Children's "winter" cosmetics: 6 popular products. Editor's Choice

Even if you bought the warmest KERRY overalls in the world for a child, you won’t be able to pull it over your face. Therefore, in addition to clothes, you need to take care of choosing the best anti-frost cream for your child. We will tell you what should not be in baby cream and name the 10 best, in our opinion, based on reviews and facts. Anti-frost creams are widely sold, but not all of them are equally useful, although they are effective. Many people prefer Soviet creams “Children’s” and “Tick-Tock”, proven by generations, some trust only manufacturers from the USA and Europe, some don’t trust anyone, but carefully read the labels, while others don’t bother and apply the first one they come across. store. Which category do you belong to? We decided to check many popular creams for composition and choose for you the best representatives of the cold cream class (cold - from the word cold - cold)

What are protective cosmetics?

If your family just recently welcomed a newborn, and you yourself are not a fan of winter sports, then you might not have known about protective cosmetics until now. This is the name given to cosmetics that contain large amounts of fatty substances and water. When such a cream is applied to the skin, part of the fatty components penetrates the stratum corneum, while the other remains on its surface, thereby creating a protective barrier, as well as moisturizing and softening the skin. The water contained in the product evaporates quickly enough, so the skin feels a little cold. Such cosmetics are ideal for caring for sensitive children's skin - after all, with babies still lying in strollers and with walkers taking their first steps, it is advised to walk as much as possible, in any weather.

Proper skin care in winter

Face cream in winter is necessary not only for women, but also for men, small children, and teenagers. If you don’t use it, then when spring comes, your skin looks depressing. It becomes dry, flabby, lifeless, prone to peeling and premature formation of wrinkles. Proper facial care during the cold season will allow the skin to adequately endure this difficult period. What does it consist of:

  • To protect your face from bad weather, use products appropriate to your skin type;
  • give up dry decorative cosmetics, opting for cream eye shadow and blush;
  • drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid daily - plain water, table mineral waters, herbal teas;
  • purchase an air humidifier and use it at least 3 hours a day;
  • When taking a shower or bath, do not turn on excessively hot water (except for contrast procedures);
  • Do not rub your face intensively with a towel after washing, but pat dry with a soft towel.

The skin's natural defenses weaken in winter. So it is not enough to change only day and night creams. It is advisable to use more nourishing masks, tonics, scrubs and even mousses for washing. They contain many cosmetic oils that perfectly saturate the skin with all the necessary bioactive substances.

In addition to choosing a cream, you need to pay attention to other care products, and also try not to dry out the skin

How does weather cream work?

The protective cream is completely absorbed and “merges” with the skin. It is not washed off with water (for example, by raindrops), does not wear off when it comes into contact with clothing and does not leave greasy marks on it. Due to the increased content of fats and waxes, the cream leaves an impenetrable film on the skin. It becomes a kind of barrier to wind, snow and frost: moisture from the lower layers of the skin does not rise to the surface, which means the skin is reliably protected from dehydration and frostbite. At the same time, the cream does not interfere with sweating and promotes normal skin respiration.

Active ingredients of winter cosmetics

Winter face cream should moisturize the skin well. After all, it is excessive dryness that manifests itself in the effects of winds and frost. Therefore, manufacturers include hyaluronic acid and glycerol in winter care products. These components hold a huge number of water molecules, preventing them from evaporating. But the product itself should not contain liquid, since when it freezes, the skin is severely micro-traumatized. What other ingredients are included in protective creams:

  • fat- and water-soluble vitamins A, D, C, E, thiamine, pyridoxine to stimulate local immunity;
  • collagen, which prevents premature aging of the skin and loss of elasticity;
  • micro- and macroelements zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron to ensure proper intracellular metabolism;
  • almond, shea butter, peach, wheat germ, jojoba oils to nourish and smooth the skin;
  • phytoextracts of calendula, chamomile, string, ginseng, helping to avoid cell destruction by free radicals.

For winter cream, the correct auxiliary composition is also very important. It is represented by vegetable oils, lanolin, methylcellulose and other lyophilic compounds. They form a thin invisible film on the surface of the epidermis, protecting it from cold and wind.

