Venous lake or hemangioma: how to remove it with laser?

Venous lake is a common vascular pathology, which is a type of angiomas and occurs as a result of significant dilation of blood vessels. The venous lake looks like a dark blue papule, soft to the touch, reaching a diameter of several millimeters.

Rice. 1. Venous lake is often found on the lower lip

Venous lakes are often multiple and are usually found on:

  • Ears;
  • Face;
  • Lips;
  • Neck.

More often, venous lakes appear in older and elderly people. The danger of a venous lake is that even a slight injury to its walls can lead to significant and prolonged bleeding.

Rice. 2. Venous lake often occurs as a result of trauma to the lower lip

On microscopic examination, the venous lake appears as a capillary aneurysm. Usually in the dermis it is possible to detect only one dilated vessel (vein or venule), which has very thin fibrous walls and a thin endothelial lining. With thrombosis of the vessels of the venous lake, its strong resemblance to melanoma may be noted, which is noted by many specialists.

Venous lake removal

Removal of a venous lake can be carried out in several ways:

  • Removing a venous lake with a scalpel threatens bleeding during the procedure;
  • Cryosurgery and excision of the venous lake with an electrocoagulator are highly traumatic and have a high probability of destruction of adjacent healthy tissue;
  • Laser removal of venous lake should be considered the most effective.

Rice. 3. Stages of laser removal of venous lake on the lip

How can you disguise a black eye?

If you don’t want to bother with folk remedies and there is no way to buy ointment, and the bruise is not so strong that you need to waste time on it, such an injury can simply be disguised .

Media personalities and people who can pay for it in beauty salons use the services of professional make-up artists using professional products.

But at home it’s easier to use regular cosmetics.

best suited for these purposes .

It is better to use a product of a certain shade , depending on the color of the bruise.

Note! If it is fresh and has a red tint, the concealer should also be red. As you move towards purple, it is better to use an orange pencil.

In general, you can use any suitable concealer, and for testing, you can apply a small amount of the product to the back of your wrist - the skin here is approximately the same color as on your face, and this allows you to evaluate the future result.

But it is less preferable to apply powder and foundation . Such products cover up bruises well, but at the same time the face takes on an unnatural shade.

Venous lake on the lower lip

Venous lake is often found on the lower lip. It looks like a painless soft nodule of dark blue color.

Rice. 4. Venous lake on the face

Typically, such venous lakes appear in people who are well over 40. However, there are known cases of the appearance of a venous lake at an early age. Often, a venous lake is formed as a result of an injury to the lower lip.

Rice. 5. Venous lake on the upper lip

Rice. 6. Venous lake on the neck

Rice. 7. Dermatoscopy of the venous lake

Laser removal of a venous lake on the lower lip is carried out in two stages:

Stage 1 - laser treatment of the venous lake is carried out at low power for several minutes, which ensures deep penetration of the beam into the angioma tissue and promotes the closure of the lumen of blood vessels and blood clotting.

Stage 2 - the walls of the venous lake and blood clots are removed.

Removal of venous lake is carried out using two types of lasers:

  1. Nd:YAG laser,
  2. Diode laser.

Rice. 8. Venous lake under a microscope

Rice. 9A. Venous lake before laser treatment

Rice. 9B. Venous lake after laser treatment

Possible symptoms of a concussion

  • Brief confusion or loss of consciousness. With a strong blow, the moment of injury disappears from memory.
  • Dizziness even at rest, and when turning, bending or other changes in body position, the symptom intensifies.
  • Severe headache, nausea and vomiting.
  • Double vision, inability to concentrate on one point.
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sounds.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Reaction inhibition - the victim gives an answer to the question after some time.
  • Pale skin, weakness, sweating.

Important! A concussion is not always accompanied by visible head injuries, so the absence of wounds does not exclude brain injury.

How to distinguish normality from pathology

On the one hand, tissue swelling is a normal consequence of the body, on the other hand, this symptom can become a manifestation of an inflammatory process that requires surgical therapy.

If the swelling does not have positive dynamics, that is, does not decrease 3-4 days after installation of the implants, if symptoms such as redness of the gums, monotonous or pain when pressing, increased body temperature, pus that is released from the area around the implant are added - all this speaks of a serious inflammatory process, i.e. peri-implant. And, most likely, implant rejection. If such phenomena occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

You should also be wary of a situation where the swelling has already subsided, but reappears after some time. This situation again requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

Each patient of the Smile-at-Once clinic is assigned an individual manager, whom you can contact for advice in case of doubt. You will be connected with a doctor by telephone or an appointment will be made for an in-person appointment.

What happens when you get hurt

Many people mistakenly consider a bruise to be a harmless injury. In fact, it can be dangerous, especially if it affects internal organs.

