Rating of dental implants for those who want to understand

Which implants are better? Is it worth choosing a more expensive one? How reliable are the products from different manufacturers? Anatomical or round?

You can find a lot of conflicting information on the Internet. Some of them are outdated, others are simply not true. Many articles are written to increase sales of a particular brand rather than to give you objective information.

I face the problem of choosing implants for my patients every day. I answer questions, give recommendations, and I can say for sure that only an experienced plastic surgeon can choose the right model and size of breast implants. If you are planning an operation, please contact us for a consultation and we will discuss all the issues on the spot.

For those who have not yet decided to undergo surgery, I will tell you about breast implants in a little more detail. This will be honest and objective information about breast implants from a plastic surgeon who has been practicing breast augmentation for over 20 years.

Which breast implants are best?

In Moscow, a wide selection of implants are currently offered (Polytech), Mentor, Silimed, Eurosilicone, Motiva. All products are similar in appearance to each other. Despite the fact that they are produced in different countries (Germany, Brazil, France, USA), their shape and size range are comparable and do not differ fundamentally. A breast implant is a silicone shell containing a special silicone gel. Mostly, implants with a textured (rough) shell are used, which reduces the risk of displacement.

What types of breast implants are there? Breast implant design

Breast endoprostheses are a high-tech product consisting of a silicone shell and filler. Their shell is so strong that you can drive a car over it. In addition to the fact that the integrity of the shell is not compromised, the shape memory of the gel allows the implant to subsequently restore its previous shape.

The silicone breast implant is filled with a special cohesive gel. It is this that ensures the preservation of the ideal breast shape. The consistency of this gel resembles soft marmalade. This prevents the contents of the breast implant from leaking out even when its shell is cut and provides additional safety for its use.


Sebben breast prostheses (photo) have a number of positive qualities, among which are:

  1. The presence of a high-quality shell, its thickness does not exceed 500 microns (usually 280 microns), and it consists of 8 protective layers. Due to this, it is impenetrable, and the risk of fibrosis is minimal.
  2. The filler is highly cohesive silicone gel. Its consistency may vary (soft, classic and dense).
  3. Increased quality score.
  4. Conducting an individual inspection of each product to ensure that there are no defective products on the market. Due to this, there is no danger of rupture.
  5. Lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.

How to choose the best implants? Breast implants, service life

When planning surgery, many people wonder whether breast implants need to be replaced. The short answer is no! Leading manufacturing companies provide a lifetime warranty on such products. This means you won't have to replace your breast implant. However, in order not to make a mistake when choosing a breast implant, it is better to contact trusted manufacturers, I can recommend the following (Polytech), Silimed, Motiva, Mentor. Even if the product becomes deformed or damaged for any reason, these manufacturers undertake to replace the damaged implant with a new one, completely free of charge.

Anatomical or round breast implants? Which ones to choose?

All manufacturers produce breast implants in two main forms. These are anatomical (drop-shaped) and round (resembling a hemisphere). The model line offers a huge selection of sizes and models, so it is not difficult to choose an option that meets the requirements of any patient. To determine the required shape and size, it is worth paying attention to certain nuances that the plastic surgeon must be well versed in. It is enough for you to accurately describe the shape and size of the breasts that you want to obtain as a result of the operation.

Plastic surgery for breast augmentation: modern techniques

Breast augmentation, changing its shape and location is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Through the fold under the gland (submammary).
  2. Along the areola of the nipple (periareolar).
  3. By axillary access.
  4. Through the navel.
  5. In two stages using expander dermatension.

All interventions are well developed, have a small residual number of postoperative scars, and the scars are almost invisible. The patient herself chooses the type of operation that suits her.

Typical myths about implants

Structured or smooth? You may have read about such varieties on the Internet. Forget it! Breast implants with a smooth surface are outdated and are almost no longer produced today. Also, there is no need to think about implants with saline solution inside - this is a thing of the past (they are not used anywhere except for temporary installation in the process of breast reconstruction after amputation). I also hasten to dispel the “immortal” myth about health hazards. Breast implants have been repeatedly tested and verified both in laboratories and in practice. You don't have to worry about this. Implants do not affect breastfeeding in any way and, of course, in world practice there has not yet been a single case of a breast implant exploding on an airplane.

How to buy breast implants in Moscow?

Order from your plastic surgeon. A specialist will quickly and accurately calculate the parameters of the model that suits you. Want to save money? Ask a specialist how much breast implants from different companies cost. Find out what their differences are. It is worth noting that currently the cost of implants from the world's leading manufacturers is comparable and does not differ fundamentally. When choosing anatomical breast implants, you should take into account that their price is slightly higher, but in Moscow you can be offered several brands to choose from, taking into account your budget.

