What can and cannot be done after cleaning by a cosmetologist?

  • 96895
  • 12-08-2021
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Skin imperfections need to be eliminated using a comprehensive method, providing cleansing, nutrition and care. Facial cleansing is an effective weapon for a cosmetologist in the fight for the client’s beauty.

The most popular cleaning methods are: manual, vacuum, laser and ultrasonic. With any, even the most gentle cleansing, the top layer of skin suffers. If proper care is not provided after the procedure, undesirable reactions and complications may occur.

Facial skin care after cleansing

Each body reacts differently to external stimuli. The keratinized top layer, to some extent, protects the skin from harmful external factors. After active cleansing of the face, the skin becomes more sensitive and, at first, is unable to withstand the effects of irritants.

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To ensure that facial cleansing does not cause complications, you need to follow general care recommendations :

  • In the first 24 hours after the procedure, it is recommended not to touch the skin or expose it to chemical or mechanical influence. During this period, the face is especially sensitive to any factor;
  • You should not cleanse your skin with alcohol-containing products, as they greatly dry the skin and cause discomfort during the rehabilitation period. Alcohol can only be used to treat local areas for disinfection, for example, wounds or open pimples;
  • During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to rinse your face in a decoction of medicinal herbs. It is better to use soothing mixtures with: chamomile, calendula, plantain, St. John's wort, etc.;
  • For the next few days after the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face only in water with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar. It is more useful to replace ordinary water with mineral or melt water. There are many impurities in tap water that can become an additional irritant for the face;
  • After cleansing, the skin needs intensive hydration, so the cream must be applied 1-2 times a day;
  • Make nourishing and soothing face masks several times a week. It is best to use homemade masks rather than store-bought ones. It is better to add fruit pulp, chicken yolk, honey, etc. to the mixture.

If you follow these rules, then after active exposure to the top layer of skin, your face will not feel stressed and will recover faster. Below are more detailed recommendations corresponding to the method of facial cleansing.

After mechanical cleaning

Mechanical (manual) facial cleansing is an effective method of combating open and closed comedones. The procedure has a number of pros and cons that need to be considered before undergoing the procedure.

Despite its obvious effectiveness, the method is quite traumatic. Scarring may occur, which may be more difficult to deal with than acne. Only an experienced cosmetologist will ensure safe cleansing.

After the procedure, you should adhere to a number of rules :

  • After cleaning, open wounds can become infected, so good hygiene must be observed. You can touch your face only in extreme cases; a large number of microbes accumulate on your hands throughout the day, which can penetrate the skin;
  • During rehabilitation, you need to make compresses from soothing ingredients. You can also wipe your face with ice cubes. This will help narrow blood vessels, get rid of swelling and redness;
  • In order to get rid of oil on the skin, it is necessary to use alcohol-free lotions or a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconade;
  • Problem areas should be treated twice a day with Metrogyl gel. For faster healing, it is recommended to use aloe juice or products based on it;
  • In order to reduce sebum secretion and speed up tissue regeneration, it is worth making masks from cosmetic clay;
  • You should not use scrubs and brushes, as this will damage sensitive skin. Also, it is better not to use foundation for the first day;
  • For a couple of days after the procedure, it is better to avoid visiting baths, saunas and swimming pools, and also avoid active tanning and solariums.

With proper care, the skin recovers within 5-7 days.

After ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a painless procedure that includes a minimum rehabilitation period. Compared to manual and vacuum cleaning, hardware cleaning is considered more gentle.

Before cleansing, the skin does not need to be steamed, which greatly simplifies the procedure, saves time and reduces the risk of infection in the tissue. The hardware procedure cleanses the pores of impurities and sebum, dead skin cells and clogged sebaceous glands. Ultrasound cleanses the skin without stretching, squeezing or disrupting the epidermis.

