Installation of 14 Nobel implants with total prosthetics

I would like to begin the description of this truly jewelry and painstaking dental work with the words of gratitude from the patient herself, Tatyana, who wrote them in the book of Reviews of the Scientific Research Center: “I would like to express my deep sincere gratitude to Andrei Nikolaevich Karneev and Magomed Umatgireevich Dakhkilgov. You not only restored my health, you gave me a new sense of life. This feeling cannot be expressed in words, nor can I express my sincere gratitude to you.

Having met you, practically not believing in success, you convinced me to believe in a positive prognosis, and throughout the treatment, thanks to you, I had no doubt that everything would work out. The aesthetic side is impeccable, Nature is simply “resting”, and the opportunity to actually start eating again, having forgotten about this opportunity more than 30 years ago, is generally a priceless gift. I would like to thank your entire team for their care, sincerity and warmth - the nurses, the girls at the reception and all the employees.

Thank you for your optimism and sense of humor, which undoubtedly make your work even more professional. I am grateful to fate that I recognized you"


Our patient Tatyana is about 50 years old; she contacted the German Implantology Center with complaints of missing teeth and tooth decay. More than 10 years ago

Tatyana received prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns - the so-called. “mk crowns”, which over time have lost their aesthetics.

So, the main complaints: missing teeth, tooth decay, unaesthetic metal-ceramic crowns.

Let's see what the patient's oral cavity looked like on the day of treatment:

The photo above shows the condition in the oral cavity on the day of treatment. Problems are visible even with the naked eye:

  • uneven teeth,
  • absence of teeth, including chewing teeth,
  • no aesthetics of metal-ceramic crowns (mc crowns)
  • uneven plane of teeth.

In the next photo you can see that micro-crowns have no anatomy

, despite the fact that the dental bridge on the upper jaw is made with one arch.

After removing the upper crowns, serious decay of the teeth, deep grinding of them, and corrosion on the existing pins with the development of an abscess were discovered. Therefore, the condition of the gums also did not cause optimism
in our patient:

Treatment began with restoration of the tooth stump

The gum level was

and the subgingival part of the tooth is opened for fixing the crown on it:

Then, instead of the destroyed pins and stumps, new stump inlays


After installing the core inlays, we re-corrected the gums with a laser and placed temporary crowns


The restoration and restoration of the dental stump was successful and we moved on to the next stages - endodontic treatment, professional hygiene and implantation of missing teeth.

Features of Korean implants

Korea released its product to the dental implantology market later than Israel. But today this country is considered one of the leaders in the production of budget and mid-price implants. The most popular brands are Osstem, Anyridge, Dentium, Implantium.

Advantages of Korean implants:

  • Hypoallergenic material. Most models are made from pure titanium alloy. The impurity content in it does not exceed 1%.
  • High survival rates. Osseointegration (fusion of the artificial root with bone tissue) is successful in 98–99% of cases.
  • Reduced risk of complications after implantation. Implants made of pure titanium “take root” better.

Some Korean manufacturers offer a special technology for drilling the implant bed, as well as an improved type of coating that accelerates osseointegration.

Endodontic treatment stage

Endodontic treatment of the teeth of the lower dentition was carried out by dentist-therapist of the Scientific Research Center Melikov Azer Fuadovich. The patient had canals treated under a microscope on several teeth that could be saved. The treatment was difficult, since some of the canals had not previously been treated well enough. The patient underwent both treatment and dental retreatment:

  • treatment of periodontitis,
  • removing the pin tab,
  • chemical expansion of difficult-to-pass channels,
  • unsealing canals previously filled with gutta-percha,
  • treatment of canals using ultrasound,
  • mechanical and medicinal treatment of canals,
  • temporary canal filling with Calasept pastes,
  • canal filling using three-dimensional obturation with hot gutta-percha,
  • restoration of the coronal part of the lower anterior teeth using light polymerization materials,
  • restoration of the anatomical shape of teeth.

All of the above work was carried out under application and infiltration anesthesia with the application of a rubber dam to ensure maximum painless comfort and high quality endodontic treatment.

Features of Israeli implants

Israel began producing artificial root substitutes later than developed European countries, but earlier than Asian ones. The first Israeli implants entered the market in the 80s of the last century. But most brands have a 20-30 year history, although this is also a lot. Today, the most popular systems on the market are Noris Medical, Alpha Bio, AB Dental, MIS, Adin. All of them have sufficient experience in use and good reviews from patients and dentists.

