All about the SMAS lifting procedure. Indications and contraindications.

Facial plastic surgery is the highest level of plastic surgery. SMAS facelift (SMAS lifting) in Moscow is performed by the best specialists. But even in the capital, there are only a dozen plastic surgeons who can do SMAS lifting so that the lift does not distort facial features and does not leave stitches. Among them is the world expert in plastic and maxillofacial surgery, Candidate of Medical Sciences E.S. Kudinova.

Find out more about the international activities of Ekaterina Kudinova:

  • Kudinova – head of anatomy practice in Bordeaux (for specialists)
  • Kudinova – member of the scientific committee of the International Congress of Plastic Surgeons

What is SMAS lifting (facelift)?

SMAS lifting is a facelift procedure without surgery.
The process uses ultrasonic waves, because they can penetrate deep into the skin. The impact on the deeper layers of the skin provides a better and more lasting effect.

Let's figure out exactly how the procedure goes. Ultrasound penetrates the skin to a depth of approximately 3.5 mm in the facial area and up to 13 mm on the body, reaching the SMAS layer. It consists of muscle, collagen and elastin fibers. Deterioration of the condition of this layer leads to loss of skin tone, the appearance of wrinkles, changes in the structure of the corners of the mouth and eyelids, and sagging skin on the thighs.

Ultrasound stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, as a result the skin begins to regenerate, that is, the oval of the face is restored, wrinkles and sagging areas disappear, and overall skin health returns.

How does Ulthera therapy work?

If during surgical plastic surgery the muscles and skin stretched over the years are subject to excision, then with Ulthera therapy a multi-level effect is produced on the skin and muscles without damaging them.

The procedure is virtually painless and does not require anesthesia.

The operating principle of Ulthera-therapy is as follows: with the help of a safe exposure of a sensor with micro-focused ultrasound to various layers of the skin - from the superficial to the SMAS (muscular aponeurotic system) - they are heated to a point. When the temperature in the skin and subcutaneous fat rises, the collagen fibers and connective tissue of the fat layers become denser. The skin begins to tighten.

In addition, during the Ulthera-therapy procedure, micro-focused ultrasound energy is delivered to a precise depth and at a temperature that stimulates the growth of new, “young” collagen and elastin instead of “old”, without damaging the skin surface.

After all, young structural proteins of the skin (collagen and elastin) appear precisely when the tissues are heated to a certain threshold temperature. In this case, collagen and elastin that have served their time are first destroyed, and then new proteins are synthesized.

How to prepare for SMAS lifting?

No preparation is required for the procedure. If the cosmetologist has free time, lifting can be carried out immediately at the first appointment.

Men are recommended to remove hair in the area where lifting is planned.

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medications or adjust or stop medications you are already taking. Tests or a medical examination may also be required.

If there are skin defects, mesotherapy may be prescribed.

It is not recommended to smoke or drink alcohol before the procedure.

Most often, nothing special needs to be done before the procedure; the listed appointments are individual and discussed with the doctor before the session.

Before lifting, the cosmetologist will cleanse the skin himself.

Indications for SMAS lifting

The main indications for SMAS lifting are:

  • swelling;
  • painting bags;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • large fat pad in the cheek area;
  • fat deposits in the chin and abdomen combined with weak skin in these areas;
  • fuzzy oval face.

Ultrasound helps get rid of fat deposits that are located between the dermis and the SMAS layer. On the cheeks this is most of the fat, on the chin and around the eyes there is less of it, but the procedure will still be effective.

What problems can Ulthera therapy solve?

  • Tighten the oval of the face
  • Remove sagging skin from the upper eyelid
  • Raise eyebrows and corners of lips
  • Lift your cheekbones
  • Smooth out wrinkles and folds (including in the nose and lips)
  • Solve the problem of lip asymmetry
  • Smooth the neck and décolleté area, where wrinkles and sagging skin greatly reveal a person’s age
  • Remove the “double” chin

After the procedure, skin tension is immediately felt as contraction and tension of collagen fibers occur.

Contraindications for SMAS lifting

Despite the great benefits of smas lifting, there are still contraindications. Facelift cannot be done by people under 18 years of age.

The procedure is also prohibited when:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • mental disorders;
  • using a pacemaker;
  • the presence of metal implants in the area affected by ultrasound, except for dentures;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • acne and blackheads;
  • predisposition to the appearance of keloid scars.