Natural oils - for example, almond or castor - are often included in winter creams

Cosmetologists do not recommend buying creams with Vaseline and (or) paraffin during the cold season. The skin “gets used” to them, so it gradually loses its ability to retain moisture on its own.

Why use it?

Every day, washing and changing her baby, the young mother sees that baby skin is very delicate and sensitive. If you make a small mistake in care, irritation and redness will appear. “How to walk with a child in cold and windy weather?” - Moms are worried.

Yes, the skin of babies, to a much greater extent than the skin of adults, is exposed to aggressive external factors (for example, friction from clothing - a hat, scarf or mittens) and is especially affected by adverse weather conditions. Under the influence of wind, rapid dehydration of the skin occurs, increased oxidation and drying of sebum. The natural result of this is drying out of the skin. It also happens that severe frost and wind provoke a cold allergy in a child.

The main task of a “winter” cream is to reliably protect the skin from wind and low temperatures. “There are children with absolutely healthy skin, the care for which on the street is minimal - tears from the wind or raindrops on their cheeks are enough to blot with a handkerchief. But such cases are rather an exception to the rule,” says dermatologist and cosmetologist Svetlana Kovaleva.

Protective cream is simply necessary if you notice on your baby’s skin after a walk:

  • redness;
  • dry flaky areas;
  • small, point inflammations.

Cream “Little Polar Explorer” Little Siberica

Price: from 142 rubles Has a delicate, pleasant aroma. It has a very dense texture. If you apply cream to a child’s cheeks, it will be very difficult to smear. But it protects the skin from wind and cold just perfectly! This cream has an extremely natural composition, which, on the one hand, is very healthy for the child’s health, and on the other, can cause an allergic reaction. This cream contains many vegetable oils (sunflower, castor, shea butter, cocoa, cedar, borage) protect and nourish the skin. The composition contains extracts: calendula, juniper, rhodiola rosea). The composition contains alcohol, but its amount is not critical.

Baby cream for wind, frost and bad weather Papa care

Price: from 256 rubles The composition from the official website looks like the Garden of Eden, but if you look at the back of the product, you will see that there is water and preservatives, which the ecogolic website does not like. But overall, this is a good cream, with a convenient dispenser, at an adequate price. Contains many oils (avocado oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, almond oil, corn germ oil, vitamin E, panthenol, beeswax, string extract. This is important for allergy sufferers, as there are many natural ingredients that may be a reaction.

How to use it correctly?

The mother will have to master the science of applying protective cream in the same way as other child care activities. What rules are important to follow when using this cosmetics?

  • Apply protective cream to exposed areas of your baby's skin;
  • Use the cream 20-30 minutes before going outside so that it has time to be properly absorbed. Otherwise, in the fresh air, the remaining water will instantly evaporate, and the baby may get frostbite on his cheeks;
  • Before using the cream, slightly “warm” it by holding it in your palms: it will be easier to apply to the skin;
  • Proceed sequentially: take a small amount of cream on your fingertips, draw lines from your nose to your forehead, walk along your temples, then “draw” the nasolabial folds, spread on your cheeks and chin. After this, rub the cream in with light massage movements and blot off the excess with a napkin. The final touch is to massage your baby’s hands with the cream.
  • Apply makeup evenly. It is important that there is no excess cream left on the nose or cheeks, even after half an hour!

Protective balm against wind and cold Weleda

Price: from 306 rubles
This brand has long and reliably proven itself among other children's products, and needs no introduction. The big plus of this cream is that it does not contain water. This means that you don’t even have to wait the required 15-30 minutes before going outside, but immediately dive into the cold without fear of redness and chapping. Beeswax and skin-related lanolin in the cream form a protective cover, allowing the skin to breathe. The extract of calendula flowers eliminates inflammation on the skin, and almond oil increases the elasticity and protective properties of the skin. The balm is especially recommended for babies whose skin needs protection from the weather, and children with inflamed skin. Suitable for adults with sensitive skin.

Is it necessary to use children's cosmetics?

