Contraindications for biorevitalization and what not to do after the procedure

From this article you will learn:

  • biorevitalization: what kind of procedure is it, reviews,
  • photos of patients before and after,
  • injection and non-injection techniques,
  • how much does biorevitalization cost - price for 1 procedure (for 2021).

Facial biorevitalization is a procedure for intradermal injection of high concentrations of active substances, which can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, increase its elasticity, as well as achieve a lifting effect and reduce the depth of wrinkles. Most often, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements, amino acids are used for this, and in older age - components for intensive skin lifting, for example, peptides, DNA-RNA complexes and DMAE.

The composition of the drug is selected individually for each patient. The age of the patient, the condition of the facial skin, and, what is very important, the type of skin aging are taken into account. For example, for fine-wrinkle and deformation types of aging, completely different drugs will be indicated. An important problem is the training of specialists. How often, for example, do mesotherapists tell patients that capillary mesotherapy must be done before administering biorevitalizants? But in many cases, the severity and duration of the biorevitalization effect will depend on this.

Biorevitalization: photo of the procedure

Indications for biorevitalization –

  • therapy for biological skin aging,
  • photoaging therapy (including hyperpigmentation and rosacea),
  • prevention of aging,
  • wrinkles, thinning, decreased elasticity, dry skin,
  • deterioration of the skin as a result of smoking (including the appearance of small vertical wrinkles on the lips).

Thus, the biorevitalization technique will allow you to improve the color and texture of the skin (especially for smokers), increase its elasticity, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and achieve a skin lifting effect. Additional effects of this procedure may include correction of hyperpigmentation, reduction in the severity of rosacea, as well as inflammatory elements of acne. The severity of a particular effect will directly depend on the composition of the chosen drug.

Differences between biorevitalization and mesotherapy -

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face and neck are very similar procedures and are performed by the same specialists - mesotherapists. So how are they different? When it comes to intensive rejuvenation of the face and neck (using high concentrations of active ingredients), the term “biorevitalization” is used. Mesotherapy uses lower concentrations of active components, and this procedure can be performed not only on the face, but also on the body.

Thus, when it comes to the correction of cellulite or local fat deposits on the body, or procedures are carried out to improve the condition of the hair and scalp, or to improve the condition of the skin of the face and neck (but with low dosages of active substances) - this is called the term “ mesotherapy". If intensive rejuvenation and lifting of the skin of the face/neck is required, then drugs with high concentrations of active substances are used, and in this case the terms “biorevitalization” or “bioreparation” are used.

For example, the concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) in mesopreparations is usually only from 0.3-0.5%, which corresponds to 3-5 mg/ml, and in biorevitalization products it is usually from 1.5 to 2.0% (= 15-20 mg/ml). Accordingly, in the second case, the saturation of the dermis with moisture will be much more intense, and this will lead to a more noticeable lifting effect. It is also worth noting that low molecular weight HA (with a molecular weight of about 800 kDa) is usually used in mesotherapy, and high molecular weight HA (from 1800 to 3000 kDa) is used in biorevitalization procedures.

An important point is that mesopreparations are made on a water or sol basis (sol is a liquid gel), and biorevitalizants are produced in the form of viscous gels. This greatly affects the time of drug deposition in tissues. Those. if in the first case, the drugs quickly spread in the tissues and are quickly eliminated from them, then in the second case, a drug depot is created in the tissues (at the site of each injection) for a period of approximately 2-3 weeks. That is why it is customary to inject mesopreparations once a week, and biorevitalizants - usually once every 2-3 weeks. Such differences between mesopreparations and biorevitalizants affect not only the frequency, but also the required number of procedures.


Biorevitalization is recognized throughout the world as a highly safe procedure. However, it has an extremely small number of contraindications. Nevertheless, they exist and must be taken into account before undergoing the procedure. Biorevitalization is not carried out if:

  • serious dermatological diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • exacerbation of herpetic infection;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • exacerbations of inflammatory diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Women are not recommended to carry out the procedure before the 14th day of the cycle, as during this period there is an increase in sensitivity to pain and hormonal fluctuations. This may negatively affect the result.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid: rationale for effectiveness

Age, ultraviolet radiation, smoking and some other factors lead to gradual aging of the skin. All this leads to a gradual decrease in the activity of fibroblasts and the content of hyaluronic acid (HA) in the skin. A decrease in the activity of fibroblasts leads to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which allows the skin to be firm and elastic, and due to a decrease in the level of HA in the skin, its hydration decreases. As a result, the skin becomes drier and thinner, less elastic, and wrinkles appear.

According to the developers of the biorevitalization method, facial skin rejuvenation occurs by stimulating the activity of fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin. In addition, the skin’s production of its own HA, which allows it to be more hydrated, also depends on the activity of fibroblasts. For example, if at the age of up to 25 years fibroblasts work at 100%, then in people 25-35 years old their number and activity decrease to 75%, and at 35-45 years old - to 50%, and after 50 years or after menopause in at any age - their number and activity are no more than 25% (compared to young people).

Preparations with low molecular weight HA tend to stimulate angiogenesis and fibroblast function, but at the same time they do not moisturize the skin quite well, because Small HA chains are not able to hold many water molecules ( But high-molecular HA does not stimulate anything, but retains water well, thereby perfectly moisturizing the skin. Biorevitalizants with HA are indicated primarily for patients with finely wrinkled and tired types of aging, but their use in patients with deformational (edematous) type of aging will only lead to increased swelling and gravitational ptosis of soft tissues.

