Erectile dysfunction in men, causes of weak erectile function, treatment and restoration of men's health - articles on health

Reasons for development

Erectile dysfunction can occur against the background of organic and psychological problems.

The risks of sexual failure increase in men with age due to vascular changes and a decrease in testosterone synthesis, but can also occur in young people.

Depending on the causes of development, there are even 3 forms of pathology.

  • Psychogenic.
    It occurs against a background of neuroses, increased anxiety and a number of mental illnesses, and is accompanied by rapid decline or complete absence of sexual arousal
  • Organic.
    The reason for the development of this form of pathology is cardiac and vascular problems: hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart failure, coronary heart disease, inadequate blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis, etc., as well as neurological pathologies (including multiple sclerosis) and endocrine disorders. Organic impotence also develops against the background of toxin poisoning, when taking a number of medications
  • Mixed.
    This form of pathology occurs with psychological and organic problems

Important! The risks of sexual failure increase in men with age due to vascular changes and a decrease in testosterone synthesis, but can also occur in young people.

What are deer antlers

In the animal world there are truly unique species that bring invaluable benefits to people. Among them, the deer and its noble subspecies – the Siberian maral – stand out separately. Almost everyone knows deer antlers, which are considered a healing natural material. What are they and how are they obtained?

The first mentions of the medicinal properties of maral antlers are found in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. According to various sources, this knowledge is more than 3 thousand years old. Antlers are the soft, unossified antlers of deer during their annual growth period. Antlers grow most actively in spring, the average daily growth is 2 mm.

They stopped killing deer to extract antlers back in the 19th century, switching to industrial breeding of animals. The largest farm today is located in the Altai Republic, where more than 80 thousand animals are kept. Due to the huge demand for this material, the price of deer antlers is quite high.

The structure of soft deer antlers is tubular tissue, rich in blood vessels and covered with soft skin, which subsequently ossifies. To extract antlers, they are cut in a special way that is harmless to the animal.

On average, up to eight kilograms of antlers can be obtained from one deer during the growth period. The main exports go to Asian countries such as China, South Korea and others. The antlers of the Siberian deer are considered the most valuable. This is due to the special climate in those parts and the diet, which includes Altai herbs.

What are the signs of impotence in men?

Symptoms of violations include numerous deviations in the sexual sphere, including:

  • absence or weakening of morning erection
  • incomplete or insufficient erection
  • the need for prolonged stimulation for an erection
  • lack of erection even when aroused
  • gradual or sudden decrease in penis tension during sexual intercourse
  • early ejaculation
  • increasing the time between sexual acts

The severity of signs of impotence in men depends on the cause of the pathological condition.

The severity of signs of impotence in men depends on the cause of the pathological condition. Psychogenic impotence, for example, usually occurs suddenly. Dysfunctions of organic origin, as a rule, gradually progress.

Important! Young men should be careful about identifying signs of impotence. If you detect any abnormalities, even seemingly minor ones, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This will allow you to quickly make a diagnosis and begin therapy. Only in this case will it be successful.

Antlers for impotence

The practice of treating and preventing impotence using deer antlers is quite common. Since the composition contains substances that increase the tone of the cardiovascular system, taking drugs based on Siberian deer antlers can solve the problem of male impotence.

There are several options for how to take antlers for impotence:

- you can prepare powder based on antlers

- make an alcohol tincture and take a teaspoon

- use herbal balm for oral administration

— take antler baths based on deer antler concentrate.

It is recommended to use any of the options only after prior consultation with a doctor, who will determine the advisability and safety of taking antlers.

The course of treatment depends on the stage and severity of the disease: on average it lasts 20-30 days, with a further break of a month and continuation of treatment. The dosage is individual.


First, the doctor collects anamnesis and determines the patient's current condition.

Usually a man is asked to fill out a special questionnaire. After this, an inspection is carried out. It allows you to identify signs of hormonal, vascular and neurological disorders.

First, the doctor collects anamnesis and determines the patient's current condition. Usually a man is asked to fill out a special questionnaire.

Special examinations are carried out to identify physical pathological changes. Among them:

  • pharmacodopplerography of the arteries of the penis
  • cavernosography
  • registration of spontaneous erections
  • electromyography of the perineal muscles

If situational or psychogenic impotence is suspected, a man undergoes a series of special tests. They allow you to determine the connection between sexual intercourse and depression or anxiety.

If the doctor suspects the endocrine origin of the pathology, laboratory diagnostics are performed. Such studies are aimed at determining the levels of prolactin, testosterone and other hormones in the blood.

How to cure erectile dysfunction in men?

Therapy is always selected in accordance with the causes of the pathology.

The main method of treating psychogenic impotence in men is psychotherapy.

It helps reduce intra- and interpersonal conflicts. Important! If a man is in a permanent relationship, it is recommended to attend psychotherapy sessions with his partner.

The main method of treating organic impotence is taking medications.

The main goal of therapy in this case will be the elimination of pathologies that provoked a deterioration in sexual function. Treatment is also aimed at stimulating blood flow to the penis and normalizing the functioning of internal organs and entire systems.

Therapy is always selected in accordance with the causes of the pathology.