“For children, it is necessary to select only specialized products that have passed dermatological control and are recommended for sensitive children’s skin,” explains medical expert of the La Roche-Posay and Inneov brands in Russia Ekaterina Dobrydneva. “As a rule, these are products with a minimum amount of components that are well absorbed and do not irritate the skin.” Do not use creams or any cosmetics to care for baby skin unless they indicate that they can be used to care for newborns!


Mustela Nourishing Pencil is effective in different weather conditions. It soothes inflammation, eliminates dryness and flaking not only in winter, but also in summer. If you forgot to apply the product to your child’s skin and it becomes chapped, it’s not a problem. Use it after a walk to relieve discomfort. The nutritional stick does not leave sticky or greasy marks and can be used by adults during active winter games and sports, as well as when climbing mountains. The product has a light, slightly sweet aroma.

Free of phthalates, parabens and phenoxyethanol.

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the composition, all development and testing are carried out jointly with healthcare specialists.

1. Clinical study conducted under the supervision of dermatologists and pediatricians with the participation of 60 children, including children under 3 months of age, who used the product for at least 3 weeks.

What to look for on the label?

And so mom goes to the pharmacy or the store. How to choose a truly safe product? “In its classic version, “winter” cream is a mixture of beeswax, paraffin and rose water. This is the recipe that has long been used by the French pharmacopoeia,” says cosmetologist Svetlana Kovaleva. — Modern manufacturers improve the formula, firstly, with highly purified ingredients, secondly, replacing floral water (for example, with thermal water), and thirdly, creating unique delicate emulsions. Sometimes oil extracts of calendula, cod liver or halibut are added to the old but modernized recipe.”

It happens that the baby’s skin is already damaged - the child has skin rashes, dermatitis, or there are abrasions on the face and hands. For these cases, there are protective agents with anti-inflammatory (for example, zinc) and restorative (such as panthenol) components.

What else you need to do to maintain healthy skin

  • Chapstick

When caring for our face and hands, we forget one of the most delicate places on the skin. Lips. The skin on the lips is very thin and does not have sebaceous glands, so it has no protection at all from wind and bad weather. During the cold season, you should definitely use chapstick before leaving the house. It should first of all be fatty; you need to look for the same ingredients in the composition as in a fatty cream.

  • Sun protection

No matter how funny it may sound, in winter you need protection from the sun almost more than in summer. Therefore, in addition to rich cream, you need to take care of sunscreen. They come in several types, depending on the strength of their protective properties.

  • Washing

Do not wash your face with cold water, only warm water. Also, do not use products with exfoliating granules, salicylic acid or alcohol.

  • Cloth

Even if you have smeared yourself with cream, do not forget about gloves and a scarf. Especially if you left the house for a long time.

  • Humidity at home

Don't underestimate dry indoor air. Constantly monitor the indicators. Humidity should not fall below 30%.

If the skin is already chapped

If you have already been exposed to wind and frost, then you need to anoint the damaged areas with a cream with panthenol or niacinamide. With their help, the skin will heal faster, redness and dryness will go away.

  • Consult a doctor

If all the measures described above have been taken into account, but redness and other problems on the skin still remain, you should urgently consult a dermatologist. It is possible to develop severe skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema or even skin cancer, and the cold provoked them.

How to choose the right “winter” product?

To shorten the path of trial and error when choosing a product, first limit yourself to the smallest package - 40-50 ml. If the choice turns out to be successful, feel free to take a larger package. If your baby's lips are chapped and flaky (this often happens with babies whose salivation has not yet normalized), take a closer look at a protective lip balm: it nourishes, restores and softens the skin of the lips. And, of course, most importantly, do not forget that the jar should indicate at what age this cosmetic product is recommended for use (for example, from birth or after three years).

