How long does it take to heal and how many days does it take for a black eye to go away?

Bruises under the eyes can be of pathological origin, a cosmetic defect, or result from injury and blows. In the latter case, to eliminate bruises, it is enough to use healing ointments and preparations , but their choice depends on the severity of the damage.

If the cause of the appearance of formations is an incorrect lifestyle, no symptomatic treatment is required at all.

How many days does it take for a black eye to go away? Stages by day

Everyone knows that a hematoma changes color during the healing process, and by its shade you can even approximately determine when a person was injured. This change in color is due to the processes occurring in the damaged tissues, and the formation and development of a bruise can be divided into several stages by day and thus understand how long the bruise itself lasts:

  1. Directly upon impact, the blood vessels located under the skin are damaged. Local internal bleeding opens, and blood leaking through the skin in such cases gives the skin a red tint (the intensity of the color depends on the severity of the injury).
  2. Thickening and coagulating, the blood begins to darken as a result of oxidative processes occurring in it, and the formations become purple or dark blue. This happens on the first day.
  3. After some time, leukocytes accumulate in the damaged areas, which destroy red blood cells in hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, in turn, begins to produce a green pigment, as a result of which the hematoma acquires the appropriate shade. This usually happens on day 5-6.
  4. A little later, the production of bilirubin begins in the damaged tissues, which has a yellow color (a healing bruise also becomes the same color).

At this time, the bruise also becomes less noticeable and is visible less and less every day.

For bruises resulting from blows, it is important to provide first aid in a timely manner. If you do this correctly, the hematoma may not increase in size and will heal faster

If you do this correctly, the hematoma may not increase in size and will heal faster.

First of all, you need to immediately apply something cold to the impact site.

Any item you have on hand will do:

  • ice or snow;
  • frozen food;
  • cold stones and metal objects;
  • bottles of water and chilled drinks.

The damaged area must be constantly cooled for the first day and a half.

After about two days, there is no longer a need to cool the hematoma, and instead of ice, warming compresses are applied to such areas - they promote the resorption of decay products formed when the blood vessels are damaged. If, in addition to external manifestations in the form of a bruise, swelling and redness, no other symptoms are observed, you can do without visit to the doctor. But if the patient begins to have headaches after a blow, the conjunctiva noticeably turns red and there is damage to the skin, you should visit the emergency room, where specialists will provide qualified assistance.

How to disguise a bruise

There is technology to disguise a bruise after a blow or cosmetic defect. If a person must be in a public place, at a holiday or just an important meeting, then his appearance must be impeccable. The bruise takes a long time to disappear, so the only option is to disguise it with special makeup. It can be done not only for women, but also for men.

It is problematic to eliminate visual damage to the bridge of the nose. It is difficult to mask consequences not related to physical factors. Some diseases provoke the appearance of bags and dark circles under the eyes. This affects the functionality of the entire body.

Such defects can be eliminated only with the right combination of eye shadow and concealer. But this will help temporarily improve your appearance. You can get rid of such defects only after treating the disease that causes such symptoms.

How to speed up recovery

You can get rid of bruises resulting from minor injuries at home. If you give yourself first aid correctly, the time it takes for dark spots to disappear will be halved.

It is important to immediately apply cold (food ice, a bottle of ice water, frozen dumplings) to the injured area immediately after a bruise forms. To avoid hypothermia, you need to put any cloth on the skin, and then apply cold objects. Exposure to cold should not last longer than 15 minutes

It is useful to take a short break between overdubs. If a cold compress is applied to an arm or leg, it is better to first lift the limb upward. Cold treatment is effective only in the first two days after the formation of a bruise or hematoma

Exposure to cold should not last longer than 15 minutes. It is useful to take a short break between overdubs. If a cold compress is applied to an arm or leg, it is better to first lift the limb upward. Cold treatment is effective only in the first two days after the formation of a bruise or hematoma.

Starting from the second day, you need to make an iodine mesh over the damaged area. After another two days, doctors recommend starting to apply dry heat (a bag of heated salt, a cloth previously steamed with an iron) to the sore spot.

Pharmacy medications for bruises

There are a number of pharmaceutical drugs that can help speed up the process of resorption of bruises and hematomas. These include:

1. Troxevasin ointment. It has a softening effect, restores capillary walls, and reduces the risks of unwanted complications. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to rub the product into the skin of the damaged area every three hours. The course is a week.

2. Heparin ointment. Prescribed if the cause of bruising is thrombosis or thrombophlebitis. Its use helps eliminate blood clots and accelerates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.

Traditional medicine recipes

When there are no pharmaceuticals at hand, you can speed up the healing process of bruises and hematomas by using some folk treatment recipes. There are a large number of plants in nature with which it is easy to prepare a good absorbent agent. What can you use?