Pros of Israeli implants:

  • Variety of models. Manufacturers offer implants for almost all clinical cases.
  • Long service life. The lifespan of the roots reaches several decades; some manufacturers give a lifetime guarantee on their product.
  • Affordable price. Israeli implants are considered one of the most inexpensive designs on the dental market for similar products.

Another advantage of root substitutes from Israel is that this country annually spends huge amounts of money on research in the field of dental implantology. This is done by higher education institutions, research centers, and research laboratories. Therefore, a considerable number of innovative technologies are used in the production of artificial roots in Israel.

Implantation stage

Next, the chief physician of the Research Center, implant surgeon Magomed Umatgireevich Dakhkilgov, removed the patient’s failing teeth, atraumatically, with dissection of the roots. Were held:

  • dental implantation on the upper and lower jaws using Nobel Parallel implants,
  • sinus lift of the upper jaw,
  • osteoplasty (bone grafting) on ​​the lower jaw.

Now we will not go into the moment of implantation, but I would like to note that the implantation was carried out very extensively and with pinpoint precision, 14 Nobel implants were aligned according to a surgical template - 8 implants on the upper jaw and 6 implants on the lower jaw.

After the implantation was completed, we began prosthetics.

Pre-filled Monobloc serum

The salt monoblock is a test sample that will soon go on sale as a finished product for breast augmentation surgery. The main difference between this monoblock and the other two is the salt filler.

Pre-filled Monobloc serum has the following positive characteristics:

  • safety in case of rupture of the implant shell;
  • transparency to X-ray radiation, thanks to which you can obtain reliable data when performing mammography;
  • there is no risk of developing silicoma;
  • If the implant ruptures, the mammary gland gradually loses volume.

Prosthetics stage

Dental prosthetics were performed by dentist-orthopedist of the Research Center Karneev Andrey Nikolaevich. In the picture below you can see what the patient’s upper jaw looked like before the start of prosthetics. Total on the upper jaw

8 implants were installed, 4 Nobel implants on each side. The patient also had gum formers installed. In this form, we began to replace the upper jaw with prosthetics.

View after installation of Nobel Parallel implants

Mandibular dental implants after installation

And this picture shows a view of the lower jaw

before starting her prosthetics. Six implants in the posterior teeth are placed in exactly the right position using a surgical guide. Gum formers are also installed:

Making a prototype of crowns

Always before making permanent crowns, temporary structures are made of plastic so that the patient can evaluate the appearance and shape in advance. And after the patient approves the type and shape of the crowns, we begin permanent prosthetics. This is what our prototype of future crowns

which the patient really liked:

Agree, it already looks very aesthetically pleasing. And after fitting and approving the prototype, we manufactured permanent orthopedic structures for the upper and lower jaws.

The patient was pleasantly surprised by the result of the prosthetics

This is the beautiful result we got. The photo shows the final, finished crowns

on zirconium dioxide teeth and implants in the oral cavity:

We can only imagine all the positive emotions and joy of Tatyana, who has returned not only the aesthetic beauty of her teeth, but also the functional ability to use them! After all, according to Tatyana, the ability to chew food normally began to be lost... more than 30 (!) years ago

! And now she has regained this ability:

Patient's review of mammoplasty with 235 ml Arion implants

OP 07/08/2016

July 18, 2016 With my fragility at 0.5, they gave me 235 ml, but I’m very narrow, the volume under the breasts = 70 Today I’m on the 10th day after the OP, I feel quite normal (especially when I think about how awesome my breasts are , I took a photo of myself and what a thrill I feel from beauty! I’ve never had anything like this, even when I was feeding children) with the exception of my back - it aches, I can’t walk for a long time, it’s really stressful and exciting BUT! If it weren’t for the children and husband, it would have been difficult in the first days; I got up, of course, from the very beginning on my own, but I couldn’t really take anything, couldn’t do anything, not to mention washing my hair and doing housework—nothing at all! I’m still very careful now, it’s just that there’s such an opportunity. I also re-read many during these days of incapacity and lying on the couch - it’s different for everyone. Someone is already driving in 10 days!!! Another difficulty I have is that my stomach is swollen, as it was in the 4th month of pregnancy, but is now subsiding slowly))) And painkillers didn’t really help me, I didn’t eat too much ((((nimesil even more or less relieved. Today is the second day without everything and you know, this pain is forgotten so quickly!!!! On the contrary, I’m worried that the doc was greedy, he put in small ones :( I’ve seen enough busty tits here and I’m almost getting upset.... Either some kind of toad has awakened in me, or something ... but I look at my breasts - beautiful, of course :) I’m just afraid all the swelling will go away and it won’t be enough (although the doc promised me a 2:) well, then you won’t be able to shake off this promised 2 from him! :)

