Increasing the volume of the buttocks (gluteoplasty) without the cost of implants

Types of buttock surgery

Plastic surgery can enlarge, reduce, tighten or change the shape of the buttocks.
To reduce the volume, liposuction is performed, and excess fat tissue is pumped out. However, a more common intervention is still an increase in the gluteal muscle. Correction can be carried out by endoprosthetics or lipofilling.

Endoprosthetics is the installation of an implant under the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus muscles, which is selected individually and can differ not only in size, but also in shape.

Implant forms:

  1. Round. Gives the buttocks a more rounded shape and volume. They are used based on the anatomical features of the patient’s figure. Implanting round implants is a rather risky step, since in some cases the end result may turn out to be unnatural.
  2. Oval. These anatomical implants are also good at increasing the volume of the buttocks and giving them firmness. In this case, the risk of an unnatural end result is minimal. Such implants are usually used for pear-shaped gluteal muscles.

Important! The key to choosing the right implant is the surgeon’s individual approach, his high qualifications and a detailed discussion of the operation with the client. The patient must clearly understand what the final result should be.

To correct the buttocks in modern plastic surgery, several types of implants are used:

  • With soft, highly cohesive gel-silicone filler,
  • With a very durable shell, which consists of silicone elastomer. These implants have the following advantages: resistance to damage, safety, “shape memory” - a highly cohesive gel.

Buttock surgery

Endoprosthetics of the buttocks

Endoprosthetics of the buttocks is a surgical increase in the flat and tightening of the drooping buttock region by introducing specialized implants into it. If certain rules are followed, there will be no need to replace them.

Butt lift

A butt lift is an operation performed to eliminate ptosis of the skin of this part of the body. The results of lifting last throughout the patient’s life.

Butt lift using Silhouette Lift threads

Buttock lift with Silhouette Lift threads is one of the methods of ligature lifting of the buttocks. With the help of these threads, the operation is performed in case of slight sagging of the tissues of a given part of the body.

Buttock lift using APTOS threads

Buttock lift with Aptos threads is one of the methods of ligature lifting of the buttocks. Aptos threads have specially shaped notches that allow them to attach to tissues as firmly as possible.

Lipofilling of the buttocks

Lipofilling of the buttocks is an operation to enlarge and change the shape of the buttocks by introducing into them the patient’s own fat tissue, extracted during the process of liposuction.

Indications for surgery:

  • Desire to enlarge the buttocks to improve their shape;
  • Small volume and low position of the buttocks;
  • Atrophy of the tissues of the buttocks or their deformation due to injuries and diseases;
  • Disproportionality of size in relation to the body as a whole.

Contraindications for surgery

  • Oncological, inflammatory and infectious diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity caused by endocrine system disease
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Inelasticity of the patient's skin

Preparing for surgery

In preparation for surgery, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination and consultation with an anesthesiologist. You will need to purchase compression garments that will need to be worn for several weeks after surgery. 10 days before surgery, you must refrain from smoking and taking medications containing aspirin.

Progress of the operation

Incisions are made in the area of ​​the subgluteal or intergluteal fold. Modern silicone implants in a particularly durable shell are placed under the gluteus maximus muscle in an area without large vessels and nerves or under the fatty tissue in the upper part of the buttocks. The area where the implant is placed should be smaller than the gluteal muscle itself. That is, the implant should not extend beyond the muscle.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about two hours. Special cosmetic seams are located in the natural fold and are completely invisible. Depending on the suture material, spontaneous resorption occurs, or the surgeon removes the sutures two weeks after the operation. After healing, postoperative sutures do not cause discomfort and are not felt when moving.

Postoperative period

Compression garments are worn immediately after surgery. It is recommended to wear such underwear for two months. The gluteal muscles actively work when moving, so the implantation period is quite long. Intense movements and physical activity, including playing any kind of sport, are undesirable in the first few weeks.

Recovery after buttock replacement takes about 1-2 months. The patient spends the first 1-2 days in the hospital. The sutures are removed at 10-14 days. Painful sensations do not last longer than 2-3 days.

Cost of the operation

The price of buttock surgery depends on the complexity of the surgical intervention. The cost of the operation is also affected by the number of days spent in the hospital and the price of implants. The full cost of the operation is determined by the surgeon at a preliminary consultation, when he gets to know you better and conducts an examination.


Initial appointment with a plastic surgeon - 1,000 rubles.

Carrying out the operation - 72,000 rubles. (excluding cost of implants)

Other expenses - find out the full receipt of the all-inclusive operation from the clinic administrators by phone. 8 (863) 2-372-000

Pros and cons of gluteoplasty

You need to make a decision about gluteoplasty after weighing the pros and cons.