  1. Cabbage leaf. It needs to be removed from the middle of the head of cabbage, first lightly tapped with a hammer to beat the cutlets, and then applied to the sore spot, secured with a bandage. It is better to do the compress at night.
  2. Aloe. Its juice has a pronounced regenerating effect. To make the bruise resolve faster, you need to peel one fresh leaf from the top layer, and then use it to wipe the bruised area three times a day.
  3. Potato starch. Its use helps reduce the healing time of blue spots by half. To achieve the desired result, you need to mix a small amount of powder with cool water. Make a thick paste and apply it in a thick layer to the sore spot. After two days, the bruise will noticeably lighten, and after five days it will completely disappear.

If taking pharmaceutical medications for bruises and traditional medicine does not help get rid of bruises and hematomas, you need to undergo a full examination. An experienced doctor, using laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, will be able to identify the causes of bruising and prescribe treatment that will eliminate the provoking factor, strengthen the vascular walls, and accelerate blood clotting.

First aid

It is important to consider that timely provision of assistance ensures a favorable result. After a blow or bruise, apply cold to the damaged area. For this, ice is suitable, which must be wrapped in a towel. You can also apply a cold compress. The cold should be kept for 15 minutes, but no more. In this case, you need to pause periodically to avoid hypothermia.

Folk remedies must be used with extreme caution. Bee venom is popular. But it is forbidden to take it to eliminate bruises. The following medications are often used: Heparin ointment, “Bruise off”. These are products that are applied to the damaged eyelid or skin around the eyes.

The drugs promote rapid resorption of bruises and hematomas. If used immediately after the blow, a small bruise may disappear within 4 days. On the first day, ointments are used frequently, and then the dosage is gradually reduced.

Purpose of shut-off valve

This valve is a shut-off valve and is used to shut off the pipeline in the event of an emergency during its operation. The devices can be used not only in industry, but also in everyday life. Most often they are installed in reverse osmosis water purification systems. Here its role is to protect the receiving container from overflow.

Since an increase in pressure at the outlet of the filter worsens the quality of water, a 4-way valve checks (monitors) the operation of the system. If such a situation occurs, the liquid supply line to the filter is shut off until the pressure (level) in the tank decreases.

Float shut-off valves are used at gas stations to protect fuel tanks during the draining of fuel and lubricants from the gas station. In nuclear power plants, fast-acting shut-off valves are used in containment safety systems to protect personnel and the environment from radioactive releases during a containment accident. When the parameters characterizing normal operating conditions are exceeded, a signal from the sensors triggers the shut-off valve, sealing the reactor shell.

On main water pipelines, quick-closing ball valves with electric single-turn drives are installed. When a pipe ruptures, the speed of water movement increases, which generates a signal to close the cut-off valve. It will take a few seconds to shut off the flow and turn the shut-off valve 90°.

Reasons and features of the appearance

As mentioned earlier, during any operation, vessels located in the working area are invariably injured. What kind of bruises will appear after blepharoplasty depends on the level of intervention and the volume of blood leaked under the skin. Blood loss can occur not only during the operation, but also after it.

Bruises do not always appear immediately after surgery - sometimes they can become visible only 1-2 days after the operation. The overall development and decline takes approximately 7-10 days. At the first stage, the bruises have a pronounced red color, then they lose their saturation and become more purple. Finally, they gradually acquire a yellowish-green color, which indicates the final stage of regeneration.

Swelling and hematomas disappear within a few days after surgery.

Remedies for bruises

If you don’t have enough days left for a black eye to heal naturally, and there’s an important event on your nose where you need to look your best, you should pay attention to auxiliary products. The speed of the effective impact of a particular method depends on:

  • degree of damage and depth of impact;
  • sensitivity and skin characteristics;
  • associated injuries.

Use of pharmaceutical drugs

Special gels, ointments, etc. will help speed up blood circulation, relieve swelling and pain in the damaged area:

  • Badyaga. A drug made from natural ingredients (freshwater sponge powder) that can quickly relieve hematomas and restore damage. It is recommended to apply at least 3 times a day;
  • Troksivazin. Removes swelling and disperses clotted blood. Apply morning and evening;
  • Bruise-off. The active component of the product is leech extract. Affects active healing and removes formations of congealed blood in the capillaries. It is recommended to use it five times a day, and it is worth starting from the moment the hematoma first appears;
  • Lyoton. Accelerates blood flow and has a regenerating effect. It will get rid of a bruise in a week, apply the product 3 times a day;
  • Heparin ointment. An effective remedy that is used immediately after soft tissue damage. It is advisable not to leave the damaged area without the product at first, renewing the layer every 2-3 hours;
  • Iodine. An iodine mesh is applied to a fresh hematoma with a cotton swab. This treatment method is often combined with other drugs.

Exposure to cold and heat

On a fresh bruise, when the skin is covered with a slightly noticeable red tint, you should urgently apply ice wrapped in a towel. Apply it every 20 minutes and hold for the same amount of time. If you don't have a flexible container of ice on hand, use whatever you can find in your freezer. At worst, attach a cold metal object: a spoon, a mug, a decorative element. Alternate products more often and do not leave them on the skin when they are hot.

But if the bruise is several days old, use warm compresses. This method is based on stimulating blood flow and restoring vascular connections. It is better to use at night, as the effect of heat on the facial area relaxes and helps you fall asleep. Rubbing with alcohol-containing substances also helps, but not in the area under the eyes, as there is a high risk of contact with the sensitive membrane of the organ and irritation from the fumes.