Which brand of breast implants is best?

Currently, breast implants from different manufacturers are available; in Moscow you can find American, German, French, English, Brazilian and even Korean. Of course, such diversity confronts the patient with a difficult choice, especially since each company positions its products as the best. Externally, all breast implants are similar, their prices differ little, but each implant manufacturer has its own characteristics. And here you should listen to the opinion of a surgeon whom you trust and who has extensive experience working with different types of implants.

Of course, you should choose only the highest quality ones. I advise you to consider only those for which the manufacturer provides a lifetime warranty. Among the leading companies, some also provide a guarantee against capsular contracture (Polytech, Motiva). But there are many nuances here too.

For example, I refused to use implants, which in practice give a higher percentage of rotation (turning), as well as brands with a likelihood of ripping (ripples on the surface). I don't like others because of their density (less natural feel).

For repeated operations, a more reliable option would be to choose polyurethane-coated implants (Polytech, Silimed). Well, of course, it is necessary to take into account your anatomical parameters, individual characteristics such as tissue density, etc.

I will not separately list all the existing negative and positive aspects of different companies, so that it does not look like advertising or anti-advertising. During the consultation, we will be able to consider any brands of implants certified in the Russian Federation and choose the most suitable one for you. As your surgeon, I am interested in choosing implants that will provide the best and longest-lasting results without causing any problems throughout your life.

General information about the manufacturer

The manufacturer of the implants is the French company Laboratories Sebbin, which is distinguished by its luxury level. What are the basic principles of production, why is the highest quality possible for customers? All matrices of product sizes and shapes are developed by a French company together with leading European specialists in aesthetic surgery, and this is important!

The sizes are so varied, their line is constantly expanding, thanks to which any requirements and whims of clients can be taken into account. The difference between Sebben is that it does not encourage customers to purchase its products through discounts or various bonuses (such as Natrel or Allergan). High-quality products and an impeccable reputation are the key to the company’s success.

It is worth mentioning that the company’s management carefully monitors every stage of production of its products, so its quantity is limited in favor of exclusivity and high quality. You need to understand that the price of the products depends on this. All endoprostheses have international quality certificates.

The company is very demanding not only when manufacturing devices, but also to the health of clients who choose products for themselves. It is mandatory to undergo a thorough diagnosis before proceeding with mammoplasty; it is important to take into account all the individual characteristics of each client’s body. The company gives each patient a lifetime quality guarantee.

Initially, such devices were made primarily for those women who had lost breasts due to cancer or various injuries. But subsequently the products became diversified, constantly improving.

How to choose breast implants?

First, decide on the required size of your breasts.

Most patients, planning an enlargement, are afraid to make it too big. That's why they indicate a slightly smaller size. As a result, many girls later regret their choice and over time come to the idea of ​​replacing the implants with other, larger ones. I advise you to be as sincere as possible in this matter. If the desired size is too big for you, I will definitely tell you about it, and we will choose the one that will most harmoniously match your figure.

Specify the desired shape of breast implants. Which ones do you want to have - teardrop-shaped or round? If you want breasts that will look more natural, then the choice should be in favor of an anatomical shape. Round implants are worth getting if you want to get a more curvaceous and sexy shape as a result. By the way, the round shape is better suited for girls who lead a sporty lifestyle. This is due to the fact that such implants have no risk of rotation, so there are no restrictions on extreme sports and other vigorous physical activities. Think, evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages, compare the final result with round or anatomical breast implants in the photo.

useful links

  • Breast augmentation by Dr. Bakov;
  • Information about plastic surgeon V.S. Bakov;
  • Reviews from real patients on video and with photographs;

Prices for breast implant surgery

Breast augmentation with implants

Breast endoprosthetics325 000
Breast endoprosthetics with displacement of the inframammary fold355 000
Endoprosthetics of 1 breast180 000


The brand offers its customers round and anatomical products. The most popular and frequently used are round designs. They are most often chosen by clients of plastic surgeons. Why are they so popular?

Their advantage is the ability to maintain a perfectly round shape of the mammary gland, regardless of body position. With the help of such a prosthesis, the breasts become as voluminous and raised as possible. What a seductive neckline it becomes! This product is perfect for those women who have small breasts.

Anatomical endoprostheses accurately replicate the natural shape of the mammary glands. In appearance they resemble a droplet. Due to ideal biocompatibility and increased cohesiveness, there are no sharp differences between your own tissues and the artificial bust. Soft, smooth breast contours are guaranteed!

So we got acquainted with the exclusive Sebben mammary prostheses! Tell your friends and acquaintances about us! See you very soon!

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