With the arrival of cold weather, many women experience the same problems. The skin turns red, begins to peel, and pockets of irritation appear on it, which is not at all pleasing. The cause of such unpleasant symptoms is frosty air, wind and snow, as well as the temperature difference between the street and the heated room. Accompanied by improper care, dehydration during the winter months can cause considerable damage to the health of the skin and the appearance of the woman herself. Under the influence of external influences, the skin becomes significantly drier and thinner, it tightens, loses elasticity and firmness, and the subcutaneous fat layer decreases. This leads to the fact that the protective ability of the skin decreases, and inevitable inflammation and unpleasant annoying peeling appear on it. Moreover, not only the face suffers; the hands, neck, and lips are also exposed to the cold. They require proper regular care, and then the problems of winter will be nothing.


If in winter the body is covered with warm clothes, then there are still areas that have to feel all the “charm” of winter. First of all, these are the face and lips, and then the neck and hands. It is these parts of the body that need special and very careful care. With the arrival of cold weather, you should definitely replace your day and night cream. During the day, a nourishing protective cream will come in handy, and at night you should apply one that will moisturize the skin. It is important to follow this rule strictly and accurately. Under no circumstances should you use moisturizers before going out into the cold. Particles of such a cream instantly turn into tiny ice crystals and instead of doing any good, they only do harm, causing microtrauma and even frostbite. For the winter period, it is better to choose a special foundation with a protective effect. It will nourish the skin and prevent the frost from causing any damage to it. But no matter how good the foundation is, you should definitely apply a basic day cream underneath it. But the powder, which helped so much in the summer, is not suitable in winter. It will only dry out the skin that is already in need of hydration, which will immediately affect its appearance. Dry skin begins to age much faster. This note especially applies to the delicate and very sensitive skin of the lips and the area near the eyes. Nowadays, allergies to cold are not uncommon. Any contact with frosty air or wind can lead to redness and itching. In this case, foundation or nutrition alone is not enough. You will have to regularly use antihistamines. At the slightest sign of discomfort, burning or itching or tightness, it is better not to delay and make a soothing mask on a cleansed face, then apply a nourishing cream. For irritated hand skin, apply compresses with olive or other vegetable oil. Warm oil is applied to cleansed skin, after which the brushes are wrapped in film, over which mittens can be put on. After half an hour, the mask is washed off and the hands are treated with a suitable cream.


For winter, you need to choose a lipstick that not only adds color, but also takes care of your skin. Such lipstick must contain vitamin E, which is responsible for regeneration and elasticity. Chronic dry lips, wounds in the corners and longitudinal cracks may be a sign that the body is lacking vitamins A and E. In this case, you should choose a cream containing these substances, and also increase your intake of vitamins in food. There are a lot of foods rich in vitamins E and A. These are orange and red fruits and vegetables, such as bell peppers and carrots. Eggs, dairy products and liver dishes will be useful. For cracks, it is better to use special therapeutic agents that allow the wounds to heal quickly. From your home arsenal, you can recommend night masks made from honey and olive oil or zinc ointment. Until the skin damage disappears, it is better not to use decorative cosmetics.


Winter skin care products should be richer.

Hand care. They play the role of protectors and nourishment for the skin of the face, neck and hands. Don’t neglect decorative cosmetics at this time of year. Properly selected products will help create a protective film on the face and thereby retain the necessary moisture. Moisturizing the skin is also necessary, but such procedures should not be done later than an hour before going out into the cold. But after returning home, it is simply necessary to moisturize cleansed skin. As a kind of cleansing and nutrition, you can do rubbing with warm milk and olive oil. This mixture will have a beneficial effect, relieve irritation, nourish, soften and cleanse the skin of the face and neck. And before going to bed, it is important not to forget to use a suitable nourishing cream that compensates for skin loss during the day.


In frost and strong winds, it is better to limit your stay outside, and if necessary, go there; it is important to protect exposed areas of the body as much as possible. When going out into the cold, you can cover your face with your palms for a few seconds. This technique will create an air cushion that will gradually cool and allow the skin to get a little accustomed to the ambient temperature. That is, going outside will be less stressful for the face. But you shouldn’t cover your face with a scarf, even in the most severe cold. The fabric will retain droplets of moisture formed during breathing; over time, they will turn into ice, which can lead to skin injuries and frostbite. When coming into a room from the street, you should also not immediately strive for a heat source. A heater, radiator or flame will cause already dehydrated skin to lose additional moisture. And hence the rapid development of irritation, the appearance of areas of peeling and redness. All care products and decorative cosmetics should be applied to the face no later than an hour before going out into the cold. And also, before leaving the house, you should not wash your face, so as not to disturb the thin layer of natural oil protection.