Folk remedies

In the fight against bruises, our ancestors learned to do without medications long before they appeared. We used all the gifts of nature, knowing the characteristics and healing properties of each:

  • cabbage leaf - scald with boiling water and cut the edges so that the juice comes out, and then apply as a compress for several hours (you can before bedtime);
  • aloe - cut the leaf in half and secure it in the hematoma area;
  • potatoes - grate and apply the paste to the bruise;
  • onion - chop and mix with salt in a ratio of 1 piece to 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - simply smeared with a cut, peeled head or paste;
  • banana - use the peel, which is left on the inside for half an hour at the site of the hematoma;
  • white beans - boil and puree, and then leave as a compress for several hours;
  • Pineapple is another new safe remedy for relieving blood congestion. Fresh fruit juice or a piece of pulp is used, which is used to moisten the damaged area.

Ointment "Lyoton"

This ointment perfectly relieves swelling and helps speed up the process of restoration of damaged tissue. How long does it take for a black eye to go away if Lyoton ointment is used? For moderate to severe injuries, bruises disappear within seven days.

However, the product should be applied to the damaged area at least 2-3 times throughout the day. The ointment should be used until the hematoma disappears completely. It should be noted that with prolonged use, dry skin, itching and flaking may occur.

If there is an open wound, the product is contraindicated for use. The use of Lyoton is prohibited if the patient has problems with blood clotting or pathologies that cause bleeding. For women who are pregnant and at risk of miscarriage, the ointment is not recommended for use. But during lactation it is not prohibited to use the product.

Remedies for bruises

If you don’t have enough days left for a black eye to heal naturally, and there’s an important event on your nose where you need to look your best, you should pay attention to auxiliary products. The speed of the effective impact of a particular method depends on:

  • degree of damage and depth of impact;
  • sensitivity and skin characteristics;
  • associated injuries.

Use of pharmaceutical drugs

Special gels, ointments, etc. will help speed up blood circulation, relieve swelling and pain in the damaged area:

  • Badyaga. A drug made from natural ingredients (freshwater sponge powder) that can quickly relieve hematomas and restore damage. It is recommended to apply at least 3 times a day;
  • Troksivazin. Removes swelling and disperses clotted blood. Apply morning and evening;
  • Bruise-off. The active component of the product is leech extract. Affects active healing and removes formations of congealed blood in the capillaries. It is recommended to use it five times a day, and it is worth starting from the moment the hematoma first appears;
  • Lyoton. Accelerates blood flow and has a regenerating effect. It will get rid of a bruise in a week, apply the product 3 times a day;
  • Heparin ointment. An effective remedy that is used immediately after soft tissue damage. It is advisable not to leave the damaged area without the product at first, renewing the layer every 2-3 hours;
  • Iodine. An iodine mesh is applied to a fresh hematoma with a cotton swab. This treatment method is often combined with other drugs.

Exposure to cold and heat

On a fresh bruise, when the skin is covered with a slightly noticeable red tint, you should urgently apply ice wrapped in a towel. Apply it every 20 minutes and hold for the same amount of time. If you don't have a flexible container of ice on hand, use whatever you can find in your freezer. At worst, attach a cold metal object: a spoon, a mug, a decorative element. Alternate products more often and do not leave them on the skin when they are hot.

But if the bruise is several days old, use warm compresses. This method is based on stimulating blood flow and restoring vascular connections. It is better to use at night, as the effect of heat on the facial area relaxes and helps you fall asleep. Rubbing with alcohol-containing substances also helps, but not in the area under the eyes, as there is a high risk of contact with the sensitive membrane of the organ and irritation from the fumes.

Folk remedies

In the fight against bruises, our ancestors learned to do without medications long before they appeared. We used all the gifts of nature, knowing the characteristics and healing properties of each:

  • cabbage leaf - scald with boiling water and cut the edges so that the juice comes out, and then apply as a compress for several hours (you can before bedtime);
  • aloe - cut the leaf in half and secure it in the hematoma area;
  • potatoes - grate and apply the paste to the bruise;
  • onion - chop and mix with salt in a ratio of 1 piece to 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - simply smeared with a cut, peeled head or paste;
  • banana - use the peel, which is left on the inside for half an hour at the site of the hematoma;
  • white beans - boil and puree, and then leave as a compress for several hours;
  • Pineapple is another new safe remedy for relieving blood congestion. Fresh fruit juice or a piece of pulp is used, which is used to moisten the damaged area.

Gel "Bruise-off"

This gel with medicinal leech extract is widely used among athletes who prefer traumatic sports. It helps improve blood and lymph circulation, relieves inflammation and activates the regeneration process of the skin. The product tones the skin and relieves puffiness.

Bruise-off gel is recommended for use immediately after injury. As a rule, on the fourth day of use the bruise becomes almost invisible. It is allowed to apply the gel up to 5 times during the day.