Benefits of the intervention:

  1. Choosing the desired shape of the buttocks.
  2. No visible scars after surgery. The implant is installed under the tissue or subcutaneous tissue, and the sutures are made in the gluteal fold.
  3. Short rehabilitation period, only a month.
  4. The end result is bulging and beautiful buttocks.


  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
  • The development of infectious processes on the surface of the skin is possible.
  • In some cases, pockets of fluid form.
  • After gluteoplasty, injections can only be given in the thigh or forearm, otherwise the integrity of the implant may be compromised.

Increasing the volume of the buttocks (gluteoplasty) without the cost of implants

One of the most common plastic surgeries in the world is gluteoplasty. The fashion for beautiful, firm buttocks has been around for a long time. New standards of beauty are being dictated, and for several years now many girls have been wanting to become the owners of a beautiful “Brazilian butt.” Aesthetic correction of the shape of the buttocks allows you to give this part of the body an attractive appearance.

When performing buttock correction, various types of implants are used. Smooth implants are recommended for gluteoplasty, since the buttocks are quite actively involved in motor activity. In order for the result to be as natural as possible, and for the owner of spectacular forms not to feel a foreign object in the body, it is necessary to take into account many factors - anatomy, the patient’s lifestyle, her predisposition to weight loss and weight gain, tissue quality, etc.

Buttock implants are most often used for aesthetic purposes - in most cases this is augmentation and shape correction. Gluteoplasty also allows you to eliminate the consequences of injuries of various types, restore the anatomical shape and attractiveness of this part of the body due to congenital defects and is combined with lipofilling for a more natural effect.

During the consultation, the plastic surgeon evaluates the anatomy of the patient’s body and selects methods for buttock augmentation. There are two most popular and effective methods of buttock correction - buttock augmentation with implants and with the help of your own adipose tissue (buttock lipofilling). Depending on the individual indicators and wishes of the patient, the technique is selected.

Buttock augmentation with implants is performed under general anesthesia and takes an average of 45-60 minutes. The plastic surgeon makes a small incision in the area of ​​the intergluteal fold and creates “pockets”, the principle is similar to breast augmentation with implants. Next, the implants are placed and the incision is closed with a cosmetic suture. There are no traces of the operation left. Additionally, it is recommended to pad the edges of the implant with the patient’s own fat cell using lipofilling. This will make the result even more natural.

After the operation, it is not recommended to sleep on your back for 1 month, limiting physical activity for 3-4 weeks. You should also be more careful and reconsider your lifestyle - sit less and move more. Following all the doctor’s recommendations will allow you to get the desired result.

To enlarge your buttocks, make their shape sexy and attractive, you just need to make an appointment with our plastic surgeons in Rostov-on-Don, and we will bring you closer to your dream.

Preparation for surgery (tests)

Before the operation, the doctor very carefully studies the patient’s medical record, collects anamnesis, and conducts a preliminary conversation.

Important! You need to tell your doctor in detail and truthfully about the presence of any diseases, previous surgical interventions, and allergies to medications.

After this, the doctor instructs the patient in detail about preparing for the operation - nutritional rules, necessary tests, medications and vitamins that need to be taken and which should be temporarily abandoned.

Important Recommendations:

  1. Stop taking hormonal drugs, alcohol, and medications that can thin the blood 2 weeks before the intervention.
  2. Eliminate any diets to prepare the immune system.
  3. Avoid visiting solariums and beaches in the open sun for 4 weeks before surgery.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. You can eat food before surgery no later than 6-8 hours before it begins.

If there is an infection of any etiology, intervention should be postponed until complete recovery.

Before gluteoplasty, you need to take tests and undergo some studies:

  • blood tests: clinical and biochemical, for coagulation, syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ECG;
  • fluorographic examination.

How is the operation performed?

The operation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The sites of future incisions are treated with antiseptics - an alcohol solution or Chlorhexidine.
  2. A small incision is made in the gluteal fold, the vessels are coagulated and all areas of bleeding are eliminated.
  3. An implant is inserted into the space under the major and minor muscles, and the shape of the buttocks is assessed.
  4. The skin is stitched together. If self-absorbable material is used, the sutures will not be removed; if conventional suture material is used, they will be removed after 5-7 days.

Rehabilitation after gluteoplasty takes about a month.

The patient is dressed in special sterile clothing and transported on a gurney to the operating room. There he is placed on his stomach, connected to condition monitoring sensors and anesthesia is administered. As soon as the anesthesiologist reports that the patient is ready, the operation begins.

Lelikov Andrey Slavovich plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences


For the first 2 days, the patient is in the hospital, where doctors monitor his condition. After this he is discharged. If you decide to undergo gluteoplasty, be prepared for the fact that you will have to lie for a long time - you need to spend 5-6 days in bed. For the first 2-3 days, you can only lie on your stomach, using bolsters and pillows for comfort.