If you have at least one of the points, you should first make an appointment for a consultation. The doctor will decide whether the procedure can be performed and, if necessary, prescribe an additional course of treatment.

SMAS lifting procedure: pros and cons

Any cosmetic procedure, regardless of its nature, has its advantages or disadvantages. The pros and cons of SMAS lifting are determined from the point of view of effectiveness, contraindications, price, result, period of preservation of the result, rehabilitation period and other important criteria. It is very important that each patient is fully informed before the procedure, however, if you have questions, you can always contact our doctors and clarify the details.

Pros of facelift

If we talk first about the positive aspect, we cannot fail to emphasize the biggest plus, namely the absence of the need for surgical intervention and, accordingly, improving the appearance of the face quickly and painlessly.

SMAS lifting is a universal method of combating skin problems in different areas of the face, neck, décolleté and body. For each section, the required length of ultrasonic waves is selected so that they accurately reach the SMAS layer.

The results of the procedure are noticeable after the first session, the skin has a healthier and more elastic appearance, and lasts for a long period of time.

Most often, just one procedure is enough to achieve the desired effect. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated; the doctor will independently select the time interval between sessions. The minimum period is 1.5 years, as the result lasts quite a long time.

The rehabilitation period after SMAS lifting is not very long and does not cause excessive discomfort in patients.

Another feature of this facelift method is that it is painless. There may be discomfort during the lifting, but there will definitely not be pain.

Cons of facelift

We can talk a lot more about the advantages, but it must be emphasized that this procedure also has disadvantages. First of all, SMAS lifting is not performed on patients over 65 years of age due to the fact that it will not bring any effect. For those who have advanced the problem too much and have not taken advantage of the necessary treatment methods from the very beginning, lifting may not be sufficient, then the doctor will prescribe surgery.

For some clients, the price of a facelift may also be a disadvantage, but it is worth mentioning that one session is usually enough, so a one-time investment can significantly improve the situation with problem skin.

Duration of the effect of the SMAS lifting procedure

Lifting technology is a safe and painless alternative to surgery.

SMAS lifting is a non-invasive treatment without side effects. The process uses high-intensity ultrasonic waves that affect the deep layers of the skin. The procedure takes no more than 2 hours, with an additional half hour to apply anesthetic cream.

Pulses generated by the device selectively heat the desired area, causing thermocoagulation at the level of the SMAS layer. There is an immediate contraction of collagen fibers in different layers of the skin, followed by their retraction and stimulation of new collagen synthesis. The process of forming a new collagen matrix usually takes 3-4 months. As a result, a natural lifting effect occurs, which lasts for 1.5-2 years.

Microcurrents for the face - a modern phenomenon of cosmetology

Microcurrent facial therapy

– an innovative cosmetological method of skin rejuvenation. This type of physiotherapeutic procedures confidently reduces the popularity and demand for Botox. The key advantages of microcurrents are a gentle effect and an almost immediately noticeable result.

Microcurrents: a general description of a cosmetological phenomenon

Microcurrent facial treatment refers to the delicate effect of low-voltage electric current on the skin. The procedure allows in a matter of minutes to achieve alignment of facial wrinkles, normalization of the functioning of all components of the dermis and improvement of the general appearance of the epidermis. This is achieved through gentle contraction of muscle tissue.

Microcurrents act on the epidermis as delicately as possible,

activating cell metabolic processes and normalizing ion channels. They trigger biochemical processes that, for some reason, no longer function independently (due to age, improper care, side effects from another procedure/medicines).

Result of exposure to minimum currents:

— Increased muscle tone; — Improving the synthesis of adentosine tiphosphate; — Increasing the speed of movement of amino acids; — Acceleration of blood microcirculation; — Increased synthesis of elastin, hyaluron, collagen by two times. — The changes made in the structure of the skin contribute to a faster movement of beneficial macroelements in the dermis and the removal of harmful toxins from cells.

The effectiveness of the innovative method

Moving from theory to practice, I would like to immediately note the effect that is achieved through the procedure. All actions described in the previous block are aimed at achieving one goal - improving the condition of facial skin.

Microcurrents help:
Reduce facial and age wrinkles, swelling; — Refresh skin color; — Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduce the formation of acne; — Prevent (or cure) inflammatory processes; — Fill every cell with vital activity; — Eliminate acne marks/pimples; — Tighten sagging skin; — Reduce bags under the eyes and more.