It is worth saying that now mesopreparations and biorevitalizants with hyaluronic acid are used in most cases by specialists thoughtlessly, because It is believed that the larger the HA, the better. But that's not true. The fact is that when carrying out frequent injections with HA, the latter not only stimulates the activity of fibroblasts or increases skin hydration. Frequent use leads to the activation of enzymes: 1) hyaluronidase - an enzyme that destroys endogenous hyaluronic acid produced by fibroblasts, 2) metalloproteinases - enzymes that destroy the intercellular matrix. Therefore, in fact, you should not do injections with HA more than once a month, and it is better to alternate them with other groups of drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Biorevitalization has a number of advantages that make it stand out from other cosmetic procedures. First of all, with its help it is possible to give the face freshness and the skin an inner glow. It allows you to improve the shape of your face, as well as reduce fine wrinkles, not artificially, but by restoring the structure of your own tissues. And since the method involves the use of hyaluronic acid natural to the skin, it is safe.

In general, the advantages of biorevitalization are considered:

  • natural renewal of skin cells and inhibition of aging processes naturally;
  • ease of preparation for the procedure;
  • speed of execution (biorevitalization requires no more than an hour);
  • minimal level of pain when administering hyaluronic acid preparations;
  • rapid skin restoration;
  • obtaining a visible result a week after 1-2 sessions and maintaining it for a long time;
  • a small number of absolute contraindications;
  • affordable price, especially in comparison with other cosmetic procedures that have a rejuvenating, moisturizing effect.

But biorevitalization also has certain disadvantages. First of all, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures to obtain a lasting, pronounced result.

The second drawback is largely due to the popularity of the procedure, which leads to the fact that today it is done even in beauty salons by “specialists” without medical education. In order for biorevitalization to be effective and safe, the specialist performing it must understand the structural features of different types of skin in different areas of the face, individually select the depth of drug administration and know which areas should be avoided. Only a certified cosmetologist who has received a full medical education can have such knowledge, since it is impossible to thoroughly understand the numerous features of the skin during short-term courses.

As a result of biorevitalization being carried out by non-professionals, who often are not even convinced that there are no contraindications to it, the frequency of unwanted effects sharply increases, not to mention the low effectiveness of the procedure. In some cases, patients even have to seek help from plastic surgeons after such procedures to eliminate the consequences of improper administration of hyaluronic acid. This is why you can find the most polarizing reviews about biorevitalization online, especially when treating the skin around the eyes.

You can only trust biorevitalization to a certified cosmetologist working in a medical center!

Thus, biorevitalization really has many advantages, and its only objective disadvantage is the need for periodic repetition. This, however, is typical for almost all cosmetic procedures. At the same time, it is a safe method of improving the condition of the skin, but only when performed by a qualified cosmetologist with a medical education.

Biorevitalization technique –

There are several injection techniques - nappage, papules, tubercles, as well as the linear-retrograde technique.
If all of them are used in mesotherapy, then when carrying out biorevitalization - everything except the “nappage” technique, which is associated with the inability of this technique to achieve deposition of the drug in the dermis. Before the biorevitalization procedure, superficial anesthesia of the skin is required using gels and creams containing from 5 to 12% of the anesthetic lidocaine. The cream is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes (under the film).

Papules (superficial or medium) –

This technique involves injections into the dermal layer of the skin, in such a way that at the site of each injection a “papule” will form, which looks like an elevation above the surface of the skin (Fig. 5). The size of the papules will depend on the volume of drug removed at each injection point. Papules can be small (micropapules), having a diameter of 1-2 mm, in which case injections are performed into the upper layers of the dermis. Each injection produces a volume of the drug of about 0.01-0.02 ml, the distance between papules is about 0.3 to 0.5 cm. Micropapules are usually made in areas with thin skin, for example, in the periorbital zone.

In areas with dense skin, papules are made of medium size - 3-4 mm in diameter, injecting 0.03-0.04 ml of the drug with each injection. The needle will penetrate into slightly deeper layers of the dermis, and the distance between papules should be about 1.5 cm. It should be noted that the larger the papules, the slower they will resolve. Usually papules disappear within 3 days, and in rare cases – up to 5-7 days. But if the doctor made medium-sized papules using a drug with partially stabilized hyaluronic acid (doctor’s mistake), then we can sympathize with you, because they will dissolve in about 3 weeks.

Superficial papules: video

Technique “tubercles” –

This technique has a big advantage, because... after it, the skin at the injection sites is practically invisible, and only traces of needle injections are visible. If with the “papules” technique injections are made with a needle placed at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface of the skin, and thus a drug depot is created in the upper or middle layers of the dermis, then with the “tubercles” technique - injections are made with a 4 mm needle at 45 degrees in the skin surface . Thus, the drug depot is created in the deeper layers of the dermis (at a depth of about 3 mm).

The distance between injections is 1.0 on the face, on the neck it is usually 1.5 cm. The disadvantage of this technique is that it is more difficult to control the volume of drug removal at each point.

Linear-retrograde technique –

This technique came from contouring, and most mesotherapists do not like it, because... technically it is the most difficult. However, it is also the most effective, and the same technique is also used for bioreinforcement of the face. If for previous techniques 4 mm needles are used, here they are 12-13 mm long. After injection, the needle is given a horizontal position, and it advances in the middle layers of the dermis parallel to the surface of the skin for its entire length. The drug is administered by retrograde movement of the needle backwards.