Not recommended for use by persons with blood clotting problems. The gel should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. The product may cause an allergic reaction.

How quickly can you get rid of bruises?

If the bruise is fresh, your goal is to prevent the bruise from growing. Here are some methods:

  1. Immediately after a bruise appears, you need to cool the area of ​​the injury. Make a compress of ice or some frozen product and leave for 10 minutes. If the pain occurs again, you can repeat the procedure after a while. On the first day after a bruise, you need to touch the bruise as little as possible, much less put pressure on it.
  2. If a hematoma appears on your leg, try to find an opportunity to lie down and raise your legs above your chest. This way the blood will gradually drain from the damaged area, which will prevent the bruise from growing.
  3. Apply ointment for bruises, preferably with a cooling effect. This will help relieve swelling and inflammation. Anti-bruise products usually contain heparin or dexpanthenol.

If more than a day has passed since the injury, the bruise has darkened and acquired a blue, purple or greenish color, proceed as follows.

  1. If a dark bruise has already formed, the injured area should be warmed up. A heating pad, a warm fabric compress or a cream with a warming effect (products with badyaga, capsaicin and snake venom) are suitable for this.
  2. Take a painkiller with a decongestant effect. The most common ones are aspirin and ibuprofen. They should be taken only if the hematoma site is swollen.
  3. Ointments with arnica extract, vitamin K, aloe juice, and pineapple extract also help.
  4. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, home methods can help treat bruises quite well. For example, an onion compress will be useful due to its high content of vitamin C, which accelerates healing.
  5. Do you urgently need to hide a bruise? Top it off with a high coverage foundation with yellow undertones.

The skin on the face is thinner than on the body, which means that the blood vessels are closer, and a bruise can form even as a result of minor damage. What to do if your face is decorated with a harmful bruise?

  1. Inexpensive pharmacy ointments with badyaga, “Troxevasin”, “Bruise OFF” will help.
  2. Apply ice or iodine to the hematoma.
  3. Make a compress from raw potatoes or onions and leave for a couple of hours.
  4. Until the bruise completely disappears, you will have to disguise it with a thick concealer that matches your skin tone. Another option is to apply yellow concealer to the hematoma and cover it with a tone-on-tone product.

It often happens that after invasive cosmetic procedures, bluish marks may appear under the eyes. In this case, do the following:

  1. Apply a cold compress to the bruise, but do not hold it longer than 15 minutes to avoid overcooling the eye.
  2. Use ointment with badyagi or leech extract.
  3. A potato compress will help lighten the hematoma.

After training or an injury, you may notice a bluish spot on your leg or arm. Use the general recommendations for eliminating bruises that we gave above. The best remedies: cold compress, potatoes, celery or parsley, calendula, iodine, badyaga.

So, if you don’t have as much time as it takes for a black eye to go away on its own, you can use some secrets to eliminate the hematoma as quickly as possible. Here is a list of the most effective ones, starting from those from which the effect occurs as quickly as possible:

  1. Cosmetic disguise. Of course, makeup does not remove painful sensations when touched, but modern products, when applied correctly, will help remove blue discoloration and even “hide” puffiness;
  2. Applying ice. If you use any cold object in the first minutes after the blow is struck, the appearance of a bruise can even be completely avoided. In any case, holding in the damaged area will take at least 20 minutes to achieve the desired effect. If necessary, the manipulation can be repeated after 3-5 minutes. The product should be applied not to the lower eyelid, but to the cheek in the area of ​​the bruise.
  3. Medicines: ointments, gels. It is recommended to start using them no earlier than 2 days after the incident and only if there are no abrasions or open wounds on the skin. 5-7 days after use, the hematoma significantly decreases in size and goes away.
  4. Traditional methods. They don’t help everyone and not right away, but it’s worth a try. Compresses made from medicinal herbs should not be applied to scratches, so as not to provoke an unpleasant burning sensation or renewed bleeding from the wound. This method will bear fruit after a week of stable use.

Facial hematomas

When a person falls and hits the frontal area of ​​the head, then, as a rule, subcutaneous hemorrhage forms under the lower eyelid of the eye. This occurs due to rupture of the vascular tissues of this area and the onset of hemorrhage.

Since the tissue structures of this zone are loose, the accumulation of blood occurs precisely under the lower eyelid.

You can solve the problem in one of the following ways:

  • If subcutaneous hemorrhage is in the eye area, then a cold compress is required. You should not wait for swelling changes. The compress is applied not to the eyeball, but to the cheek or under the lower eyelid area.
  • If there is damage to the upper part of the nose adjacent to the forehead (bridge of the nose), and a person has nosebleeds, then the person must not blow his nose, as air currents will get in and the hemorrhage will increase. A small bandage is inserted into each nostril. The use of cotton wool to prevent hemorrhage is prohibited. Moisten the tampons with hydrogen peroxide and swab each nostril.
  • If visual function deteriorates or there is pulsation in the bruised area, a person requires medical attention.

How long do such bruises last, how long can they last? With timely treatment measures, it takes from 5 days to a week for the bruises to go away. If there is no treatment, then subcutaneous hemorrhages will last longer, about 15-20 days.