In addition, microcurrents for the face can reduce or completely get rid of pain resulting from traumatic skin treatment (plasty, resurfacing, peeling, etc.). Microcurrent therapy is especially recommended for the dermis, which has already begun to show signs of aging. Due to the insignificant electrical indicators, this procedure is not addictive.

Features of the procedure

Microcurrents are applied to the face using a special electricity-generating device equipped with a mechanical control panel. The latter allows the specialist to independently control the strength and frequency of the current depending on the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

The procedure is quite simple to carry out and takes place in 3 stages.


Skin preparation

This step is necessary to completely cleanse your face. After removing the impurities, the cosmetologist applies the gel necessary for the unhindered transmission of electric current from the device to the deep layers of the dermis. Treatment
Microcurrent therapy can be performed using stationary, moving or glove electrodes. The cosmetologist selects the most suitable treatment method on an individual basis. Hydration.
The treated skin is moisturized with a cream designed for the specific type. The average session time is 30-50 minutes. In this case, no preliminary testing or analysis is required. Before microcurrent treatment, the cosmetologist conducts a full consultation and survey, on the basis of which the possibility of performing the procedure is determined.

Skin preparation and further care

The advantage of microcurrent therapy is that there is no need for special preparation.
The procedure can be carried out immediately on the day of treatment. to adhere to several rules
for 3-7 days before skin treatment : - Refusal of alcohol, cigarettes and coffee; — Consumption of at least 1 liter of water per day; — Normalization of sleep (sleep at least 7 hours); — Exclusion from the diet of foods high in protein; — Limiting physical activity. — Such restrictions should be adhered to throughout the entire course of treatment.

As for facial care after the procedure, everything is somewhat simpler. To achieve the best effect and preserve it for a longer period of time, it is recommended not to apply makeup for 24 hours after the procedure, not to overload the liver with alcoholic beverages and fatty foods, and also do not forget about the rule of consuming at least 1 liter of water. More detailed recommendations will be announced by the cosmetologist after the microcurrent facial procedure and determination of the current skin condition.

Number of sessions and result of the procedure

Microcurrent treatment gives effective results after the first procedure. The skin noticeably improves, tightens and becomes more hydrated. However, to achieve the most positive result, it is still recommended to carry out microcurrent courses. The number of sessions and their frequency depend on age:

Up to 30 years - no more than 2-3 sessions per course (in this case, microcurrents are recommended as a preventive procedure or additional cosmetic facial treatment during the main therapy); Up to 40 years – 5-6 sessions with a weekly frequency; Up to 50 years – 8-12 sessions every three days; From 50 years – more than 10 sessions with a frequency of 1-2 days. These conditions are general. The exact number of sessions and their frequency within one course is determined by the cosmetologist. To set the correct schedule, the specialist assesses the current condition of the skin and checks its reaction to the first procedure.

In addition to complex (course) treatment, a one-time procedure is also possible. One session of electrical skin treatment helps to achieve a short-term effect that lasts up to 2-3 days. This option of microcurrent therapy is suitable if you need to prepare for an upcoming important event or if you are not yet ready to take a full course.

Indications and contraindications

Like any physiotherapeutic procedure, microcurrents for the face have their own number of indications and contraindications. Signs of the need for such skin treatment are: - Traces of acne, acne; — Incorrectly formed contours of the oval face; — Presence of pigment spots; — Recent plastic surgery; — Increased sagging skin; — Excessive dryness and sensitivity of the dermis. The skin treated with electric current is instantly smoothed and almost immediately begins to accelerate the production of missing microelements. Due to this, all problems, which are indications, are eliminated as quickly as possible.

Despite its high efficiency and gentle effect on the dermis, not everyone is allowed to undergo microcurrent therapy. Main contraindications

to its implementation: - Pregnancy, breastfeeding; — Presence of metal pins (other designs), gold threads, pacemaker; — Impaired heart function; — Individual intolerance to electricity; — Malignant neoplasms; — Epilepsy; — Somatic diseases in severe form. Before directly applying microcurrents to the face, the cosmetologist will conduct a full consultation and indicate the possibility of carrying out the procedure.

Pros and cons of microcurrents

Microcurrent therapy today is one of the innovative methods of skin treatment and does not have a full-fledged analogue. Its popularity and demand is explained by a large number of advantages. The main advantage of this type of physiotherapy is its effectiveness. The result of derma treatment is noticeable immediately after completion of the session. The effect obtained during a full course lasts for six months.