Caring for your skin after ultrasonic cleaning is quite simple, you just need to follow these rules :

  • Do not wash your face for 24 hours after the procedure;
  • Do not use tap water, only mineral water. Use cleansers that do not contain alcohol and have a neutral pH;
  • To remove sebum, wipe your face with tonic and lotion (also without alcohol);
  • Several times a week, make homemade masks that relieve inflammation and swelling. The following ingredients are recommended: clay, raw potatoes, oatmeal, honey. Prepared masks cannot be stored for more than a few hours, so before each procedure you need to prepare a fresh mixture;
  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF factor. Direct sunlight will cause pigmentation on the skin.

With proper cleaning and hygiene, the procedure does not cause complications.

However, there are a large number of contraindications to its use. Before ultrasonic cleaning, you should definitely consult your doctor.

After vacuum cleaning

To clean the skin with this method, a device is used that creates a vacuum . A drainage pipe is applied to the face, through which the impurities on the face are drawn out. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes and is considered painless. Vacuum cleaning is similar in action to mechanical cleaning, but has its pros and cons.

During the procedure, with the help of vacuum, skin metabolism and blood circulation are improved. Cleansing does not take much time - about 20 minutes. But, compared to a manual procedure, cleaning will not provide deep cleansing of comedones and milia.

In order to speed up the rehabilitation period after cleaning, you need to follow the following rules :

  • Provide nutrition and hydration to the skin. It is necessary to use creams and homemade masks daily. You should choose products according to your skin type and age;
  • Protect your skin from the sun using creams with SPF factor. If necessary, you can use Panthenol;
  • In the first couple of days after cleansing, it is better to avoid harsh scrubs and peelings;
  • It is also better not to injure your skin by visiting a bathhouse, sauna or solarium.

Vacuum facial cleansing is an effective procedure that is useful even for those who do not suffer from acne or enlarged pores. In order for cleaning to give only positive results, you need to ensure that there are no contraindications.

After laser cleaning

Laser facial cleansing is an effective procedure that is completely painless.

Using a laser device, a beam of the required purity and temperature is adjusted, which, when it hits the dermis, cleanses it deeply and for a long time. The damaged layer of skin is completely removed, eliminating problems such as age spots, acne, comedones, etc. The procedure also has a rejuvenating effect: crow's feet under the eyes are reduced, small wrinkles are smoothed out and other signs of aging disappear.

The recovery period after cleaning is short. In the absence of unforeseen complications, after 4-5 days all traces of the intervention disappear. For several days after surgery, you must follow the recommendations :

  • Limit exposure to bright sunlight, wind or frost. External irritants can reduce the effect of brushing;
  • You should not visit a bathhouse, sauna or solarium, as high temperatures during rehabilitation are especially harmful to the skin;
  • It is recommended to moisturize the skin with cream or masks;
  • Eat as many vitamins as possible.

Within a week after laser cleaning, the skin will look much more beautiful, cleaner and younger.

Is it possible to sunbathe after peeling?

After exfoliation, a certain period of time must pass for the skin to recover before it can be safely exposed to the sun.

How long you should not sunbathe after facial skin peeling depends on the type of procedure:

  1. Superficial or mechanical. After these types of exfoliation, the epidermis is cleansed without changing the structure of the skin, so you can sunbathe within two days.
  2. Medium or deep. These types of peeling rebuild the internal processes in the facial skin, resulting in the complete elimination of the stratum corneum and the activation of collagen production. You can start sunbathing after finishing the course of medium or deep peeling no earlier than two weeks later.
  3. Chemical. Cleansing occurs due to various acids, helps fight dermatological problems of the epidermis and is most often prescribed to women in adulthood. After chemical peeling, you should not be in the open sun for two weeks to two months - the period depends on the duration of the exfoliation course.
  4. Laser. The hardware technique is used in spring or autumn and is characterized by deep cleansing of the epidermis. The duration of the regeneration period before the first tan is from two weeks to a month.

It is recommended to ask your cosmetologist for the exact date of stopping tanning after completing the peeling course. During the restoration of the skin, you need to regularly treat your face with sunscreen with a high SPF content before going outside.

In the future, you should start sunbathing a little at a time, increasing your time in the sun every day. After each sunbath, it is recommended to use moisturizers - this will help speed up the process of skin restoration at the cellular level.