This technique is successfully used in the middle and lower thirds of the face - in the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, corners of the mouth, facial contours (strictly along massage lines), in the neck area, and also around the eyes. It allows you to reduce the number of needle injections several times, thereby reducing the rehabilitation period. Advancing the needle 13 mm into the dermis leads to more pronounced subdermal damage (than when using 4 mm needles), which means tissue regeneration will be more active. This means that collagen synthesis will increase not only due to the introduction of active substances, but also in response to damage.

Linear-retrograde technique: video

Important: the biorevitalization procedure itself will take about 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is treated with a chlorhexidine solution. However, the indicated time does not take into account the lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face and collar area, as well as the 15-20 minutes required to apply a special mask to the face, which will help minimize the visibility of needle injection marks and relieve redness.

Complications and risks

When performed correctly, facial biorevitalization extremely rarely leads to undesirable consequences. In some cases, the formation of microhematomas is possible, the risk of formation of which increases the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of the skin and some other features. The drugs can also cause allergic reactions. To avoid this, before introducing them, the cosmetologist must check how the body of a particular patient reacts to the chosen product and only in the absence of an allergic reaction proceeds to its introduction into the skin of the face.

If the injection technique or subsequent care is not followed, infection may occur. Also in such situations, other serious complications are possible, examples of which are abundant on the Internet.

Thus, whether biorevitalization is needed or not should be discussed with a cosmetologist. But you need to be scrupulous in choosing a doctor and contact only a specialist with a higher medical education. Only in this case can you count on getting a good result and no complications.

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Important: selection of drugs for biorevitalization

In practice, we most often encounter 2 types of skin aging. Firstly, a finely wrinkled type of aging, which appears already by the age of 30, and in the eye area even earlier. This type is characterized by thin, dehydrated skin and a large number of small expression wrinkles, especially in the eye area. For this type of aging, the use of hyaluronic acid (HA) is a priority. And if in young patients 25-30 years old it is still possible to use biorevitalizants containing only HA, then in patients 30-35 years old the biorevitalizant must already contain vitamins, microminerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.

In patients aged 35-40+ years with a fine wrinkled type, the biorevitalizant should preferably contain (in addition to the above components) nucleotides and matrikin peptides. The latter stimulate collagen synthesis. Moreover, after 30-35 years with this type of aging, in order to achieve a good effect, it is desirable to carry out in parallel 2-3 procedures of capillary mesotherapy of the face, neck, collar area with vascular / drainage drugs - to stimulate lymphatic drainage and blood supply to the skin.

But if patients of this type show symptoms of skin photoaging - such as hyperpigmentation and telangiectasia, then additionally vitamin C, antioxidants (glutathione, coenzyme Q10, thioctic acid), cysteine, lightening peptides will be needed. Vitamin C and antioxidants relieve oxidative stress that occurs when exposed to solar radiation. A drug with this composition will also be useful before going on vacation to hot countries.

Deformation type of aging - but the main type of aging of most Russian women is deformation (edematous). Such patients usually have dense skin, fairly few wrinkles, a large volume of soft tissues of the face due to interstitial edema of the subcutaneous fat, and also have pronounced nasolabial folds and jowls. This type of aging develops due to impaired venous outflow in the face and neck, and is provoked primarily by problems with the cervical spine. If such patients are given drugs with GC, this will further increase the swelling of the face and, as a result, gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues.

Therefore, in such patients, capillary mesotherapy (lymphatic drainage vascular injection) takes first place, as well as, according to indications, the use of lipolytics in the area of ​​fat pads of the face and double chin. During the first 2-3 visits, capillary mesotherapy can be carried out as a single procedure, or it can be combined immediately with the introduction of biorevitalizants. The latter, in case of deformation/edema type of aging, should contain DNA-RNA complexes, as well as vitamins (primarily vitamin C), amino acids, and peptides.

Why is “capillary mesotherapy” (vascular injection) needed?

It is impossible to achieve a pronounced biorevitalization effect (primarily with the deformation type of aging) without stimulating the blood supply to the skin and activating lymphatic drainage. This injection is carried out with vascular preparations “Artichoke”, “Gingko Biloba”, “Rutin + melito extract” or “GAG Complex DVL Capyl”. This is especially true for patients with ptosis, rosacea or complaints of facial swelling. In all these groups of patients, lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face and cervical-collar area should be done at least 4-5 times.

The volume of vascular preparations per procedure should be no more than 5 ml. First, the cervical-collar area is treated, then injections are made in the projection of the lymph nodes - the area of ​​the earlobes, the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the area of ​​the jugular fossa and clavicles, as well as in the submandibular area. After this, a series of injections are made along the massage lines of the face and the infraorbital area. In patients with a finely wrinkled type of aging, it is advisable to do 1-2 such vascular puncture procedures, but in patients with a deformational type of aging or patients over 45 years old, 5 or more procedures can be safely performed.

The combination of the drainage drug “Artichoke” with the vascular drug “Rutin + melito extract” will normalize venous outflow, activate lymphatic drainage and microcirculation. All this will remove interstitial edema of the subcutaneous fat, which will reduce the volume of soft tissues and the degree of gravitational ptosis, as well as the severity of the folds. If a patient is prescribed a course of several biorevitalization procedures, then each procedure begins first with a vascular puncture and only after that are injections of the biorevitalizant given. Or the first 2-3 procedures are done only by capillary mesotherapy + soft lipolytics on the face, and biorevitalizants are added only from the 4th procedure.

How is laser biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid performed?

The order of the session largely depends on the laser used and its characteristics.

The standard procedure includes three main steps:

  1. Cleansing facial skin, distributing gel with hyaluronic acid;
  2. Laser work on facial skin;
  3. Removing remaining gel. Additionally, you can apply a mask that will enhance the effect.