You need to prepare thoroughly for winter. If you think that nutrition is only about body shaping, you are very mistaken. How good your face is and how ready your skin is for frost depends primarily on your nutrition. And it’s not difficult to prepare for the cold, but you need to do it in advance. The first thing to do is to exclude the following foods from your diet: sugar and sweet foods, because sugar damages the collagen fibers contained in the skin, which are responsible for firmness and elasticity. In addition, sugar impairs the functioning of the human intestines, which leads to the death of beneficial flora. Namely, the beneficial microbes of our intestines help absorb important macroelements from food and even produce some of the vitamins themselves. When beneficial flora dies, it is replaced by pathogens that release many toxins, suppress the immune system and worsen not only the condition of the skin, but also provoke the appearance of acne. Fungi of the genus Candida alone produce about 80 types of poisons! Coffee - it leads to dehydration and dry skin. In addition, coffee is a good diuretic and, together with urine, removes a large amount of microelements, which are already scarce in winter. The abundance of an invigorating drink worsens the color of the skin, makes it grayer and provokes the formation of cellulite. Fatty cheeses - they lead to changes in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Dessert alcohol - it leads to redness of the skin and the appearance of circles under the eyes.

But some other products, on the contrary, improve the condition of the skin: fermented milk products, due to the presence of lactobacilli, improve the condition of the intestines and enhance the absorption of nutrients. Fish and seafood - contain Omega-3, which protects cell membranes, improves skin elasticity and blood supply to organs. Vegetables are excellent food for intestinal flora. Provide alkalization of the internal environment of the body. After all, an aggressive environment and frequent illnesses in winter strongly acidify it, and this leads to rapid aging of the body and skin in particular. Fruits are, of course, a storehouse of vitamins. You shouldn't rely on them just for imported fruits. It is better to get vitamins from the wonderful products of our Russian table - sauerkraut, lingonberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn. Conscientious grandmothers prepared them for us with interest. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant. It protects our cells from free radicals and also saves skin from aging. Particular attention should be paid to sources of vitamin D. Our body is sorely lacking this vitamin in winter. This vitamin does not directly affect the condition of the skin, but indirectly its lack leads to a deterioration of the immune system, suppression of nerve signals, and weakening of the endocrine system. Don’t forget, the skin is an immune-endocrine organ! Sources of vitamin D are milk, butter, liver, egg yolk, fatty fish (herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines in oil, tuna), fish oil.

A favorite “delicacy” for our skin in winter is also carrots, sea buckthorn, wheat sprouts, and chia seeds. By adding these products to your daily diet, you will immediately enrich your body with the best vitamins and microelements without unnecessary multivitamin complexes and biological additives.

Additional care

  1. Biphasic lipid replenishing sanitizer Lipo Alcolique Biphase, Bioderma
  2. Soft sanitizer with lactoferrin Lactyferrin, Sesderma
  3. Universal rescue balm for very dry and damaged skin with 70% lanolin Lano Allover, Lanolips
  4. Restoring balm with beeswax Apotheka SOS Beeswax Balm, Natura Siberica
  5. Cream mask for home paraffin therapy with cocoa butter and vitamin F Cream Paraffin, Aravia
  6. Nourishing restorative hand mask All-Day Rehab, Mixit

The condition of the skin, of course, can also be affected by diet - a lack of fat in it can contribute to dryness, as well as dehydration. So the notorious drinking regime and foods rich in fatty acids like red fish, olive oil, nuts, eggs and other “fatty” goodness will be extremely helpful if you feel like you are turning into dried fruit.

The best universal baby creams

A universal cream should be in every mother's medicine cabinet. It has a nourishing composition and softens the baby's skin. However, this product is only suitable for healthy skin and is not intended to solve dermatological problems.

World of Childhood – for sensitive skin



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buyers recommend this product

World of Childhood is an inexpensive universal cream that is suitable for baby’s sensitive skin from the first days of life.