To ensure that the bruise disappears as quickly as possible and the skin color becomes natural, heparin ointments will help. Their use depends on the speed of regenerative processes of the damaged area of ​​the body. Physiotherapy procedures are indicated.

Drug treatment method

There are a huge number of different ointments that can help solve the problem of treating bruises. All their action is aimed at accelerating the movement of blood through the vessels of the hematoma site, liquefying it and resolving blood clots. So, ointments for treating bruises:

  • Heparin is an inexpensive remedy against hemorrhoids and varicose veins, which is also used to combat hematomas, since the heparin inside the composition prevents blood from clotting and promotes the resorption of blood clots. Due to the anesthetic in the composition, the ointment reduces pain.
  • Troxevasin is not an ointment, but a fast-acting gel for bruises, considered the most effective. Its main substance, troxerutin, thickens the vascular walls, which minimizes their permeability. Another property of troxerutin is a reduction in the number of blood platelets adhering to the capillary.
  • Badyaga. It was previously used against rheumatism, but it is also useful in getting rid of hematomas. This traditional remedy includes silica, a rock from the skeletons of the Badyagov family, which improves blood circulation. Silica has such a structure that the preparation cannot be rubbed too hard, otherwise microtraumas will form. The properties of badyagi also include: stimulating cell regeneration and exfoliation of old skin, stopping inflammation. Badyaga should not be used by children or in areas of abrasions and mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nostrils).
  • Based on bee venom. Increases the speed of blood movement, the immunity of skin cells, as well as the temperature of the application site. Has anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects. All this turns the drug into an effective remedy against bruises. Ointments based on bee venom are: multi-complex apisatron (only for adults), virapine (allowed for children over one year old), consisting only of bee venom with Vaseline.

Gel "Troxevasin"

This remedy is used for varicose veins, but, in addition, it copes well with swelling and bruising, as it has a resolving effect. The gel is usually used as an additional agent that helps the bruise resolve.

The gel is recommended to be used morning and evening. Throughout the week, you can even take Troxevasin capsules in the morning and evening. The product allows you to get rid of even old bruises, but its use is not allowed during breastfeeding and childbearing. The presence of open wounds is also an absolute contraindication for use.

How many days does it take for a bruise to go away?

Resorption of the hematoma most often lasts at least a week. How long it takes for bruises to go away depends on the severity of the damage: the deeper layers were injured, the longer it will take for full recovery. A hematoma is considered mild if the muscle fibers are not damaged and the skin color changes during the day. In moderate cases, the fibers are damaged and a bruise appears within 3-5 hours. In severe cases, a blue spot forms within 1 to 2 hours; in this case, the affected muscles lose functionality.

If the bruise goes away in 14 days or less, it is considered to have gone away quickly. Most often it goes away within 2-3 weeks. If the impact affected the muscles, hemorrhage lasts for a month, and sometimes longer. If the consequences of the injury do not go away for too long, you should consult a doctor: sometimes a hematoma is a sign of the development of processes dangerous to health and life.

You can speed up recovery by applying temperature. In the first few minutes, the influence of cold is necessary: ​​it will help to narrow the blood vessels and reduce the release of biological fluid beyond their limits. For 2-3 days the effect of heat is beneficial. Under its influence, local blood circulation will accelerate, metabolic processes will become more active and the condition of the skin will be normalized.

The bruise goes away faster if you use Rescuer, Badyagu, Troxevasin ointment. These agents speed up healing and help relieve swelling. If a pathological process caused the appearance of a hematoma, i.e. the vessels are too fragile, you should take special medications that strengthen the vascular walls. Medicines aimed at treating a specific pathology may be required.

Folk remedies are also effective. Stimulates recovery by applying compresses made from fresh leaves of white cabbage or raw potatoes cut into thin layers. Honey compresses and cakes, which need to be kept for a long time, also help. The hematoma will go away faster if you use cottage cheese lotions.


The first symptom of damage is pain. It all depends on the location of the injury. Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the head, face, nose. Often accompanied by headaches, discomfort, and burning. Heavy impacts can cause a concussion. In this case, the following symptoms occur: nausea, dizziness.

Rarely, partial or complete memory loss may occur.

It is worth considering that a blow to the bridge of the nose is always accompanied by bleeding. The injured person should know that blowing blood is prohibited. This can cause a lot of swelling. Doctors recommend using cotton or gauze swabs in such cases. They are placed in each nostril. It is important to understand that cotton fibers can remain on the mucous membrane and cause the formation of pus. Therefore, it is better to make tampons from bandage or gauze.

After the pain syndrome, redness appears. Change in skin color is a characteristic feature. It occurs within several hours after a blow or injury. After this, the color of the damaged skin gradually changes. Within 24 hours, the lesion can spread over a large area.

Heavy impacts lead to decreased visual acuity. Swelling causes difficulty closing the eyelids. It may be difficult for the affected person to close his eyes. This often causes pain.

How long does it take for a black eye to appear after a blow?