What should you not do after cleansing your face?

In order not to harm the skin immediately after cleansing, you need to isolate yourself from seven things :

  • Baths and saunas. If the face was steamed before the procedure, then additional heating and sweat that will come out during the process will get into the wounds, which can cause inflammation;
  • Face massage. After cleaning, you should not subject your skin to additional mechanical stress. Redness and smudges may form on the face. Also, the skin may remain in a deformed state and the cells will experience stress;
  • Washing. Tap water and chemicals used for cleansing dry the skin and act as an additional irritant;
  • Pilling. After cleansing, the skin has already lost the stratum corneum, so there is simply no need to use them for several days. Peeling and scrub have an intense irritating effect on the skin, which should be avoided during rehabilitation;
  • A tan. After the procedure, vulnerable cells remain on the skin, which can easily be burned by direct sunlight;
  • Squeezing pimples. If rashes remain after the procedure or new ones have formed, under no circumstances squeeze them out. The infection will definitely get into open wounds and there will only be more of them;
  • Makeup. After cleansing, you need to allow your skin to breathe, especially in the first 24 hours after the procedure.

If you do not violate this list of prohibitions, the result of the procedure will only be positive.

Allowed peelings before tanning

Gentle exfoliation is approved for use the day before tanning. The most effective recipes:

  1. Peeling with salt. Combine 1 tbsp. l. salt with 2 tbsp. l. peach oil Rub the resulting composition into the skin with smooth movements for ten minutes, then wash with warm water and pat your face with a towel.
  2. Cleanse with avocado and almonds. Grind 100 gr. nut and add to the softened overripe fruit, rub into the skin for a couple of minutes, remove the residue with a damp cloth.
  3. Exfoliation with flaxseeds. Pour 1 tbsp. l. flaxseeds, wait until a thick paste forms. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. maximally crushed flax seeds. Apply to face using a soft sponge, rub in for 3 minutes, rinse with water.

Any of the above procedures should be carried out after preliminary cleansing and moisturizing the skin.

Side effects

The greater the impact on the skin, the greater the potential complications. Therefore, the main side effects appear after manual therapy.

After cleansing, the following most often appear :

  • Redness. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the redness will subside on its own within a few hours;
  • Red spots. The reasons for this effect may vary. Most often this occurs due to damage to the vessel or lack of moisture in the body;
  • Pimples. They can occur if an infection was introduced during the procedure. Most often they occur during manual or vacuum cleaning. Also, new rashes may occur if contraindications are ignored. For example, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, menstrual cycle, etc.;
  • Edema. If your face swells a little after the procedure, this is a normal reaction that goes away the next day. Otherwise, large swelling may cause an allergic reaction. It is necessary to consult a doctor;
  • Bruises or bleeding. Appear as a result of mechanical damage, often after manual or vacuum cleaning;
  • Burns. This adverse reaction can occur after inappropriate laser or ultrasonic facial cleansing. Individual intolerance may also be the cause;
  • Allergic reaction. Each organism is unique, so hypersensitivity to the drugs used during cleansing is possible.

Most side effects disappear within a few days after the procedure. You should sound the alarm and go to the doctor if:

  • Areas of bright red color appear on the skin. This is a consequence of a chemical burn;
  • Small purulent pimples and itching on the skin. The main cause of these symptoms is intolerance to the products used in the process, as well as an allergy to sunscreen;
  • If too greasy products were used during manual cleansing, subcutaneous acne may form, which is very difficult to remove.

If there are complications, you should not postpone going to the doctor, since the more time passes, the more difficult it is to solve the current situation.

Types of cleanings

Fortunately, there are quite enough of them to choose the one that suits your specific skin type.

So, the options:

  1. Mechanical facial cleansing.
  2. Manual or manual cleaning.
  3. Brossage.
  4. Vacuum.
  5. Using chemical peeling.
  6. Ultrasonic cleaning method.

It would be correct to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of each procedure in advance.

For example, not everyone knows that not all girls are allowed to brossage . It is absolutely contraindicated for women with very sensitive and delicate skin.

How to avoid side effects and negative consequences?

