25 degrees Celsius. Be careful that children do not take the zinc ointment.

Review of real reviews from women

Women who have used zinc ointment to eliminate pigmentation generally claim its effectiveness. Small freckles, pigment spots in the mouth and post-acne areas noticeably lighten after just a few weeks of regular use of the product. Girls also note a decrease in acne and an improvement in complexion.

Most often, ointment or paste is used to eliminate freckles and age spots in the décolleté area and on the hands. To reduce the tightness effect, some women add a little melted butter to the composition.

Zinc cannot be used to completely get rid of pigmentation. The product is more suitable for the prevention of skin diseases and imperfections. Therefore, purchase care creams with the addition of zinc and use ultraviolet protection before going outside in sunny weather.

Zinc ointment is a universal remedy with a simple and safe composition. It is allowed to be used by allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. The drug not only fights diaper rash, but also allows you to get rid of pigmentation by 70% or more. Dark spots are one of the signs of aging; they cover the face, neck, shoulders, chest, and arms. Many women claim that they partially got rid of the problem thanks to a budget drug. They just regularly lubricated problem areas, sunbathed less and gave up the solarium.

Zinc ointment for dandruff

Our grandmothers used zinc ointment to treat dandruff. Typically, it is used for oily skin.

Zinc ointment is considered an antiseptic; it relieves inflammation and forms a protective shell that prevents foreign irritants from penetrating.

Anti-dandruff ointment

Apply a thin layer of zinc ointment to the scalp. After 1 hour has passed, wash off the product. Since the ointment dries out, it is not advisable to use it on dry hair and skin. In this case, dilute the ointment with any vegetable oil, for example, olive or baby cream.

Zinc ointment for stretch marks

A huge amount of cosmetics are made from zinc, but using zinc ointment and other similar preparations without a doctor’s recommendation is very risky, since many people have an allergic reaction to zinc itself. It is also not advisable to use zinc ointment to treat the breast while the child is drinking mother's milk. This may harm the baby.

Zinc ointment for stretch marks

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