How to quickly and effectively remove a black eye after a blow?

In addition to aesthetic discomfort, hematomas are characterized by pain and worsen the quality of life. That is why there is a desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible, and not wait several days for the bruise to resolve naturally. A properly chosen anti-bruise ointment will help remove the hematoma in a short time.

Objectives and types of drugs

Today, you can buy ointment for bruises with different pharmacological effects. But at the same time, all funds are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • Dissolution of blood clots in the damaged area.
  • Relieving swelling and inflammation.
  • Reducing pain.
  • Restoration of damaged tissues.

Ointments for bruises can be classified according to their effects as follows:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. When used, pain is reduced, swelling is relieved and inflammation is stopped.
  • Decongestant and absorbable. With them, it is possible to slow down the development of edema and reduce pain by relaxing the smooth muscles of the blood vessels. In addition, the products help restore venous circulation.
  • Cooling. They contain substances that irritate the nerve endings in the damaged area, resulting in a local analgesic effect. Also, such drugs increase blood flow and have anti-inflammatory properties. Against this background, metabolic processes intensify, which accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues.

Manufacturers also produce combination drugs that have the ability to have all of the above effects. This allows you to relieve pain and stop inflammation, which allows you to remove bruises in the shortest possible time.

— What causes thrombocytopenia?

The pathology in any case is caused by an imbalance between the formation of platelets and the rate of their decay. This is a condition when the bone marrow is either not sufficiently formed, or their amount in the circulating blood decreases.

It should be noted that in some cases, insufficient production of platelets in the bone marrow and rapid breakdown in the circulating blood occur simultaneously.

A decrease in platelet products is most often associated with bone marrow damage or metaplasia (degeneration), as well as the development of osteomyelofibrosis, which leads to a decrease in the number of megakaryocytes (giant cells of the bone marrow); Occurs in the following diseases or conditions:

  • Aplastic anemia (when the body is unable to produce enough new blood cells);
  • Myelodysplasia (a group of diseases in which we encounter malformed, dysfunctional blood cells);
  • Leukemia and myeloma diseases;
  • Radiation and toxic effects on the hematopoietic system.

Increased destruction of platelets occurs in the so-called thrombocytopenia of consumption (during DIC syndrome) and deposition (during hepatolienal syndrome, portal cirrhosis of the liver, Budd-Chiari syndrome), as well as some cardiovascular anomalies and diseases (aneurysm, defects, stenting).

It should be noted that immune thrombocytopenia occurs most often, when the rapid breakdown of platelets is associated with the destruction of the immune system. This group includes primary immune thrombocytopenia (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura), a disease when the immune system, due to the destruction of the immune system, produces antibodies against its own platelets.

The secondary immune form develops when immune complexes are produced during other autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome, lymphoproliferative diseases), as well as during non-autoimmune diseases (gestational thrombocytopenia, infectious diseases, viral infections, including the chronic type) .

Contributing factors:

  • Infections (especially viral);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Surgical intervention;
  • Strong physical activity;
  • Vaccination.

Heparin ointment

An effective remedy for bruises is heparin ointment. When using it, it is possible to remove the hematoma in the shortest possible time. The product is produced on the basis of petroleum jelly, which guarantees ease of application to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

The active ingredient in the drug is sodium heparin. The substance belongs to the group of anticoagulants. It improves blood microcirculation in damaged tissues and promotes the resorption of hematomas. In addition, sodium heparin has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects.

Other active ingredients in the ointment:

  • Benzocaine. It belongs to the group of anesthetics and provides the product with analgesic properties.
  • Benzyl nicotinate. This is an extract of nicotinic acid. The component improves the penetration of heparin deep into the skin.

Heparin ointment is recommended to be applied 2-4 times a day in a thin layer to the damaged area if there are no open wounds or scratches. Duration of treatment is up to 5 days. Heparin ointment is approved for use in children from 12 months.

Bruises and hematomas of the face.

Bruises are the result of a mild blow to the face with a blunt object. In this case, subcutaneous fatty tissue (SFA) and facial muscles are damaged without tearing the skin. Hemorrhage occurs and pronounced post-traumatic tissue swelling appears, that is, a superficial or deep hematoma is formed.

Deep hematoma - blood enters the interstitial space forming a cavity.