To avoid an adverse reaction, first of all you need to choose a good specialist . The beauty salon must be equipped with materials and equipment that ensure the sterility of the procedure. You should not use the services of a beauty salon that offers a price much lower than the market price.

It is necessary to follow all necessary recommendations for care after cleansing your face, and also not to violate the prohibitions. Special attention should be paid to moisturizing the skin and protecting it from external factors.

Before the procedure, you need to check your health for contraindications :

  • Exacerbations of skin diseases;
  • Increased skin sensitivity;
  • Asthma;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • The presence of wounds or lesions on the skin, as well as papillomas and burns;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Decreased tone and deterioration of skin turgor;
  • Menstrual cycle;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

The number of contraindications depends on the method of facial cleansing. Before choosing, be sure to consult a cosmetologist who will select exactly the procedure that is suitable for your age and skin type.


You already know what you should not do after cleansing your face and how to care for your skin after manipulation, depending on the type of procedure. If everything is done correctly, the recovery period will be short, without visible side effects or complications.

Experts recommend performing cosmetic procedures exclusively in specialized institutions. If mechanical and partially vacuum cleaning are relatively simple manipulations that do not require special knowledge, then other hardware procedures are very specific.

Today, the beauty industry market offers a lot of portable devices for home use. If you still decide to do the procedure yourself, consult a specialist before doing so. He will be able to conduct diagnostics, determine the range of contraindications, and give practical advice both on the procedure itself and on care after it.

Once again we draw your attention! The effect of cleaning depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist, adherence to post-care rules, good mood and the desire to improve your appearance.

Cosmetology procedures at home

The ReadySkin Glory device is a high-tech development from a South Korean brand, created for comprehensive skin care.
Many cosmetic procedures today can be performed independently at home. This is possible thanks to modern household devices for beauty and healthy skin. Using such a device, you will make the most effective skin care methods regular, saving both money and personal time.

Nowadays the market for beauty gadgets offers the most modern portable ultrasound devices for skin cleansing. If you use the device correctly and carry out a course of procedures, you will get a positive result that is not inferior to the effect of salon procedures.

To achieve a good, long-lasting result, you need to carefully approach the choice of device - it is worth studying user reviews, information about the manufacturer and the technologies used.

The ReadySkin Glory device received many positive recommendations . This is a high-tech development from a South Korean brand, created for comprehensive skin care. The model is distinguished by extensive functionality, an affordable price (on sale - only 2,690 rubles), simple and convenient controls.

The device has different operating modes, so with just one gadget you can carry out 5 different procedures:

  • ultrasonic cleaning – removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, cleanses pores of impurities and comedones;
  • disincrustation – effective in the fight against acne, inflammation, early signs of aging;
  • microcurrent lifting – increasing muscle tone and skin elasticity;
  • Ultrasonic massage – stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, making the skin smooth and tightened;
  • iontophoresis - ions, together with cosmetics, penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the active components of the preparations. This provides a lasting moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin.

ReadySkin Glory operates with an ultrasound frequency of 25 kHz - a value as close as possible to what is used in devices of professional beauty salons. It is with this frequency that ultrasound affects the deep layers of the epidermis and activates the work of cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin in tissues.

The device contains a battery that provides up to 1.5 hours of wireless operation. The device is lightweight and compact, making it convenient to take on any trip.

What devices are used for ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning devices are designed in small sizes with the simplest possible operation. First, the skin of the face needs to be covered with a thin layer of a special gel, and then only use the device.

The design of the device has a small metal blade. Ultrasonic waves generated by the scriber pass through the skin and restore problem areas. How does the cleansing process work:

  1. A special gel heats up and softens the skin.
  2. The bonds between the layers of tissue are destroyed.
  3. Ultrasound removes contaminants.

Ultrasound devices are divided into two types:

  1. Professional. Models are often used by specialists in cosmetology centers. The devices are equipped with a wide list of options, but the price is correspondingly more expensive. Often, professional models are used by specialists in cosmetology centers.
  2. Portable. Used by users at home. The models are small and easy to use. The peculiarity of portable developments is their low price. However, the range of functions is significantly less than that of professional devices. Portable models are ideal for timely cleaning and restoration of the epidermis.