Equally important advantages

procedures include: - Painlessness - due to the influence of the current, only a barely noticeable tingling sensation may be felt; — Good tolerance - the body tolerates the effects of electric current well; - Possibility of inclusion in complex treatment - microcurrents for the face can be carried out during the same period with other cosmetic operations; - Safety - a small current does not have a negative effect on the body, the only exception is skin treatment if there are contraindications; - Complex impact - electric waves are aimed at eliminating all shortcomings, and not individual problems.

With a large number of advantages and disadvantages

the procedure has very little. They concern possible discomfort associated with exposure to electric current. During this procedure, a metallic taste may appear in the mouth. After completion of the procedure, a short-term increase in blood pressure is possible.

Microcurrents for the face: myths and truth Due to the large amount of information about microcurrents, which is not always true, the number of myths about the procedure regularly increases. Let's look at the most common assumptions and determine their veracity:

“Exposure to electric current is painful and unpleasant!” - myth. Only low-frequency electrical layers are sent to the deep layers of the epidermis. The only possible discomfort is a slight tingling sensation, similar to the effects of frost. “Microcurrents help get rid of dark circles” is partly true. Getting rid of dark circles using electrical impulses is only possible if their appearance is not associated with diseases of the internal organs. “Exposure to electricity leads to muscle atrophy” is a myth. Short pulses, on the contrary, correct and improve facial contours. But no other way! Most of the untrue myths are left by girls who are simply afraid to visit a cosmetologist’s office or who have chosen an insufficiently qualified specialist to perform microcurrent therapy. To avoid making this mistake, we recommend that you contact only professionals in their field. You can find these in our Galatea salon.

Microcurrent facial treatment in Maryino metro station Bratislavskaya

– an effective procedure that allows you to achieve noticeable results in the shortest possible time. Its implementation has a positive effect on all layers of the dermis and improves the overall appearance of the skin. The main condition is to choose the right cosmetologist and not neglect his recommendations.

Rehabilitation after SMAS lifting

The difference between a non-invasive SMAS lift procedure and one that involves surgery is the recovery period. If surgery was unavoidable, the recovery period and complete healing will be longer and more difficult.

During the rehabilitation period after surgery, the patient should spend some time under the supervision of specialists, and should wear a support bandage for several days. Rehabilitation will take about two months. This time is necessary for the restoration of damaged muscles and tissues, as well as the resorption of hematomas. To ensure that the postoperative period passes without complications, it is recommended to use cooling compresses and take antibiotics. The patient is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking and visiting saunas and steam baths.

In the case of SMAS face lifting, the circumstances are completely different. During the session, the skin is not damaged, so there is practically no need for a rehabilitation period, while the obvious results of the procedure are preserved.

How does the operation take place?

The essence of the operation is to move sagging tissues to their original place and restore volume in those places where years have deprived the face of its original state. The contour of the face, which becomes more square with age, again takes on an oval shape. The clear contour of the lower jaw and a beautiful angle between the neck and chin are restored.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Our clinic provides modern combined anesthesia. This means that a minimum of substances that affect the central nervous system will be used, your body will be constantly saturated with oxygen, and after anesthesia there will be no nausea or headaches.

After the operation you will wake up quickly. There will be a bandage on your head, and medical personnel will be nearby to answer all the questions that usually arise.

What is the harm from the SMAS lifting procedure?

SMAS lifting does not have a negative effect on the skin, does not lead to hematomas or tissue damage, does not require stitches or long periods of rehabilitation, therefore, if all recommendations are followed, the risks and harm from it are minimal.

If there are contraindications, the doctor will refuse to perform the procedure, as this can greatly harm not only the skin, but also the entire body: keloid scars, panic attacks (for mental disorders), seizures (for epilepsy) are possible. That is why, if any contraindications are found, you should pay attention to other rejuvenation methods.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of facial electromyostimulation?

The positive effects after electromyostimulation of the face are due to the principle of operation of the procedure. A short list of benefits is as follows:

  1. When exposed to current on the face, the load is distributed evenly over all problem areas, including those that are inaccessible for other physiological and cosmetic procedures.
  2. The result is achieved without invasive procedures.
  3. Modern devices for electromyostimulation of the face are effective and safe, which is confirmed by many studies.
  4. The ability to carry out the procedure in the comfort of your home.
  5. Flaccid facial muscles are strengthened and their tone increases.
  6. Positive change in the shape of the face, chin, neck.
  7. Muscle contractility increases from 30 to 100%.
  8. Improving microcirculation, detoxifying the skin, activating its regeneration processes.
  9. Relaxation of muscle fibers in case of overstrain.

