How to remove “breeches” on the hips: experts tell

“Ears on the thighs” - an attractive nickname for completely unattractive fat deposits in women was given by the representatives of the better half of humanity themselves. Why? It's all about the shape - the characteristic accumulations of fat cells on the thighs are similar to the ears of an elephant. Does it seem blasphemous? However, it's true.

But their appearance is not so important, since no matter what the ears are, the main question is always how to remove them? After all, most women experience huge problems with eliminating such fat deposits - neither diet nor exercise helps. Nutritionists claim that it is not difficult to remove bulges on the side of the thighs - the main thing is to follow the recommendations of specialists and use all possible methods, according to the rules.

What are hip lugs?

The ears have a second name - riding breeches, because they are presented in this form. As a rule, such a problem occurs only in women - you will not meet a man with this problem, even if he already has an impressive belly. Why? It's all about the hormonal "structure" of the body. But all this is of little interest to the “lucky” owners of riding breeches - it is much more important to find out why such accumulations of fat cells appear, given the general thinness of the woman. Indeed, with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 60 kg, a girl may complain about the presence of a problem. Nutritionists talk about the following reason for the appearance of ears on the thighs.

Fat cells are divided into two types - storage and reserve. Accumulative ones are formed first - they are the main component of the entire human fat layer. Such fat cells contain all the nutrients that are consumed by a person during his life. The second type of fat cells are reserve accumulations that are stored in a person in case of an emergency. The ears on the thighs are reserve fat cells, which are extremely difficult to get rid of on your own without emergency situations.

Reserve fat reserves are formed in women during puberty - on average from 13 to 20 years. Reserve fat cells accumulate in the inner part of the tissues, their purpose is to produce estrogen (the hormone responsible for the sexual structure of the female body). When puberty ends, the body is in no hurry to part with reserve fat cells, but, on the contrary, “buries” them even further for preservation, because the woman will no longer experience a second puberty - it simply will not happen. And hormonal changes can significantly reduce the production of estrogen by the ovaries - this is why the body needs reserve reserves.

From the above it becomes clear that getting rid of ears on the hips is extremely difficult. But it is possible - for this you will have to try, using several methods in a comprehensive manner to remove fat reserves.

Reasons for appearance

Why do riding breeches appear on the hips? There are several common answers to this question.

  • Poor nutrition. An abundance of fatty, high-calorie foods, as well as a large amount of fast carbohydrates in the diet, contributes to the active formation of fat deposits.
  • Low physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle is a real scourge of modern society, which is why the problem does not lose its relevance. It leads to weakness of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and impaired blood flow, so breeches appear on the thighs very quickly.
  • Heredity. Genetic predisposition also plays an important role in the occurrence of this problem.
  • Hormonal changes. The danger in this case is an increase in estrogen levels. It can be triggered by pregnancy, long-term use of contraceptives and some other medications.

How to get rid of the problem

Experts say that you can remove the ears on the thighs only by converting fat cells into muscle tissue. The volume of muscle tissue is much smaller; it turns out that their visual manifestation will not occur. It is impossible to get rid of ears in other ways - the cells cannot be removed through diet or removal of fluid from the body, as often happens with accumulative representatives.

But in addition to exercises, it is recommended to use other methods of eliminating the breeches zone. Nutritionists say that ears on the thighs can only be removed in a comprehensive way, consisting of proper nutrition, sports and other auxiliary procedures - wraps, massage and other methods.

Methods in my practice

Vibrating PAL liposuction

Well-executed plastic surgery is uniform and low-traumatic. Vibration lipomodeling meets these requirements.

The vibration method of working with fat deposits has been used in the USA for more than 20 years. The essence of the technology is the use of a vibrating cannula with a micromotor, which removes fatty tissue with minimal damage. The surgeon makes translational movements, and the cannula simultaneously makes many amplitude movements.

I noticed, and this is a fact recognized by other surgeons, that after vibroliposuction the swelling is insignificant. This reduces rehabilitation time.

About nutrition

Nutrition to eliminate ears does not require significant exceptions from the diet. Here it is enough to give up sweets and preferably fried foods. During the day, you should eat according to the rules of proper nutrition - eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and include two snacks, but not buns and sweet bars, but fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

There is no need to give up sweets and fried foods - just drink tea with a sweetener, consume no more than 4 shares of dark chocolate a day, fry foods in a frying pan without adding oil. Such dietary actions are necessary to prevent the recruitment of new storage fat cells, which can significantly slow down the elimination of reserve reserves.


The main solution to the question of how to remove ears on the thighs is exercise. There is no point in doing regular cardio training, since the main goal of eliminating hip bulges is to pump up the muscles located in problem areas. It is the workouts presented below that will help solve the problem and significantly reduce the volume of your hips.