The devices have technical characteristics that affect the operation and the final cleaning result. What it is recommended to pay attention to when purchasing:

  • Power. The parameter affects the distance at which ultrasonic waves penetrate the skin layers. The power must be selected individually for each type of epidermis.
  • Convenience. During the procedure, the specialist holds the device at an angle, as a result of which the hand quickly gets tired. It is recommended to choose models that fit comfortably in your hand.
  • Number of modes. Most devices are equipped with two operating modes: continuous and pulsed. The first is designed for facial peeling, the second for massage.
  • Functional. Before purchasing, it is recommended to look at the list of functions that the model is equipped with.
  • Manufacturer. You need to choose high-quality devices whose manufacturers have received a certificate and a guarantee for their products.
  • Price. In most cases, the price depends on the technology of the device. First you need to look at the technical characteristics of the device, and then pay attention to the cost of the product. Often, high-quality developments have a medium to high price tag. The average price of models is 5,000 rubles.
  • Material and assembly of the product. Low quality models will not only not cleanse the skin, but will also harm human health.

Before purchasing a device, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

Face masks that will replace a trip to the cosmetologist

If there are contraindications and a visit to a cosmetologist is impossible, do not despair - this does not mean that you now have to walk around with an unkempt face. Today, many procedures can be performed independently. To do this, you need to purchase a good mask and use it correctly at home. Here are a few proven face masks recommended by cosmetologists:

Scarlet face mask

The Scarlet mask can be used without consulting a cosmetologist. It performs the following functions: smoothes wrinkles, eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Bandage mask for facial contour correction

This is a newfangled product that many of our celebrities are already actively using. The bandage mask for correcting the contour of the face does not create discomfort, so you can wear it completely calmly. As a result, the facial contour becomes more defined and clear, as in youth.

"MIRACLE GLOW" whitening face mask

Many women face pigmentation problems as they age. You can solve it without even visiting a cosmetologist, because the MIRACLE GLOW whitening mask has long been recognized as very effective. And it's inexpensive.

"Carrot Mask Hendel" carrot mask

A carrot mask will help get rid of blackheads, acne and blackheads - exactly those problems with which you most often have to go to a cosmetologist.

"Revoskin" ionic vibrating facial massager

And in order to create complete facial care at home, it is worth purchasing “Revoskin” - an ionic vibrating facial massager. You can also pamper your husband with it, because not only women should have a beautiful face.

Advantages and disadvantages

The ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure has the following advantages:

  • Affordable cost of the service;
  • No negative impact on the epidermis;
  • Minimum process duration;
  • No pain;
  • Getting rid of acne and blackheads;
  • Blood circulation on the face improves;
  • The level of metabolism in the epidermis increases;
  • The skin begins to look younger;
  • Visual smoothing of scars and scars;
  • Getting rid of age wrinkles;
  • Combined with mechanical cleaning, chemical peeling and other cleaning procedures;
  • The fastest preparatory stage;
  • Suitable for any age category of people and all skin types;
  • After the procedure there is no irritation or redness;
  • Additionally, micromassage of the epidermis is performed;
  • Used as a peeling.

However, the procedure also has disadvantages:

  • Low level of efficiency. The procedure is suitable for those with normal skin. People with problematic and oily skin are recommended to use the most effective services from cosmetologists;
  • Dry skin. The surface of the epidermis may become slightly dry. To avoid the effect, it is recommended to apply moisturizing cream or toner twice a day;
  • Redness. Clients experience slight redness within half an hour after completion of the procedure. The effect passes quickly and does not cause local effects;
  • Contraindications. Before ultrasonic cleaning, it is recommended to find out when it is better to refuse the procedure: inflammatory elements on the skin, opening of a wound and cracks, previously performed chemical peeling, elevated body temperature, exacerbation of viral diseases (herpes, eczema), pregnancy, cardiovascular, infectious and oncological diseases.

