Stop problems Salicylic enzyme peeling 100ml tube


The most popular enzyme salicylic peeling is StopProblem . This is an inexpensive remedy.

Effect of the drug:

  • Cleanses the epidermis of keratinized scales, softens and removes dead cells.
  • Evens out skin microrelief, eliminates small scars and unevenness.
  • Removes blemishes and acne marks.
  • Lightens the epidermis, helps remove age spots.
  • Evens out the complexion's tone, gives it a natural glow and a fresh look.
  • Cleanses pores of excess sebum, eliminates excess fat and comedones.
  • Relieves and prevents inflammation.
  • Saturates cells with necessary components.
  • Gives tone, relieves irritation.

The drug acts gently and effectively, it is useful for both problematic, oily skin and dry, sensitive skin.

The difference between the product is that it contains enzymes. Combining them allows you to get excellent results.

The drug is based on the following substances for cleansing and caring for the skin:

  • SOOTHEX TM is an innovative component of plant origin that fights irritation and inflammation, eliminates redness, and soothes the epidermis.
  • Salicylic acid - cleanses, removes dead cells. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect, prevents inflammatory processes, and has a beneficial effect on the dermis. Helps remove blackheads, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves the appearance of the face.
  • Enzyme complex . Complements the action of salicylic acid. Enzymes penetrate the surface layers of cells, promote softening and removal of dead cells. At the same time, enzymes cannot disrupt the natural processes in the epidermis and injure it.
  • White tea extract is an antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on skin cells and tissues. It qualitatively soothes the skin, tones it, eliminates inflammation and irritation.
  • Extracts of mint and sage have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects and improve blood microcirculation. This helps speed up cell renewal and normalizes metabolic processes.

The price of this product is very affordable - about 100 rubles per 100 ml tube .

The drug is used economically and lasts for a long time.

Another product from this manufacturer is aha/bha 9% acid peeling gel .

It is based on three acids - glycolic, lactic and salicylic.

Helps exfoliate dead cells, remove comedones, inflammation, improves the appearance of the skin, activates its production of collagen, making it more elastic and smooth.

This product costs about 70 rubles.

We suggest learning about the best, proven and popular types of peeling from our articles. Read about these:

  • gas-liquid;
  • ferulic;
  • laser;
  • Jessner technique;
  • retinol (yellow).

Enzyme peeling: reviews

At the beginning of the procedure, there may be a burning, tingling or tingling sensation. But don’t be afraid of this - everything will pass in a few minutes. But the product will easily soften and remove all sebaceous plugs in the pores. It is recommended to remove this peeling with a damp cellulose sponge. Be sure to then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

For many women, the StopProblem enzyme peeling has become an indispensable product. It also has very numerous reviews and mostly positive. Especially among owners of oily and problem skin with enlarged pores, you can find laudatory odes to the product in question. Photographs taken before applying the peeling and after only a week of use confirm all its positive properties indicated by the manufacturer.

Enzyme peeling has some negative reviews. But there are very few of them. They are written mainly by women with very dry, sensitive or allergy-prone skin. From this we can conclude that girls who consider themselves to be in this group should use salicylic peeling very carefully.

Line "Stopproblem"

Peeling of the brand in question is one of the best products for home use. The StopProblem series also offers additional facial skin care products that also contain salicylic acid.

In a beauty salon, a cleaning session lasts about 45 minutes. It consists of three stages. First, the skin is cleansed using special products. The second stage is the application of the composition itself. Finally, the acid is neutralized with a special substance and the skin is treated with a rich cream.

For those with dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin, an enzyme peeling gel is suitable. These products are also presented in a wide range on the cosmetic market.

Enzyme peeling: what is it?

The cosmetic product in question makes the process of replacing skin cells much faster. It speeds up the chemical reactions needed to create new, young, healthy cells and rid the skin of old and dead particles. Sometimes the term peeling is confused with scrub. This product also helps clear dead skin cells. Enzyme peeling exfoliates much faster than a scrub. It removes old and dead cells, promotes skin regeneration, reduces stretch marks, marks left by pimples, wrinkles, without damaging the skin. Enzymes penetrate the skin and help clean pores, improve its tone and texture.

Another advantage of natural enzyme peels is that they are safe for all skin types. They do not cause injury as much as harsh chemical products. Plus they are inexpensive. Also, the product does not cause deep redness, as a result of which you have to hide from everyone at home for several days.

The most popular ingredients for enzyme peels are papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, pumpkin and blueberry. And to get a nice bonus to this procedure, while waiting for the enzymes to act, you can enjoy these antioxidant fruits and nourish yourself from the inside.

