Tinea versicolor. Author of the article: dermatovenerologist Urmanova Munira Makhmudovna.

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Pityriasis versicolor

a recurrent disease that affects only the horny surface of the epidermis. The pathology is called “lichen versicolor” because the spots have colors: yellow, whitish, brown. The skin begins to peel off and spots appear in the summer in children and adults. Residents of countries with high humidity and warm climates are susceptible to pathology.

In Russia, skin formations appear in 15% of the population. These are mainly people from 15 to 40 years old, more often observed in men. Children under 7 years of age rarely get shingles. For treatment, contact a dermatologist at our clinic, he will conduct an examination and prescribe medications that will improve the patient’s condition.

Types of pityriasis versicolor:

  • Spotty-flaky. During the period of spread, it affects the body in different places: behind the ears, in the groin areas.
  • Erythematosquamous. Often observed in adults and children. The rash is beige or coffee-colored, without inflammation. At first the formations are small, but soon they increase in size. This type appears on the head. It worsens in autumn and spring.
  • Follicular. Lesions appear on the legs, back, chest, and arms. The spots spread in the hair follicles, their size is up to 3 mm, and itching is observed. This form can form during antibacterial therapy or the use of steroids in people with diabetes.
  • Inverted. Characterized by peeling, itching, redness. This species is not common. When the disease occurs, symptoms are not expressed; spots appear on the head.

If you experience formations on the skin, it is better to seek help from qualified specialists at our clinic. Quickly identifying the disease in its early stages will help prevent its spread.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor:

  • Formation of pink spots. At first they are single, then they increase in size and merge. Rashes are observed on the stomach, neck, under the hair, on the chest.
  • As the disease spreads, they become dark in color. May be red or brown. The colors vary on the affected areas, which is why lichen is called tinea versicolor. In some cases, the formations merge into one whole.
  • After a certain time, peeling occurs. The scales resemble bran.
  • Itching is observed, but not in all cases.
  • After healing, white or light spots remain on the skin; tanning does not affect them; this is caused by cell damage as a result of fungi.

pharmachologic effect

The medicinal substance has a pronounced antiseptic effect. This is a universal remedy in the fight against non-infectious and other dermatological diseases.

Thanks to its safe composition, it can be used by a wide range of people with different skin types. The active substance of the drug specifically acts to relieve the inflammatory process, providing an astringent, drying, adsorbent and decongestant effect.

In general, Tsindol has a positive effect on the skin and suppresses the active course of the pathological process. When applied to the skin, it forms salts, leading to denaturation of protein structures. The latter is extremely important for the treatment of rashes, pimples, burns and other formations, since film formation occurs. It has a protective function against the harmful effects of adverse factors.

Diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor

The disease is diagnosed by a dermatologist. He performs a visual examination of the patient, studies the presence of spots and their distribution, and makes a diagnosis at this stage. If the form of lichen is not pronounced, then the clinic specialist uses the following methods. Using a Wood's lamp, he makes several tests. After highlighting areas of the skin, they may change color to yellow-red or green.

To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory diagnostics will be required. Specialists using special equipment will be able to detect the presence of the disease after additional research.

Coeval with Hippocrates

The name “lichen” (Lichen) has been known since the time of Hippocrates; it includes many skin diseases, which are characterized by the formation of colored spots and peeling. The name “lichen” itself is very arbitrary, since, for example, herpes is popularly called herpes zoster, psoriasis - scaly, etc., but these skin diseases can only be classified as lichen. Different types of lichen are caused by a wide variety of reasons - fungus, virus, but in many cases, reduced immunity is one of the main provoking factors. In this article we will talk about multicolored or, as it is also called, pityriasis versicolor. The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor was described by G. Robin in 1853, and in 1951 M. Gordon identified round and oval forms of the pathogen both in places of pityriasis versicolor rashes and within healthy skin, classifying it as a yeast-like fungus, and proposed its rounded version call Pityrosporum orbiculare.

Differential diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor with other diseases

To make a diagnosis, the doctor performs the following procedures:

  • Conducting an examination under a microscope to determine the scraping. The specialist scrapes the scales from the skin area, processes it and examines it. Using a microscope, it is possible to detect spores and fungi that are round in shape. The mycelium threads are white in color and long in shape, like a thread.
  • Balzer test. A 5% iodine solution is used, which is applied to or near the infected areas. This study will take time; the affected skin gradually acquires a different color.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor

The dermatologist prescribes treatment depending on the nature and form of the disease, the characteristics of the lesion, the age of the patient, and the presence of other pathologies. Applies complex treatment, which includes ointments, sprays, creams, shampoos. They consist of components that effectively affect the disease. Depending on the complexity of the pathology, the patient is prescribed tablets. Therapy will help overcome lichen in a short time and eliminate complications.

For treatment, the doctor prescribes ointments that contain terbinafine. Treatment of the affected skin area is prescribed 2 times a day. This substance quickly destroys microbial cells and eliminates the appearance of new formations. Imidazole, clotrimazole and others are effective for treatment. The substances are included in creams and gels. Tolcyclate and ciclopirox are ointments prescribed to ensure that the pathogens quickly die.

When lichen appears in the hair, the doctor prescribes shampoos containing ketoconazole or nizoral. In the initial stages, patients are recommended salicylic and zinc ointments. The products quickly relieve itching. You should not use medications without consulting a specialist. Qualified doctors of our clinic, using modern equipment, will diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

A visit to a dermatologist is necessary 21 days after the prescribed treatment. The doctor will assess the patient’s condition, prescribe additional medications and preventive measures, these include physiotherapy and others.