As a result, we can conclude that the procedure is ideal for prevention or for obtaining a short-term cleansing effect before an event.


A visit to a cosmetologist should be planned in advance, since after most procedures the skin requires 3 to 7 days to recover. Proper care after peeling or cleaning will allow you to get the best possible effect. And if there are contraindications and a visit to a specialist is not possible, use high-quality home facial care products.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

Popular questions on the topic:

✅ What can't be done after cleansing your face?

Facial cleansing is a fairly aggressive method of exposure to the skin, so proper restoration is necessary. Within 5-7 days after the procedure you cannot:

  • apply makeup immediately after the procedure;
  • constantly touch the skin of the face;
  • use alcohol-containing lotions;
  • use scrubs and exfoliate;
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna.

The recovery time after ultrasonic facial cleansing is minimal, so if you need to quickly get your face in order, choose this method.

✅ Is it possible to put on makeup after cleansing your face?

Any facial cleansing involves some trauma to the skin, so it is important to give it time to recover. The rehabilitation period depends on the chosen cleaning method. But in any case, for the first 24 hours after any procedure.

✅ What to do after cleansing your face?

The skin needs time to recover after cleaning by a cosmetologist so that no side effects occur. To do this, you need to properly care for your face:

  • the first 24 hours after the procedure there is no aggressive effect on the skin, we try not to even touch the face;
  • In no case do we use alcohol-containing products for at least 1-3 days;
  • During the week, we wash ourselves with herbal decoctions instead of ordinary water;
  • apply moisturizer to the face 1-2 times a day;
  • Make nourishing and soothing face masks several times a week.

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Possible problems

The severity of possible complications depends on the chosen cleansing method. Possible complications include:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • acne;
  • allergic rash;
  • infection;
  • scarring of the skin.

Side effects are rare when used correctly. They happen for two reasons: the incompetence of the cosmetologist and neglect of skin care during the recovery period.

Redness is a natural reaction of the skin to irritation. It goes away in 3-4 days. Soothing masks and compresses with medicinal herbs help.

The swelling goes away on its own within 2 days. Hematomas do not always occur, but if several bruises are found, heparin ointment can be used. The anticoagulant accelerates blood flow, which causes hematomas to resolve faster.

Acne appears due to careless work of a specialist or neglect of skin care after cleansing. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist to solve the problem.

If the cosmetic product is not suitable, an allergy may occur. Signs: swelling does not go away, and the face becomes covered with red dots, reminiscent of hives. You should take an antihistamine. If medications do not help, you should consult a doctor.

When an infection occurs in the skin, antibiotics are used. A doctor must prescribe the medication.

Another serious consequence is the appearance of scars. They are eliminated by other cosmetic manipulations in the salon.

Indications and contraindications

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is recommended if you have:

  • Enlarged pores;
  • Small pimples;
  • Acne;
  • Oily skin with acne.

The procedure allows you to get rid of the above ailments and restore facial skin. Also, the ultrasound device allows you to give the facial skin the effect of rejuvenation and tone. After the process is completed, you can notice how all impurities have been removed from the surface of the epidermis, and the face has acquired a healthy shade.

Before scheduling an ultrasound facial cleansing, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetologist. The specialist will answer all your questions, select the most suitable method of carrying out the procedure and determine whether this cleaning method can be used without negative effects on the skin.

What are the contraindications to the procedure:

  • Tumors and oncology diseases;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Epilepsy, neurotic diseases;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Cardiovascular and infectious diseases;
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • Presence of pigmentation on the face;
  • Herpes, burns, allergic rashes;
  • Damage to the area of ​​the face in the area where cleaning will be carried out.

It is recommended to refuse ultrasound cleaning if you have previously undergone plastic surgery, lifting, rejuvenation or chemical peeling.

A controversial point arises when a girl is pregnant and wants to use the services of a cosmetologist. Some doctors believe that cleaning should be abandoned, while other experts are confident that the procedure is safe and will not in any way affect the health of the patient and the child. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to check the body for the absence of contraindications to ultrasonic cleaning, and also consult with a gynecologist.

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