Since the type of laser determines the speed of delivery of hyaluronic acid deep into the skin, the second stage can last from 15 to 40 minutes.

For example, the device for laser biorevitalization of the face Vitalazer, like a number of other samples, can act both pulsed and continuously. The session is then divided into four stages:

  1. Cleansing facial skin and applying gel;
  2. The laser operates in pulse mode, hyaluronic acid enters the deep layers of the skin;
  3. The laser operates in continuous mode, hyaluronic acid creates large compounds in the skin, which ensure a longer-lasting effect of the procedure and moisturize the skin;
  4. Removing the remaining gel.

At the end of the session, the face looks great: there are no traces of injections, redness, swelling, bruises or papules. Thanks to this, laser biorevitalization of the face can be carried out at any time, even on weekdays, and without interrupting your business for a long time.

Since laser biorevitalization of the face does not injure the skin, the possibility of infection or the formation of hematomas is excluded. Hyaluronic acid spreads in a uniform layer, so there is no swelling.

Therefore, after completing a session of laser biorevitalization of the face, you do not need to take special care of your skin or refuse to use any cosmetics (care and decorative). You can safely visit the saunas, solarium, and gym.

Side effects do not occur if the patient has no contraindications for attending laser facial biorevitalization sessions, the equipment is in good working order, and the necessary precautions regarding working with the laser are observed (the eyes of the patient and the specialist are protected with special glasses).

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

How to choose a drug for biorevitalization -

Preparations for biorevitalization are currently produced by countless companies.
One of the main components for these purposes are hyaluronic acid (HA) molecules. Typically, the lifespan of chemically unmodified (unstabilized) HA molecules is only 24 to 48 hours. However, biorevitalizants are produced in the form of a viscous gel, which allows even unstabilized HA to be deposited for a slightly longer period, reducing the rate of its destruction. The properties of the drug are very dependent on the molecular weight of the HA chains. High molecular weight HA (from 1500 to 3300 kDa) moisturizes the skin well, but does not have a stimulating effect on fibroblasts. Low molecular weight HA has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts and angiogenesis, but rather weakly moisturizes tissues. At the same time, low-molecular HA is destroyed faster in the skin than high-molecular HA (unless, of course, it has been chemically modified). For example, the preparation “Ial-system ACP” contains stabilized low-molecular HA with a molecular size of 200 kDa.

According to the manufacturer, the degradation period of HA in this drug is 10 days, and given the size of the molecules, one can immediately understand that the drug mainly has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts, activating collagen synthesis in them, but the moisturizing effect of such a drug will be less pronounced than if we will use a drug with high molecular weight HA with a molecular size of, for example, 1800 kDa or more. Next we look at the percentage of HA content in the drug. For drugs with unstabilized HA, its optimal concentration is 1.8-2.0%, but if we are talking about drugs with stabilized HA, then 1.4% is enough.

Important: modern data suggests that preparations with hyaluronic acid should not be used more than once a month, because frequent administration of high concentrations of HA leads to - 1) increased production of the enzyme hyaluronidase, which accelerates the destruction of its own HA synthesized by fibroblasts, 2) enhances the activity of metalloprotease enzymes that destroy the intercellular matrix. Those. it turns out that you inject too much HA into the dermis, and the body reacts to this with a surge in the production of hyaluronidase, which will rapidly destroy not only the biosynthetic HA you introduce, but also its own endogenous HA produced by fibroblasts.

Therefore, it is worth using biorevitalizants with HA no more than once a month, alternating them, for example, with nucleotides. Or another option is to use biorevitalizants with stabilized HA, which has the property of gradually releasing chains of active hyaluronic acid without creating excessively high concentrations of active HA molecules in the tissues over a short period of time. Such drugs act gradually and over a longer period of time, and are usually administered once every 3-4 weeks. Examples of drugs are “Restylane Vital”, “Juvederm Hydrate”, “HyalRepair”, etc.

Mono-preparations with hyaluronic acid –

Below we give an example of the most famous monopreparations with hyaluronic acid. Please note that in any case it makes sense to take such drugs only up to 30-35 years of age. After this age, it is impossible to achieve good skin lifting or intensive rejuvenation using HA alone. More or less the effect will be noticeable only after a course of 4-5 procedures, and then only if your skin is in relatively poor condition. These drugs will not be particularly effective in case of photoaging, because These do not contain a complex of components to relieve oxidative stress.

  • Restylane Vital and Restylane Vital Light (Sweden) are the first biorevitalizants in which the technology of chemical modification of HA (i.e., its stabilization) was applied. The preparations contain only 2% and 1.2% hyaluronic acid, respectively, and are used in patients with finely wrinkled type of facial aging: Restylane Vital - for more mature skin, and Restylane Vital Light - to prevent aging of younger skin. Reviews: these drugs are of high quality, but their composition is outdated, and they are suitable for no more than the prevention of age-related changes, and then only with a stretch.
  • Juvederm Hydrate (USA) – contains 1.35% stabilized hyaluronic acid + antioxidant mannitol. The antioxidant is quite weak, so the drug is not very suitable for the treatment and prevention of photoaging. Reviews: in our opinion, Juvederm Hydrate should be used only for the prevention of aging in patients with fine wrinkles, and no older than 30 years. A course of at least 3-4 procedures performed once every 3 weeks will be more or less effective.
  • The drugs “Ial-system” and “Ial-system ACP” are a line of two biorevitalizants produced in Italy. The drug "Ial-system" contains 1.8% of unstabilized low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (molecule size only 200 kDa). Accordingly, its effect occurs quickly, but will not be too long-lasting, and besides, such a drug moisturizes the skin less - compared to drugs based on high molecular weight HA. Available in 0.6 or 1.1 ml syringes.
    The second drug is “Ial-system ACP”. Available in 1.0 ml syringes and containing 2% partially stabilized low molecular weight HA (molecule size also 200 kDa). According to the manufacturer's information, HA remains in the skin a little longer - about 10 days, but this, of course, is still significantly less than the above-mentioned drugs from other brands. Reviews: in our opinion, Ial system biorevitalization is optimal only for the prevention of aging in patients no older than 35 years.

