How to do paraffin therapy for the face and the necessary products

Unprotected and easily vulnerable facial skin requires special care, especially in the autumn-winter period. Moreover, the influence of weather on the condition of the skin is not the only thing from which it can suffer.

With age, the skin becomes thinner, loses its elasticity and firmness, and its protective properties decrease. And when exposed to negative environmental factors, the aging process can begin prematurely. How to maintain and restore a well-groomed appearance and attractiveness to your skin?

A mask based on cosmetic paraffin will help slow down age-related changes, avoid the early appearance of wrinkles on the face, maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and eliminate dryness and dehydration.

Facial paraffin therapy is a useful and pleasant procedure. It is aimed at healing, rejuvenating and restoring the skin.

Features of the procedure

Facial paraffin therapy is a spa procedure using liquid paraffin. The principle of action is the greenhouse effect, which opens the pores and allows nutrients to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. As it dries, paraffin decreases in size and tightens the skin with it, squeezing out remaining impurities from the pores.

Indications for paraffin therapy:

  • Dehydrated, dry skin with severe aging;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Peeling during the off-season - spring and autumn;
  • The first signs of aging are wrinkles, loss of elasticity;
  • Problems with skin tone;
  • Changes in the oval of the face associated with loss of skin elasticity.

Result of the procedure:

  • After applying warm paraffin, blood circulation improves, pores open, metabolism improves;
  • The elasticity of the skin increases due to the compression effect. Compression is achieved by shrinking the mask as it dries.

Types of paraffin therapy:

  • Cold – not used on the face, as paraffin cream clogs pores and causes an oily sheen;
    Cold paraffin therapy: procedure
  • Hot. Suitable for all parts of the body - face, arms and legs.
    We will analyze hot paraffin therapy in more detail below. Paraffin therapy: everything you need to know about this useful procedure

Indications and contraindications

Paraffin therapy is not just a cosmetic procedure. This is a real skin treatment. And any treatment has its own indications and contraindications, which must certainly be taken into account.

Who needs a paraffin mask?

If your skin constantly gives you surprises, try using a paraffin mask. Indications for the use of this product are as follows:

  • withering and flabbiness;
  • contaminated pores;
  • small scratches, ulcers;
  • dark spots;
  • swelling;
  • dryness, flaking and tightness;
  • painful or uneven complexion;
  • restoration after mechanical cleaning;
  • acne and pimples;
  • scars and small scars.

There are two types of paraffin. Yellow is used in medical practice and is not suitable for facial care. For the purpose of cosmetic procedures, purified white paraffin P-1 and P-2 are used.

Who can it harm?

For all its advantages, paraffin has a number of contraindications. Here are the main ones:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • heart disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • rosacea;
  • warts, moles and other formations;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • hypertrichosis (excessive facial hair growth).

Safety regulations

It is impossible to get a skin burn when using paraffin, since the temperature of the mass is checked before the procedure. Still, you need to follow a number of safety precautions:

  • Monitor the temperature of the mask - if it is high, let the product cool.

If you think the temperature of the paraffin is too high, immediately inform your cosmetologist.

  • Pre-moisturize the skin to avoid dryness and tightness.
  • Do not use paraffin several times in a row.
  • It is also not recommended to wipe the skin with alcohol cosmetics, so as not to cause a burn.
  • It is optimal to carry out the procedure before bedtime.
  • The mass can be applied to the entire face or only problem areas at once.

To enhance the positive effect of paraffin, add honey, wax, aloe, and herbal decoctions to your masks.

What is paraffin and what are its beneficial properties?

Germany is considered the “homeland” of paraffin, and its “father” is the famous natural chemist Karl Reichenbach, who in 1830 obtained a cheap wax analogue by synthesizing oil. And for a long time the substance remained exclusively an industrial material, used - mainly - for the production of candles.

Paraffin “came” to medicine during the difficult years of the First World War, when huge losses at the front forced the search for new progressive methods of treating combat wounds. Soon a separate direction of physiotherapy was formed - paraffin therapy, which effectively complemented the complex treatment of many diseases.

A useful quality of paraffin is the high heat capacity (ability to retain heat) of this substance, which allows it to be used to carry out deep local heating of the underlying tissues. When applied to the skin, it quickly hardens and forms a protective film, so the temperature effect is longer and more uniform.

Step-by-step instruction

Paraffin for the face is an unusual substance that can often be found in the salon. But there is nothing difficult in carrying out such a procedure at home if you know the step-by-step technique. You can make a classic paraffin application or a modeling bandage.

The main component is sold at the pharmacy. The average price is 110 rubles per 250 g. For comparison, a paraffin mask in the salon costs from 600 rubles per procedure and more. In some beauty centers, this service costs more than 2,000 rubles. It all depends on the level of the establishment and the quality of materials. (Prices current as of May 2022).

Video on the topic Paraffin face mask from Supermama

Classic version of the mask

Paraffin is an indispensable product in skin care. How to make a paraffin face mask at home? The procedure is carried out in seven stages.