Patients may be prescribed:

  • Hormonal drugs.
    They have proven effective against endocrine causes of impotence
  • Vasodilators.
    They are used in the form of both tablets and injections directly into the penis
  • PDE-5 inhibitors.
    These drugs are erection stimulants

Important! The drugs prescribed for therapy have a large number of contraindications. For this reason, they can only be prescribed by a doctor. The specialist will determine the dosage, as well as other features of administration.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. It can complicate diagnosis by changing the clinical picture and lead to a delay in adequate therapy. In addition, some of the drugs, if taken uncontrolled, can cause irreparable harm to the patient’s health.

Also, in the treatment of impotence in men of different ages, various methods of physiotherapy are used. Patients are prescribed procedures that are carried out in courses (in some cases, several times a year). This allows you to constantly maintain normal sexual function even with problems in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Surgical methods for treating impotence in men of different ages

Surgical interventions are carried out only if conservative therapy does not give the desired result or is for some reason inappropriate.

To restore an erection today, the following operations can be performed:

  • Penile prosthesis
    is the most effective method of treating organic impotence. It is used for pathology of the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Currently, 3 types of prostheses have been developed. The choice in favor of a particular option depends on the financial capabilities of the patient, his individual characteristics and wishes
  • Revascularization of the penis.
    This operation is microsurgical and is performed for vascular pathologies

Surgical interventions have proven to be highly effective. Moreover, they all require careful preparation and some recovery (especially if concomitant diseases are identified).

Composition of deer antlers and medicinal properties

Like many natural healing components, deer antlers have a varied composition. It contains:

– essential amino acids and peptides (18 different compounds)

- collagen, lipids and phospholipids

- vitamins

— macro and microelements (iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, zinc, iodine)

- glutamic acid

- nitrogen

- enzymes and ferments.

Due to their properties, deer antlers are actively used in alternative medicine, primarily as an adjuvant for the treatment of male impotence, female diseases of the genitourinary system and other health problems.

To obtain preparations based on maral antlers, such as pantocrine and pantohematogen, it is processed. There are several methods: drying in a vacuum, drying in the cold at low temperatures and in the open air.

The main physiological properties of maral antlers include:

- increase in overall tone

- immunomodulatory effect

- powerful antioxidant effect

- anti-inflammatory effect in infectious diseases

– normalizes the functions of sex hormones

— improve regenerative processes in soft tissues.


Prevention of erectile dysfunction includes a whole range of measures aimed at:

  • maintaining sufficient physical activity
  • rationalization of nutrition
  • compliance with the work and rest schedule

It should be understood that impotence can occur at any age, even in a young man.

The following help significantly reduce the risk of problems:

  • Rejection of bad habits.
    Patients are advised to stop smoking and abusing alcoholic beverages
  • Maintaining stable sexual activity.
    Long-term abstinence negatively affects erection
  • Concern for maintaining overall good health.
    Men need to have quality rest and not overwork, avoid stress, and spend time in the fresh air. It is also important to monitor your general health. To do this, it is necessary to regularly undergo diagnostics and eliminate identified pathologies.

It should be understood that impotence can occur at any age, even in a young man. Moreover, its treatment is almost always quite long, so it is easier to prevent the problem than to fight it.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

  • Experienced, qualified doctors.
    They help men regain normal erectile function, self-confidence and positive emotions from sex, regardless of the causes of the pathology. Not only urologists and andrologists are involved in the work, but also endocrinologists, neurologists, cardiologists, psychologists and other specialized specialists
  • Experienced, qualified doctors help men regain normal erectile function, self-confidence and positive emotions from sex, regardless of the causes of the pathology.

  • Accurate and fast diagnosis.
    Examinations are carried out in just 2-3 days and allow you to determine the causes of problems and methods of treating impotence in men
  • Unique diagnostic methods.
    Examinations are carried out using such techniques as pharmacodopplerography, polysomnography with control of the level of nocturnal erections, cavernosography under the control of multislice computed tomography. General clinical, hormonal and other studies, ultrasound, psychological tests, etc. are also carried out.
  • Psychological assistance to patients.
    MEDSI doctors can identify the psychological cause of impaired potency and help cope with psychogenic erectile dysfunction (if it is diagnosed). If necessary, individual and family therapy sessions are provided
  • Effective methods of drug therapy.
    Treatment of erectile dysfunction is carried out using drugs that have proven effectiveness and maximum safety
  • Opportunities for physical therapy
  • All types of penile prosthetics.
    In cases of severe dysfunction, surgical interventions are performed. The clinic can install all types of prostheses: uncontrolled semi-rigid, controlled plastic and hydraulic
  • Comfort of visiting clinics.
    They are located near the metro. In addition, we provide the optimal combination of prices for services and high quality of their provision

To undergo treatment of impotence in men using modern methods, just make an appointment by calling (495) 7-800-500. The specialist will answer all questions and select the optimal time to visit the clinic. You can also make an appointment using the SmartMed app.

Specialized centers

  • Standards of the International Association of Urology
  • High-precision diagnostics using cutting-edge equipment
  • Modern high-tech operating rooms and hospitals

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