Using effective strokes we “kill” the fungus

If you choose among the many antifungal drugs widely represented on the modern Russian market, then preference should be given to those that, firstly, are able to accumulate in those layers of the skin where the fungal process develops, and secondly, do not penetrate into those layers where fungal activity is impossible. Usually, treatment of lichen versicolor is carried out with local drugs, and in severe cases with the use of systemic antimycotics, which can significantly reduce the treatment time and prevent the frequency of relapses. But you should always remember that if you find signs of a disease in yourself, under no circumstances try to treat yourself, but immediately go to a doctor who will accurately determine your diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment for you.

Prevention of pityriasis versicolor

To reduce the disease, preventive measures play an important role. They include regular washing of skin areas, removal of sweat, sebaceous fat, and regular change of bedding and clothing. In hot weather, antifungal shampoos are an excellent method. They will eliminate the occurrence of relapses. The specialist prescribes products for regular hair washing. As a preventive measure, it will take 5 to 7 days to use the drugs. The skin should be wiped with salicylic alcohol every day.

It is better to wash things not with powders, but with soap, adding soda to the water. You can avoid deprivation; for this you need to strengthen your immune system, eat right, and take vitamins once a year. Experts recommend playing sports and taking walks in the fresh air for treatment. In case of illness, it is recommended to include vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products in food, and exclude spicy, sweet and smoked foods.

Gastrointestinal disorders can cause pityriasis versicolor, so you need to undergo a course of treatment.

Indications for use

The drug is effective against the following diseases:

  1. Bedsores.
  2. Eczema in the acute stage.
  3. Ulcers.
  4. Superficial disorders of the skin.
  5. Burns of various etiologies.
  6. Diaper rash.
  7. Inflammatory processes, including against the background of allergies.
  8. Herpes.
  9. Sweating.

Often, the ointment is used for dermatological complications, including the formation of pustular processes. Also active against acne, scars and teenage rashes.

Complication of pityriasis versicolor

The pathology affects the upper layer of the skin, but is often severe. It affects internal organs.

In case of severe itching, the patient scratches the severely damaged skin. All this causes discomfort and leads to inflammation, in addition to infectious pathology. Contact a specialist immediately. You can’t just start the disease and start solving the problem. A specialist will help and prescribe medications to improve the condition.

If the disease returns after all measures, we recommend that you undergo examination by our specialists.

Pityriasis versicolor in children

The disease is not typical for children under 6 years of age. During this period, the skin has protection mechanisms that prevent the dermis from being exposed to moisture and high temperatures. However, if caring for the baby is not correct, parents lubricate the skin with oils: shea butter, cocoa, then this disrupts the functioning of the defense mechanisms. For this reason, the disease appears in preschool age.

In children during the prepubertal period, hormonal changes begin in the body. The skin is very sensitive to high humidity and exposure to the sun, like adults. Thanks to changes, fungi can provoke the appearance of disease.

Ringworm in children occurs with the same symptoms as in adults. The treatment is no different. If redness appears, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe a drug that is suitable for the child’s age. It is not recommended to use the products without the advice of a specialist, as this can lead to negative consequences.

Pityriasis versicolor during pregnancy

As a result of hormonal changes, the appearance of pathology is possible, but it does not harm the mother and fetus. The disease causes discomfort, but self-medication and folk remedies are unacceptable. If pathology appears, contact a dermatologist, he will choose treatment and, if necessary, prescribe diagnostics. Pregnant women are prescribed therapy for ringworm, taking into account the danger of the situation.

The doctor prescribes drugs that do not enter the bloodstream, does not prescribe anti-fungal tablets, they are toxic and harmful to the unborn child. Nizoral is prescribed; it is not recommended to use the medicine without a prescription.

Many dermatologists advise delaying the full course of treatment until after the baby is born. The fungus is not harmful to the fetus and will not affect its development. Oral medications are prohibited during breastfeeding, as they can pass into the milk and harm the baby's health.

Why should you contact our clinic?

Dermatologists of the highest category

Experienced dermatologists in Moscow. Experience of specialists from 15 years.

Modern equipment

Modern equipment from the world's best manufacturers.

Expert class equipment

Ultrasound is performed using expert-class equipment manufactured by General Electric, SONY, Mindray.

Tests and ultrasound on the day of treatment

Tests, x-rays, ultrasound with interpretation, dressings on the day of treatment in Moscow.

Consultations for adults and children

A network of dermatological clinics in Moscow. Clinics near the metro.

Experienced doctors

Our experienced doctors with over 15 years of experience. Candidates of Medical Sciences.

How does Tsindol affect acne?

Tsindol is an excellent remedy for the treatment of acne in adolescence and adults. All thanks to the effective and natural composition.

Pimples are formed as a result of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. And zinc oxide, an active ingredient, helps regulate their work. Dries and disinfects existing rashes. Whitens the skin and removes oily shine. Additional components enhance the therapeutic effect.

The drug can be used for treatment purposes not only in its pure form, but also can be used to prepare ointments, masks and special cleansers at home.

To eliminate acne, the suspension is applied to clean skin at night and washed off with water in the morning. The area of ​​influence of the drug is extensive; it is allowed to treat the back, shoulders, face and décolleté.

For dry skin types, leave the ointment on the surface for no more than 3 hours and wash off with warm water.

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