The beginning of the recovery period is always associated with pain, which is relieved with painkillers prescribed by the doctor. You cannot shower for three days after the operation; getting your buttocks wet during these days is strictly prohibited. Then you can take a shower, but only very quickly, trying not to disturb the operated area.

After the stitches are removed, you can shower as usual, but you should avoid taking a bath for at least another 2 weeks. You will need to wear compression garments for two months after surgery; they are necessary for:

  1. fixing the implants in the desired position until they take root;
  2. holding tissue immobile to minimize discomfort and pain;
  3. relief of swelling;
  4. improving lymphatic drainage and blood circulation;
  5. uniform distribution of the load so that the postoperative sutures do not come apart;
  6. proper scar formation.

In the first month after gluteoplasty, compression garments can be removed only during hygiene procedures; subsequently, they can be removed at night.

Restrictions after surgery:

  • You can’t sit for 2 weeks;
  • You can’t play sports for 1 month;
  • You cannot be on the beach for 1 month;
  • You can’t smoke or drink alcohol for 1 month;
  • You should never give injections in the gluteal region.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Control your weight, switch to proper nutrition.
  2. Carefully care for your post-operative scar.
  3. Carefully monitor your condition; if swelling appears, pain increases, or other questionable symptoms occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Gluteoplasty: how to achieve the desired result

Dmitry Viktorovich Krysin, a plastic surgeon, is well known in the field of buttock replacement. The seductive forms of the patients, the so-called “nuts”, are the calling card and the main feature of Dr. Krysin.

He performs this operation masterfully, completely hiding the fact of any intervention by the surgeon from prying eyes. We asked Dmitry Viktorovich how he manages to get such harmonious results and gorgeous photographs of patients with thanks.

Dmitry Viktorovich, implants or lipofilling for buttock augmentation: your opinion?

The method of lipofilling of the buttocks is now being actively promoted; every experienced and developing surgeon today necessarily has his own point of view on this topic: sometimes they differ radically. I don’t work with this technique, only with implants. And I always do everything to ensure that the patient who comes to me for results is satisfied.

When installing implants in the buttock area, do you use intermuscular access?

Yes, I strive to ensure that the implant is installed as deep as possible: ideally under all layers of muscles as much as is anatomically possible in a particular patient. The muscles in the buttocks have a rather complex structure and several layers of different fibers, including small ones... The main idea of ​​my technique is to “go” as deep as possible so that these layers, firstly, hide the buttock implants (this will help avoid contouring), and secondly -secondly, to get that seductive nut shape that you can see in the photos of my patients. This shape of the buttocks is spectacular and attractive: it excites men and makes women spend hours in the gym.

How does a surgeon determine where to place an implant? And, of course, the location of the incision.

I always make only one incision and very low, then I work with installing implants through it. I can easily determine the place where the implant should be - this is already at the level of some professional instinct, 20 years of experience in gluteoplasty. And when marking, I do not “paint” the patient: I only mark the location of the future incision with a marker.

My main task is to highlight the upper edge of the buttocks using endoprosthetics and, of course, do it symmetrically. During the operation, I can easily determine for myself anatomical landmarks that will allow me to choose a bed for the implant and achieve the desired result.

Also, over the last few years, from the first minutes of an appointment, I can clearly see and understand what size implants are suitable for the patient.

How are buttock implants different?

By shape (anatomical, round), surface type (smooth or textured) and, of course, size. I won’t tell all the secrets about why I prefer to work with one type and brand of implants: I’ve been working towards this for a very long time. Let me just say that I install only smooth, round implants.

The “nuts” that you see in the photo are obtained precisely thanks to my experience, knowledge and excellent quality of round smooth implants from the company I work with.

By the way, regarding the shape of the implants. Some manufacturers have hemispherical implants that are completely incomprehensible to me: like a ball cut in half. I have corrected such works. Imagine a picture: a girl on the beach with seemingly spectacular rounded shapes stands and admires the sea. And then he bends down to straighten the towel on the sand... And here two balls, foreign bodies, clearly stand out on the buttocks: they treacherously betray the fact of the operation, and all thoughts about the naturalness of the seductive forms are replaced by completely different emotions. It’s really scary that someone is still installing such implants.

Could you tell us more about the incision through which the implant is installed?

I always make one incision: I install both implants through it. This is an intergluteal incision, which is made as low as possible in the intergluteal fold (as far as possible for reasons of surgical safety and patient hygiene). The skin in this area is well stretchable, the incision does not exceed 4 cm. At the end of rehabilitation, the scar becomes almost invisible, and laser resurfacing will help to practically “erase” it from the patient’s body.

Hygiene is an extremely important point for gluteoplasty, because there is always a risk of infection from the anus and genitals due to the close proximity of these areas. Plus, in this area there is not very good denervation and blood supply, high humidity... And if you do not take care of the skin, epithelial tissue can accumulate, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. So compliance with all regulations is extremely important - such a difficult area. I even “sew” it in a special way to prevent all possible unpleasant moments. We remove the stitches after 2 weeks, sometimes we can keep them in longer.