It includes: almond and peach oil, which remove dryness and maintain the skin's moisture balance, chamomile extract and calendula for a calming effect and relieve irritation.

Also present here are vitamin E and D-panthenol, which are responsible for metabolic processes in the epidermis. The product is available in soft tubes of 75 ml with a screw cap.


  • no age restrictions;
  • convenient packaging;
  • affordable price (80 rubles for 75 ml);
  • absorbs quickly;
  • light pleasant aroma.


  • The opening on the spout is too wide, due to which the product is used uneconomically.

Parents of babies note the high effectiveness of the product: it softens and moisturizes the skin, relieves irritation and redness. It is purchased for application under a diaper, for the cold season, or for daily moisturizing of the skin.

Freedom - a cream familiar from childhood



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buyers recommend this product

The “Freedom” cream in the familiar packaging with a cat and a dog is still loved by mothers of little ones today. They smear it on the cheeks before a walk, moisturize the skin after bathing, and use it under a diaper. The product is available in a metal or plastic tube of 46 or 75 ml with a screw cap.

The updated composition of the cream has added lavender oil and vitamin A to nourish the baby’s delicate skin. Chamomile extract has antiseptic properties, and menthol slightly cools, which is important when irritation occurs.


  • low price (about 30 rubles for 75 ml);
  • does not cause allergies;
  • deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • creates a protective film.


  • Strong smell;
  • greasy shine after application.

Svoboda cream has a greasy texture - you only need to apply it a little. This consistency makes it an ideal product for baby massage.


15 best acne remedies

What should not be included

When choosing a product to protect your child’s skin in winter, you must carefully study the composition of creams and ointments. Cosmetic products should not contain parabens, petroleum products, paraffin, or artificial oils. Their concentration in these products, as well as in Dove, should be minimal.

These substances are not prohibited, but have a detrimental effect on the dermis.

Products that contain petroleum jelly should be excluded from use. This is due to the fact that when it gets on the epidermis, it creates an invisible film, clogging the pores and preventing the evaporation process. Frostbite may result as a result.

It is also not permissible to use products that contain alcohol, as it dries out the skin greatly.

When should you sound the alarm? Frostbite in children

In most cases, the skin reacts to frost with redness and chapping, but sometimes frostbite occurs. It all depends on weather conditions, wind strength and air humidity, as well as the individual characteristics of the baby’s skin. The younger the child and the lower the temperature outside, the greater the likelihood of frostbite. In dry, windless weather, the risk of frostbite is minimal.

Frostbite occurs on exposed areas of the body, cheeks, nose, and ears. The palms and feet also often suffer, especially if the child has tight shoes and the mittens are wet.

The child may not notice the first signs of frostbite, but parents should pay attention and be wary if:

  • the baby’s cheeks turned red and then turned pale, white spots appeared;
  • the affected areas become swollen;
  • the child complains of numbness, tingling, burning sensation;
  • trembling occurs in the body, weakness, drowsiness, body temperature decreases;
  • At home, the baby feels pain, a spot clearly appears on the skin;
  • the spot peels off, and a compaction appears in the center.

Doctors divide frostbite into 4 degrees. A doctor can accurately determine the depth of the lesion and prescribe treatment. First-degree frostbite goes away on its own within a few days; deeper damage requires serious treatment.

If you suspect frostbite in a child, immediately go into a warm place and wrap the baby in a blanket. At home, undress the baby, warm the baby at room temperature, gradually. Never apply heating pads to the affected skin or immerse frostbitten hands in hot water.

If the baby experiences pain or chills, give an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever. The appearance of blisters indicates the depth of the lesion and requires immediate medical attention.

Never rub frostbitten areas of the body; this injures the skin and increases the risk of tissue infection.

Winter is a wonderful and favorite time of year for many children. Winter walks can be a lot of fun and bring a lot of joy and vivid impressions. To walk with your baby safely, you need to properly care for your baby and his delicate skin. Knowing simple rules, you will protect your baby from many troubles, and winter fun will bring only positive emotions.