After a blow, the injured person initially experiences severe pain. Then swelling appears. It is important to consider that the extent of the damage initially causes only redness. Over the course of a day, the damaged area of ​​skin begins to darken. The area of ​​damage may double in size. This occurs due to internal bleeding.

In addition, additional symptoms may be observed: decreased visual acuity, headaches of various types. Swelling prevents you from fully opening or closing your eyes. Severe injuries can cause bleeding from the ears. In this case, you will need to urgently consult a doctor.


Grind the cabbage leaf, or better yet, put it through a meat grinder, and then apply it to the bruise for 20 minutes. Repeat two to three times a day.

IMPORTANT: Yellow bruises can be hidden with purple lipstick. To do this, you need to carefully spread it over the bruise, and then apply powder or makeup base on top.


Raw grated potatoes, when applied to a bruise, have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. You need to keep it for about thirty minutes.


For extensive bruises, a honey compress helps. To prepare it, mix the yolk, half a tablespoon of flour, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and the same amount of honey. Apply the mixture to the bruise and cover with plastic wrap. You need to keep it for 2-3 hours.


Mix half a glass of vodka and half a teaspoon of salt. Moisten a swab with the mixture and apply to the bruise. You need to renew the compress as it dries.


Finely chop one medium onion and mix with one teaspoon of honey. You can add a tablespoon of dried plantain to the mixture. Apply the compress to the bruise two to three times a day for two hours.

Beetroot and honey

Grate fresh beets on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and add a tablespoon of honey to the pulp. Apply the mixture to the bruise and secure with a bandage. You need to keep the compress for two to three hours.

Honey and beets for compress

Vinegar and salt

Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in one glass of 9% vinegar. Three times a day, apply a cloth soaked in this solution to the bruise for half an hour.

Onion and salt

Grind 5-6 medium onions, mix with a tablespoon of salt and apply the mixture, wrapped in cloth, to the sore spot three times a day.

IMPORTANT: If you don’t want to rub potatoes, you can simply apply a potato circle to the bruise and hold it for a while

Folk remedies

How long does it take for a black eye to go away if there are no pharmaceuticals at hand? If you use folk remedies, the regeneration process can also be accelerated.

The easiest way is to use aloe juice. As a rule, this plant is on every window in any house. To prepare the product, you will need to chop one leaf of the plant and mix it with a small amount of Vaseline. Apply the resulting composition 2-3 times throughout the day. This remedy is even suitable for eliminating bruises that appeared due to an incorrect lifestyle.

How long does it take for a black eye to go away if you use fresh cabbage? This plant will allow you to get rid of a hematoma in just 3-4 days. You will need to mince one cabbage leaf and apply the resulting composition to the area around the eye, hold as a compress for about 20 minutes and rinse. This compress should be done approximately 2-3 times throughout the day.

Beetroot compress helps remove bruises. How long does it take for a black eye to heal when using this product? Literally three days. One medium-sized fruit needs to be grated, you can add a little aloe juice and leave to brew for two hours. After this, fragments of gauze are soaked in the resulting composition and applied for 20 minutes as a compress to the injured area near the eye. It is recommended to do the procedure every two hours.

As a rule, hematomas near the eye very rarely lead to serious consequences, but if other symptoms appear in the form of redness of the conjunctiva, decreased visual acuity, then it is better to seek qualified help from an ophthalmologist.

What to do with dark circles

How to quickly get rid of a black eye? It is worth summarizing all that has been said and performing the following sequence of actions when a hematoma appears:

  • At the initial stage, cold is necessary. Even a plastic bottle filled with cold water will do;
  • when blood clotting occurs, you should not miss this moment and apply a special ointment. This moment occurs approximately on the second day. In most cases, heparin ointment is used. For better effect, the frequency of application of the product can be increased to three times a day;
  • the next day, in order for the bruise to resolve faster, you need to apply heat to the site of the bruise.

Everything is not as difficult as it seems. If you do everything according to the rules, then you will be able to go out in public without embarrassment within 5-6 days. After which all that remains is to remember what happened.

Pharmacy products

A bruise is one of the most common injuries that occur in everyday life, so the family medicine cabinet must contain means for treatment. The most popular and effective are:

TroxevasinThe ointment is intended for the treatment of varicose veins, but its action is aimed at activating blood circulation and has a decongestant and healing effect. It is successfully used as first aid for injuries under the eye. If you apply troxevasin to the skin in the first few hours after injury, the bruise will be very small or not appear at all. For the treatment of hematomas and bruises, Troxevasin is produced in two forms (gel or cream). The bruise is smeared in the morning and evening
Heparin ointment Heparin, which is part of the ointment, relieves swelling and inflammation of the skin. It has an antithrombotic effect, dissolving existing ones and preventing the appearance of new blood clots under the skin. Benzocaine acts as a local anesthetic and relieves pain Gently rub a thin layer of ointment into the affected area of ​​the skin. It should be used 2-3 times a day until the inflammation completely disappears. After a 7-day course, further use of the ointment requires consultation with a doctor.
Lyoton The gel promotes rapid restoration of skin tissue, resolves blood clots formed under the skin, and helps improve blood circulation. Treatment is carried out for a week, applying ointment twice a day to the area of ​​bruising
Badyaga The natural component of badyaga has a slight irritating property, which increases blood circulation. The product also has an antibacterial effect A small amount of ointment is applied in a thin layer to the bruise, left for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. You can repeat the procedure 5-6 times during the day.
Bruise OFF A specially developed product to eliminate bruises. Promotes renewal of lymph in tissues, relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation. Available with or without foundation effect With regular use of the ointment, from the first minutes after a bruise, you can completely get rid of the bruise within 5 days. Apply 6-7 times a day.