All patients ask: how to go to the toilet after surgery? I always tell them that the time will come, you go and we won’t return to this moment, you’ll see. And it’s true: you come to the hospital in the morning for examination and discharge, ask how you are doing, did you go to the toilet, did you have a bowel movement? They answer that yes, there was. And no more questions should be asked. So this sensitive topic will not cause any inconvenience, believe me!

When should the results of gluteoplasty be assessed?

After 2-3 months you can evaluate the initial result, the final and stable result will be in about a year, everything is very individual. I would like to emphasize the idea that there is simply no point in assessing the result a week after the operation: it will not be visible immediately, there may be some kind of asymmetry and other issues. You should trust the surgeon and not worry.

What are the main restrictions after surgery?

In general, it is not recommended to sit for two weeks, although there are patients who need to fly on an airplane 4-5 days after surgery - then we discuss it individually. If we are talking about a 3-4 hour flight, I allow it.

But if you need to fly, for example, 13 hours, then no: in this case you absolutely need to stay in Moscow for two weeks. Train trips (again, not very long) are allowed. After the stitches are removed, you will be able to drive, but these should be short trips.

Practice shows that if a woman lies down after surgery and does nothing, solves puzzles, reads women's magazines, then everything heals well. And an active mother of three children (a case in my experience), who has a million tasks and unforeseen situations, may have problems with a seam. You need to carefully care for the seam and take care of yourself as much as possible. And, of course, you need to squat and sit down as little as possible.

I always make one incision: through it I install both implants

About sports. After 1.5 months you can go to the pool and exercise on manual exercise machines. After 3 months, the process of tissue regeneration and the formation of a capsule around the implant ends. Then the implant is well fixed, and nothing will happen to it: it will be possible to connect other sports. There are certain stages of rehabilitation, each of them has its own limitations, but they are all equally important. I always inform the patient about them in detail and ask them to consult with me on all issues of concern.

Does gluteoplasty somehow help in the fight against cellulite?

This can only help partly, as it tightens the skin - often this gives some kind of anti-cellulite effect. But this operation is not a method of getting rid of it. It happens that after surgery, cellulite seems to have been corrected, but this, I repeat, is rather temporary due to swelling and increased skin turgor.

Do you combine the gluteoplasty technique with liposuction or lipofilling of other areas of the body to achieve the desired result?

Yes, according to indications, sculpting can be performed, usually by liposuction. Although, for example, if we talk about the riding breeches zone, the requests are often different. Some people want to remove fat in this area, while others, on the contrary, want to add fat for smooth curves.

I really like performing gluteoplasty in combination with liposuction of the lumbar region and sides. This way we get a guitar-shaped figure, especially if the woman has naturally broad shoulders. It's very beautiful and feminine. What I don’t like, to be honest, is abdominal liposuction. In my opinion (as a man and a surgeon), a woman should have a small tummy.

What body surgeries can be combined with gluteoplasty?

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Publication from D.V. Krysin Plastic Surgeon (@doctorkrysin) April 17, 2022 at 9:40 PDT

I perform simultaneous operations, but it is important for the patient to understand that despite the obvious advantages of such interventions, there will be certain difficulties or nuances during the rehabilitation period. For example, if we perform it in combination with mammoplasty, you will need to sleep on your back. However, many patients adapt well. Women are an inventive people, they order special pillows for their lower back, comfortable after gluteoplasty, and they feel comfortable lying on their back for a long time. You can lie on your back, it is not prohibited.

I had patients who rarely come to Moscow: they wanted to do abdominoplasty, buttocks, cruroplasty in one go... Everything can be decided and discussed, the main thing is to be especially careful during the recovery period.

By the way, shin surgery goes well with gluteoplasty: you don’t even have to change the patient’s position during the operation.

Many patients are worried about the safety of surgery, can you reassure them?

Now the field of gluteoplasty is well developed due to its popularity, but 20 years ago there were miracle specialists who managed to install breast implants in the buttocks! Moreover, at that time the implants themselves were of low quality. It makes no sense to compare that production with what we have now. Manufacturers have a huge responsibility, and they also want experienced surgeons to use their products. So, implants from many manufacturers are indeed of very high quality.

I visited the production site of the implant company I work with, and was pleasantly surprised by the company’s approach: I was even more convinced of the correctness of the brand I had chosen. Maximum sterility, high technology and scientific approach.

It is important to choose a surgeon who not only has experience in this field, but also specializes in buttock replacement.
Then the result will be so harmonious that no one will even think that you have something “not your own!” This is exactly what we strive for. You can sign up for a free consultation at the Peace Hospital with Dmitry Viktorovich Krysin by phone. Waiting for you!

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