Girls are recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Leg swings are a basic exercise that engages the lateral muscles of the thighs - the gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, and tensor latae. The exercise is performed in a supine position - lie on your side, raise your leg to an angle of 45 degrees. Do at least 30 swings, but do not bring your legs together after each return to the starting position.
  2. Squats - a common school exercise that is already boring, turns out to be very effective in eliminating bulges on the hips. But it is important to squat correctly - spread your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your back straight, squat with your arms extended forward, return to the starting position. Do at least 30 squats. Then bring your legs together and repeat the exercise with the same number of squats.
  3. Lunges are another fairly effective exercise against hip loops. They are recommended to be done as follows - standing up straight, take a step without lifting your feet from the floor. In this position, start squatting. Here you should follow only two rules when performing lunges - keep your back straight and do not bend the knee of your back leg. Do at least 30 lunges for each leg, gradually increasing the width of your step.
  4. Leg lunge on all fours. This interesting exercise should also be performed in compliance with the rules. To begin, get on all fours with a straight back. In this position, lunge your legs back - lift one leg back and straighten. To effectively eliminate reserve fat cells, it is recommended to do at least 30 lunges on each leg.

With the exercises presented, you can get rid of bulges on your thighs in just a month. If there is no effect from regular gymnastics, you should reconsider your diet and the foods included in your diet. Perhaps the girl simply consumes more calories, so the desired result does not occur.

Helper Methods

It is necessary to add auxiliary methods to proper nutrition and exercise to quickly get rid of the problem. Thus, regular walks outside, massages and body wraps are recommended.


As mentioned above, regular and even exhausting cardio training may not be useful in eliminating fat on the side of the thighs. But walks in the fresh air are welcome. True, there are some nuances here.

Firstly, you should only walk uphill. Choose an area where there is a slope - you can choose a lakeside place in the park, which often has a “deepening” relative to the general plain. Get up and down again - walk for at least 40 minutes. This is an excellent exercise for most muscles, which allows you to get rid of fat not only in the riding breeches area. You can simply walk uphill through the city - this exercise is less effective, but allows you to maintain normal breathing and enjoy the walk.

Secondly, while walking you should tense the muscles of your buttocks - this interesting activity is recommended for young mothers who are concerned about their own appearance. The most effective and quick way to get rid of extra pounds and bulges on your hips is while walking with a stroller, since this is an additional load, similar to strength exercises in the gym.


To quickly remove fat, massage is a great help, which you can do yourself at home. Here it is enough to independently warm up the problem areas by rubbing your palms, and then clap the sides of the thighs with both your palms and the edge of your hand. The presented manipulations, carried out daily, will lead to a positive result within two weeks. It is better if you start the massage after a shower - in this case, the muscles and fat cells are already warmed up, which is why they will be burned faster after the blows.

In addition, massage normalizes lymph flow, which also has a positive effect on the burning of fat cells. For these purposes, you should contact specialists who can offer the following types of massages:

  1. Anti-cellulite - involves treating the back side, but also affects the sides of the thighs. With the help of the manipulations used, you can get rid of excess accumulated fat, cellulite and reserve fat cells on the hips.
  2. Lymphatic drainage – designed to normalize the outflow of lymph, which prevents the formation of edema and the accumulation of fat under the epidermis layer.
  3. Hydromassage - only Charcot's shower is effective. To eliminate the fat layer, turn on the maximum pressure and apply the bell to the hips. Perform circular movements in the problem area to “break up” the fat cells as much as possible and also improve the outflow of lymph.
  4. Vacuum massage with cups is recommended to improve the outflow of lymph, as well as eliminate the fat layer. To solve the problem, there is no need to contact specialists in beauty salons; it is enough to exclude the presence of contraindications to massage and begin sessions at home. The jars are simply purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Honey massage – it is recommended to use heated honey. It is better to perform massage from specialists, since it is inconvenient to perform it using precise techniques on your own.

Preference should be given to a more suitable type - if there is a need to get rid of accumulative fat cells, choose better lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite massage. Charcot's shower, which is performed independently in special pools, is effective and pleasant - this type of massage is chosen by lovers of water treatments.


It was already stated above that you can remove the ears on the thighs with wraps. This is true, however, their use without basic methods will not lead to the desired effect - it is impossible to get rid of the problem area in 2-3 weeks using wraps alone.

In order for wraps to lead to a positive result, you must follow the rules for their implementation. To do this, study the advice of experts:

  • do wraps only after a shower - here it is important to use hot, but tolerant water for the body to warm up the muscles and “melt” fat;
  • immediately after a shower, you need to use massage circular movements in problem areas - rub your ears with your palms for 5-10 minutes;
  • now proceed to a full-fledged self-massage - after rubbing with your palms, start hitting problem areas with the edge of your palm for 10 minutes.