Combined preparations with HA (cocktails) –

The group of these drugs is so numerous that we will present only one of the many options - the Revofil Aquashine line of affordable drugs (made in Korea). Available in 2.0 ml syringes.

  • Biorevitalizants Revofil Aquashine - the first option is “Aquashine”, containing unstabilized high molecular weight 1.5% HA, peptides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, coenzymes (56 components in total).
    In our opinion, it is better to use in patients 35+; it gives a good lifting effect when used as a course. The second option is “Aquashine BR”, which additionally adds peptides that lighten the skin, and therefore it is well suited for hyperpigmentation, for example, for aged skin 45+, as well as for the treatment and prevention of photoaging. “Aquashine BTX” – suitable for ages 30+. It also has a similar composition, but peptides are additionally added to it, the effect of which is similar to Botox®, i.e. smooth out small facial wrinkles. Aquashine biorevitalization reviews: these drugs are suitable for patients with moderate age-related changes. Not suitable for patients with deformational/edema type of aging.

Powerful biorevitalizants for aging skin –

If your age is 40-45+ and you need a noticeable lifting effect and reduction in the depth of wrinkles, then hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants alone are no longer enough. This requires nucleotides (DNA-RNA complexes), as well as peptides and growth factors. At this and even more so at an even more mature age, the dermis contains a significantly smaller number of fibroblasts, not to mention their activity. And if there are almost no fibroblasts, then there is nothing to stimulate. This is especially true for postmenopausal women.

  • Nucleotide-based drugs – an example is NucleoSpire DNA-RNA from Mesopharm®. It contains nucleotides in a concentration of 2% and is available in syringes of 1.3 and 2.0 ml. Reviews: the drug gives a delayed but pronounced lifting effect, stimulates collagen production, and is used to correct hyperpigmentation, chrono- and photoaging. Suitable for intensive rejuvenation, can be used periodically in patients 35+ and regularly after 40-45 years. Suitable also for patients with deformational (edematous) type of skin aging. A similar drug based on nucleotides is Plinest (Italy). These drugs do not work for young people.

  • “Meso-Wharton P199” - this drug contains not only nucleotides, vitamins (A, E, C, group B), trace elements and antioxidants, but also high molecular weight 1.5% hyaluronic acid (with a molecular size of 3300 kDa). This drug contains growth factors, as well as peptides that stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts and stem cells in the dermis, and also enhance the production of new collagen by fibroblasts. Not for deformation/edema type of aging.
  • The “HYALREPAIR” line – biorevitalizant “Hyalrepair -02” contains 1.4% stabilized HA, vitamin C and the main amino acids involved in collagen synthesis, these are proline, glycine and lysine. An excellent product for loose, finely wrinkled skin. The drug “Hyalrepair -04” - in addition to the same hyaluronic acid, contains vitamin C, glutathione and cysteine. This drug is well suited for the treatment of photoaging, copes well with the network of fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and rosacea. The course of these drugs usually consists of 3 procedures at intervals of 3 weeks.
  • “Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A” is a good biorevitalizant based on 1.8% unstabilized HA, with a large amount of antioxidants (vitamin C, glutathione, thioctic acid, coenzyme Q10), vitamin B5. This composition perfectly relieves oxidative stress after sun exposure, helps moisturize the skin, lighten hyperpigmentation and prevent its formation. Those. this drug is good for photoaging, optimal before and after vacation to hot countries. You can have 30+ regularly (and even 25+, but not often).

  • “Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex B” (Hydro Line Extra) is a good biorevitalizant also based on 1.8% unstabilized HA, contains 19 amino acids, all B vitamins, microminerals, and the antioxidant glutathione. If the previous drug is used for the prevention and treatment of photoaging (including at a moderately young age), then this drug is for aging skin and is intended to stimulate collagen production. Naturally, it is not as effective as Meso-Wharton P199, but it also costs 2 times less.

Important : for aging skin, only a course of biorevitalization (from 3 to 7 procedures) can give a good effect. Most often, the course is carried out not with one particular drug, but with a combination of several, and their choice for each woman will be individual.

What not to do after mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a real miracle of modern cosmetology. The procedure is used to treat and prevent age-related changes and normalize hair growth. Mesotherapy can restore youth to the skin, get rid of unaesthetic defects, and reveal the potential of the skin inherent in nature. But in order to fully enjoy the results of the procedure and not cause complications, you need to know what not to do after mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy involves the correction of age-related changes by introducing under the skin cocktails of active substances - hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, acids, phospholipids. Almost all of them are present in creams and serums, but are not able to penetrate the skin as deeply as with mesotherapy. The procedure allows you to deliver nutritional components to all areas of the skin where they are lacking. On average, a course of mesotherapy ranges from 5 to 10 injections. Mesotherapy:

  • removes scars and scars
  • eliminates spider veins
  • fights acne and post-acne
  • restores skin elasticity and tone
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • evens out the relief and complexion, etc.