The high efficiency of facial electromyostimulation has made it possible to fulfill the dream of many women - to look attractive in adulthood. Visible results appear after three to four sessions of the procedure - facial skin becomes radiant and elastic.

Some patients may experience the following problems after electromyostimulation of the face:

  • Minor itching immediately after the procedure;
  • Redness at the treated points;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Small red spots or burns;
  • Pain in facial skin and muscles;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Slight dizziness.

These shortcomings do not appear in every patient and are fully compensated by the unconditional benefits of treatment. And yet, if you notice that unpleasant symptoms are repeated again and again, then seek advice from a specialist or stop the sessions.

Since electric current can be quite dangerous, uncontrolled electromyostimulation of the face or non-compliance with the rules for operating the device can lead to very disastrous consequences. Some women perform procedures more often than necessary, or use the muscle stimulator at too high a power. The result may be pain during muscle contraction or burns on the skin.

You should not believe the deliberately false promises of some manufacturers of devices for electromyostimulation of the face that a visible effect will appear after the first procedure. The effectiveness of the technique is due to the regular and consistent outflow of fluid from the treated area during a course of procedures.

Read material on the topic: Facial microdermabrasion: features, benefits, rules

How often should a facelift procedure be performed?

Of course, one of the advantages of an ultrasound facelift procedure is that there is no need to visit a cosmetologist frequently. Reviews from patients who have already undergone this procedure often mention that the visual effect is observed even after the first session.

The number of sessions required and the period between them are selected in accordance with the general condition of the patient and the problems he has. It is imperative to take into account their severity and the area in which the procedure is performed.

Most often, SMAS lifting procedures are performed once every few years, usually once every 2 years. Thus, another advantage of this method is that the effect lasts for 1.5-2 years, which allows clients to save money as well as time and enjoy the beauty and elasticity of the skin on the face, neck, décolleté or body for long periods of time.

SMAS lifting in Moscow: who is it suitable for?

The SMAS facelift is intended for women and men who would like to look like they did 10–15 years ago. If you have tried to achieve this with the help of cosmetology, but the procedures have ceased to bring the desired result, perhaps it is time to seek help from a plastic surgeon.

SMAS lifting in Moscow is offered by many surgeons. When choosing a specialist, you need to take into account his experience and qualifications, the level of the clinic, and reviews of patients who have had surgery with this surgeon. SMAS-lift has different costs for different surgeons in Moscow, depending primarily on the qualifications of the surgeon and the technical equipment of the clinic. But if you need a significant rejuvenation effect without traces of the surgeon’s work, Dr. Bely is the only right choice. Why? Yes, simply because he is a specialist who can perform a SMAS lift through the shortest incision in the world!

What skin type is SMAS lifting suitable for?

SMAS lifting has the unique ability to lift, tone, and reshape skin tissue and is suitable for all skin types, but let’s go through each one.

The procedure is ideal for patients with dry and dehydrated skin. It is quite rough, so it may feel like the skin is “squeezing.” Also, this type is most prone to peeling and sensitivity. Signs of premature aging include the appearance of fine or even deep lines and loss of skin tone, firmness and elasticity.

Lifting, which is aimed at collagen synthesis, does an excellent job of removing all these signs.

For obvious reasons, patients with sensitive skin are recommended to replace aesthetic surgeries with SMAS lifting sessions whenever possible. This is due to minimal damage during the procedure and no adverse effects.

The effect of the procedure will be noticeable on any skin, however, before SMAS lifting, you must go to a consultation to exclude the presence of contraindications.

How does a SMAS lift work?

The purpose of the operation is to return all soft tissues of the face without exception to a higher position - the one they occupied in youth, reliable fixation of these tissues and tightening of the skin with excision of its excess. The SMAS lift is always performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is from 2 to 4 hours.

The peculiarity of the SMAS operation with Dr. Bely is that all these actions are performed through a very short incision (2-3 times shorter than with any other surgeon). The choice of a suitable technique is determined by plastic surgeon I. A. Bely individually: depending on the indications, wishes and characteristics of the patient’s anatomy.

At what age can you do SMAS lifting?

Most often, SMAS lifting is done after 40 years. At this age, processes begin that deteriorate the quality of the skin. The first wrinkles may appear. If there is unwanted fat, the procedure can be performed from the age of 18.