Superficial hematoma - imbibition (soaking) of tissues with blood occurs without the formation of a cavity. The nature, color and time of resorption of the hematoma depend on its location, depth and size of the damage. The outcome of hematomas is most often favorable; they completely resolve without leaving any trace.

The nature, color and time of resorption of the hematoma depend on its location, depth and size of the damage. The outcome of hematomas is most often favorable; they completely resolve without leaving any trace.

Bruises, hematomas and abrasions are the mildest types of injury, but are they so harmless?

Products based on comfrey and badyagi

Preparations based on hematomas based on comfrey root and freshwater sponge badyagi have good resorption properties. Such products are presented by manufacturers in a huge variety. You can buy them at the pharmacy at an affordable price.

The effectiveness of comfrey root, which is also known as larkspur, against bruises has long been known. The plant was dried and crushed, and after that infusions were prepared, which were applied to bruises in the form of compresses. Ointments, gels and balms based on larkspur are presented in pharmacies in a wide range of multi-component formulations. Any remedy for bruises can quickly reduce swelling. The drugs have an analgesic effect and promote tissue restoration. Their peculiarity is the absence of contraindications.

The skeleton of the freshwater sponge badyaga consists of silicon oxide. The product is crushed and a powder is obtained, consisting of microscopic needles of silicon oxide. It is the basis of an ointment, which, when applied to damaged skin, has a local irritating effect. This allows you to increase blood circulation and speed up the processes of healing and tissue regeneration. When using it, it is important to exclude individual intolerance to the active substance.

Mani based on comfrey and badyagi is applied to damaged areas 3-4 times a day. It is not recommended to use the products during pregnancy and lactation, as well as before reaching the age of 12 years.

How can hematomas be dangerous?

Often, a more serious damage to facial tissue is hidden under a hematoma - a fracture. Therefore, most facial soft tissue injuries require careful analysis and careful x-ray examination. For a more detailed study of the bones of the facial skeleton of the skull, we use a computed tomograph. With its help, you can identify even subtle damage to bone structures and prevent possible complications.

Unfortunately, there are “folk methods for treating bruises and hematomas,” which result in complications in the form of their suppuration. Any warming compresses, ointments, bandages can only aggravate this situation.

All that is needed to prevent the process of suppuration is cold, a pressure bandage and a thorough examination by a specialist.

Facial wounds.

Wounds and abrasions on the face have a number of specific features. This is the superficial location of the vessels, the presence of facial muscles, as well as the close location of important organs.

However, wound healing in the maxillofacial area has a high regeneration potential due to increased blood supply and good innervation in the facial area.

Using ointments for bruises

It is important that if there is a bruise or a hematoma, try to apply ice or a heating pad with cold water to the damaged area. This will prevent the development of severe swelling. Only after this is it recommended to use anti-bruise products.

On the first day after injury, it is better to use ointments containing heparin. The drugs increase the speed of blood flow, thin the blood and prevent the expansion of the hematoma.

If there is pain, you can apply an ointment containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to the damaged area. The most well-known drugs are diclofenac and ibuprofen. They can be applied to the damaged area a couple of hours after injury.

In the future, to speed up the resorption of the bruise, you need to use ointments based on badyagi or comfrey. You can also use other ointments with a warming effect to increase blood circulation. They often contain snake and bee venom.

With proper and timely treatment of bruises, the occurrence of large hematomas can be prevented. But if bruises do appear, it is necessary to use special ointments to speed up their resorption and tissue restoration. When you cannot get rid of hematomas on your own, and the bruises increase in size, you should urgently consult a doctor.

How to treat bumps on the buttocks

Regardless of the reason for which you have painful lumps after injections, they still need to be treated. “You definitely shouldn’t self-medicate, especially with “fresh” infiltrates, since any infiltrate can both resolve and fester. I’ll immediately explain what a “fresh” infiltrate is. This is a lump that you discovered immediately after the injection or is not older than 14 days. If the infiltrate is 1-2 months or more old, then the probability of its suppuration is quite small, but the probability of its complete resorption also tends to zero,” notes the specialist.

If it doesn’t reach the point of an abscess, then you can get by with fairly simple means - using gels, ointments and compresses. “What specific medication you need, the frequency and duration of its use, is determined by the doctor during an in-person visit after examination and carrying out the necessary examination methods (ultrasound of soft tissues),” says the doctor.