And although mesotherapy is a safe procedure, injection manipulations are still third-party interference in the natural processes of the body. To avoid negative consequences, you should know what you can’t do after mesotherapy and for how long.

How long does the effect of mesotherapy last?

Mesotherapy is a procedure with a cumulative effect. But the results of the injection are visible almost immediately. For example, if the procedure is performed in the morning, then by the evening changes are visible - the skin becomes fresher and more rested, elastic and radiant. A full course of mesotherapy will help get rid of significant skin defects. The basic course often consists of 5 procedures, carried out once a week. The procedure must be repeated regularly. And if you adhere to the right lifestyle and use home care products selected by a cosmetologist, the effect of mesotherapy will last up to 1.5 years.

How does mesotherapy affect hair?

Mesotherapy is an effective way to stop hair loss. Injections of nutrients will help get rid of excessive dryness or oiliness of the scalp. A cocktail of vitamins and amino acids directly affects the hair follicle. That is why mesotherapy is a powerful tool for influencing hair growth. Mesotherapy for hair can:

  • eliminate hair loss
  • activate hair growth, awaken new follicles
  • improve vascular tone of the head
  • strengthen follicles
  • normalize scalp nutrition
  • eliminate brittleness and dullness of hair
  • remove signs of seborrhea
  • improve hair structure along the entire length
  • prevent early gray hair
  • increase hair thickness

What should not be done after hair mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is also effective against hair diseases. A cocktail of vitamins and amino acids has a targeted effect - it stimulates hair growth, improves its structure, eliminates hair loss, etc.

But for the procedure to be truly effective, you need to carefully prepare for it. For a few days, it is recommended to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting. 2-3 days before the procedure you should not drink alcohol. Preparation includes avoiding active sports, visiting bathhouses and saunas a couple of days before the procedure.

What not to do after hair mesotherapy:

  • Carry out staining within a week - you need to wait until all injection sites have healed.
  • Do not wash your hair on the day of the procedure
  • stay in direct sun for several days
  • visit the swimming pool and sauna
  • drink alcoholic beverages

What should not be done before mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a procedure that does not require specific preparation. But, as with any injection manipulation, there are restrictions on what cannot be done before and after mesotherapy:

  • Drink alcoholic beverages (2-3 days before)
  • Be in direct sunlight (3-5 days)
  • Take blood thinning medications (2 days before)
  • Drink coffee and energy drinks (2-3 hours before)

Why is mesotherapy dangerous?

Mesotherapy is a safe procedure. For injections, only certified drugs approved by the Ministry of Health are used. But, like any injection procedure, mesotherapy causes skin reactions that quickly pass. Minor bruising and swelling after the procedure are a normal reaction of the body to injections. The administration of drugs may cause minor pain and redness at the injection sites.

Within a few days after mesotherapy, the following effects are possible:

  • Erythema. Local redness of the skin, which disappears 14 days after the procedure. This condition is not dangerous to health and is purely a cosmetic defect.
  • Microtraumas. Minor swelling may occur at the injection sites, which should not be masked with decorative cosmetics.

To avoid negative consequences, you should know that after facial mesotherapy you cannot:

  • Use decorative cosmetics. It clogs pores, provokes inflammation and allergies. After mesotherapy, in the first days you should refrain from using new cosmetics so as not to provoke allergic reactions.
  • Touch your face with your hands immediately after the procedure. The skin after the procedure is sensitive and vulnerable. Bacteria can penetrate the pores of the skin through your fingers, causing serious dermatological problems.
  • Wash your face during the first 6-7 hours. Washing can cause inflammation and irritation. It is better to wash your face in the evening using filtered water without gels or foams.
  • Take blood thinners. They can increase swelling.

Do not forget about contraindications to mesotherapy:

  • vascular diseases
  • skin diseases
  • chronic inflammation
  • oncology
  • bleeding disorder

You should inform your cosmetologist in advance about existing pathologies.

Is it possible to do facial cleansing after mesotherapy?

Care after mesotherapy is the most important part of skin rejuvenation. The list of “what not to do after mesotherapy” does not include facial cleansing. On the contrary, this procedure is actively carried out after mesotherapy. Injections of hyaluronic acid and vitamins are usually performed after chemical and mechanical peels or as preparation for these procedures.

But it is important to correctly observe the intervals between mesotherapy and cleansing, and the sequence of procedures. The interval depends on the depth of peeling and the individual characteristics of the patient.

According to the rules, facial cleansing is carried out first (1-2 weeks in advance), and only then rejuvenation procedures are performed. After cleansing and peeling, the skin's metabolic processes and ability to regenerate are normalized. Such prepared skin is best suited for mesotherapy. But it is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to carry out cleaning and peeling during the period until the injection sites have healed.

How many days should you not drink alcohol after mesotherapy?

Alcohol is an undesirable component of any diet. But in particular it is prohibited after mesotherapy. Why can’t you drink after mesotherapy?

Various vitamins and hyaluronic acid are injected into the deep layers of the skin by injection. All these substances do not combine well with vasodilating drinks. And the effects of alcohol on the skin with regular use are especially adverse:

  • Alcohol causes dehydration. And first of all, the subcutaneous tissue loses moisture - the skin becomes dry and lifeless.
  • Alcohol destroys vitamins C and E, which are responsible for collagen synthesis and skin elasticity.
  • Alcohol causes swelling, reduces skin tone, and leads to sagging contours.

Not only should you not drink alcohol after mesotherapy, but also before it. When preparing for the procedure, you need to know not only how much you should not drink after mesotherapy, but also how many days to give up alcohol before the procedure. Before mesotherapy, it is better not to drink alcohol for a week, or even a month.