When using these products, the bruise will disappear faster than in 1 week.

What to do?

Naturally, the method of getting rid of bruises completely depends on the cause of origin. If the cause of the appearance is pathological processes, then you will have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. It is the effect of toxins on the body that causes blueness and swelling under the eyes. The cause may also be incorrectly selected cosmetics.

But most often this phenomenon occurs due to an impact. How long will it take for a black eye to go away? The rate of disappearance of the defect depends not only on the use of special means, but also on the area of ​​the lesion, and whether the vessels were affected by the bruise. As a rule, a small bruise goes away 5-7 days after its appearance, and if we are talking about a major injury, then even with intensive treatment the bruise will begin to disappear only after 9 days.

Why does a black eye appear after a while after a blow?

The capillaries and blood vessels under the eye are absolutely not protected. The skin around them is thin and delicate. During an impact, damage occurs to the blood vessels - they rupture, and then blood under pressure enters the subcutaneous tissue without compromising the integrity of the skin.

Sometimes it happens that blood gets into the eye itself. In such cases, severe redness of the sclera can be observed.

According to the mechanism of appearance, a bruise is a hematoma - the formation of a cavity in the tissues containing liquid or coagulated blood. When a powerful blow to the eye occurs, the skin around it swells, becomes slightly swollen and painful. A couple of hours after the injury, a bruise forms. Swelling appears due to an inflammatory reaction, and pain from damage to nerve endings.

  • The site of the impact is very painful.
  • Swelling appears.
  • Damaged skin is bright red.

Sometimes the temperature rises.

If you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • Slight dizziness.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Blurred or sharp deterioration of vision.

Other means

How long does it take for a black eye to go away? It is clear that the hematoma will sooner or later go away on its own, but it is still not very pleasant to appear in society in this form, so it is better to purchase a pharmaceutical product and speed up the process of regeneration of the damage.

Along with the above-described remedies, you can use Rescuer ointment. It has a wide spectrum of action, helps not only against insect bites and burns, but also perfectly relieves irritation, swelling and promotes the resorption of bruises. In addition, the product helps reduce pain.

Traumeel S ointment is another remedy that will eliminate a bruise as quickly as possible. It is recommended to lubricate the damaged area twice a day every day until the bruise disappears. However, applying the product to open wounds and scratches is not allowed. The ointment can be used even in pediatrics.

Gel "Indovazin" has absorbable and anti-edematous effects, reduces pain at the site of injury.

Dry mushroom poisoning

The question of whether it is possible to be poisoned by dried mushrooms worries many. In fact, you can be poisoned by pickled, salted, boiled, fried, and even dried mushrooms. The method of preparing them does not matter. Experienced mushroom pickers know that mushrooms can undergo mutation over time, so even a person who understands them will not be able to distinguish a real mushroom from a false one. So what difference does it make how they were prepared? Poisonous ones will remain poisonous even after drying.

The only protection against poisoning is knowledge of the mycological characteristics of individual species and the differences between them.

The place of collection is of no small importance. If it occurred in ecologically clean areas, then the risk of poisoning from the product is much lower than that collected along roads and highways

When buying mushrooms at the market, you need to ask where they were collected.

The third reason why you can be poisoned by dry mushrooms is if a person has contraindications. It is not recommended to use this product for persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver diseases.

And, finally, the quality of the raw materials used for drying. Mushrooms must be carefully processed. It is impossible to dry old, softened, overripe, or with signs of rotting.

How to remove bruises after blepharoplasty?

It is within the patient's power to force tissue to regenerate faster. Therefore, proper care of the operated area is one of the key stages in the rehabilitation period. The first thing you need to do is follow all the doctor's instructions. To speed up the resorption of bruises, the doctor may prescribe treatment of the skin in the injured area with special preparations that ensure rapid resorption of the bruises. Remember that you cannot prescribe medications for yourself! Only the surgeon should prescribe what to apply to bruises after blepharoplasty.

The surgeon’s task is to select appropriate care products for the operated area, and the patient’s task is to follow all recommendations.

Applying cold, reducing the frequency of blinking and limiting computer work (as well as the use of other equipment, such as a TV or smartphone) will also help.

Color change

The size and color of the bruise depend on several factors:

  • location relative to the vessels (pulsating hematoma occurs as a result of disruption of a large artery, non-pulsating hematoma occurs due to damage to small capillaries);
  • the amount of accumulated blood;
  • duration of injury;
  • force of mechanical action (the higher it is, the deeper the hemorrhage occurred in the tissue).