Chapped, dry, flaky skin of a baby can throw any parent off balance. Therefore, every experienced mother and grandmother has heard about the benefits of children's protective creams, which are based on natural fats of plant or animal origin, natural wax or lanolin (obtained from sheep's wool).

They create a special barrier on the skin, preventing external moisture from penetrating and internal moisture from evaporating. They also form a protective film without clogging pores and allowing the skin to breathe. This “basis” is supplemented with natural ingredients, including herbal extracts.

Main skin problems in winter

  1. Drying of the skin. Unfavorable factors affecting the skin lead to dryness and decreased elastic properties. Dry skin is prone to irritation and cracks form, this is especially true for thin lip skin.
  2. Frostbite. In the event of a sharp decrease in body temperature, blood flow to the internal organs increases, this protects vital systems from cooling. Blood flow to the superficial tissues is reduced, the skin quickly freezes, and even frostbite in unprotected areas is likely.
  3. Cold allergy. Sometimes the body perceives cold as an irritant and produces a substance inherent in allergic reactions - histamine. In this case, under the influence of low temperatures, hives, swelling and itching appear on the skin, all signs of an allergy.

To prevent unpleasant situations and maintain health, you need to know the rules of prevention and the basics of winter skin care.

The best moisturizing baby creams

Moisturizer is indispensable for the skin of any baby. It is applied first after water procedures. During bathing, the child's protective lipid layer is washed off, and a cream with oils and vitamins helps restore it, restore elasticity to the skin and fill it with moisture.

BabyLine – the most gentle



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buyers recommend this product

BabyLine's gentle cream with chamomile extract, panthenol and vitamin E provides gentle skin care.

It contains no preservatives, dyes or mineral oils. It is approved for use from the first days of a child’s life, and is also recommended for adults with sensitive skin.

The texture of the cream is pleasant, spreads easily over the skin, lays down in an even layer and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy sheen. BabyLine is sold in soft plastic tubes of 75 ml with a stable hinged cap. The product is easily squeezed out and dosed.


  • safe composition;
  • suitable for any age;
  • moisturizes the skin well;
  • absorbs quickly.


  • not everyone likes its smell;
  • price (215 rubles per tube).

BabyLine gentle cream is suitable for preventing redness or flaking. The product is not suitable for dealing with existing problems.

Aqa Baby Comfort – natural composition



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buyers recommend this product

Aqa Baby Comfort has a moisturizing effect, soothes, softens the skin and copes with minor irritation. The product is based on 98% natural ingredients, including sunflower oil and vitamins A, B5 and E.

Harsh chemicals, allergens, and dyes are excluded from the composition, which allows you to apply the product to the baby’s entire body from birth. The cream has a pleasant consistency with a subtle, barely perceptible aroma. The product is well absorbed without forming a sticky or greasy film.

Aqa Baby Comfort is sold in 100 ml round plastic jars with a hermetically sealed lid.


  • reasonable price (about 140 rubles per 100 ml);
  • natural composition;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • moisturizes well;
  • pleasant aroma.


  • not all parents like this packaging format.

Aqa Baby Comfort is a good cream that is suitable for daily moisturizing a child’s skin after water procedures.

Eared Nian - inexpensive moisturizer for babies



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buyers recommend this product

See review▶

Ushasty Nyan – Russian-made children's cosmetics. The moisturizing cream for daily use of this brand is especially popular among parents.

The product contains peach oil to combat flaking, calendula oil for anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and an extract of chamomile essential oil to relieve irritation and inflammation. The formula contains no dyes, alcohol or other substances that can cause allergies.

The cream spreads easily over the skin and is quickly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen. Eared Nyan is sold in convenient 100 ml tubes with a protective membrane and a screw cap.


  • absorbs quickly;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin;
  • convenient packaging;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • affordable price (from 110 rubles per 100 ml).


  • too strong aroma;
  • contains not the most useful ingredients (liquid paraffin, methylparaben, propylparaben).

Eared Nian is an effective moisturizer that can cope with minor redness or irritation. However, due to its composition, experienced mothers recommend using it not from birth, but from about 8-12 months.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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