Enzyme honey mask recipe

It’s not difficult to prepare it yourself. This enzyme peeling mask will deeply cleanse the skin and restore its youth and radiance. It can be used even with weak capillaries. It is recommended to do an enzyme mask once a week.

We will need the following ingredients.

1. Three tablespoons of papaya puree.

2. Three tablespoons of pineapple pulp.

3. One teaspoon of honey.

Papaya and pineapple will provide cleansing and exfoliation. Honey will prevent skin irritation.

Making a mask is very simple. You can mix all the ingredients in a blender. But in order to save food, it is better to just mash them well with a fork. The finished mask should be applied to clean and dry skin of the face and neck for ten minutes. Afterwards you need to wash it off. Next, dry the skin and apply a rich nourishing cream to it.

You also need to know that unlike other masks, enzyme peeling works best in a moist environment. This prevents it from drying out on your face. Therefore, you can sprinkle your skin with a little water while using the mask.

What are enzymes

Enzymes are organic substances that support life, special proteins that act as catalysts or accelerators of chemical reactions. These enzymes enter the human body from the outside. They come with plant foods, fruits and vegetables. Some reactions in the body must occur quickly, and therefore substances such as enzymes are needed that are involved in breaking down large protein molecules or fat into smaller ones during the digestion process. On the skin, enzymes do not work as quickly as in digestion. But they show impressive results - they revitalize, restore youth and radiance, improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

Peeling in action

Salicylic enzyme peeling has a pleasant fresh aroma and reminds me of the consistency of a white cream-gel. It is easily squeezed out of the soft bottle and spreads well over the face. You need to apply it in a thin layer, this will be enough to see the result. True, when I first started using it, I was worried that I wouldn’t notice the effect, and applied it very thickly. Now it seems to me that there is not much difference, only more consumption. In general, the product is used sparingly - a 100 ml tube was enough for 4 months with intensive use and still has some left.

It is advisable to leave the product on your face for no more than 15 minutes. I usually walk around with it for about 10 minutes, after which I remove it with a sponge, and after a few minutes I wipe my skin with tonic and apply cream. I did not notice any tingling or other unpleasant sensations when using the peeling.

The result of using Stopproblem Salicylic Enzyme Peeling is usually noticeable after you wash it off: the skin becomes lighter and cleaner, blackheads are less noticeable, and it even seems to me that the pores become smaller. What pleases me most is the reduction in redness and pigmentation in places where there are or were pimples. By the morning, inflammation usually either disappears altogether or noticeably decreases. This makes me want to use this product as often as possible, but alas, this can only be done a maximum of 2 times a week.

The effect of this facial cleansing procedure lasts me a maximum of a couple of days, after which all the problems that I struggled with return. At one point I needed almost perfectly clean skin and began to peel every other day. As a result, I quickly, in almost 2 weeks, got what I needed, but it was not without side effects: from being in the sun, some pigment spots began to appear, even when using protective products. So after the planned event, I returned to the recommended 2 procedures per week and no longer experimented (I was afraid that the spots would not go away).

Facial skin is a woman’s calling card

Human skin consists of two layers. Its outer part is called the epidermis. And the bottom, deep layer is the dermis. But that is not all. Each one has many layers within them.

The epidermis is daily exposed to the negative effects of many factors: the sun, polluted environment, lack of fresh air, sweating, dryness and makeup. Luckily, both layers are constantly working to create new layers of skin cells that continually rise to the surface. They replace old, already dead particles. And they remain on the surface of the skin, spoiling its appearance. Many experts believe that heredity in the matter of the condition of the integument is a myth. Cosmetologists give different information. Heredity accounts for only 20 percent of natural aging, and 80 percent is due to negative exposure to sunlight. It is due to contact with ultraviolet radiation that wrinkles, pigmentation, spots, roughness and freckles appear.

As we age, the skin also loses collagen. This substance consists of protein fibers and gives it firmness and elasticity. Losing collagen, the skin becomes weak and thin. Enzyme peeling helps eliminate all these age-related changes and negative effects.

Honey mask

After applying the mask with pumpkin and papaya, it is good to make a honey mask. The component must be natural. It is simply applied to the skin, left for 10-20 minutes and washed off with a damp sponge or water. You can do the honey mask as often as you want.

It is almost impossible to keep your skin young and beautiful without good care. Enzyme peeling is an indisputable assistant in this. What it is? We hope that the article helped you answer this question. This is a miraculous and easily accessible remedy that many women have already learned about. Enzymes can now be safely called fighters for beauty.

