Multi-acid cocktails for spring transformation: review of facial peelings ARAVIA Laboratories

Everyone requires spring updates, and our skin is no exception. Not all products can take control of the gentle cleansing of delicate and sensitive facial skin. But ARAVIA has products that are ready to compete for the title of favorites in your deep cleansing and care system.

We are talking about new products from ARAVIA Laboratories: peeling for radiance of the skin with a complex of acids 10% Shining Skin Peeling

peeling for skin elasticity with AHA and PHA acids 15% Anti-Age Peeling
. This concentration of acids ensures safe peeling at home.

Why do you need acid peels for your face?

Our skin is a living organism that produces and “throws” keratinized scales to the surface, which need to be periodically helped to exfoliate. And acid peels deal with this most delicately and safely. This is because acids, when they get on the skin, weaken the “adhesion” between the cells of the stratum corneum and speed up the exfoliation process. The skin instantly reacts to this “loss” and starts renewal processes, thereby improving its quality, relief, tone and even shade.

Peels with acids can:
  • deeply and carefully cleanse pores of impurities;
  • accelerate cell renewal;
  • give the skin radiance and an even complexion;
  • improve skin perception for subsequent stages of care;
  • even out skin tone and texture;
  • increase skin tone and elasticity.

New peelings with acids from ARAVIA Laboratories - Shining Skin Peeling and Anti-Age Peeling - attack two problems at once. Radiance peeling combats dullness and fatigue of the skin, while firming peeling has a rejuvenating effect and improves overall skin tone.

Let's look at each peeling in more detail.

The principle of action and effectiveness of multi-acid peeling

Multi-acid peeling is considered a chemical superficial type of exfoliant. This effect is most suitable for young skin; for more mature skin, medium or deep peeling is recommended. The positive effect of use is achieved due to the exfoliating effect - the exfoliant eliminates dead skin particles and thereby helps to remove superficial problems and imperfections. This type of peeling is recognized as one of the most gentle, since it does not require the implementation of complex rules during the process. At the same time, the effectiveness of this technique is in no way inferior to other types of chemical peels. In addition, Alpika peeling has left behind various scrubs with aggressive abrasive particles.

For your information. The main advantage of multi-acid exfoliation is that it combines the action of several types of acids. Working in tandem, they “spur” each other’s action. The main components of such peelings are succinic, salicylic, fruit and hyaluronic acid.

Succinic acid. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of skin cells - as a result of exposure, they awaken and begin to function more actively. Its main advantage is its naturalness, because this acid is found in the human body.

Fruit acids. These substances are extracted, as the name indicates, from fruits. Its action moisturizes the skin and also helps relieve inflammation.

Salicylic acid. An indispensable assistant for oily, combination and rash-prone skin. The substance helps get rid of oily shine, clogged pores, comedones and acne.

Hyaluronic acid. It is a component of connective tissues in plants, animals and humans. It is thanks to it that the synthesis of elastin and collagen occurs, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Using Alpika multi-acid peels, you can achieve the following positive results:

  • smooth out shallow wrinkles and creases, eliminate small scars and scars;
  • get rid of puffiness under the eyes;
  • whiten the skin, even out its color;
  • improve blood microcirculation in the facial area;
  • slow down the process of wilting of the epidermis.

Peeling for radiance of the skin with a complex of acids 10% Shining Skin Peeling

The peeling is made in a frosted glass bottle with a pipette for dispensing the required amount of product. The pipette has a glass base with a pointed tip and a rubberized cap. Additionally, the bottle is placed in a cardboard box, which provides double protection during transportation and storage. The volume of the product is 50 ml.

A distinctive design feature of this peeling is the “radiant” yellow color scheme.

ARAVIA Laboratories facial peeling package with 10% Shining Skin Peeling acid complex

Convenient bottle

Measuring pipette with rubberized cap

The product has a transparent, thick, slightly viscous gel-like consistency. When applied to the skin, it spreads easily and lays down in an even thin layer. After a few minutes it freezes.

The aroma of the product gives off notes of sweet apple mixed with a cosmetic composition and remains on the skin for some time after rinsing off. Special connoisseurs of acid peels will certainly detect ferulic and citric acids in this complex aroma.

Convenient dosing of peeling

Convenient dosing of peeling

Shining Skin Peeling is an all-season multi-acid composition with a 10% concentration of ferulic, malic and citric acids, as well as peony extract. Its action is aimed at deep cleansing and renewal of the skin: it gently exfoliates, evens out the texture and tone of the skin, increases its elasticity and fights the first signs of aging.

  • Ferulic acid is a powerful antioxidant essential for any skin exposed to stress in an urban environment. Perfectly stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, regenerates, moisturizes and saturates the skin with oxygen.
  • Malic acid is largely responsible for exfoliation, narrowing of pores, whitening (pigmentation) and tissue regeneration.
  • Citric acid brightens and whitens the skin well, which can have a beneficial effect on post-acne skin. Citric acid also tones, restores acid-base balance, charges the skin with antioxidants and actively fights inflammation.
  • Peony extract copes with redness, reduces pigmentation, and has an antioxidant effect.

The product has a pH value of 3.5-3.7, which indicates the acidic environment of the product. Let us remind you that the neutral pH balance of the skin is ~ 5.5.

As a standard, skin peeling is done on a previously cleansed, dry face. Wash your face with any usual daily care product, dry your skin with a towel and distribute the peeling with a brush.

Since this is an acid peel, we emphasize its safe use.

Do not apply the peel to your face directly from the dropper. Place a small amount of product into a bowl and apply peeling to your brush. This will prevent accidental contact of the product with your eyes, and it will be more convenient for you to distribute the peeling over your face.