Excessive alcohol consumption before the procedure can cause:

  • Traumatic effect. After the procedure, alcohol will cause swelling and redness at the injection sites, which will last for about 3 days. Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, skin reactions become more profound.
  • Dilated vessels. The meso cocktail will not concentrate in a certain zone, its concentration will decrease.

After mesotherapy, you should not drink alcohol for several more weeks. If mesotherapy is carried out as a course, it is recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages for the entire period of treatment. Only in this case can you count on visible skin rejuvenation.

Is it possible to smoke after mesotherapy?

After mesotherapy, you should not only drink alcohol, but also smoke. Why? The answer is on the surface. Skin restoration does not occur autonomously, but depends on the general condition of the person. The body needs time to recover after mesotherapy. Smoking, on the contrary, slows down the regeneration processes of the skin.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after mesotherapy?

After the procedure, any heating of the skin is contraindicated. Therefore, after mesotherapy you cannot go to the sauna, bathhouse, or even take a hot shower. You should refrain from eating hot and spicy foods.

Why can’t you go to the bathhouse after mesotherapy? When the skin is heated, hyaluronic acid, microelements and vitamins are removed from it. The procedure loses its effectiveness. All warming procedures will make mesotherapy useless - the components of the injections will not have time to act and are quickly eliminated from the body. Intense sweating, which cannot be protected from in a bathhouse, provokes the development of inflammatory foci.

How many days after mesotherapy can you not go to the bathhouse? For at least 2-3 days.

Can I have a massage after mesotherapy?

After mesotherapy, massages, friction, and contact with other surfaces are prohibited - they interfere with the absorption of the nutritional components of the mesococktail. After the procedure, it is not recommended to sleep with your face in a pillow, or to rub your face vigorously with a towel or hands. Even light touches can trigger inflammatory reactions.

Massage should be avoided until the skin is completely restored. It is recommended to do the massage at least 3 days after the mesotherapy, when all the components have time to penetrate the skin cells.

Is it possible to sunbathe after mesotherapy?

After fractional mesotherapy, you should not sunbathe or visit a solarium. Any increase in temperature stimulates the formation of melanin, which negatively affects the condition of the epidermis after mesotherapy - dryness occurs, inflammatory processes start in the deep layers of the dermis, pigment spots form, and redness increases.

Is it possible to play sports after mesotherapy?

After mesotherapy you cannot play sports. And there are three reasons for this:

  • Heavy sweat formation. Stimulates the appearance of inflammatory foci.
  • Increased body temperature. It disrupts regeneration and enhances the release of meso-cocktail through the pores.
  • Intense blood circulation. Slows down the outflow of fluid, which causes swelling and redness. As a result, the components of the cocktail are absorbed worse.

How long after mesotherapy you can’t play sports is calculated individually. But, as a rule, the restriction lasts about a week.

Biorevitalization: price for 1 procedure

How much biorevitalization of the face and neck costs will depend on the cost of the chosen drug, as well as the amount of the clinic’s markup. In most clinics the markup is +150-200% of the cost of the drug. Private cosmetologists usually have a markup of +100%. For the biorevitalization technique, the cost of 1 procedure in mid-price clinics will be (for 2022) –

Biorevitalization procedure: pricerub.
Restylane Vital – 1.0 ml Restylane Vital (injector) – 2.0 ml11 000 17 000
Restylane Vital Light – 1.0 ml Restylane Vital Light (injector) – 2.0 ml10 000 16 000
Juvederm Hydrate – 1.0 ml9000
IAL-System – 1.1 ml IAL-System ACP – 1.0 ml9500 10 500
NucleoSpire DNA-RNA line – 2.0 ml8000
“HyalRepair” line – 1.5 ml9000
Meso-Wharton P199 – 1.5 ml13 000
Aquashine – 2.0 ml Aquashine BR – 2.0 ml Aquashine BTX – 2.0 ml9 500 9 500 11 000

The purchase price for cosmetology clinics for Restylane Vital and Vital Light is about 5,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Juvederm Hydrate – 4,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Aquashine – about 3,500 rubles (for 2.0 ml) etc. But you must understand that the cost of the service includes anesthesia, consumables, and the cost of a special regenerating mask, which must be applied to the face after the procedure. Don’t forget about office rent, employee salaries, taxes, reimbursement of specialist training costs, etc.

→ Cost of facial mesotherapy procedures → Cost of hair mesotherapy

Indications for biorevitalization

The procedure is recommended for:

  • dry or dehydrated skin as a result of the negative effects of environmental factors, such as wind, frost, ultraviolet radiation, smoking;
  • natural age-related changes, accompanied by the formation of small wrinkles, including facial wrinkles, jowls, swelling, bags under the eyes, etc.;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased skin pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes;
  • swelling of the face;
  • acne, lumpy skin;
  • deterioration of skin tone;
  • depletion of the skin after laser resurfacing, deep chemical peeling, plastic surgery and other traumatic procedures.

For acne, biorevitalization will be effective only if it is not caused by hormonal changes or metabolic disorders.

Facial biorevitalization: before and after photos, effect

You will have great difficulty finding real photos before and after biorevitalization, because... Cosmetology clinics post only cases of the most successful procedures, or simply take photographs of patients after hardware rejuvenation techniques, passing them off as biorevitalization procedures. The following 2 photos are from an independent clinical study. Each patient was administered 2.0 ml of Restylane Vital during 1 procedure. The course of treatment consisted of three procedures done with an interval of 4 weeks.