A bruise is damage to soft tissues without significant destruction of their structure. In this case, the vessels burst, from which fluid is released into the interstitial space, where it accumulates.

Based on the degree of tissue damage, there are:

  1. Minor damage that goes away on its own.
  2. Bruised muscle tissue with hematoma and swelling, very painful.
  3. High probability of tendon damage.
  4. Contusion of internal organs with severe swelling and severe pain.

If you suspect a bruise, you need to make sure that there is no fracture, so you need to contact a traumatologist.


The main signs of type 1 diabetes are sudden weight loss and severe thirst, which forces children to drink a lot and often run to the toilet. The onset of the disease is characterized by a change in appetite - the child may either refuse food or lash out at it (unfortunately, this is often attributed to the needs of a growing body). Diabetes is often accompanied by skin diseases - boils, eczema, fungal infections of the skin and nails.

If the diagnosis is not made in time (and this happens quite often, since there are no obvious signs of the disease), diabetic ketoacidosis and the accompanying disorder of consciousness can develop, up to the onset of coma - a condition in which the child can die.

No diabetes! What influences the development of the disease in children Read more

How to reduce swelling after implantation

The main thing you need to do after implantation is to rest well and expect the outcome to be favorable. Your doctor performed the operation successfully, so now how the rehabilitation period goes depends only on you. Read our useful guide after dental implantation, which details what you need to prepare at home in advance and how to solve any problems that arise.

How to apply compresses? This is the most basic method that allows you to relieve tissue swelling. It is especially effective in the first day and even in the first hours after installation of implants.

Proceed as follows: use ice, a heating pad with ice water, or any food from the freezer. But don't overdo it, i.e. do not cause frostbite and tissue necrosis. The procedure is as follows: wrap ice in a towel or 2-3 layers of gauze/thin fabric, apply to the cheek on the side of the surgical intervention, hold for 5-10 minutes. The duration of the compress is 5-10 minutes, breaks are 3-5 minutes. The number of approaches is 7-10 times, for approximately 1.5-2 hours. Such courses can be repeated periodically during the first day.

How to eat properly to avoid swelling? In addition to solid foods (for any implantation protocols, even if the prosthesis was installed immediately), you must exclude excessively hot, spicy and salty foods, coffee, and spices from your diet. Caffeine, for example, increases blood pressure, which contributes to an even greater rush of blood to the head and, accordingly, increased tissue swelling.

Hot foods and drinks are prohibited, as they can lead to increased swelling. Hard - because they can injure the operated area and displace the installed implants. All of the above restrictions are in effect for a week.

Andrey Nikolaevich, 45 years old

“The operation went quickly for me, under anesthesia. I went home fully conscious and without much pain. I expected that when the anesthesia wore off, the pain would be unbearable, there would be severe swelling... Having covered myself with the recommended pills, I waited while I made compresses. The tablets were bought in vain. At night I slept as usual. In the morning I also didn’t experience anything special, there was almost no swelling. On the evening of the first day I came for my first fitting. On the third day, the prosthesis was installed - everything went perfectly!”

“If the doctor is a professional, then rehabilitation will take place very quickly, without pain and without swelling. Tested for myself! "

watch a video with the patient

How should you sleep after implantation? It is necessary to ensure the outflow of blood from the head; it is better to sleep with your head elevated. You can place several pillows under or on the mattress, thus increasing the angle of inclination. Many patients note that after surgery there is a feeling of pulsation in the head. Such a measure will also relieve such a symptom.

Is it possible to visit swimming pools and saunas? To relieve swelling, you need cold. Therefore, not only saunas and swimming pools are prohibited in the first week after installation of implants, but also long stays in a hot bath. It is better to limit yourself to a warm shower.

What medications will help against tissue swelling? After installation of the implants, the patient is prescribed drug therapy. We deliberately do not indicate the names of medications, because in each specific case medications are prescribed individually. But the complex necessarily contains anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs, which help reduce tissue swelling. Patients who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure, are also recommended to take appropriate medications.

On the 3rd day after implantation, the patient is scheduled for a preventive examination: the doctor will assess the condition of the tissues, the dynamics of healing and give the necessary recommendations. If you have doubts earlier, you should not wait for a scheduled visit; you can see a doctor earlier.

How to help from within

Help with serious bruises is needed not only externally, but also from the inside. It is not necessary to take medications so as not to put a strain on the liver. There are natural ways to support the body:

  • rose hips, currants and citrus fruits are sources of vitamin C to strengthen blood vessels;
  • cabbage, spinach - rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting;

As a pharmacy vitamin, you can take Ascorutin. This is an inexpensive but effective way to strengthen blood vessels

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

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