My care Stopproblem

Hello! Today I want to talk about my Stopproblem skin care products from Michel Laboratory. My skin problem is pimples that cannot be treated with external treatments. Therefore, my anti-acne care is aimed at eliminating what has “come out”. But I have always encountered the fact that products labeled “anti-acne” or “for problem skin” dry out and injure my sensitive skin. And here they are, the distinguished heroes of the post - Stopproblem products from Michel Laboratory.

Initially, these products seemed like nothing to me at all, but after a month of using them, I’m quite happy - the pimples that popped up profusely after recent stress are going away, although not as quickly as I would like and, best of all, my sensitive and prone to to dryness as the skin is not overdried, although apart from Stopproblem this month I only used this cream and not every day. I didn’t have this result with other products of this type - I tried the notorious Effaclar, folk remedies, and various series from the mass market - everything mercilessly dried out the skin.


Michel Laboratory “Stopproblem – Salicylic Enzyme Peeling”

I was actually looking for a Salicylic mask to cleanse pores, but I couldn’t find it in any pharmacy and took this peeling - according to the description it was similar. I still don’t understand whether to apply it to dry or damp skin - I apply it as necessary. The peeling has the consistency of a cream, the color is white, it spreads easily over the skin and does not sting at all. I leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then wash it off with water with a natural sponge. Admittedly, it practically does not clean out the pores, but the overall appearance improves - the skin is smoother, inflammation is reduced. I use it twice a week and it is very economical. I’ll finish this tube and still look for the “Salicylic Mask” - according to reviews, it copes better with clogged pores. But if I don’t like it, I’ll go back to peeling - I have nothing against such a delicate cleansing, it’s just right for my skin.

The price is about 3 dollars. The testing period is more than a month. Rating: 4.

Michel Laboratory "Stopproblem - Salicylic lotion for sensitive skin"

Probably everyone has already heard about this lotion. For me, its big advantage is the absence of alcohol. I apply it in the morning, in the evening, and throughout the day. It, of course, does not immediately remove acne, but it eliminates oily shine, refreshes and soothes the skin, does not tighten it - it generally feels more like a refreshing tonic, and not like a medicinal lotion. I will buy more.

The price is about 2 dollars. The testing period is more than a month. Rating: 4.

Michel Laboratory "Stopproblem - Salicylic gel for dry skin"

I had high hopes for this thing - I was very pleased with the manufacturer’s promises. But, unfortunately, my hopes were not justified. This gel does not give any effect when applied to acne. There is only one positive point - if you have time to apply it to an inflammation that is just emerging, then there is a chance that it will not develop into a pimple. Although this plus sign is tiny, the chance is unreliable. But there is a big minus - even though the product is transparent, you still can’t go outside with nm: it forms a sticky and very shiny film on the place of application, which can be seen from a kilometer away in the sun. It’s also not possible to apply cream on top of this gel - these same films will simply roll off. I'll finish this tube somehow, but I won't buy any more.

Price - about 2.5 dollars. The testing period is more than a month. Score - 2. (I add a point for “chance”)

To summarize, I will say that the work of the first two heroes of the post does not cause great delight, but it is quite satisfactory, and I will buy them again and try other Stopproblem products until I find something more effective.

I hope my review will be useful to someone.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask: can you recommend any acne products that not only work effectively, but are also suitable for very sensitive skin?

Thanks for reading!


Pumpkin enzyme mask

Using this mask, your face will receive a complete reboot with the help of natural and healthy fruit enzymes. Its use will relieve facial and shallow age wrinkles, acne and age spots. For the mask you will need the following components.

1. 300 grams of raw pumpkin puree.

2. One papaya, seeded.

3. Egg (for binding components).

Mix all ingredients until smooth. The mask is obtained in sufficient quantity, but it must be used immediately. Therefore, you can invite your friends and have a beauty session together.

The mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck with your fingers or a special brush, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. After ten minutes, it should be wiped with a sponge dipped in cold water. Try to avoid contact with eyes. It is not recommended to use the mask more than once a month.

There may be a tingling or tingling sensation during use - this is normal. People with very sensitive skin may experience some redness on their face after using the mask. This shouldn't be scary either. In this case, the redness is due to increased blood circulation and should not last more than twenty minutes.

Features of the composition

Salicylic acidDries out oily epidermis
Clears blackheads
Relieves inflammation and redness on the skin
Able to smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a smooth and velvety texture
Tightens pores
EnzymesNatural ingredients that can trigger metabolic processes in the dermis
Does not cause allergies and is suitable for dry skin
Fruit acidsHelps effectively remove dead skin parts
Nourishes the epidermis with nutrients
Mint and sage extractSoothe inflamed areas
Relieves inflammation, itching and burning
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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