Biorevitalization: before and after photos (course with HA mono-drug)

As you can see: the effect of therapy with a mono-drug of hyaluronic acid in patients aged 35 and 46 years is either minimal or not noticeable at all. As we said above, patients over 30 years old need other drugs containing vitamins, amino acids, microminerals, antioxidants, and 40-45+ also nucleotides, peptides and growth factors. What do you think: will patient reviews for such facial biorevitalization be positive? It is unlikely that cosmetology clinics will post such photographs.

Example No. 2 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Victoria Petrovskaya. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures, once every 2 weeks. At the beginning of each procedure, lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”, then “Hydro Line P-Anti-wrinkles formula” - for the periorbital area, and “Hydro Line Peptide formula” - for all other areas of the face. Photos were taken after the second procedure. Those. Each procedure used the same 3-drug regimen.

Example No. 3 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist A.Yu. Voropaeva. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures, once every 10-14 days. At the beginning of each procedure, lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”. Then, different biorevitalizants were used in each procedure -

  1. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"

  2. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  3. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"
  4. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%".

Example No. 4 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Irina Pyagai. The patient underwent a course of 8 procedures, once every 10 days. At the beginning of each procedure, lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”. Different biorevitalizants were used in different procedures -

  1. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"

  2. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex B formula",
  3. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  4. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex B formula",
  5. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  6. 7. 8. procedures – “Nucleospire DNA-RNA 1% DM Peptide formula”.

Benefits of biorevitalization

  • Firstly, the quality of the skin, especially mature skin, noticeably improves, this is visible and felt almost immediately: the skin seems to fit more tightly, a pleasant feeling. And after another two weeks, it becomes noticeably more elastic and full, acquiring a healthy, radiant appearance.
  • Secondly, biorevitalization not only provides a positive cosmetic effect (of course, in the absence of allergies to drugs and contraindications), but also rehabilitates tired skin and prevents aging at the cellular level.
  • Thirdly, the cost of the procedures, although not cheap, is affordable for many. New generations of drugs are emerging that are inexpensive and effective.

Does this mean that there are no negative consequences after biorevitalization? No, because this is still a medical intervention. But negative consequences most often arise due to our own neglect of safety rules and/or the recommendations of a cosmetologist. These rules are not so complicated, they are not difficult to follow.

Biorevitalization of the face: reviews from doctors and patients

Over the past 10 years, the composition of drugs for mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face has changed dramatically, and if earlier it was impossible to achieve express lifting, reducing the depth of wrinkles, and increasing collagen production, now this has become a reality. Of course, mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid can already be considered the last century of cosmetology. They are best used primarily in patients with a fine-wrinkled type of aging under the age of 25-30 years, who do not yet require intensive rejuvenation.

For patients with fine-wrinkle type of aging 30+, in addition to hyaluronic acid, vitamins (especially vitamin C), B vitamins, antioxidants that protect against photoaging, amino acids proline, glycine and lysine are very important to stimulate collagen production, cysteine ​​is to correct hyperpigmentation. Further 40-45+, peptides, nucleotides, and growth factors that stimulate collagen production are added to the above. Remember that it is better not to use HA more than once a month, i.e. you need to combine and alternate different drugs.

An important point - remember that in patients with deformational (edematous) type of aging, the use of HA, especially its high concentrations, will only aggravate swelling and deformation of the face, and increase gravitational ptosis. In such patients, it is very important to carry out capillary mesotherapy in the amount of 4-5 procedures, and to use preparations with nucleotides, peptides, amino acids, and vitamins as biorevitalizants. The use of GC in such patients is possible only in small concentrations of 0.3-0.5% and only at the final stage of treatment.

Let us say right away that there are very few qualified mesotherapists. Most people just want to quickly inject the patient with 1.0-2.0 ml of biorevitalizant and earn money. Almost no one is engaged in activating lymphatic drainage and blood supply to the skin of the face. That is why many patients have negative reviews of biorevitalization. They say it's expensive and the effect doesn't last long.

Bioreparation and biorevitalization: differences

Recently, in advertising of injection procedures for rejuvenation, the terms “bioreparation” and “biorestructuring” can increasingly be found. It’s just that each manufacturing company is trying to differentiate itself from others, and therefore they introduce new and new terms. Essentially, the term bioreparation means “restoration.” In my opinion, speaking objectively, bioremedies include preparations with nucleotides (DNA-RNA complexes), regulatory peptides and growth factors.

Non-injection biorevitalization: reviews

The administration of medicinal substances can also be carried out using a non-injection method - by pulsed iontophoresis. The fact is that the permeability of the skin for molecules of large molecular weight (hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins) is minimal, and in order to somehow increase it, pulsed discharges of weak electric current are used. A biorevitalizant solution is first applied to the skin. The procedure lasts about 45 minutes. The course consists of 6-8 procedures over 2 weeks. A repeat course is carried out after half a year.

Reviews for non-injection biorevitalization are mostly negative, which is due to the low efficiency of the method and the inability to introduce therapeutically effective concentrations of active substances into the skin. On the other hand, this technique reduces the risk of developing an infection and also eliminates the possibility of scars appearing at the site of skin punctures with a needle, which happens in patients with a tendency to ankylosis.

Before the first procedure, a microdermabrasion session must be performed, or one of the special enzyme masks must be applied. This will remove superficial dead skin cells and increase skin permeability to medicinal components. We hope that our article on the topic: Biorevitalization of the face before and after, effect, reviews – turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional

, 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Aesthetic mesotherapy” (Tochinova N.A.).

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