  1. Preparation. Melt the paraffin in the oven, microwave or water bath.
  2. Preparation. When the mass has cooled to a temperature of 40°C, add all additional components that suit your skin type.
  3. Application. Using a stiff bristle brush, spread the paraffin evenly over the skin. The layer should not be too dense.
  4. Interlayer. Prepare in advance a two-layer gauze napkin in which holes will be cut for the eyes, nose and mouth. Gently apply it to your face.
  5. Final layer. When the first layer has hardened slightly, apply two or three more on top of the napkin. Maintain a minute interval between them so that the composition has time to set.
  6. Delete. After waiting for the product to completely harden, carefully pull the edges of the gauze napkin and remove the mask. If paraffin particles remain on the skin, remove them as well.
  7. Care. The final step is to apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

The areas around the mouth and eyes should not be treated with paraffin, because when it hardens, it can injure delicate tissues. Moreover, it is recommended to apply a rich cream to the eyebrows and upper lip so that accidentally dropped droplets of paraffin do not stick to the hairs.

Paraffin dressing

If you have pronounced wrinkles on your forehead or a double chin, if the contour of your face has become less clear, paraffin dressings will help solve the problem. This is done in six steps.

  1. Cleansing. The area of ​​skin on which the paraffin dressing will be applied must be thoroughly cleaned and treated with a scrub.
  2. Preparation. As in the previous case, paraffin needs to be melted and mixed with additional useful ingredients.
  3. Application. Soak the bandage in paraffin and apply it to the problem area. At intervals of one minute, attach two or three more layers of bandage to your face, carefully leveling each of them.
  4. Fixation. Take a dry long piece of bandage and secure the bandage by wrapping it around your head. The ends are tied tightly enough to feel the tension.
  5. Delete. When you feel that the paraffin has completely hardened, untie the bandage and remove the bandage.
  6. Hydration. Treat your skin with a serum with a high concentration of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Video on the topic How to make a paraffin face mask - lesson from a cosmetologist

How to use

Paraffin therapy is carried out in several stages.

  1. Skin cleansing. At the initial stage, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and wipe them dry. Next, we use a tonic that will help cleanse, moisturize and tone the skin.
  2. Peeling. For this purpose, a peeling scrub is used, which helps remove dead skin cells of the epidermis and improve the penetration of cosmetics. If necessary, we do a manicure and remove the cuticle. You can also apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  3. Application of paraffin. Using a spatula or brush, cover the skin of your hands with paraffin, carefully distributing the product over the entire area. Then we put on plastic or special cosmetic gloves. We warm our hands using a terry towel or thermal mittens. The duration of the procedure is at least 15-20 minutes.
  4. Removing paraffin residues. A soft napkin is suitable for this.
  5. Hydration. At the final stage, we moisturize the skin with a moisturizing, protective cream. Thanks to this, the skin will become soft and velvety, its firmness and elasticity will increase.

Paraffin face mask: a selection of recipes

A paraffin face mask at home is not the easiest procedure. However, it is easy to get used to. Depending on what problem you intend to solve, choose the appropriate recipe for yourself from the table.

Table - Recipes for homemade paraffin masks

PurposeMain componentAdditional components
For wrinkles— A teaspoon of heated olive oil; - a pinch of ground ginger
For acne- A tablespoon of lemon zest; - 3 drops tea tree essential oil
For dryness- A tablespoon of aloe juice; - teaspoon coconut oil
Anti-greasy— 20 drops of propolis tincture
From scars2 tablespoons paraffin- 2 tablespoons aloe juice
Tonic- A tablespoon of melted honey; - the same amount of rice oil
Protective- 2 tablespoons of melted beeswax; - a tablespoon of oily vitamin E
Pull-up- A tablespoon of fish oil; - the same amount of oil vitamin A
Calming— 3 drops of lemon essential oil; - the same amount of rose essential oil; - the same amount of orange essential oil
Nutritious— A teaspoon of almond oil; - the same amount of macadamia oil

Paraffin tends to stick to the skin, which can cause microtrauma during mask removal. If the mixture does not contain any fatty components (for example, vegetable oils), apply a thin layer of moisturizer before starting the procedure.

Paraffin therapy: what is the secret

Paraffin is a chemical substance obtained from petroleum. It can have a yellow or white tint; for cosmetic use, it is white that has gone through all stages of purification, does not contain harmful impurities, and practically does not cause any unwanted reactions.

Paraffin for masks is used only in white.

There is paraffin with plant extracts, honey, chocolate - such cosmetic formulas are more expensive than standard formulas; pay more or not, decide for yourself. But such a combination will allow you to combine the benefits of paraffin and chocolate masks, or other components.

The more additives, the higher the price and the risk of developing allergic reactions, but if you like ready-made cocoa bars, their smell, and the effect they provide, choose them.

Since the paraffin mass is heated before use, its properties change. The pores open and toxins come out and settle on the layer of the mask. Then the substance begins to shrink and has a slight massage effect.

Expected effects

A paraffin mask is perfect for caring for aging and dry skin.

Due to its unique properties, it exhibits a powerful lifting effect, smoothes out facial wrinkles, helps reduce swelling and the severity of age-related changes, and improves facial contour.

Plus, a paraffin mask promotes regeneration, softening of the skin, deep hydration and nutrition.

This is one of the most effective express ways to get problem skin in order!

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