Peeling should be left on the skin for 5-10 minutes and be sure to monitor the reaction. Light tingling and redness are a normal reaction. But overexposure of the product to feel an “enhanced effect” is contraindicated. The peeling concentration is sufficient to obtain the maximum effect within the time strictly specified in the instructions.

At the end of the timing, thoroughly wash your face with water and be sure to apply toner, serum and moisturizer. Products with a soothing and moisturizing effect are best suited to complete the peeling procedure. For example, Bio-Repair Tonic, a pH-balancing tonic with prebiotics, and Hyaluronic Active Serum, a serum with hyaluronic acid. These products from ARAVIA Laboratories will be the perfect completion of the procedure.

Important recommendation: despite the fact that peeling is suitable for care at any time of the year, we strongly recommend using products with SPF protection for at least 2-3 days after the procedure. For comparison: with professional peeling in a salon, where large concentrations are used, this period increases to a week.

Use peeling once every 7-10 days. The average course duration is 10 procedures (depending on skin condition).

As a result of regular use of Shining Skin Peeling, the skin is renewed and restored, acquires a beautiful even tone and literally shines with purity and health.

I want to shine with ARAVIA >>

Superficial multi-acid peeling

Superficial multi-acid peeling is a gentle, delicate method of chemical skin cleansing. This cosmetic procedure allows you to improve the shape of your face, get rid of dead cells and blackheads, and smooth out fine wrinkles. Unlike medium and deep peels, superficial peels have relatively few contraindications and allow you to maintain your usual rhythm of life. Superficial peeling gently cleanses and renews tissue, does not cause irritation and does not require a special preparatory period. Peeling products may contain mandelic, glycolic, succinic, hyaluronic, salicylic, and fruit acids. The selection of products is carried out by a specialist and depends on the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

Indications for superficial peeling are:

  • “tired”, dull skin;
  • pale, gray skin color;
  • frequent inflammatory rashes and irritations;
  • uneven skin texture, decreased skin turgor;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • fresh pigment spots of dim color.

The technique has proven itself well in cosmetology. After just one course of procedures, positive changes in the condition of the skin are noted:

  • dryness and flaking of the epidermis disappears, the skin becomes moisturized and soft;
  • the skin acquires a healthy tone;
  • its tone increases due to the activation of the production of its own collagen and elastin;
  • pores are cleared of impurities and narrowed;
  • there is a noticeable lightening of pigmentation;
  • greasy shine disappears;
  • small wrinkles disappear;
  • inflammatory elements disappear;
  • the general condition of the skin improves.

Multi-acid peeling, like any chemical exposure, has a number of limitations. Contraindications for procedures include the following conditions:

  • presence of severe somatic diseases;
  • infectious processes;
  • active manifestations of viral infections (herpes, molluscum contagiosum, warts);
  • previous dermatitis, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;
  • disorder of skin scarring, keloids, atrophic skin;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • acne pustular phase;
  • hormonal contraception;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking retinoids: using Isotretinoin preparations within the last 6 months; Roaccutane – 2 months before the procedure; less than 1 week after their external use;
  • photosensitizers (tetracycline ABs, etc.);
  • the use of external products containing resorcinol (Resorcinolum), zinc oxide (Zinci oxydum), 5-fluorouracil (Fluorouracil), salicylic acid preparations, prospidium chloride (Prospidium chloride);
  • taking immunosuppressants;
  • mental disorders.

The frequency of multi-acid peeling depends on the condition of the skin, the problem of concern and the purpose of the treatment.
Typically, a course of cleansing and rejuvenation can include up to 10 procedures, carried out every 3-7 days. To prevent skin withering and photoaging, it is enough to perform the procedure once every 1–2 months. The superficial chemical peeling procedure should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, who will develop an individual treatment program.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Domestic peeling from Alpika is successfully used by cosmetologists in the process of eliminating client skin imperfections:

“I consider peeling from Alpika to be a good and popular product in its price category. In my work I often use almond peeling 15%. The product is very pleasant, easy to use, suitable for skin with a number of problems (in particular, it helps well with furunculosis). Of course, there are stronger and more effective products from foreign manufacturers. But in case of minor problems, as well as the client’s young age (up to 35 years), this domestic drug is also suitable.”

Olga Petrovna Golovanyuk, Veliky Novgorod, cosmetologist

“The 15% peeling composition from Alpika is an almost universal remedy for solving multiple skin problems. There is only one “but” - many clients, due to the popularity of this product, save on trips to a cosmetologist and do the procedures at home on their own. There seems to be nothing bad here, but we should not forget about pre-peel and post-peel preparation. So, for example, on skin prone to rosacea, when using peeling at home, you should first take a course of using almond Bio-tonic. Only after this can you “peel” with a 5% composition. If the sessions of this peeling are well tolerated, you can move on to 15%. Unfortunately, many women do not take into account the sensitivity of their skin to chemical exposure, and then run to specialists to correct the consequences of their rashness.”

Kirillov Oleg Stepanovich, dermatologist-cosmetologist, Voronezh

“Peeling from Alpika is an excellent remedy, although many of my colleagues are biased towards domestic products. I consider the main advantage to be the diverse line of exfoliants - from gentle 5% to “powerful” 33%. In this way, we can offer clients not only superficial multi-acid peeling, but also high-quality medium exfoliation.”

Petrova Ekaterina Andreevna, cosmetologist, Moscow

Are there any contraindications?

The use of multi-acid peeling will be much more effective if you take into account a number of contraindications or restrictions on its use. It is not recommended to use the product if the following problems occur:

  • inflammation of the skin;
  • wounds, abrasions, scratches in the affected area;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • herpes;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological vomiting;
  • individual intolerance to peeling ingredients.
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