July 21, 2016 Oh, it’s rare to meet someone your same size :) Congratulations! I'm 2 weeks pregnant tomorrow and the only thing that bothers me is the feeling as if my breasts were filling with milk when I was feeding. And these “milk” hot flashes are quite frequent. I think this is also the norm, but it’s somehow strange to feel it :) it always seems that it’s time to breastfeed the babies :))) I also had a source of 0.5, probably, and even before breastfeeding my breasts were a maximum of 1 ka. On the contrary, I didn’t want big breasts, I myself am 163 in height, 49 kg, OPG 70, and the doctor told me not to even ask him for a larger size, he wanted to create ideal proportions, so somehow I didn’t resist, I trusted him :) As a result, now , while there is still swelling, I also see probably a size 2.5, how it will be in the end, time will tell :), but in any case, the breasts are awesome, of course :) And with regards to what determines what happens, there are a lot of parameters such as height, weight, original size, shape, interthoracic distance, etc….

July 22, 2016 I had breast augmentation 14 days ago, everything was ok, but this decision was not easy for me. Background: 1.5 months before the OP, I had an ultrasound scan of moderate glandular fibrous mastopathy. I’m returning from vacation, we set a day for an OP with the doctor, I go for another ultrasound (I should have lost the first result!), they find me a fibroadenoma. Can you imagine my condition?! I ran to the mammologist-oncologist: the result of palpation was zero, that is, nothing was found. He tells me which ultrasound doctor I should go to in the oncology clinic (she is considered an all-seeing eye there according to the mammologist), she finds me 2 fibroadenomas and 1 cyst!!! All 3 formations are in the left breast. Cyst 6*3 mm, FA 8.5*4*7.5 and 11*4*9.5. With all this, all the doctors convince me that formations are not a contraindication to mammoplasty. Well, one could doubt the beliefs of the plastic surgeon (the motives may be understandable), but the mammologist and ultrasound doctor at the oncology clinic said the same thing. The surgeon tried to feel in order to remove them during the OP, but failed:(. Bottom line: I had the operation! I’m 40 years old, 2 breastfeedings, the breast was always 1, all my life I dreamed of beautiful breasts, but fear prevailed (mom and my grandmother were sick with cancer:(). Ps: the implants were installed under the muscle, inframammary approach, ARION 235.

August 12, 2016 The beauties of July don’t really brag, let me show myself in my beauty. The initial value was 0.5, Arion 235 ml was placed under the muscle, inframammary access. Today the breasts are one month old - very slight swelling of the left breast, but overall, still quite firm to the touch.

August 12, 2016 Of course, when you compare it with the tiny rags you had before, sucked up by your children, these seem ideal, although I asked for the next size, the doc did not agree. Maybe he’s right (when I tilt down, I see slight ripples on the sides of my breasts!) So, less is more.

August 13, 2016 I absolutely love the shape. Only thing is that the size would ideally be a little larger. But, of course, because of the slight increase, I won’t go for a redo, that’s for sure!

August 19, 2016 In terms of sensitivity: my OP was 8.07, the breasts themselves seem to be ok, but the areolas and nipples happen, if you somehow touch them in passing, it’s really unpleasant and painful, I think, of course, everything will go away, but I already want to use it - to use my breasts purpose (in the sense of offering it to my husband naked), but somehow scary. I'll go to the doc for a show soon and ask.

August 22, 2016 I suffered terribly with my back: at first I couldn’t do anything at all. Then, from the 2nd week, for about 10 minutes I’d do something and run to the sofa, sit down on the pillows and relax my back - everything hurt so much! At night I slept half-sitting in a mound of pillows for up to 3 hours, then I woke up, sat up on the bed and sat there like a ghost in the night, periodically frightening my husband because my whole back ached, then I slept for another 4 hours! Within a month it has become much calmer, and now I sleep as well as before. And there were thoughts that the back pain would never go away!!! It will pass, just be patient.

The story of patient “Nelina” was taken from the forum.

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