If necessary, it can be done earlier, but it is important to consider that face and body lifting is not a preventive procedure. It is aimed at eliminating existing problems with the skin, ligaments and muscles.

Between the ages of 25 and 35, you will need to consult with a specialist to confirm the need for SMAS lifting. The age limit is 18 years, but the cosmetologist may recommend the use of other technologies if he considers the symptoms insufficient for ultrasound tightening.

After 65, lifting will no longer bring the desired result, since the SMAS layer becomes too thin and collagen is lost.


SMAS – facelift350 000
Neck plastic surgery (platysmoplasty)350 000
SMAS – face and neck lift450 000
Circular facelift690 000
SMAS face and neck lift + endoscopic lift of the upper two thirds of the face750 000
Check-lifting250 000
Enlargement of cheekbones250 000

Do you want to get rid of wrinkles, a double chin, sagging cheeks and a “heavy” look from under drooping eyelids? Come to our clinic. At your appointment you will find out how much a circular facelift in Moscow costs in your case.

Is it necessary to consult a cosmetologist before a facelift?

Consultation with a qualified cosmetologist is required before undergoing SMAS lifting. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the patients’ problems and their severity. The cosmetologist will also help identify all indications and contraindications.

The doctor will determine your skin type and prescribe treatment that can be used after the procedure to improve the result. The next visit to a cosmetologist for a facelift may not be necessary, and if there is a need, it will only be in a few years. The interval between sessions is also determined by the cosmetologist.

Postoperative period

The recovery period lasts 2-3 weeks. After a few days, the patient returns to his normal rhythm of life. Basic recommendations for the postoperative regimen are outlined here.

Antibiotic prophylaxis consists of intravenous administration of an antibiotic on the operating table. You do not need to take an antibiotic after surgery.

We allow you to take a shower and wash your hair immediately after you have removed the bandage, that is, as a rule, 2-3 days after the facelift surgery. A special plaster is glued to the postoperative sutures, replacing the surface sutures; it does not need to be removed. It holds up well to two weeks of daily showering before the stitches are removed. If you are afraid of washing your hair at home yourself, you can come to the clinic, our specialists will wash your hair in a hairdressing chair specially installed in the dressing room, after which the surgeon will process and examine the stitches. We do not prescribe compression garments after a facelift; we consider them unnecessary.

The main thing in postoperative rehabilitation is physical and emotional peace. For three weeks, we recommend abstaining from the gym, swimming pool, alcohol and smoking. You can walk, do quiet household chores, mental and creative activities. No conflicts! If there are any showdowns in your life, please postpone it for three weeks. You can fly on an airplane the very next day after surgery.

Postoperative sutures should be wiped with alcohol or strong alcohol 2 times a day, and then lubricated with a nourishing cream. Foundation and decorative cosmetics can be used a week after the facelift.

Although the surgery uses absorbable suture material, suture removal is still necessary. This is the technology. To do this, you will need to come to the clinic 2 weeks after the operation. Removing sutures is a painless procedure and takes 10 minutes.

You can go out in public without fear of attracting unwanted attention from others in 12-14 days. During this period, there may be barely noticeable swelling and remnants of bruises on the neck, which are easily hidden with a scarf. As a rule, patients go to work at the same time. In general, the period for returning to work after a facelift is determined by the nature of the work and your attitude to what others will think. In general, performance is restored within a week after the operation. But if you want no one to notice anything, you need to have 3 weeks left.

You can resume sexual activity 2 weeks after the facelift. Sunlight should be avoided while there are bruises, that is, 2-3 weeks.

event How long after surgery can this be done?
To wash hair2-3 days
To drive a car7 days
Going to work2 - 3 weeks
Removing stitches2 weeks
Sex life2 weeks
Sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium2 -3 weeks until bruises disappear
Fitness with a gentle load3 weeks
Pool3 weeks
Mandatory follow-up visit to the doctor2 months

A visit to a cosmetologist after surgical facial rejuvenation is welcome, but here there are certain restrictions. Before you begin the procedure, inform your cosmetologist that you have had surgery.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage1 Week
Microcurrents1 Week
Gentle cosmetic care, without mechanical cleaning10 days
Botox or Dysport injections3 weeks
Peeling1 month
Face massage1 month
Laser resurfacing1 month
Injections of hyaluronic acid preparations6 months

After surgical facial rejuvenation, the areas of skin in front of the ears become insensitive for several months. If you use hot tongs or hair straighteners, be extremely careful not to get burned.

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