The appearance and resorption of a hematoma occurs in several stages, which are accompanied by a change in the shade of the bruise:

  1. Red-purple. The red color is a consequence of damage in the first hours after the injury. This shade is due to the penetration of red blood cells into the skin tissue, which contain oxyhemoglobin of the corresponding color. During these hours, a person feels the greatest pain, and edema forms in the form of swelling.
  2. Blue or purple. The next day, the bruise acquires this color because the process of oxidation of oxyhemoglobin in the tissues occurs. Resorption has not yet begun, but the swelling is gradually subsiding.
  3. Green. The hematoma acquires this shade 5-6 days after injury. This occurs due to the biochemical transformation of hemoglobin, which enters the tissue from red blood cells. Biliverdin is formed, which has a greenish tint. Pain and swelling will disappear by this time.
  4. Yellow. In the final stage, the bruise turns yellow because biliverdin is converted to bilirubin. Over time, the hematoma will disappear under the influence of macrophages, which absorb dead cells. The yellow spot dissolves and leaves no trace.

Similar phases are observed when a significant volume of blood is released. If ice was applied immediately after the blow, the bruise will not look as noticeable.

Heparin ointment

An old and time-tested remedy for bruises. How long does it take for a black eye to go away if I use this ointment? Naturally, everything depends on the complexity of the hematoma, but already on the fifth day of use, the main symptoms of the bruise disappear.

After an injury, it is recommended to apply the ointment every hour; on days 2–3, you can limit yourself to applying it every three hours.

The active substance - heparin - has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, promotes the resorption of blood clots. During use, slight redness sometimes occurs.

How many times a day should I apply Bruise-off ointment to a bruise from a blow, and how many days will it take for the bruise to go away?

BruiseOff gel will help to cope with marks on the face after an impact. The composition contains leech extract and additional additives.

How many times a day should you apply Bruise-off ointment to a bruise from a blow, and how many days will it take for the bruise to go away:

  • Thanks to the extract, the skin in the affected area is irritated.
  • Gel with a mattifying effect, contains foundation.
  • This is an excellent solution if the stain is on the face, in a visible place.
  • With the help of this drug, you can lose a trace in a few days.

Affected area

Factors that increase the time it takes for a bruise under the eye or on the legs to go away

On average, a black eye goes away faster than on the legs and in the lower part of the body in general. This is due to the fact that in a vertical position, the blood in the head area is not retained, therefore, nothing interferes with the regeneration process. On the contrary, thanks to the law of gravity, it flows to your feet. This increases tissue swelling and reduces the rate of resorption of blood clots.

Several other factors influence how quickly the “blanche” disappears:

  • The age of its owner. In older people, blood vessels are more fragile, and tissues are restored more slowly than in young people. Accordingly, a stain formed even with a minor bruise will take longer to disappear.
  • Blood clotting. If it is bad, this also interferes with the rapid resorption of the bruise.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Ascorbic acid and vitamin K are important for normal recovery. Their deficiency leads to slow resorption of the hematoma.
  • Fever. It slows down the recovery process.
  • Measures taken. The bruise is located under the skin, but its disappearance can be hastened by using external agents that promote tissue regeneration.

How many days does it take to resolve when a bruise from a blow turns yellow: stages of bruise by color by day

There are several periods of development and maturation of a bruise. Depending on the degree of destruction of blood cells, the color of the damage differs. Initially, the spot turns red. This usually happens immediately after the impact.

How many days does it take for a bruise to resolve?

  • As a result of mechanical action, the capillaries burst, and some of the blood flows out of them. Due to this, the surface is painted red. After a few hours, one day, the trace takes on a different shade, it turns blue. This usually happens within 6-24 hours.
  • This happens due to the fact that hemoglobin breaks down, is destroyed and turns into verdoglobin. Then, after 2-3 days, the spot becomes green. This occurs because the previous substance is converted into biliverdin.
  • After another one or two days, the spot becomes yellow, thanks to bilirubin. It is this yellow color that subsequently quickly disappears. After all, bilirubin is excreted in the blood from the site of the injury.


How many times a day should I apply Heparin ointment to a bruise from a blow, and how many days will it take for the bruise to go away?

Heparin ointment copes well with impact marks. This drug has anticoagulant properties.

How many times a day to apply Heparin ointment to a bruise from a blow, and how many days will it take for the bruise to go away:

  • That is, it prevents blood from clotting. Thus, the entire healing process is significantly accelerated. Due to the fact that the blood does not become solid, all metabolic processes occur much faster.
  • Heparin ointment, in addition to treating marks after beatings, is used to eliminate hemorrhoids and various diseases of the blood vessels. In order to get rid of beatings, Heparin ointment is rubbed in three times a day, in a very thin layer.
  • There is no need to wash it off. Please note that in addition to Heparin ointment, Bruise-Off ointment is also often used. In general, initially, if the damaged area is not touched, then a fairly large mark disappears in about 1-2 weeks.

After the fight

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