After all the above steps, begin wrapping. To do this, use a pre-prepared composition and ordinary cling film (you can purchase a special one for wraps). Effective compositions for ear removal include:

  1. Essential oils are the most effective compositions that allow you not only to burn fat, but also to get rid of excess fluid in the fat layer. Essential oils help restore metabolism and improve skin. For wraps against the ears on the thighs, citrus oils - orange, lemon - are suitable. You can use juniper or cypress oil.
  2. Cosmetic clay is used in combination with citrus essential oils, since the properties of clay are aimed at normalizing metabolism in cells, and this does not always help eliminate fat. Clay is purchased in pharmacies and diluted with warm water to a paste.
  3. Honey - performs a vitaminizing role for the skin. Among other things, it has a positive result in cell regeneration - the skin becomes firm and at the same time elastic, and its significant rejuvenation is noted. Honey acts as an excellent drainage as it gets rid of cellulite.
  4. Chocolate, which contains caffeine, can not only eliminate the problem of riding breeches, but also improve the emotional state of a girl who is in a bad mood or prone to depression.

The selected component for wraps is applied to dry skin, covered with cling film and placed under a blanket - it is important to create a greenhouse effect. As an alternative, you can wear fleece tights, which are designed specifically for sports and create a greenhouse effect to remove fluid from the body. You should lie under a blanket or wear special tights for at least 40 minutes; it is better to wait a full hour. At the end of the time, you should take a shower again, and to achieve quick results, additionally conduct a self-massage session for 20 minutes.

Often girls resort to more effective and dangerous procedures, using dried pepper, apple cider vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice and even alcohol for wraps. Such actions are, of course, good, but their effectiveness is achieved in the presence of a problem of accumulative fat. Such an extreme effect should not be used if you are not overweight, since it is ineffective in eliminating reserve fat cells and can burn the skin if the components used are not mixed correctly.

Surgical methods

Lumps on the thighs can be removed surgically, which is used by girls who are lazy in achieving their own beauty and slimness. There are several types of surgical procedures that can literally eliminate all accumulated fat in one operation. There are also minimally invasive methods that are striking in their results in photos before and after the impact on reserve accumulations.

So, the most common methods of surgical plastic surgery include:

  1. Cryolysis is exposure to cold, which triggers the burning of fat cells after a certain time. Within a month after the procedure, you can get rid of a quarter of the accumulated fat in the body - and this means losing at least one clothing size. In the future, you should use physical exercises - their effectiveness will increase significantly after the problem areas have been treated.
  2. Cavitation - the breakdown of fat cells is carried out using ultrasound. After ultrasound, fat cells are broken down and removed from the body naturally through the liver. To eliminate breeches, it is recommended to undergo several procedures with an interval of 2 weeks - during this time, the split fats are already eliminated from the body on their own, as a result of which the volumes are significantly reduced.
  3. Liposuction is a surgical method for removing fat. To undergo fat removal surgery, the patient must undergo a preparatory stage in the form of an examination to exclude contraindications. It is also necessary to stay in a hospital setting for rehabilitation after surgery - usually for a week the patient wears a special bandage, which can significantly reduce the volume of the hips and correct the even position of the remaining fat layer in the treated area. Liposuction involves pumping out fat mass through pre-made incisions.
  4. Nano-laser liposuction - laser exposure helps to completely eliminate the fat layer. There is no need to use anesthesia, since laser treatment of problem areas is painless and does not leave scars or other marks from the laser beam. After the presented procedure, the patient is also in a hospital setting and wears a bandage to evenly distribute the remainder. Nano-laser liposuction also helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve muscle and skin tone.
  5. Mesotherapy is not as effective for eliminating ears on the thighs, but is recommended for use if there are contraindications to liposuction. Mesotherapy is a procedure during which a girl is applied to problem areas with a special composition that improves the production and action of collagen. Collagen is a protein in the body that is responsible for the condition of the skin, its elasticity and preservation of youth. Collagen after mesotherapy begins to tighten muscles and burn fat cells. To get a noticeable result, you will have to undergo at least 4 procedures at a certain interval. This cannot be called an advantageous means for eliminating fat.

Surgical and minimally invasive procedures should be resorted to only after unsuccessful use of safe methods - proper nutrition, sports and auxiliary methods. You should carefully study possible contraindications and complications so as not to resort to them immediately. Moreover, an important factor should be taken into account - surgical operations and minimally invasive procedures require large financial investments, which not everyone can afford.

You can remove ears on your thighs using safe and inexpensive methods. It is useless to use surgical procedures if you do not subsequently adhere to proper nutrition, avoid sports and other auxiliary procedures. Only your review of the current situation will help quickly and effectively eliminate the problem forever.


  • Compression garments – 1 month

After removing fat, it is important to achieve a beautiful skin texture. To eliminate possible irregularities, the patient wears compression garments for at least one month.

  • Lymphatic drainage massage

A week after correction of the inner thigh, I recommend starting a course of lymphatic drainage massage procedures.

  • Eliminate physical activity – 1 month

Many patients are so worried about maintaining the results that they are ready to run to the gym in a week. Still, 4 weeks should be spent in relative physical rest.

After just 3-4 months, you can fully appreciate the results of plastic surgery of the buttocks and knees!

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