At home, hematomas and infiltrates can be treated with safe means. “Moderate massaging of the injection site, performing squats and applying cold compresses to the site of swelling in the first 1-2 days after its appearance is acceptable,” reminds Bulat Yunusov.

“Bumps after injections can be treated with an iodine mesh, but it is better to see a surgeon so that he can prescribe physical therapy,” the general practitioner recommends.

Physiotherapy is prescribed as an addition to the main treatment, which allows it to be shortened. Among the most effective methods are:

  • Electrophoresis
    is the penetration of medicinal drugs into the skin and soft tissues under the influence of an electric field.
  • UHF.
    “This is the treatment of infiltration with a continuous or pulsed ultra-high-frequency electric field,” comments a doctor at a Moscow clinic.
  • Phototherapy.
    Irradiation of problem areas with ultraviolet light in a narrow or wide range.

What does it depend on?

As already mentioned, timing and quantity are purely individual characteristics. In general, several main factors can be identified that influence the appearance of bruises after blepharoplasty of the lower or upper eyelids:

  • age category of the patient,
  • skin type,
  • volume and complexity of the operation,
  • type of correction,
  • technique.

For example, the older the patient, the longer it will take for dark circles under the eyes to go away after blepharoplasty. Thick skin will help reduce the visibility of hematomas, while thin skin, on the contrary, will lead to the fact that even the smallest hematomas will be clearly visible.

The operation itself is also important - how much tissue is removed? What type of access is used? This and much more directly affects the number of bruises that the patient will have after the intervention.


Almost all of us have had bruises on the soft tissues of our faces in our lives. Unfortunately, this cannot be completely prevented. However, in order to at least minimize the risk, it is necessary to take basic precautions and safety measures. When it comes to children, it is important to teach them from an early age how to avoid traumatic situations.

If facial bruises do occur, do not leave it unattended and take appropriate measures. You can do this yourself or seek medical help.

When should you see a doctor?

How long it takes for bruises to go away after blepharoplasty is determined individually. On average, this period is about two weeks, depending on the severity, volume and depth of the bruises. But if the recovery takes longer, there is definitely no need to panic.

It is worth visiting a consultation with a surgeon if the hematomas last for a very long time, much longer than what the doctor stated. If external problems are accompanied by a deterioration in health (high body temperature, nausea, vomiting, pain in the eyes, decreased vision, profuse lacrimation even after several weeks, etc.) - in this case, a visit to your surgeon should not be postponed further than the next day.


Complications with bruises are quite possible. It all depends on the nature of the injury and which area of ​​the face was damaged. Possible consequences include:

  • Nerve damage. completion. This is quite dangerous, since it is not always possible to fully restore their functionality. This means that the affected part of the face may stop moving;
  • Deterioration of vision. If the area around the eyes is bruised, there is also the possibility of damage to the nerve responsible for visual functions. Again, the outcome depends on the nature of the injuries. Both partial and complete loss of vision is possible, which is much less common;
  • suppuration at the site of the bruise in the form of an abscess;
  • bleeding that, if not treated immediately, may lead to fainting or shock;
  • Cyst formation in the presence of hematomas.

In case of serious injuries, the bruise may be accompanied by a concussion, deformation of the bones of the nose or jaw. As a result, a person may later suffer from conditions such as sinusitis or sinusitis.


It is also important to follow a number of rules and prohibitions. For example, after surgery you should not sleep on your stomach with your face in the pillow. Sports activities and physical activity should be excluded. You are not allowed to visit the swimming pool, bathhouse or sauna. It is necessary to protect yourself from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Of course, all these prohibitions apply only for the period of rehabilitation, and not for life. But nevertheless, observing the prohibitions is very important for a speedy recovery and elimination of bruises after blepharoplasty.

It is advisable to wear sunglasses at first. This stylish and, in addition, useful accessory, in addition to ultraviolet rays and bright lighting, will also protect your eyes from strong winds and dust particles.

How long do bruises last after blepharoplasty?

Hematomas become most severe during the first two days after surgery. After this period, the bruises gradually decrease. The amount and duration of recovery for each patient is determined individually. Sometimes bruises are localized on one side of the face - left or right. This is absolutely normal, although it happens less often.

The weakest bruises last two to three days. The most severe hematomas can persist for up to two weeks. Such periods are completely normal, and there is no need to panic and wonder what to do with bruises after blepharoplasty. Simply listen to your doctor and carefully follow all instructions he gives you to ensure a great aesthetic result.

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